def combine_flats(refresh='2', method='2'): if method == '1': meta = 'med' source = 'Trimmed_Flat/subflatsmed' dest = 'Master_Files/mflat_median.fits' elif method == '2': meta = 'sig' source = 'Trimmed_Flat/subflatssig' dest = 'Master_Files/mflat.fits' subflatcollection = ImageFileCollection(source) combtime = 0 if refresh == '1': print('found', len(subflatcollection.values('file')), 'subflats') start = time.time() if method == '1': mflat = ccdp.combine(subflatcollection.files_filtered( imtype='subflat', include_path=True), method='median') mflat.meta['flatcom'] = 'median' combtime = time.time() - start print('combination took', combtime, 'seconds') elif method == '2': mflat = ccdp.combine(subflatcollection.files_filtered( imtype='subflat', include_path=True), sigma_clip=True, sigma_clip_low_thresh=5, sigma_clip_high_thresh=5, sigma_clip_func=np.nanmedian, sigma_clip_dev_func=mad_std) mflat.meta['flatcom'] = 'sigma' combtime = time.time() - start print('combination took', combtime, 'seconds') mflat.meta['normmed'] = (np.nanmedian(mflat), 'nanmedian of the master flat') mflat.meta['subflats'] = meta mflat.write(dest[0:-5] + '_' + meta + '.fits', overwrite=True) else: try: if method == '1': mflat ='Master_Files/mflat_median_med.fits', unit='adu') elif method == '2': mflat ='Master_Files/mflat_sig.fits', unit='adu') except: print('can\'t locate master flat, create or check directory') sys.exit() return subflatcollection, mflat, dest, combtime
def get_files(filenames, location='.', imagetyp=None, filter=None, fexptime='*'): '''Gather files from input directories, choosing by image type filter if specified''' # for summary display only keywords = ('object', 'date-obs', 'IMAGETYP', 'FILTER', 'EXPTIME') collection = ImageFileCollection(filenames=filenames, location=location, keywords=keywords) if imagetyp in ['light', 'bias', 'dark']: imagetyp = '%s frame' % imagetyp else: imagetyp = '*' if fexptime is None: fexptime = '*' if imagetyp == 'bias frame': fexptime = 0. # filter and reread if filter is None: filelist = collection.files_filtered(IMAGETYP=imagetyp, EXPTIME=fexptime, include_path=True) else: filelist = collection.files_filtered(IMAGETYP=imagetyp, EXPTIME=fexptime, FILTER=filter, include_path=True) if not filelist: raise RuntimeError('No matching files found.') location = os.path.join(collection.location, os.path.dirname(filenames[0])) collection = ImageFileCollection(filenames=filelist, location=location, keywords=keywords) collection.summary.pprint() return collection
def sub_bias(refresh='2', bias='2'): tflatcollection = ImageFileCollection('Trimmed_Flat') if bias == '1': biaspath = 'Master_Files/mbias_median.fits' dest = 'Trimmed_Flat/subflatsmed/' elif bias == '2': biaspath = 'Master_Files/mbias.fits' dest = 'Trimmed_Flat/subflatssig/' if refresh == '1': subflatpathlist = [] mbias =, unit='adu') for ccdf, flatn in tflatcollection.ccds(imtype='trimmed flat', return_fname=True): subflat = ccdp.subtract_bias(ccdf, mbias, add_keyword='subbias') subflat.meta['imtype'] = ('subflat', 'bias subtracted flat') subflat.write(dest + flatn[0:8] + '_subbias.fits', overwrite=True) subflatpathlist.append(dest + flatn[0:8] + '_subbias.fits') else: try: subflatcollection = ImageFileCollection(dest) subflatpathlist = subflatcollection.files_filtered( imtype='subflat', include_path=True) print('found', len(subflatpathlist), 'subflats') except: print('can\'t locate subflats, create or check directory') sys.exit() return tflatcollection, subflatpathlist
