    def processDiffs(self,proj,path):
        #self.got_some = {'java':True, 'cxx':True, 'hxx':True}
        self.got_some = {'java':False, 'cxx':True, 'hxx':False}
        self.pb = PathBuilder(self.tmpPath, force_clean = True)

        if os.path.isdir(path) is True:
        elif os.path.isfile(path) is True:
            return ('Invalid path : ' + path, False)

        # Second, change each diff into ccFinder input format
        converter = CCFXInputConverter()
        progress = (self.operations_so_far.incr() / float(self.num_operations))*100
        callback = lambda: self.progress('Converting to ccfx input format')

        converter.convert(proj, self.pb, callback)

        self.num_operations = 3 * 2
        self.operations_so_far = IntegerWrapper(0)

        return ("Converting diffs to ccFinder compatible format is done",True)
    def processDiffs(self, proj, path):
        #self.got_some = {'java':True, 'cxx':True, 'hxx':True}
        self.got_some = {'java': False, 'cxx': True, 'hxx': False}
        self.pb = PathBuilder(self.tmpPath, force_clean=True)

        if os.path.isdir(path) is True:
        elif os.path.isfile(path) is True:
            return ('Invalid path : ' + path, False)

        # Second, change each diff into ccFinder input format
        converter = CCFXInputConverter()
        progress = (self.operations_so_far.incr() /
                    float(self.num_operations)) * 100
        callback = lambda: self.progress('Converting to ccfx input format')

        converter.convert(proj, self.pb, callback)

        self.num_operations = 3 * 2
        self.operations_so_far = IntegerWrapper(0)

        return ("Converting diffs to ccFinder compatible format is done", True)
    def processImpl(self, model):
        proj0 = model.getProj(PathBuilder.Proj0)
        proj1 = model.getProj(PathBuilder.Proj1)
        path_builder = model.getPathBuilder()
        converter = CCFXInputConverter()
        ccfx = CCFXEntryPoint(path_builder, model.getCcfxPath(), model.getCcfxTokenSize())

