def test_create_remote_access():
        """Tests for method remote_access"""
        client = CBWApi(API_URL, API_KEY, SECRET_KEY)

        info = {
            "type": "CbwRam::RemoteAccess::Ssh::WithPassword",
            "address": "X.X.X.X",
            "port": "22",
            "login": "******",
            "password": "******",
            "key": "",  # precises the key of the connection
            "1",  # precises the Cyberwatch source of the connection,
            "server_groups": "test, production",
            "priv_password": "",
            "auth_password": ""

        with vcr.use_cassette(
            response = client.create_remote_access(info)

            assert isinstance(response, CBWRemoteAccess) is True

        info["address"] = ""

        with vcr.use_cassette(
            response = client.create_remote_access(info)

            assert response is False
    def test_create_remote_access():
        """Tests for method remote_access"""

        client = CBWApi(API_URL, API_KEY, SECRET_KEY)

        info = {
            'type': 'CbwRam::RemoteAccess::Ssh::WithPassword',
            'address': 'X.X.X.X',
            'port': '22',
            'login': '******',
            'password': '******',
            'key': '',
            'node_id': '1',
            'server_groups': 'test, production',
            'priv_password': '',
            'auth_password': '',

        with vcr.use_cassette(
            response = client.create_remote_access(info)

            assert response.address == 'X.X.X.X', response.server_groups == [
                'test', 'production'
            assert response.type == 'CbwRam::RemoteAccess::Ssh::WithPassword', response.login == 'loginssh'

        info['address'] = ''

        with vcr.use_cassette(
            response = client.create_remote_access(info)

            assert response is False
"""Create remote access"""

import os
from configparser import ConfigParser
from cbw_api_toolbox.cbw_api import CBWApi

CONF = ConfigParser()
    os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)), '..', 'api.conf'))
CLIENT = CBWApi(CONF.get('cyberwatch', 'url'),
                CONF.get('cyberwatch', 'api_key'),
                CONF.get('cyberwatch', 'secret_key'))
INFO = {
    "type": "",  #mandatory, precises the type of the connection
    "",  #mandatory, precises the IP address or the domain name of the targeted computer
    "port": "",  #mandatory, precises the port of the connection
    "login": "",  #precises the login of the connection
    "password": "",  #precises the password of the connection
    "key": "",  #precises the key of the connection
    "node_id": "",  # node_id to link the new agentless connection to
    "",  #precise the groups to be added to the computer ("group" or "groupA,groupB,groupC"...)
    "",  #for SNMP, encryption password allowing to connect to the computer.
    ""  #for SNMP, authentication password allowing to connect to the computer.

class CBWXlsx:
    """Class used to import/export file xlsx remote acesses"""
    def __init__(self, api_url, api_key, secret_key):
        self.client = CBWApi(api_url, api_key, secret_key)

    def import_remote_accesses_xlsx(self, file_xlsx):
        """method to import remote accesses from an xlsx file"""
        if not file_xlsx:
            logging.fatal("No Files xlsx")
            return None

        if not file_xlsx.endswith(".xlsx"):
            logging.fatal("Extension not valid")
            return None

        imported = xlrd.open_workbook(file_xlsx)
        lines = imported.sheet_by_index(0)
        response = []
        titles = lines.row_values(0)

        for line in range(1, lines.nrows):
            text = lines.row_values(line)
            address = lines.row_values(line)[0]
            logging.debug("Creating remote access {}".format(address))

                info = {
                    "address": text[titles.index("HOST")],
                    "port": text[titles.index("PORT")],
                    "type": text[titles.index("TYPE")],
                    "login": text[titles.index("USERNAME")],
                    "password": text[titles.index("PASSWORD")],
                    "key": text[titles.index("KEY")],
                    "node_id": text[titles.index("NODE_ID")],
                    "server_groups": text[titles.index("SERVER_GROUPS")]

                remote_access = self.client.create_remote_access(info)

            except ValueError:
                logging.fatal("Error format file xlsx::"
                              "HOST, PORT, TYPE, USERNAME,"
                              "PASSWORD, KEY, NODE_ID, SERVER_GROUPS")
                return None
        return response

    def export_remote_accesses_xlsx(self,
                                    file_xlsx="export_remote_accesses_" +
                                    str( + ".xlsx"):
        """Method to export remote access to an xlsx file"""
        if not file_xlsx or file_xlsx == "":
            logging.error("No xlsx file")
            return False