def trim_bias(refresh='2'): biascollection = ImageFileCollection('HD115709/bias', ext=4) flag = 0 if refresh == '1': tbiaspathlist = [] for ccdb, biasn in biascollection.ccds(return_fname=True, ccd_kwargs={'unit': 'adu'}): if flag == 0: print('all biases will be trimmed to :', ccdb.meta['trimsec']) flag = 1 print('trimming', biasn) tbias = ccdp.trim_image(ccdb, fits_section=str(ccdb.meta['trimsec'])) tbias.meta['imtype'] = ('trimmed bias', 'type of image') tbias.meta['taxis1'] = (2048, 'dimension1') tbias.meta['taxis2'] = (4096, 'dimension2') tbias.write('Trimmed_Bias/' + biasn[0:8] + '_trim.fits', overwrite=True) tbiaspathlist.append('Trimmed_Bias/' + biasn[0:8] + '_trim.fits') print('created', len(tbiaspathlist), 'trimmed biases') else: try: tbiascollection = ImageFileCollection('Trimmed_Bias') tbiaspathlist = tbiascollection.files_filtered( imtype='trimmed bias', include_path=True) print('found', len(tbiaspathlist), 'trimmed bias') except: print('can\'t locate trimmed biases, create or check directory') sys.exit() return biascollection, tbiaspathlist
def trim_flat(refresh='2'): flatcollection = ImageFileCollection('HD115709/flat_SII', ext=4) flag = 0 tflatpathlist = [] if refresh == '1': for ccdf, flatn in flatcollection.ccds(return_fname=True, ccd_kwargs={'unit': 'adu'}): if flag == 0: print('all flats will be trimmed to :', ccdf.meta['trimsec']) flag = 1 print('trimming', flatn) tflat = ccdp.trim_image(ccdf, fits_section=str(ccdf.meta['trimsec'])) tflat.meta['imtype'] = ('trimmed flat', 'type of image') tflat.meta['taxis1'] = (2048, 'dimension1') tflat.meta['taxis2'] = (4096, 'dimension2') tflat.write('Trimmed_Flat/' + flatn[0:8] + '_trim.fits', overwrite=True) tflatpathlist.append('Trimmed_Flat/' + flatn[0:8] + '_trim.fits') print('created', len(tflatpathlist), 'trimmed flats') elif refresh == '2': try: tflatcollection = ImageFileCollection('Trimmed_Flat') tflatpathlist = tflatcollection.files_filtered( imtype='trimmed flat', include_path=True) print('found', len(tflatpathlist), 'trimmed flats') except: print('can\'t locate trimmed flats, create or check directory') sys.exit(0) return flatcollection, tflatpathlist
def fix_headers(folder): """ Find FITS files in folder that have WCS CTYPE ``RA--TAN`` and ``DEC--TAN`` and add ``-SIP`` to the end. Necessary because astropy handling of SIP distortion keywords changed in v1.2. Parameters ---------- folder : str Path to folder with the images to fix. """ ic = ImageFileCollection(folder) ic.summary['ctype1'] files = ic.files_filtered(ctype1='RA---TAN') if not len(files): print('No files to fix in {}'.format(folder)) for file in files: fname = os.path.join(folder, file) print('Fixing file {}'.format(file)) with as f: f[0].header['ctype1'] = f[0].header['ctype1'] + '-SIP' f[0].header['ctype2'] = f[0].header['ctype2'] + '-SIP' f.writeto(fname, clobber=True)
def bias_combine(refresh='2', method='2'): tbiascollection = ImageFileCollection('Trimmed_Bias') combtime = 0 if refresh == '1': print('found', len(tbiascollection.values('file')), 'trimmed biases') start = time.time() if method == '1': combined_bias = ccdp.combine(tbiascollection.files_filtered( imtype='trimmed bias', include_path=True), method='median') combbiaspath = 'Master_Files/mbias_median.fits' combined_bias.meta['combined'] = 'median' combtime = time.time() - start print('combination took', combtime, 'seconds') combined_bias.write(combbiaspath, overwrite=True) elif method == '2': combined_bias = ccdp.combine(tbiascollection.files_filtered( imtype='trimmed bias', include_path=True), sigma_clip=True, sigma_clip_low_thresh=5, sigma_clip_high_thresh=5, sigma_clip_func=np.nanmedian, sigma_clip_dev_func=mad_std) combbiaspath = 'Master_Files/mbias.fits' combined_bias.meta['combined'] = 'sigma_clip average' combtime = time.time() - start print('combination took', combtime, 'seconds') combined_bias.write(combbiaspath, overwrite=True) else: try: if method == '1': combined_bias ='Master_Files/mbias_median.fits', unit='adu') combbiaspath = 'Master_Files/mbias_median.fits' elif method == '2': combined_bias ='Master_Files/mbias.fits', unit='adu') combbiaspath = 'Master_Files/mbias.fits' except: print('can\'t locate master bias, create or check directory') sys.exit() return tbiascollection, combined_bias, combbiaspath, combtime