        step = 0
        total_steps = 20.0
        final_status = False
        while not self.sync.stopRequested():
            if step == 0:
                self.progress("Loading version histories for first project",
                        step / total_steps)
                step += 1
            elif step == 1:
                self.progress("Loading version histories for second project",
                        step / total_steps)
                step += 1
            elif step == 2:
                self.progress("Dumping commits for first project",
                        step / total_steps)
                step += 1
            elif step == 3:
                self.progress("Dumping commits for second project",
                        step / total_steps)
                step += 1
            elif step == 4:
                self.progress("Converting diffs to ccfx compatible format for first project",
                        step / total_steps)
                step += 1
            elif step == 5:
                self.progress("Converting diffs to ccfx compatible format for second project",
                        step / total_steps)
                step += 1
            elif step == 6:
                self.progress("Running ccFinder for old C, this will take quite some time...",
                        step / total_steps)
                step += 1
                have_old_c = ccfx.processPairs(LangDecider.CXX, False)
            elif step == 7:
                self.progress("Running ccFinder for new C, this will take quite some time...",
                        step / total_steps)
                step += 1
                have_new_c = ccfx.processPairs(LangDecider.CXX, True)
            elif step == 8:
                self.progress("Running ccFinder for old headers, this will take quite some time...",
                        step / total_steps)
                step += 1
                have_old_h = ccfx.processPairs(LangDecider.HXX, False)
            elif step == 9:
                self.progress("Running ccFinder for new headers, this will take quite some time...",
                        step / total_steps)
                step += 1
                have_new_h = ccfx.processPairs(LangDecider.HXX, True)
            elif step == 10:
                self.progress("Running ccFinder for old Java, this will take quite some time...",
                        step / total_steps)
                step += 1
                have_old_j = ccfx.processPairs(LangDecider.JAVA, False)
            elif step == 11:
                self.progress("Running ccFinder for new Java, this will take quite some time...",
                        step / total_steps)
                step += 1
                have_new_j = ccfx.processPairs(LangDecider.JAVA, True)
            elif step == 12:
                self.progress("Filtering ccFinder old C output based on operation...",
                        step / total_steps)
                step += 1
                if not have_old_c:
                is_new = False
                lang = LangDecider.CXX
                output = convert_ccfx_output(path_builder, lang, is_new)
                rep_out_path = path_builder.getRepertoireOutputPath(lang, is_new)
                rep_out_file = path_builder.getRepertoireOutputFileName(lang, is_new)
                output.writeToFile(rep_out_path + rep_out_file)
            elif step == 13:
                self.progress("Filtering ccFinder new C output based on operation...",
                        step / total_steps)
                step += 1
                if not have_new_c:
                is_new = True
                lang = LangDecider.CXX
                output = convert_ccfx_output(path_builder, lang, is_new)
                rep_out_path = path_builder.getRepertoireOutputPath(lang, is_new)
                rep_out_file = path_builder.getRepertoireOutputFileName(lang, is_new)
                output.writeToFile(rep_out_path + rep_out_file)
            elif step == 14:
                self.progress("Filtering ccFinder old header output based on operation...",
                        step / total_steps)
                step += 1
                if not have_old_h:
                is_new = False
                lang = LangDecider.HXX
                output = convert_ccfx_output(path_builder, lang, is_new)
                rep_out_path = path_builder.getRepertoireOutputPath(lang, is_new)
                rep_out_file = path_builder.getRepertoireOutputFileName(lang, is_new)
                output.writeToFile(rep_out_path + rep_out_file)
            elif step == 15:
                self.progress("Filtering ccFinder new header output based on operation...",
                        step / total_steps)
                step += 1
                if not have_new_h:
                is_new = True
                lang = LangDecider.HXX
                output = convert_ccfx_output(path_builder, lang, is_new)
                rep_out_path = path_builder.getRepertoireOutputPath(lang, is_new)
                rep_out_file = path_builder.getRepertoireOutputFileName(lang, is_new)
                output.writeToFile(rep_out_path + rep_out_file)
            elif step == 16:
                self.progress("Filtering ccFinder old java output based on operation...",
                        step / total_steps)
                step += 1
                if not have_old_j:
                is_new = False
                lang = LangDecider.JAVA
                output = convert_ccfx_output(path_builder, lang, is_new)
                rep_out_path = path_builder.getRepertoireOutputPath(lang, is_new)
                rep_out_file = path_builder.getRepertoireOutputFileName(lang, is_new)
                output.writeToFile(rep_out_path + rep_out_file)
            elif step == 17:
                self.progress("Filtering ccFinder new java output based on operation...",
                        step / total_steps)
                step += 1
                if not have_new_j:
                is_new = True
                lang = LangDecider.JAVA
                output = convert_ccfx_output(path_builder, lang, is_new)
                rep_out_path = path_builder.getRepertoireOutputPath(lang, is_new)
                rep_out_file = path_builder.getRepertoireOutputFileName(lang, is_new)
                output.writeToFile(rep_out_path + rep_out_file)
            elif step == 18:
                        "Combining ccFinder output into a unified database...",
                        step / total_steps)
                step += 1
                pickle.dump(model, open(path_builder.getModelPathAndName(), 'w'))
                rep_populator = RepDBPopulator(path_builder)
                db = rep_populator.generateDB(proj0, proj1)
                db_file = open(path_builder.getDBPathAndName(), 'w')
                pickle.dump(db, db_file)
                final_status = True

        if final_status:
            return 'Success!', final_status
        return 'Aborting', final_status
    def filterDiffs(self, interface):
        self.got_some = {'java':True, 'cxx':True, 'hxx':True}
#        self.haveJava = haveC = haveH = False
        self.pb = PathBuilder(self.tmpPath, force_clean = True)

        # First, filter the input diffs by file type, so that all c diffs
        # are in one set of files, and similarly for java/headers
        if self.processDirectory is True:

