def main(config):
    print('Running decentralized model for buildings with scenario = %s' % config.scenario)
    locator = cea.inputlocator.InputLocator(config.scenario)
    total_demand = pd.read_csv(locator.get_total_demand())
    detailed_electricity_pricing = config.decentralized.detailed_electricity_pricing
    prices = Prices(locator, detailed_electricity_pricing)
    lca = LcaCalculations(locator)
    disconnected_building_main(locator=locator,  total_demand=total_demand,
                               config=config, prices=prices, lca=lca)
def main(config):
    print('Running decentralized model for buildings with scenario = %s' % config.scenario)
    locator = cea.inputlocator.InputLocator(config.scenario)
    supply_systems = SupplySystemsDatabase(locator)
    total_demand = pd.read_csv(locator.get_total_demand())
    prices = Prices(supply_systems)
    lca = LcaCalculations(supply_systems)
    disconnected_building_main(locator=locator,  total_demand=total_demand,
                               config=config, prices=prices, lca=lca)
def main(config):
    print('Running decentralized model for buildings with scenario = %s' % config.scenario)
    locator = cea.inputlocator.InputLocator(config.scenario)
    total_demand = pd.read_csv(locator.get_total_demand())
    building_names = total_demand.Name.values
    prices = Prices(locator, config)
    lca = lca_calculations(locator, config)

    disconnected_building_main(locator=locator, building_names=building_names, config=config, prices=prices, lca=lca)
def moo_optimization(locator, weather_file, gv, config):
    This function optimizes the conversion, storage and distribution systems of a heating distribution for the case
    study. It requires that the energy demand, technology potential and thermal networks are simulated, as follows:

        - energy demand simulation: run cea/demand/demand_main.py
        - PV potential: run cea/technologies/solar/photovoltaic.py
        - PVT potential: run cea/technologies/solar/photovoltaic_thermal.py
        - flat plate solar collector potential: run cea/technologies/solar/solar_collector.py with
          config.solar.type_scpanel = 'FP'
        - evacuated tube solar collector potential: run cea/technologies/solar/solar_collector.py with
          config.solar.type_scpanel = 'ET'
        - waste water heat recovery: run cea/resources/sewage_heat_exchanger.py
        - lake water potential: run cea/resources/lake_potential.py
        - thermal network simulation: run cea/technologies/thermal_network/thermal_network_matrix.py
          if no network is currently present in the case study, consider running network_layout/main.py first
        - decentralized building simulation: run cea/optimization/preprocessing/decentralized_building_main.py

    :param locator: path to input locator
    :param weather_file: path to weather file
    :param gv: global variables class
    :type locator: string
    :type weather_file: string
    :type gv: class

    :returns: None
    :rtype: Nonetype

    # read total demand file and names and number of all buildings
    total_demand = pd.read_csv(locator.get_total_demand())
    building_names = total_demand.Name.values
    gv.num_tot_buildings = total_demand.Name.count()
    lca = lca_calculations(locator, config)
    prices = Prices(locator, config)

    # pre-process information regarding resources and technologies (they are treated before the optimization)
    # optimize best systems for every individual building (they will compete against a district distribution solution)
    print "PRE-PROCESSING"
    extra_costs, extra_CO2, extra_primary_energy, solar_features = preproccessing(
        locator, total_demand, building_names, weather_file, gv, config,
        prices, lca)

    # optimize the distribution and linearize the results(at the moment, there is only a linearization of values in Zug)
    network_features = network_opt_main.network_opt_main(config, locator)