def bias_combine(refresh=0): tbiascollection = ImageFileCollection('Trimmed_Bias') print('found', len(tbiascollection.values('file')), 'trimmed biases') combined_bias = ccdp.combine(tbiascollection.files_filtered( imtype='trimmed bias', include_path=True), sigma_clip=True, sigma_clip_low_thresh=5, sigma_clip_high_thresh=5, sigma_clip_func=np.nanmedian, sigma_clip_dev_func=mad_std) combined_bias.meta['combined'] = True combined_bias.write('Master_Files/mbias.fits', overwrite=True) return tbiascollection
def bias_combine(refresh=False, method=1): if refresh == 0: tbiascollection = ImageFileCollection('Trimmed_Bias') print('found', len(tbiascollection.values('file')), 'trimmed biases') start=time.time() if method == 1: combined_bias = ccdp.combine(tbiascollection.files_filtered( imtype='trimmed bias', include_path=True), method='median') combbiaspath = 'Master_Files/mbias_median.fits' combined_bias.meta['combined'] = 'median' elif method == 2: combined_bias = ccdp.combine(tbiascollection.files_filtered( imtype='trimmed bias', include_path=True), sigma_clip=True, sigma_clip_low_thresh=5, sigma_clip_high_thresh=5, sigma_clip_func=np.nanmedian, sigma_clip_dev_func=mad_std) combbiaspath = 'Master_Files/mbias.fits' combined_bias.meta['combined'] = 'sigma_clip average' combtime=time.time()-start print('combination took',combtime,'seconds') combined_bias.write('Master_Files/mbias_median.fits', overwrite=True) return tbiascollection,combined_bias,combbiaspath,combtime
def get_files(filenames,location='.',imagetyp=None,filter=None,fexptime='*'): '''Gather files from input directories, choosing by image type filter if specified''' # for summary display only keywords = ('object','date-obs','IMAGETYP','FILTER','EXPTIME') collection = ImageFileCollection(filenames=filenames,location=location, keywords=keywords) if imagetyp in ['light','bias','dark']: imagetyp = '%s frame' % imagetyp else: imagetyp = '*' if fexptime is None: fexptime = '*' if imagetyp == 'bias frame': fexptime = 0. # filter and reread if filter is None: filelist = collection.files_filtered(IMAGETYP=imagetyp,EXPTIME=fexptime,include_path=True) else: filelist = collection.files_filtered(IMAGETYP=imagetyp,EXPTIME=fexptime,FILTER=filter,include_path=True) if not filelist: raise RuntimeError('No matching files found.') location = os.path.join(collection.location,os.path.dirname(filenames[0])) collection = ImageFileCollection(filenames=filelist,location=location, keywords=keywords) collection.summary.pprint() return collection
def load_files(target_dir, config, files, logger): from ccdproc import ImageFileCollection keywords = [ 'object', 'imagetyp', 'date-obs', 'telra', 'teldec', 'airmass', 'filter', 'oairtemp', 'relhum', 'subbias', 'flatcor' ] ic = ImageFileCollection(location=target_dir, filenames=files, keywords=keywords) nbias = len(ic.files_filtered(imagetyp='bias')) nflat = len(ic.files_filtered(imagetyp='flat')) ndata = len(ic.files_filtered(imagetyp='object')) filters = [] for h in ic.headers(): if h['IMAGETYP'] in ['object', 'flat']: if h['FILTER'] not in filters: filters.append(h['FILTER']) filters.sort() # flat_breakdown = [] # data_breakdown = [] # for filt in filters: # for k in config.flats.values(): # flat_breakdown.append('{} {} {}'.format( # len(ic.files_filtered( # imagetyp='flat', object=k, filter=filt)), # filt, k)) # data_breakdown.append('{} {}'.format( # len(ic.files_filtered(imagetyp='OBJECT', filter=filt)), filt))'{} files: {} bias, {} flats, {} object ({} filters)'.format( len(ic.files), nbias, nflat, ndata, len(filters))) return ic
def test_run_astrometry_with_dest_does_not_modify_source(self): destination = self.test_dir.make_numbered_dir() list_before = self.test_dir.listdir(sort=True) arglist = [ '--destination-dir', destination.strpath, self.test_dir.strpath ] run_astrometry.main(arglist) list_after = self.test_dir.listdir(sort=True) # nothing should change in the source directory assert (list_before == list_after) # for each light file in the destination directory we should have a # file with the same basename but an extension of blind ic = ImageFileCollection(destination.strpath, keywords=['IMAGETYP']) for image in ic.files_filtered(imagetyp='LIGHT'): image_path = destination.join(image) print(image_path.purebasename) blind_path = destination.join(image_path.purebasename + '.blind') print(blind_path.strpath) assert (blind_path.check())
