    def test_filter_files_whitespace_keys(self, triage_setup):
        hdr = fits.Header([('HIERARCH a b', 2)])
        hdul = fits.HDUList([fits.PrimaryHDU(np.ones((10, 10)), header=hdr)])
            os.path.join(triage_setup.test_dir, 'hdr_with_whitespace.fits'))

        ic = ImageFileCollection(location=triage_setup.test_dir)
        # Using a dictionary and unpacking it should work
        filtered = ic.files_filtered(**{'a b': 2})
        assert len(filtered) == 1
        assert 'hdr_with_whitespace.fits' in filtered

        # Also check it's working with generators:
        for _, filename in ic.data(a_b=2, replace_='_', return_fname=True):
            assert filename == 'hdr_with_whitespace.fits'
    def test_multiple_extensions(self, triage_setup, extension):
        ext1 = fits.PrimaryHDU()
        ext1.data = np.arange(1, 5)
        # It is important than the name used for this test extension
        # NOT be MASK or UNCERT because both are treated in a special
        # way by the FITS reader.
        test_ext_name = 'TESTEXT'
        ext2 = fits.ImageHDU(name=test_ext_name)
        ext2.data = np.arange(6, 10)
        hdulist = fits.hdu.hdulist.HDUList([ext1, ext2])

        ic2 = ImageFileCollection(
            triage_setup.test_dir, keywords='*',
            filenames=['multi-extension.fits'], ext=extension)

        ic1 = ImageFileCollection(
            keywords='*', filenames=['multi-extension.fits'], ext=0)

        assert ic1.ext == 0
        assert ic2.ext == extension

        column2 = ic2.summary.colnames
        column1 = ic1.summary.colnames

        assert column1 != column2

        list1 = [key.lower() for key in ext2.header]
        list2 = ic2.summary.colnames[1:]

        assert list1 == list2

        ccd_kwargs = {'unit': 'adu'}
        for data, hdr, hdu, ccd in zip(ic2.data(),
            np.testing.assert_array_equal(data, ext2.data)
            assert hdr == ext2.header
            # Now compare that the generators each give the same stuff
            np.testing.assert_array_equal(data, ccd.data)
            np.testing.assert_array_equal(data, hdu.data)
            assert hdr == hdu.header
            assert hdr == ccd.meta
 def test_generator_data(self, triage_setup):
     collection = ImageFileCollection(location=triage_setup.test_dir,
     for img in collection.data():
         assert isinstance(img, np.ndarray)