        # Second, change each diff into ccFinder input format
        converter = CCFXInputConverter()
        callback = lambda: interface.progress(
                'Converting to ccfx input format',
                self.operations_so_far.incr() / float(self.num_operations))
        converter.convert(self.pb, callback)

        #new and old for 3 langs
        self.num_operations = 3 * 2 
        self.operations_so_far = IntegerWrapper(0)

        clone_path = self.pb.getCCFXOutputPath()
        # Third, call ccfx for each directory
        worked = True
        for lang in ['java', 'cxx', 'hxx']:
            if not self.got_some[lang]:
                interface.progress('ccFinderX executing',
                                   self.operations_so_far.incr() / float(self.num_operations))
            old_path0 = self.pb.getCCFXInputPath(PathBuilder.PROJ0, lang, False)
            old_path1 = self.pb.getCCFXInputPath(PathBuilder.PROJ1, lang, False)
            new_path0 = self.pb.getCCFXInputPath(PathBuilder.PROJ0, lang, True)
            new_path1 = self.pb.getCCFXInputPath(PathBuilder.PROJ1, lang, True)
            tmp_old_out = clone_path + self.pb.getCCFXOutputFileName(
                    lang, is_new = False, is_tmp = True)
            tmp_new_out = clone_path + self.pb.getCCFXOutputFileName(
                    lang, is_new = True, is_tmp = True)
            old_out = clone_path + self.pb.getCCFXOutputFileName(
                    lang, is_new = False, is_tmp = False)
            new_out = clone_path + self.pb.getCCFXOutputFileName(
                    lang, is_new = True, is_tmp = False)
            if self.paths['proj0'] == self.paths['proj1']:
                old_path1 = old_path0
                new_path1 = new_path0   
            worked = worked and self.ccfx.processPair(
                            old_path0, old_path1, tmp_old_out, old_out, lang)
            interface.progress('ccFinderX executing',
                self.operations_so_far.incr() / float(self.num_operations))
            worked = worked and self.ccfx.processPair(
                    new_path0, new_path1, tmp_new_out, new_out, lang)
            interface.progress('ccFinderX executing',
                self.operations_so_far.incr() / float(self.num_operations))
        if not worked:
            return ('ccFinderX execution failed', False)
         # Fourth, build up our database of clones 
        print "Repertoire filtering...."
        #new and old for 3 langs
        self.num_operations = 3 * 2 
        self.operations_so_far = IntegerWrapper(0)

        for lang in ['java', 'cxx', 'hxx']:
            if not self.got_some[lang]:
                interface.progress('Repertoire filtering based on operation',
                                   self.operations_so_far.incr() / float(self.num_operations))
            for is_new in [True, False]:
                output = convert_ccfx_output(self.pb, lang, is_new)
                rep_out_path = self.pb.getRepertoireOutputPath(lang, is_new)
                suffix = '_old.txt'
                if is_new:
                    suffix = '_new.txt'
                output.writeToFile(rep_out_path + lang + suffix)
                interface.progress('Repertoire filtering based on operation',
                                   self.operations_so_far.incr() / float(self.num_operations))

        print "Processing successful!!"
        return ('Processing successful', True)
    def processImpl(self, model):
        proj0 = model.getProj(PathBuilder.Proj0)
        proj1 = model.getProj(PathBuilder.Proj1)
        path_builder = model.getPathBuilder()
        converter = CCFXInputConverter()
        ccfx = CCFXEntryPoint(path_builder, model.getCcfxPath(), model.getCcfxTokenSize())

        step = 0
        total_steps = 20.0
        final_status = False

        # step == 0:
        print "Loading version histories for first project" + str(step / total_steps)
        step += 1

        print "Loading version histories for second project" + str(step / total_steps)
        step += 1

        print "Dumping commits for first project" + str(step / total_steps)
        step += 1

        print "Dumping commits for second project" + str(step / total_steps)
        step += 1

        print "Converting diffs to ccfx compatible format" + str(step / total_steps)
        step += 1

        print "Running ccFinder for old C, this will take quite some time..." + str(step / total_steps)
        step += 1
        have_old_c = ccfx.processPairs(LangDecider.CXX, False)