    # optimize conversion systems
        locator, building_names, extra_costs, extra_CO2, extra_primary_energy,
        solar_features, network_features, gv, config, prices, lca)
def main(config):
    run the whole preprocessing routine
    from cea.optimization.prices import Prices as Prices
    print('Running decentralized model for buildings with scenario = %s' % config.scenario)

    locator = cea.inputlocator.InputLocator(scenario=config.scenario)
    total_demand = pd.read_csv(locator.get_total_demand())
    building_names = total_demand.Name
    prices = Prices(locator, config)
    lca = LcaCalculations(locator, config.optimization.detailed_electricity_pricing)
    disconnected_buildings_cooling_main(locator, building_names, total_demand, config, prices, lca)

    print 'test_decentralized_buildings_cooling() succeeded'
def main(config):
    run the whole preprocessing routine
    from cea.optimization.prices import Prices as Prices
    print("Running decentralized model for buildings with scenario = %s" %

    locator = cea.inputlocator.InputLocator(scenario=config.scenario)
    supply_systems = SupplySystemsDatabase(locator)
    total_demand = pd.read_csv(locator.get_total_demand())
    building_names = total_demand.Name
    prices = Prices(supply_systems)
    lca = LcaCalculations(supply_systems)
    disconnected_buildings_cooling_main(locator, building_names, total_demand,
                                        config, prices, lca)

    print("test_decentralized_buildings_cooling() succeeded")
def moo_optimization(locator, weather_file, gv, config):
    This function optimizes the conversion, storage and distribution systems of a heating distribution for the case study.
    It requires that solar technologies be calculated in advance and nodes of a distribution should have been already generated.

    :param locator: path to input locator
    :param weather_file: path to weather file
    :param gv: global variables class
    :type locator: string
    :type weather_file: string
    :type gv: class

    :returns: None
    :rtype: Nonetype

    # read total demand file and names and number of all buildings
    total_demand = pd.read_csv(locator.get_total_demand())
    building_names = total_demand.Name.values
    gv.num_tot_buildings = total_demand.Name.count()
    lca = lca_calculations(locator, config)
    prices = Prices(locator, config)

    # pre-process information regarding resources and technologies (they are treated before the optimization)
    # optimize best systems for every individual building (they will compete against a district distribution solution)
    print "PRE-PROCESSING"
    extra_costs, extra_CO2, extra_primary_energy, solarFeat = preproccessing(
        locator, total_demand, building_names, weather_file, gv, config,
        prices, lca)

    # optimize the distribution and linearize the results(at the moment, there is only a linearization of values in Zug)
    network_features = network_opt.network_opt_main(config, locator)

    # optimize conversion systems
    master.evolutionary_algo_main(locator, building_names, extra_costs,
                                  extra_CO2, extra_primary_energy, solarFeat,
                                  network_features, gv, config, prices, lca)
def calc_Ctot_cs_district(network_info):
    Calculates the total costs for cooling of the entire district, which includes the cooling networks and
    disconnected loads & buildings.
    Maintenance of network neglected, see Documentation Master Thesis Lennart Rogenhofer
    :param Thermal_Network network_info: an object storing information of the current network
    # read in general values for cost calculation
    # network_info.config.detailed_electricity_pricing = False # ensure getting the average value
    network_info.prices = Prices(network_info.supply_systems)
    network_info.prices.ELEC_PRICE = np.mean(network_info.prices.ELEC_PRICE,
                                             dtype=np.float64)  # [USD/W]
    network_info.network_features = NetworkOptimizationFeatures(
        district_heating_network=network_info.network_type == "DH",
        district_cooling_network=network_info.network_type == "DC",
    cost_storage_df = pd.DataFrame(index=network_info.cost_info, columns=[0])

    ## calculate network costs
    # Network pipes
    Capex_a_netw = calc_Capex_a_network_pipes(network_info)
    # Network Pumps
    Capex_a_pump, Opex_fixed_pump, Opex_var_pump = calc_Ctot_network_pump(
    # Centralized plant
    Opex_fixed_plant, Opex_var_plant, Capex_a_chiller, Capex_a_CT = calc_Ctot_cooling_plants(
    if Opex_var_plant < 1:
        # no heat supplied by centralized plant/network, this makes sure that the network cost is 0.
        Capex_a_netw = 0
    # calculate costs of disconnected loads
    Ctot_dis_loads, Opex_tot_dis_loads, Capex_a_dis_loads = calc_Ctot_cs_building_scale_loads(
    # calculate costs of disconnected buildings
    Ctot_dis_buildings, Opex_tot_dis_buildings, Capex_a_dis_buildings = calc_Ctot_cs_building_scale_buildings(
    # calculate costs of HEX at connected buildings

