def on_failure(self, exc_info): """The handler used if the task raised an exception.""" state.task_ready(self) if self.task.acks_late: self.acknowledge() self.send_event("task-failed", uuid=self.task_id, exception=repr(exc_info.exception), traceback=exc_info.traceback) context = {"hostname": self.hostname, "id": self.task_id, "name": self.task_name, "exc": repr(exc_info.exception), "traceback": unicode(exc_info.traceback, 'utf-8'), "args": self.args, "kwargs": self.kwargs} self.logger.error(self.error_msg.strip() % context) task_obj = tasks.get(self.task_name, object) send_error_email = conf.CELERY_SEND_TASK_ERROR_EMAILS and not \ task_obj.disable_error_emails and not any( isinstance(exc_info.exception, whexc) for whexc in conf.CELERY_TASK_ERROR_WHITELIST) if send_error_email: subject = self.email_subject.strip() % context body = self.email_body.strip() % context mail_admins(subject, body, fail_silently=True)
def waiting(self): """Is the taskset waiting? :returns: :const:`True` if any of the tasks in the taskset is still waiting for execution. """ return any(not subtask.ready() for subtask in self.itersubtasks())
def failed(self): """Did the taskset fail? :returns: :const:`True` if any of the tasks in the taskset failed. (i.e., raised an exception) """ return any(subtask.failed() for subtask in self.itersubtasks())
def waiting(self): """Are any of the tasks incomplete? :returns: :const:`True` if any of the tasks is still waiting for execution. """ return any(not result.ready() for result in self.results)
def failed(self): """Did any of the tasks fail? :returns: :const:`True` if any of the tasks failed. (i.e., raised an exception) """ return any(result.failed() for result in self.results)
def start(self, argv, cmd): self.splash() p = NamespacedOptionParser(argv) self.with_detacher_default_options(p) retcodes = [] self.note("> Starting nodes...") for nodename, argv, _ in multi_args(p, cmd): self.note("\t> %s: " % (nodename, ), newline=False) retcode = self.waitexec(argv) self.note(retcode and self.FAILED or self.OK) retcodes.append(retcode) self.retcode = int(any(retcodes))
def restart(self, argv, cmd): self.splash() p = NamespacedOptionParser(argv) self.with_detacher_default_options(p) retvals = [] def on_node_shutdown(nodename, argv, pid): self.note("> Restarting node %s: " % nodename), newline=False) retval = self.waitexec(argv) self.note(retval and self.FAILED or self.OK) retvals.append(retval) self._stop_nodes(p, cmd, retry=2, callback=on_node_shutdown) self.retval = int(any(retvals))
def restart(self, argv, cmd): self.splash() p = NamespacedOptionParser(argv) self.with_detacher_default_options(p) retvals = [] def on_node_shutdown(nodename, argv, pid): self.note( "> Restarting node %s: " % nodename), newline=False) retval = self.waitexec(argv) self.note(retval and self.FAILED or self.OK) retvals.append(retval) self._stop_nodes(p, cmd, retry=2, callback=on_node_shutdown) self.retval = int(any(retvals))