        print "Running ccFinder for new C, this will take quite some time..." + str(step / total_steps)
        step += 1
        have_new_c = ccfx.processPairs(LangDecider.CXX, True)

        print "Running ccFinder for old headers, this will take quite some time..." + str(step / total_steps)
        step += 1
        have_old_h = ccfx.processPairs(LangDecider.HXX, False)

        print "Running ccFinder for new headers, this will take quite some time..." + str(step / total_steps)
        step += 1
        have_new_h = ccfx.processPairs(LangDecider.HXX, True)

        print "Running ccFinder for old Java, this will take quite some time..." + str(step / total_steps)
        step += 1
        have_old_j = ccfx.processPairs(LangDecider.JAVA, False)

        print "Running ccFinder for new Java, this will take quite some time..." + str(step / total_steps)
        step += 1
        have_new_j = ccfx.processPairs(LangDecider.JAVA, True)

        print "Filtering ccFinder old C output based on operation..." + str(step / total_steps)
        step += 1
        if have_old_c:
            is_new = False
            lang = LangDecider.CXX
            output = convert_ccfx_output(path_builder, lang, is_new)
            rep_out_path = path_builder.getRepertoireOutputPath(lang, is_new)
            rep_out_file = path_builder.getRepertoireOutputFileName(lang, is_new)
            output.writeToFile(rep_out_path + rep_out_file)

        print "Filtering ccFinder new C output based on operation..." + str(step / total_steps)
        step += 1
        if have_new_c:
            is_new = True
            lang = LangDecider.CXX
            output = convert_ccfx_output(path_builder, lang, is_new)
            rep_out_path = path_builder.getRepertoireOutputPath(lang, is_new)
            rep_out_file = path_builder.getRepertoireOutputFileName(lang, is_new)
            output.writeToFile(rep_out_path + rep_out_file)

        print "Filtering ccFinder old header output based on operation..." + str(step / total_steps)
        step += 1
        if have_old_h:
            is_new = False
            lang = LangDecider.HXX
            output = convert_ccfx_output(path_builder, lang, is_new)
            rep_out_path = path_builder.getRepertoireOutputPath(lang, is_new)
            rep_out_file = path_builder.getRepertoireOutputFileName(lang, is_new)
            output.writeToFile(rep_out_path + rep_out_file)

        print "Filtering ccFinder new header output based on operation..." + str(step / total_steps)
        step += 1
        if have_new_h:
            is_new = True
            lang = LangDecider.HXX
            output = convert_ccfx_output(path_builder, lang, is_new)
            rep_out_path = path_builder.getRepertoireOutputPath(lang, is_new)
            rep_out_file = path_builder.getRepertoireOutputFileName(lang, is_new)
            output.writeToFile(rep_out_path + rep_out_file)

        print "Filtering ccFinder old java output based on operation..." + str(step / total_steps)
        step += 1
        if not have_old_j:
            is_new = False
            lang = LangDecider.JAVA
            output = convert_ccfx_output(path_builder, lang, is_new)
            rep_out_path = path_builder.getRepertoireOutputPath(lang, is_new)
            rep_out_file = path_builder.getRepertoireOutputFileName(lang, is_new)
            output.writeToFile(rep_out_path + rep_out_file)

        print "Filtering ccFinder new java output based on operation..." + str(step / total_steps)
        step += 1
        if not have_new_j:
            is_new = True
            lang = LangDecider.JAVA
            output = convert_ccfx_output(path_builder, lang, is_new)
            rep_out_path = path_builder.getRepertoireOutputPath(lang, is_new)
            rep_out_file = path_builder.getRepertoireOutputFileName(lang, is_new)
            output.writeToFile(rep_out_path + rep_out_file)

        print "Combining ccFinder output into a unified database..." + str(step / total_steps)
        step += 1
        pickle.dump(model, open(path_builder.getModelPathAndName(), "w"))
        rep_populator = RepDBPopulator(path_builder)
        db = rep_populator.generateDB(proj0, proj1)
        db_file = open(path_builder.getDBPathAndName(), "w")
        pickle.dump(db, db_file)