ic1 = ImageFileCollection(indir.replace('sci2', '20160115')) #create an array of dates arm = 'Red arm' file_list = [] date_list=[] for hdu, fname in ic1.hdus(obstype='Arc', isiarm=arm, return_fname=True): if os.path.isfile('w_arc_'+os.path.basename(fname)): d = hdu.header['DATE-OBS'] + ' ' + hdu.header['UT'] d = datetime.strptime(d, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f') file_list.append(fname) date_list.append(d) date_arr = np.array(date_list) #reduce the object frames for filename in ic1.files_filtered(obstype='TARGET', isiarm=arm): hdu ='obj_' + filename) #find the closest two arcs in time #open them, based on the time difference #average their frames, and then use that as the #wave map for the object file date = hdu[0].header['DATE-OBS'] + ' ' + hdu[0].header['UT'] date = datetime.strptime(date, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f') d = abs(date_arr - date) i = d.argmin() if date_arr[i] < date: j = i+1 else: j = i-1
import glob from astropy import units as u from import fits from ccdproc import CCDData, Combiner import numpy as np from ccdproc import Combiner, ImageFileCollection, fits_ccddata_writer from t120_init import t120 listimg = ImageFileCollection( t120.t120_flat_dir) #,glob_include='*.fit',glob_exclude='*.fits') list_filters = listimg.values('filter', unique=True) #for filter_name in listimg.values('filter',unique=True): for filter_name in list_filters:'*** filter: ' + filter_name) my_files = listimg.files_filtered(filter=filter_name)'my_files=' + my_files) pouet for filter_name in listimg.values('filter', unique=True):'*** filter: ' + filter_name) listccd = [] for ccd, file_name in listimg.ccds(ccd_kwargs={'unit': 'adu'}, filter=filter_name, return_fname=True):'now considering file ' + file_name) listccd.append(ccd) """'now making the Combiner object') combiner = Combiner(listccd)
header['HISTORY'] = '= Cosmic rays rejected using ccdproc.cosmicray_lacosmic ' fits.writeto('z'+f,crimage,header) hdu1.close() i += 1 print ('\n') # make an image collection of all the files in the data directory # z is prefix for galaxies that already have cosmic ray rejection ic = ImageFileCollection(os.getcwd(),keywords='*',glob_include='*.fit*') # combine bias frames if args.zerocombine: # select all files with imagetyp=='bias' bias_files = ic.files_filtered(imagetyp = ccdkeyword['bias']) # feed list into ccdproc.combine, output bias master_bias = ccdproc.combine(bias_files,method='average',sigma_clip=True,unit=u.adu) gaincorrected_master_bias = ccdproc.gain_correct(master_bias,float(gain)) print('writing fits file for master bias') gaincorrected_master_bias.write('bias-combined.fits',overwrite=True) else: if args.bias: print('not combining zeros') print('\t reading in bias-combined.fits instead') hdu1 ='bias-combined.fits') header = hdu1[0].header gaincorrected_master_bias = CCDData(hdu1[0].data, unit=u.electron, meta=header) hdu1.close() else:
if len(sys.argv)!=3: print('Usage:\npython [full_path_to_raw_data] [full_path_to_reduced_data]\n') exit() indir = sys.argv[1] outdir = sys.argv[2] if not os.path.isdir(outdir): os.mkdir(outdir) os.chdir(outdir) #change this to point to your raw data directory ic1 = ImageFileCollection(indir) #create the bias frames blue_bias_list = [] for filename in ic1.files_filtered(obstype='Bias', isiarm='Blue arm'): print ic1.location + filename ccd = + filename, unit = u.adu) #this has to be fixed as the bias section does not include the whole section that will be trimmed ccd = ccdproc.subtract_overscan(ccd, median=True, overscan_axis=0, fits_section='[1:966,4105:4190]') ccd = ccdproc.trim_image(ccd, fits_section=ccd.header['TRIMSEC'] ) blue_bias_list.append(ccd) master_bias_blue = ccdproc.combine(blue_bias_list, method='median') master_bias_blue.write('master_bias_blue.fits', clobber=True) red_bias_list = [] for filename in ic1.files_filtered(obstype='Bias', isiarm='Red arm'): print ic1.location + filename ccd = + filename, unit = u.adu) #this has to be fixed as the bias section does not include the whole section that will be trimmed ccd = ccdproc.subtract_overscan(ccd, median=True, overscan_axis=0, fits_section='[1:966,4105:4190]')
'Usage:\npython [full_path_to_raw_data] [full_path_to_reduced_data]\n' ) exit() indir = sys.argv[1] outdir = sys.argv[2] if not os.path.isdir(outdir): os.mkdir(outdir) os.chdir(outdir) #change this to point to your raw data directory ic1 = ImageFileCollection(indir) #create the bias frames blue_bias_list = [] for filename in ic1.files_filtered(obstype='Bias', isiarm='Blue arm'): print ic1.location + filename ccd = + filename, unit=u.adu) #this has to be fixed as the bias section does not include the whole section that will be trimmed ccd = ccdproc.subtract_overscan(ccd, median=True, overscan_axis=0, fits_section='[1:966,4105:4190]') ccd = ccdproc.trim_image(ccd, fits_section=ccd.header['TRIMSEC']) blue_bias_list.append(ccd) master_bias_blue = ccdproc.combine(blue_bias_list, method='median') master_bias_blue.write('master_bias_blue.fits', clobber=True) red_bias_list = [] for filename in ic1.files_filtered(obstype='Bias', isiarm='Red arm'): print ic1.location + filename
def find_files(path, db, config, logger): files = glob(os.sep.join((path, config.file_template))) files = sorted([os.path.basename(f) for f in files]) keywords = [ 'object', 'imagetyp', 'date-obs', 'ut', 'telra', 'teldec', 'airmass', 'filter', 'exptime', 'oairtemp', 'relhum', 'seeing', 'subbias', 'flatcor' ] ic = ImageFileCollection(location=path, filenames=files, keywords=keywords) files = sorted(list(ic.files_filtered(imagetyp='object'))) logger.debug('Found {} object files in {}.'.format(len(files), path)) if len(files) == 0: raise ObjectFilesError('No object files found in {}.'.format(path)) ic = ImageFileCollection(location=path, filenames=files, keywords=keywords) rows = [] for row in ic.summary: fn = row['file'].replace('.fits', '') c = db.execute('SELECT * FROM obs WHERE filename=?', [fn]) if c.fetchone() is None or config.update_obs: with, row['file']))) as hdu: wcs = WCS(hdu[0]) shape = hdu[0].data.shape if ((wcs.wcs.crpix[0] == 0) or (wcs.wcs.crpix[0] == 1) or ('PIXEL' in wcs.wcs.ctype)): # missing WCS solution ra, dec = '0', '0' else: ra, dec = wcs.all_pix2world(shape[1] / 2, shape[0] / 2, 0) c = SkyCoord(ra, dec, unit='deg') ra, dec = c.to_string('hmsdms', sep=':').split() rows.append( (fn, row['object'], row['date-obs'] + ' ' + row['ut'], row['airmass'], row['filter'], row['exptime'], ra, dec, row['oairtemp'], row['relhum'], row['seeing'] / 2)) if len(rows) > 0: if config.update_obs: cols = list(zip(*rows)) update = zip(*(cols + [cols[0]]))'Updating with FITS header meta data.') db.executemany( ''' UPDATE OR IGNORE obs SET filename=?,object=?,obsdate=?,airmass=?,filter=?,exptime=?, ra=?,dec=?,oairtemp=?,relhum=?,seeing=? WHERE filename=? ''', update) # insert whatever wasn't updated db.executemany( ''' INSERT OR IGNORE INTO obs (filename,object,obsdate,airmass,filter,exptime,ra,dec, oairtemp,relhum,seeing) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)''', rows) return ic
