def testnoparseGaussian_Gaussian09_coeffs_zip(filename):
    """This is a test for a Gaussian file with more than 999 basis functions.

    The log file is too big, so we are just including a section. Before
    parsing, we set some attributes of the parser so that it all goes smoothly.

    d = Gaussian(filename)
    d.nmo = 5
    d.nbasis = 1128

    logfile = d.parse()
    assert logfile.data.mocoeffs[0].shape == (5, 1128)
    assert logfile.data.aonames[-1] == "Ga71_19D-2"
    assert logfile.data.aonames[0] == "Mn1_1S"
def testnoparseGaussian_Gaussian09_coeffs_zip(filename):
    """This is a test for a Gaussian file with more than 999 basis functions.

    The log file is too big, so we are just including a section. Before
    parsing, we set some attributes of the parser so that it all goes smoothly.

    d = Gaussian(filename)
    d.nmo = 5
    d.nbasis  = 1128
    logfile = d.parse()
    assert logfile.data.mocoeffs[0].shape == (5, 1128)
    assert logfile.data.aonames[-1] == "Ga71_19D-2"
    assert logfile.data.aonames[0] == "Mn1_1S"
def testnoparseGaussian_Gaussian09_coeffs_log(filename):
    """This is a test for a Gaussian file with more than 999 basis functions.

    The log file is too big, so we are just including a section. Before
    parsing, we set some attributes of the parser so that it all goes smoothly.

    parser = Gaussian(os.path.join(__filedir__, filename))
    parser.nmo = 5
    parser.nbasis = 1128

    data = parser.parse()
    assert data.mocoeffs[0].shape == (5, 1128)
    assert data.aonames[-1] == "Ga71_19D-2"
    assert data.aonames[0] == "Mn1_1S"