        if not file_xlsx.endswith(".xlsx"):
            logging.error("Extension not valid")
            return False

        remote_accesses = self.client.remote_accesses()

        logging.debug("Creating file xlsx")
        workbook = xlsxwriter.Workbook(file_xlsx)
        worksheet = workbook.add_worksheet(u"remote_accesses")

        worksheet.write(0, 0, "HOST")
        worksheet.write(0, 1, "PORT")
        worksheet.write(0, 2, "TYPE")
        worksheet.write(0, 3, "NODE_ID")
        worksheet.write(0, 4, "SERVER_GROUPS")

        logging.debug("Add remote accesses in file xlsx")

        i = 1
        for remote_access in remote_accesses:
            worksheet.write(i, 0, remote_access.address)
            worksheet.write(i, 1, remote_access.port)
            worksheet.write(i, 2, remote_access.type)
            worksheet.write(i, 3, remote_access.node_id)

            if remote_access.server_id:
                server = self.client.server(remote_access.server_id)
                if server.groups:
                    group_name = ""
                    for group in server.groups:
                        group_name += + ","
                    group_name = group_name[:-1]
                    worksheet.write(i, 4, group_name)
            i += 1

        return True
class CBWXlsx:
    """Class used to import/export file xlsx remote acesses"""
    def __init__(self, api_url, api_key, secret_key):
        self.client = CBWApi(api_url, api_key, secret_key)

    def import_remote_accesses_xlsx(self, file_xlsx):
        """method to import remote accesses from an xlsx file"""
        if not file_xlsx:
            logging.fatal("No Files xlsx")
            return None

        if not file_xlsx.endswith(".xlsx"):
            logging.fatal("Extension not valid")
            return None

        response = []

        workbook = openpyxl.load_workbook(file_xlsx)
        worksheet =
        titles = {}

        for idx, cell in enumerate(worksheet[1]):
            titles[cell.value] = idx

        for row in worksheet.iter_rows(min_row=2):
                address = row[0].value
                logging.debug("Creating remote access {}".format(address))
                info = {
                    "address": row[titles["HOST"]].value,
                    "port": row[titles["PORT"]].value,
                    "type": row[titles["TYPE"]].value,
                    "login": row[titles["USERNAME"]].value,
                    "password": row[titles["PASSWORD"]].value,
                    "key": row[titles["KEY"]].value,
                    "node_id": row[titles["NODE_ID"]].value,
                    "server_groups": row[titles["SERVER_GROUPS"]].value
                remote_access = self.client.create_remote_access(info)

            except ValueError:
                logging.fatal("Error format file xlsx::"
                              "HOST, PORT, TYPE, USERNAME,"
                              "PASSWORD, KEY, NODE_ID, SERVER_GROUPS")
                return None
        return response

    def export_remote_accesses_xlsx(self,
                                    file_xlsx="export_remote_accesses_" +
                                    str( + ".xlsx"):
        """Method to export remote access to an xlsx file"""
        if not file_xlsx or file_xlsx == "":
            logging.error("No xlsx file")
            return False

        if not file_xlsx.endswith(".xlsx"):
            logging.error("Extension not valid")
            return False

        remote_accesses = self.client.remote_accesses()

        logging.debug("Creating file xlsx")
        workbook = xlsxwriter.Workbook(file_xlsx)
        worksheet = workbook.add_worksheet(u"remote_accesses")

        worksheet.write(0, 0, "HOST")
        worksheet.write(0, 1, "PORT")
        worksheet.write(0, 2, "TYPE")
        worksheet.write(0, 3, "NODE_ID")
        worksheet.write(0, 4, "SERVER_GROUPS")

        logging.debug("Add remote accesses in file xlsx")

        i = 1
        for remote_access in remote_accesses:
            worksheet.write(i, 0, remote_access.address)
            worksheet.write(i, 1, remote_access.port)
            worksheet.write(i, 2, remote_access.type)
            worksheet.write(i, 3, remote_access.node_id)

            if remote_access.server_id:
                server = self.client.server(str(remote_access.server_id))
                if server.groups:
                    group_name = ""
                    for group in server.groups:
                        group_name += + ","
                    group_name = group_name[:-1]
                    worksheet.write(i, 4, group_name)
            i += 1

        return True