def triage_fits_files(dir=None, file_info_to_keep=None): """ Check FITS files in a directory for deficient headers `dir` is the name of the directory to search for files. `file_info_to_keep` is a list of the FITS keywords to get values for for each FITS file in `dir`. """ dir = dir or '.' all_file_info = file_info_to_keep or [ 'imagetyp', 'object', 'filter', 'wcsaxes' ] feder = Feder() RA = feder.RA if ((not (set(RA.names) <= set(all_file_info))) and (all_file_info != '*')): all_file_info.extend(RA.names) images = ImageFileCollection(dir, keywords=all_file_info) file_info = images.summary # check for bad image type and halt until that is fixed. if contains_maximdl_imagetype(images): raise ValueError( 'Correct MaxImDL-style image types before proceeding.') file_needs_filter = \ list(images.files_filtered(imagetyp='light', filter=None)) file_needs_filter += \ list(images.files_filtered(imagetyp='flat', filter=None)) file_needs_object_name = \ list(images.files_filtered(imagetyp='light', object=None)) lights = file_info[file_info['imagetyp'] == 'LIGHT'] file_needs_pointing = [] file_needs_astrometry = [] if lights: has_no_ra = np.array([True] * len(lights)) has_no_ha = np.array([True] * len(lights)) for ra_name in RA.names: col_name = \ get_column_name_case_insensitive(ra_name, lights.colnames) try: has_no_ra &= (lights[col_name].mask) except KeyError: pass for ha_name in feder.HA.names: col_name = \ get_column_name_case_insensitive(ha_name, lights.colnames) try: has_no_ha &= lights[col_name].mask except KeyError: pass file_needs_astrometry = list(lights['file'][lights['wcsaxes'].mask]) needs_minimal_pointing = has_no_ha | has_no_ra file_needs_pointing = list(lights['file'][needs_minimal_pointing]) full_path = os.path.abspath(dir) path_column = Column(data=[full_path] * len(file_info), name='Source path') containing_dir = os.path.basename(full_path) containing_dir_col = Column(data=[containing_dir] * len(file_info), name='Source directory') file_info.add_columns([path_column, containing_dir_col]) dir_info = { 'files': file_info, 'needs_filter': file_needs_filter, 'needs_pointing': file_needs_pointing, 'needs_object_name': file_needs_object_name, 'needs_astrometry': file_needs_astrometry } return dir_info
def lbcgo(raw_directory='./raw/', image_directory='./', lbc_chips=True, lbcr=True, lbcb=True, filter_names=None, bias_proc=False, do_astrometry=True, scamp_iterations=3, verbose=True, clean=True): """Process a directory of LBC data. By default, all raw data are to be in the ./raw/ directory before processing (raw_directory='./raw/'). By default, all new images are written in the CWD (image_directory='./'). """ # It will go something like this... # Make sure the input directories have trailing slashes: if raw_directory[-1] != '/': raw_directory += '/' if image_directory[-1] != '/': image_directory += '/' ########## Collect basic image information # Find the raw files we'll use if lbcb & lbcr: lbc_file_base = 'lbc?.*.*.fits*' elif lbcb: lbc_file_base = 'lbcb.*.*.fits*' elif lbcr: lbc_file_base = 'lbcr.*.*.fits*' # What information do we want from the headers? keywds = [ 'object', 'filter', 'exptime', 'imagetyp', 'propid', 'lbcobnam', 'airmass', 'HA', 'objra', 'objdec' ] ##### Create an ImageFileCollection object to hold the raw data list. if[0]) == 2: ic0 = ImageFileCollection(raw_directory, keywords=keywds, glob_include=lbc_file_base) num_images = np.size(ic0.summary['object']) # Exit if (for some reason) no images are found in the raw_directory. if num_images == 0: print('WARNING: No images found.') return None else: raw_lbc_files = glob(raw_directory + lbc_file_base) ic0 = ImageFileCollection(raw_directory, keywords=keywds, filenames=raw_lbc_files) num_images = np.size(ic0.summary['object']) # Exit if (for some reason) no images are found in the raw_directory. if num_images == 0: print('WARNING: No images found.') return None ######### Create the master bias frame (if requested) if bias_proc == True: make_bias(ic0, image_directory=image_directory, raw_directory=raw_directory) ###### Define which chips to extract if default is chosen: if lbc_chips == True: lbc_chips = [1, 2, 3, 4] ###### Per filter: # # Step through the filters in the ImageCollection unless user gives filter # list. # # For now nights with V-band filters in both LBCB and LBCR require running # the code with 'lbcr=False' then 'lbcb=False' to avoid coadding the two # images. # TODO: Loop B/R to avoid issues w/V-band from LBCB/LBCR? # TODO: Check for co-pointing files if filter_names == None: icX = ImageFileCollection( raw_directory, keywords=keywds, filenames=(ic0.files_filtered(imagetyp='object')).tolist()) filter_names = icX.values('filter', unique=True) # Loop through each of the filters for filter in filter_names: # Find the images with the filter of interest. if verbose == True: print('Processing {0} files.'