    Capex_a_hex, Opex_fixed_hex = calc_Cinv_HEX_hisaka(network_info)
    # calculate electricity consumption
    el_price_per_Wh = network_info.prices.ELEC_PRICE
    el_MWh = (Opex_var_pump + Opex_var_plant) / el_price_per_Wh / 1e6

    # store results
    Capex_a_total = Capex_a_netw + Capex_a_pump + Capex_a_dis_loads + Capex_a_dis_buildings + \
                  Capex_a_chiller + Capex_a_CT + Capex_a_hex
    Opex_total = Opex_fixed_pump + Opex_var_pump + Opex_var_plant + Opex_tot_dis_loads + \
                 Opex_tot_dis_buildings + Opex_fixed_plant + Opex_fixed_hex
    Costs_total = Capex_a_netw + Capex_a_pump + Capex_a_chiller + Capex_a_CT + Capex_a_hex + \
                  Opex_fixed_pump + Opex_var_pump + Opex_var_plant + Ctot_dis_loads + Ctot_dis_buildings + \
                  Opex_fixed_plant + Opex_fixed_hex
    cost_storage_df.ix['total'][0] = Capex_a_total + Opex_total
    cost_storage_df.ix['opex'][0] = Opex_total
    cost_storage_df.ix['capex'][0] = Capex_a_total
    cost_storage_df.ix['capex_network'][0] = Capex_a_netw
    cost_storage_df.ix['capex_pump'][0] = Capex_a_pump
    cost_storage_df.ix['capex_hex'][0] = Capex_a_hex
    cost_storage_df.ix['capex_dis_loads'][0] = Capex_a_dis_loads
    cost_storage_df.ix['capex_dis_build'][0] = Capex_a_dis_buildings
    cost_storage_df.ix['capex_chiller'][0] = Capex_a_chiller
    cost_storage_df.ix['capex_CT'][0] = Capex_a_CT
    cost_storage_df.ix['opex_plant'][0] = Opex_fixed_plant + Opex_var_plant
    cost_storage_df.ix['opex_pump'][0] = Opex_fixed_pump + Opex_var_pump
    cost_storage_df.ix['opex_hex'][0] = Opex_fixed_hex
    cost_storage_df.ix['opex_dis_loads'][0] = Opex_tot_dis_loads
    cost_storage_df.ix['opex_dis_build'][0] = Opex_tot_dis_buildings
    cost_storage_df.ix['el_network_MWh'][0] = el_MWh

    return Capex_a_total, Opex_total, Costs_total, cost_storage_df
def preproccessing(locator, total_demand, buildings_heating_demand, buildings_cooling_demand,
                   weather_file, district_heating_network, district_cooling_network):
    This function aims at preprocessing all data for the optimization.

    :param locator: path to locator function
    :param total_demand: dataframe with total demand and names of all building in the area
    :param building_names: dataframe with names of all buildings in the area
    :param weather_file: path to wather file
    :type locator: class
    :type total_demand: list
    :type building_names: list
    :type weather_file: string
        - extraCosts: extra pareto optimal costs due to electricity and process heat (
            these are treated separately and not considered inside the optimization)
        - extraCO2: extra pareto optimal emissions due to electricity and process heat (
            these are treated separately and not considered inside the optimization)
        - extraPrim: extra pareto optimal primary energy due to electricity and process heat (
            these are treated separately and not considered inside the optimization)
        - solar_features: extraction of solar features form the results of the solar technologies