        final_status = True

        if final_status:
            return "Success!", final_status
        return "Aborting", final_status
 def __init__(self, model):
     self.proj0 = model.getProj(PathBuilder.Proj0)
     self.proj1 = model.getProj(PathBuilder.Proj1)
     self.path_builder = model.getPathBuilder()
     self.converter = CCFXInputConverter()
     self.ccfx = CCFXEntryPoint(self.path_builder, model.getCcfxPath(), model.getCcfxTokenSize())
class RepDriver:
    def __init__(self, model):
        self.proj0 = model.getProj(PathBuilder.Proj0)
        self.proj1 = model.getProj(PathBuilder.Proj1)
        self.path_builder = model.getPathBuilder()
        self.converter = CCFXInputConverter()
        self.ccfx = CCFXEntryPoint(self.path_builder, model.getCcfxPath(), model.getCcfxTokenSize())

    def ccfxConvert(self):
        print "Converting diffs to ccfx compatible format"
        if self.proj0:
            proj0_repo = self.proj0.getRepoRoot() + os.sep
            print proj0_repo
            self.path_builder.setExtDiffPath(0, proj0_repo)

        if self.proj1:
            proj1_repo = self.proj1.getRepoRoot() + os.sep
            print proj1_repo
            self.path_builder.setExtDiffPath(1, proj1_repo)


    def runCCFX_old(self, lang):
        print "Running ccFinder for old files, this will take quite some time..."
        have_old_lang = self.ccfx.processPairs(lang, False)

        print "Filtering ccFinder old  output based on operation..."
        if have_old_lang:
            is_new = False
            output = convert_ccfx_output(self.path_builder, lang, is_new)
            rep_out_path = self.path_builder.getRepertoireOutputPath(lang, is_new)
            rep_out_file = self.path_builder.getRepertoireOutputFileName(lang, is_new)
            output.writeToFile(rep_out_path + rep_out_file)

    def runCCFX_new(self, lang):

        print "Running ccFinder for new files, this will take quite some time..."
        have_new_lang = self.ccfx.processPairs(lang, True)

        print "Filtering ccFinder new  output based on operation..."
        if have_new_lang:
            is_new = True
            #            lang = have_new_lang
            output = convert_ccfx_output(self.path_builder, lang, is_new)
            rep_out_path = self.path_builder.getRepertoireOutputPath(lang, is_new)
            rep_out_file = self.path_builder.getRepertoireOutputFileName(lang, is_new)
            output.writeToFile(rep_out_path + rep_out_file)

    def runCCFX(self):
        #     self.runCCFX_old()
        for lang in [LangDecider.CXX, LangDecider.HXX, LangDecider.JAVA]:

    def process(self, rep_model):
        msg, success = self.processImpl(rep_model)

    def processImpl(self, model):
        proj0 = model.getProj(PathBuilder.Proj0)
        proj1 = model.getProj(PathBuilder.Proj1)
        path_builder = model.getPathBuilder()
        converter = CCFXInputConverter()
        ccfx = CCFXEntryPoint(path_builder, model.getCcfxPath(), model.getCcfxTokenSize())

        step = 0
        total_steps = 20.0
        final_status = False

        # step == 0:
        print "Loading version histories for first project" + str(step / total_steps)
        step += 1

        print "Loading version histories for second project" + str(step / total_steps)
        step += 1

        print "Dumping commits for first project" + str(step / total_steps)
        step += 1

        print "Dumping commits for second project" + str(step / total_steps)
        step += 1

        print "Converting diffs to ccfx compatible format" + str(step / total_steps)
        step += 1

        print "Running ccFinder for old C, this will take quite some time..." + str(step / total_steps)
        step += 1
        have_old_c = ccfx.processPairs(LangDecider.CXX, False)

        print "Running ccFinder for new C, this will take quite some time..." + str(step / total_steps)
        step += 1
        have_new_c = ccfx.processPairs(LangDecider.CXX, True)