.format(filter)) # List of images in the current filter ic1 = ImageFileCollection( raw_directory, keywords=keywds, filenames=(ic0.files_filtered(filter=filter)).tolist()) # Make master flat fields. # Check to see if flat exists; if so, skip making the flat (time # consuming) flatname = 'flat.' + filter + '.fits' if not os.path.lexists(flatname): make_flatfield(ic1, verbose=verbose, raw_directory=raw_directory, image_directory=image_directory) else: print('Using existing {0}'.format(flatname)) # Remove overscan, trim object files. overfiles = go_overscan(ic1, lbc_chips=lbc_chips, verbose=verbose, raw_directory=raw_directory, image_directory=image_directory) # Apply bias frames if bias_proc == True: # zero_files = go_bias(verbose=verbose) print('') # Image collection of object frames overscanned & bias subtracted ic2 = ImageFileCollection(image_directory, keywords=keywds, filenames=overfiles) # Apply the flatfields flatfiles = go_flatfield(ic2, return_files=True, image_directory=image_directory, verbose=verbose, cosmiccorrect=False) # Image collection of object frames overscanned & bias subtracted + flattened ic3 = ImageFileCollection(image_directory, keywords=keywds, filenames=flatfiles) # from IPython import embed ; embed() # Create directories for extracting individual chips. tgt_dirs, fltr_dirs = make_targetdirectories( ic3, image_directory=image_directory, verbose=verbose) # Extract individual chips go_extractchips(fltr_dirs, lbc_chips, verbose=verbose) # Register and coadd the images if do_astrometry: go_register(fltr_dirs, lbc_chips=lbc_chips, scamp_iterations=scamp_iterations) # Let's do some clean-up. if clean: # We will eventually ... #remove _over, _zero, _flat files. print('') else: # We will eventually ... # Move _over, _zero, _flat files. print('')
def run_memory_profile(n_files, sampling_interval, size=None, sigma_clip=False, combine_method=None, memory_limit=None): """ Try opening a bunch of files with a relatively low limit on the number of open files. Parameters ---------- n_files : int Number of files to combine. sampling_interval : float Time, in seconds, between memory samples. size : int, optional Size of one side of the image (the image is always square). sigma_clip : bool, optional If true, sigma clip the data before combining. combine_method : str, optional Should be one of the combine methods accepted by ccdproc.combine memory_limit : int, optional Cap on memory use during image combination. """ # Do a little input validation if n_files <= 0: raise ValueError("Argument 'n' must be a positive integer") proc = psutil.Process() print('Process ID is: ',, flush=True) ic = ImageFileCollection(str(TMPPATH)) files = ic.files_filtered(for_prof='yes', include_path=True) kwargs = {'method': combine_method} if sigma_clip: kwargs.update( {'sigma_clip': True, 'sigma_clip_low_thresh': 5, 'sigma_clip_high_thresh': 5, 'sigma_clip_func':, 'sigma_clip_dev_func': median_absolute_deviation} ) ccd =[0]) expected_img_size = _calculate_size_of_image(ccd, None) if memory_limit: kwargs['mem_limit'] = memory_limit pre_mem_use = memory_usage(-1, interval=sampling_interval, timeout=1) baseline = np.mean(pre_mem_use) print('Subtracting baseline memory before profile: {}'.format(baseline)) mem_use = memory_usage((combine, (files,), kwargs), interval=sampling_interval, timeout=None) mem_use = [m - baseline for m in mem_use] return mem_use, expected_img_size