    :rtype: float, float, float, float

    print("PRE-PROCESSING 0/4: initialize directory")

    print("PRE-PROCESSING 1/4: weather features")  # at first estimate a distribution with all the buildings connected
    weather_features = WeatherFeatures(weather_file, locator)

    print("PRE-PROCESSING 2/4: conversion systems database")  # at first estimate a distribution with all the buildings connected
    supply_systems = SupplySystemsDatabase(locator)

    print("PRE-PROCESSING 3/4: feedstocks systems database")  # at first estimate a distribution with all the buildings connected
    prices = Prices(supply_systems)
    lca = LcaCalculations(supply_systems)

    print("PRE-PROCESSING 4/4: network features")  # at first estimate a distribution with all the buildings connected
    if district_heating_network:
        num_tot_buildings = len(buildings_heating_demand)
        DHN_barcode = ''.join(str(1) for e in range(num_tot_buildings))
        substation.substation_main_heating(locator, total_demand, buildings_heating_demand,

        summarize_network.network_main(locator, buildings_heating_demand, weather_features.ground_temp, num_tot_buildings, "DH",
        # "_all" key for all buildings
    if district_cooling_network:
        num_tot_buildings = len(buildings_cooling_demand)
        DCN_barcode = ''.join(str(1) for e in range(num_tot_buildings))
        substation.substation_main_cooling(locator, total_demand, buildings_cooling_demand, DCN_barcode=DCN_barcode)

        summarize_network.network_main(locator, buildings_cooling_demand,
                                       weather_features.ground_temp, num_tot_buildings, "DC",
                                       DCN_barcode)  # "_all" key for all buildings

    network_features = NetworkOptimizationFeatures(district_heating_network, district_cooling_network, locator)

    return weather_features, network_features, prices, lca
def moo_optimization(locator, weather_file, config):
    This function optimizes the conversion, storage and distribution systems of a heating distribution for the case
    study. It requires that the energy demand, technology potential and thermal networks are simulated, as follows:

        - energy demand simulation: run cea/demand/demand_main.py
        - PV potential: run cea/technologies/solar/photovoltaic.py
        - PVT potential: run cea/technologies/solar/photovoltaic_thermal.py
        - flat plate solar collector potential: run cea/technologies/solar/solar_collector.py with
          config.solar.type_scpanel = 'FP'
        - evacuated tube solar collector potential: run cea/technologies/solar/solar_collector.py with
          config.solar.type_scpanel = 'ET'
        - waste water heat recovery: run cea/resources/sewage_heat_exchanger.py
        - lake water potential: run cea/resources/water_body_potential.py
        - thermal network simulation: run cea/technologies/thermal_network/thermal_network.py
          if no network is currently present in the case study, consider running network_layout/main.py first
        - decentralized building simulation: run cea/optimization/preprocessing/decentralized_building_main.py

    :param locator: path to input locator
    :param weather_file: path to weather file
    :type locator: cea.inputlocator.InputLocator
    :type weather_file: string

    :returns: None
    :rtype: Nonetype
    t0 = time.clock()

    # read total demand file and names and number of all buildings
    total_demand = pd.read_csv(locator.get_total_demand())
    building_names_all = list(total_demand.Name.values)  # needs to be a list to avoid errors
    lca = LcaCalculations(locator)
    prices = Prices(locator, config.optimization.detailed_electricity_pricing)

    # local flags
    district_heating_network = config.optimization.district_heating_network
    district_cooling_network = config.optimization.district_cooling_network


    buildings_heating_demand = get_building_names_with_load(total_demand, load_name='QH_sys_MWhyr')
    buildings_cooling_demand = get_building_names_with_load(total_demand, load_name='QC_sys_MWhyr')
    buildings_electricity_demand = get_building_names_with_load(total_demand, load_name='E_sys_MWhyr')

    # pre-process information regarding resources and technologies (they are treated before the optimization)
    # optimize best systems for every individual building (they will compete against a district distribution solution)
    network_features = preproccessing(locator, total_demand, buildings_heating_demand, buildings_cooling_demand,
                                      weather_file, district_heating_network, district_cooling_network)