        print "Running ccFinder for old headers, this will take quite some time..." + str(step / total_steps)
        step += 1
        have_old_h = ccfx.processPairs(LangDecider.HXX, False)

        print "Running ccFinder for new headers, this will take quite some time..." + str(step / total_steps)
        step += 1
        have_new_h = ccfx.processPairs(LangDecider.HXX, True)

        print "Running ccFinder for old Java, this will take quite some time..." + str(step / total_steps)
        step += 1
        have_old_j = ccfx.processPairs(LangDecider.JAVA, False)

        print "Running ccFinder for new Java, this will take quite some time..." + str(step / total_steps)
        step += 1
        have_new_j = ccfx.processPairs(LangDecider.JAVA, True)

        print "Filtering ccFinder old C output based on operation..." + str(step / total_steps)
        step += 1
        if have_old_c:
            is_new = False
            lang = LangDecider.CXX
            output = convert_ccfx_output(path_builder, lang, is_new)
            rep_out_path = path_builder.getRepertoireOutputPath(lang, is_new)
            rep_out_file = path_builder.getRepertoireOutputFileName(lang, is_new)
            output.writeToFile(rep_out_path + rep_out_file)

        print "Filtering ccFinder new C output based on operation..." + str(step / total_steps)
        step += 1
        if have_new_c:
            is_new = True
            lang = LangDecider.CXX
            output = convert_ccfx_output(path_builder, lang, is_new)
            rep_out_path = path_builder.getRepertoireOutputPath(lang, is_new)
            rep_out_file = path_builder.getRepertoireOutputFileName(lang, is_new)
            output.writeToFile(rep_out_path + rep_out_file)

        print "Filtering ccFinder old header output based on operation..." + str(step / total_steps)
        step += 1
        if have_old_h:
            is_new = False
            lang = LangDecider.HXX
            output = convert_ccfx_output(path_builder, lang, is_new)
            rep_out_path = path_builder.getRepertoireOutputPath(lang, is_new)
            rep_out_file = path_builder.getRepertoireOutputFileName(lang, is_new)
            output.writeToFile(rep_out_path + rep_out_file)

        print "Filtering ccFinder new header output based on operation..." + str(step / total_steps)
        step += 1
        if have_new_h:
            is_new = True
            lang = LangDecider.HXX
            output = convert_ccfx_output(path_builder, lang, is_new)
            rep_out_path = path_builder.getRepertoireOutputPath(lang, is_new)
            rep_out_file = path_builder.getRepertoireOutputFileName(lang, is_new)
            output.writeToFile(rep_out_path + rep_out_file)

        print "Filtering ccFinder old java output based on operation..." + str(step / total_steps)
        step += 1
        if not have_old_j:
            is_new = False
            lang = LangDecider.JAVA
            output = convert_ccfx_output(path_builder, lang, is_new)
            rep_out_path = path_builder.getRepertoireOutputPath(lang, is_new)
            rep_out_file = path_builder.getRepertoireOutputFileName(lang, is_new)
            output.writeToFile(rep_out_path + rep_out_file)

        print "Filtering ccFinder new java output based on operation..." + str(step / total_steps)
        step += 1
        if not have_new_j:
            is_new = True
            lang = LangDecider.JAVA
            output = convert_ccfx_output(path_builder, lang, is_new)
            rep_out_path = path_builder.getRepertoireOutputPath(lang, is_new)
            rep_out_file = path_builder.getRepertoireOutputFileName(lang, is_new)
            output.writeToFile(rep_out_path + rep_out_file)

        print "Combining ccFinder output into a unified database..." + str(step / total_steps)
        step += 1
        pickle.dump(model, open(path_builder.getModelPathAndName(), "w"))
        rep_populator = RepDBPopulator(path_builder)
        db = rep_populator.generateDB(proj0, proj1)
        db_file = open(path_builder.getDBPathAndName(), "w")
        pickle.dump(db, db_file)

        final_status = True

        if final_status:
            return "Success!", final_status
        return "Aborting", final_status