    # optimize conversion systems
                                                        network_features, config, prices, lca)

    t1 = time.clock()
    print('Centralized Optimization succeeded after %s seconds' %(t1-t0))
    print ('combined euclidean distance = ' + str(combined_euclidean_distance))
    print ('spread = ' + str(spread_final))

    return combined_euclidean_distance, spread_final

if __name__ == "__main__":
    config = cea.config.Configuration()
    gv = cea.globalvar.GlobalVariables()
    locator = cea.inputlocator.InputLocator(scenario=config.scenario)
    weather_file = config.weather
    total_demand = pd.read_csv(locator.get_total_demand())
    building_names = total_demand.Name.values
    gv.num_tot_buildings = total_demand.Name.count()
    lca = lca_calculations(locator, config)
    prices = Prices(locator, config)
    extra_costs, extra_CO2, extra_primary_energy, solar_features = preproccessing(locator, total_demand, building_names,
                                                                             weather_file, gv, config,
                                                                             prices, lca)

    # optimize the distribution and linearize the results(at the moment, there is only a linearization of values in Zug)
    nBuildings = len(building_names)

    network_features = network_opt_main.network_opt_main(config, locator)

    non_dominated_sorting_genetic_algorithm(locator, building_names, extra_costs, extra_CO2, extra_primary_energy, solar_features,
                                            network_features, gv, config, prices, lca)
def main(config):
    run the whole optimization routine
    gv = cea.globalvar.GlobalVariables()
    locator = cea.inputlocator.InputLocator(scenario=config.scenario)
    weather_file = config.weather

        if not demand_files_exist(config, locator):
            raise ValueError(
                "Missing demand data of the scenario. Consider running demand script first"

        if not os.path.exists(locator.get_total_demand()):
            raise ValueError(
                "Missing total demand of the scenario. Consider running demand script first"

        if not os.path.exists(locator.PV_totals()):
            raise ValueError(
                "Missing PV potential of the scenario. Consider running photovoltaic script first"

        if config.district_heating_network:
            if not os.path.exists(locator.PVT_totals()):
                raise ValueError(
                    "Missing PVT potential of the scenario. Consider running photovoltaic-thermal script first"

        if not os.path.exists(locator.SC_totals(panel_type='FP')):
            raise ValueError(
                "Missing SC potential of panel type 'FP' of the scenario. Consider running solar-collector script first with panel_type as SC1 and t-in-SC as 75"

        if not os.path.exists(locator.SC_totals(panel_type='ET')):
            raise ValueError(
                "Missing SC potential of panel type 'ET' of the scenario. Consider running solar-collector script first with panel_type as SC2 and t-in-SC as 150"

        if not os.path.exists(locator.get_sewage_heat_potential()):
            raise ValueError(
                "Missing sewage potential of the scenario. Consider running sewage heat exchanger script first"

        if not os.path.exists(
                    config.thermal_network.network_type, '')):
            raise ValueError(
                "Missing network edge list. Consider running thermal network script first"
    except ValueError as err:
        import sys

    # read total demand file and names and number of all buildings
    total_demand = pd.read_csv(locator.get_total_demand())
    building_names = total_demand.Name.values
    gv.num_tot_buildings = total_demand.Name.count()
    prices = Prices(locator, config)
    lca = lca_calculations(locator, config)

    # pre-process information regarding resources and technologies (they are treated before the optimization)
    # optimize best systems for every individual building (they will compete against a district distribution solution)
    extra_costs, extra_CO2, extra_primary_energy, solarFeat = preproccessing(
        locator, total_demand, building_names, weather_file, gv, config,
        prices, lca)

    # optimize the distribution and linearize the results(at the moment, there is only a linearization of values in Zug)
    network_features = network_opt_main.network_opt_main(config, locator)

    ## generate individual from config
    # heating technologies at the centralized plant
    heating_block = [
        0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 90.0,
    # FIXME: connect PV to config
    # cooling technologies at the centralized plant
    centralized_vcc_size = config.supply_system_simulation.centralized_vcc
    centralized_ach_size = config.supply_system_simulation.centralized_ach
    centralized_storage_size = config.supply_system_simulation.centralized_storage
    cooling_block = [0, 0, 1, 0.3, 1, 0.4, 1, 0.2, 6, 7]
    cooling_block[2:4] = [1, centralized_vcc_size
                          ] if (centralized_vcc_size != 0) else [0, 0]
    cooling_block[4:6] = [1, centralized_ach_size
                          ] if (centralized_ach_size != 0) else [0, 0]
    cooling_block[6:8] = [1, centralized_storage_size
                          ] if (centralized_storage_size != 0) else [0, 0]

    total_demand = pd.read_csv(locator.get_total_demand())
    building_names = total_demand.Name.values
    # read list of buildings connected to DC from config
    if len(config.supply_system_simulation.dc_connected_buildings) == 0:
        dc_connected_buildings = building_names  # default, all connected
        dc_connected_buildings = config.supply_system_simulation.dc_connected_buildings
    # dc_connected_buildings = building_names  # default, all connected

    # buildings connected to networks
    heating_network = [0] * building_names.size
    cooling_network = [0] * building_names.size
    for building in dc_connected_buildings:
        index = np.where(building_names == building)[0][0]
        cooling_network[index] = 1

    individual = heating_block + cooling_block + heating_network + cooling_network
    # individual = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0.01,1,0.535812211,0,0,0,0,10,7,1,0,1,1,0,1,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,0,1,1,0,1,1]

    supply_calculation(individual, building_names, total_demand, locator,
                       extra_costs, extra_CO2, extra_primary_energy, solarFeat,
                       network_features, gv, config, prices, lca)

    print 'Buildings connected to thermal network:', dc_connected_buildings
    print 'Centralized systems:', centralized_vcc_size, 'VCC', centralized_ach_size, 'ACH', centralized_storage_size
    print 'Decentralized systems:', config.supply_system_simulation.decentralized_systems
    print 'supply calculation succeeded!'
def individual_evaluation(generation, level, size, variable_groups):
    :param generation: Generation of the optimization in which the individual evaluation is to be done
    :type generation: int
    :param level: Number of the uncertain scenario. For each scenario, the objectives are calculated
    :type level: int
    :param size: Total uncertain scenarios developed. See 'uncertainty.csv'
    :type size: int
    :return: Function saves the new objectives in a json file

    from cea.optimization.preprocessing.preprocessing_main import preproccessing
    gv = cea.globalvar.GlobalVariables()
    scenario_path = gv.scenario_reference
    locator = cea.inputlocator.InputLocator(scenario_path)
    config = cea.config.Configuration()
    weather_file = locator.get_default_weather()

    with open(
            locator.get_optimization_master_results_folder() + "\CheckPoint_" +
            str(generation), "rb") as fp:
        data = json.load(fp)

    pop = data['population']
    ntwList = data['networkList']

    # # Uncertainty Part
    row = []
    with open(locator.get_uncertainty_results_folder() +
              '\uncertainty.csv') as f:
        reader = csv.reader(f)
        for i in xrange(size + 1):

    j = level + 1

    for i in xrange(len(row[0]) - 1):
        setattr(gv, row[0][i + 1], float(row[j][i + 1]))

    total_demand = pd.read_csv(locator.get_total_demand())
    building_names = total_demand.Name.values
    gv.num_tot_buildings = total_demand.Name.count()
    lca = lca_calculations(locator, config)
    prices = Prices(locator, config)

    extra_costs, extra_CO2, extra_primary_energy, solarFeat = preproccessing(
        locator, total_demand, building_names, weather_file, gv)
    network_features = network_opt.network_opt_main()

    def objective_function(ind, ind_num):
        (costs, CO2, prim) = evaluation.evaluation_main(
            ind, building_names, locator, solarFeat, network_features, gv,
            config, prices, lca, ind_num, generation)
        # print (costs, CO2, prim)
        return (costs, CO2, prim)

    fitness = []
    for i in xrange(gv.initialInd):
        evaluation.checkNtw(pop[i], ntwList, locator, gv)
        fitness.append(objective_function(pop[i], i))

    with open(locator.get_uncertainty_checkpoint(level), "wb") as fp:
        cp = dict(population=pop,
        json.dump(cp, fp)