def plot_CellCnn_PR_curves(prec, recall, seq, seq_labels, nclust, plotdir, key): sns.set(style="white") curr_palette = sns.color_palette("Set1", n_colors=len(seq)) plt.clf() f, ax = plt.subplots() for i, nblast in enumerate(seq): if (seq_labels == []) or (nclust is None): plt.plot(recall[nblast], prec[nblast]) else: if nclust[nblast] == (1,1): plt.plot(recall[nblast], prec[nblast], c=curr_palette[i], linestyle = '-', label=seq_labels[i]) else: plt.plot(recall[nblast], prec[nblast], c=curr_palette[i], linestyle = '--', label=seq_labels[i] + ' (%d/%d)' % nclust[nblast]) plt.xlabel('Recall', fontsize=28) plt.ylabel('Precision', fontsize=28) plt.ylim([0.0, 1.05]) plt.xlim([0.0, 1.05]) plt.legend(loc='center left', prop={'size':20}) for item in (ax.get_xticklabels() + ax.get_yticklabels()): item.set_fontsize(24) plt.tight_layout() sns.despine() mkdir_p(plotdir) plt.savefig(os.path.join(plotdir, key+'_CellCnn_PRcurve.eps'), format='eps') plt.close()
def plot_filters(results, labels, outdir): mkdir_p(outdir) nmark = len(labels) # plot the filter weights of the best network w_best = results['w_best_net'] idx_except_bias = np.array( range(nmark) + range(nmark + 1, w_best.shape[1])) nc = w_best.shape[1] - (nmark + 1) labels_except_bias = labels + ['out %d' % i for i in range(nc)] w_best = w_best[:, idx_except_bias] fig_path = os.path.join(outdir, 'best_net_weights.pdf') plot_nn_weights(w_best, labels_except_bias, fig_path, fig_size=(10, 10)) # plot the filter clustering cl = results['clustering_result'] cl_w = cl['w'][:, idx_except_bias] fig_path = os.path.join(outdir, 'clustered_filter_weights.pdf') plot_nn_weights(cl_w, labels_except_bias, fig_path, row_linkage=cl['cluster_linkage'], y_labels=cl['cluster_assignments'], fig_size=(10, 10)) # plot the selected filters if results['selected_filters'] is not None: w = results['selected_filters'][:, idx_except_bias] fig_path = os.path.join(outdir, 'consensus_filter_weights.pdf') plot_nn_weights(w, labels_except_bias, fig_path, fig_size=(10, 10)) filters = results['selected_filters'] else: sys.exit('Consensus filters were not found.')
def plot_benchmark_PR_curves(r_cnn, p_cnn, r_outlier, p_outlier, r_mean, p_mean, r_sc, p_sc, nblast, plotdir, key): sns.set(style="white") curr_palette = sns.color_palette() col1 = curr_palette[2] col2 = curr_palette[1] col3 = curr_palette[0] col4 = curr_palette[3] plt.clf() f, ax = plt.subplots() plt.plot(r_cnn, p_cnn, c=col1, label='CellCnn') plt.plot(r_outlier, p_outlier, c=col2, label='outlier') plt.plot(r_mean, p_mean, c=col3, label='mean') plt.plot(r_sc, p_sc, c=col4, label='sc') plt.xlabel('Recall', fontsize=28) plt.ylabel('Precision', fontsize=28) plt.ylim([0.0, 1.05]) plt.xlim([0.0, 1.05]) plt.legend(loc='center left' , prop={'size':24}) for item in (ax.get_xticklabels() + ax.get_yticklabels()): item.set_fontsize(24) plt.tight_layout() sns.despine() mkdir_p(plotdir) plt.savefig(os.path.join(plotdir, str(nblast)+'_PR_curve.eps'), format='eps') plt.close()
def plot_benchmark_PR_curves(r_cnn, p_cnn, r_outlier, p_outlier, r_mean, p_mean, r_sc, p_sc, nblast, plotdir, key): sns.set(style="white") curr_palette = sns.color_palette() col1 = curr_palette[2] col2 = curr_palette[1] col3 = curr_palette[0] col4 = curr_palette[3] plt.clf() f, ax = plt.subplots() plt.plot(r_cnn, p_cnn, c=col1, label='CellCnn') plt.plot(r_outlier, p_outlier, c=col2, label='outlier') plt.plot(r_mean, p_mean, c=col3, label='mean') plt.plot(r_sc, p_sc, c=col4, label='sc') plt.xlabel('Recall', fontsize=28) plt.ylabel('Precision', fontsize=28) plt.ylim([0.0, 1.05]) plt.xlim([0.0, 1.05]) plt.legend(loc='center left', prop={'size': 24}) for item in (ax.get_xticklabels() + ax.get_yticklabels()): item.set_fontsize(24) plt.tight_layout() sns.despine() mkdir_p(plotdir) plt.savefig(os.path.join(plotdir, str(nblast) + '_PR_curve.eps'), format='eps') plt.close()
def main(): PATH = "/Volumes/biol_imsb_claassen_s1/eiriniar/Data/viSNE/mrd_debarcode" mrd_file = os.path.join(PATH, 'mrd_debarcoded.csv') healthy_file = os.path.join(PATH, 'healthy_debarcoded.csv') control_file = os.path.join(PATH, 'visne_marrow1.csv') mrd_data = pd.read_csv(mrd_file, sep=',') healthy_data = pd.read_csv(healthy_file, sep=',') control_data = pd.read_csv(control_file, sep=',') # all available channels channels = list(control_data.columns) # which markers should be kept for further analysis full_labels = ['CD19(Nd142)Di','CD22(Nd143)Di', 'CD47(Nd145)Di','CD79b(Nd146)Di', 'CD20(Sm147)Di', 'CD34(Nd148)Di','CD179a(Sm149)Di','CD72(Eu151)Di', 'IgM-i(Eu153)Di','CD45(Sm154)Di','CD10(Gd156)Di', 'CD179b(Gd158)Di','CD11c(Tb159)Di','CD14(Gd160)Di','CD24(Dy161)Di', 'CD127(Dy162)Di','TdT(Dy163)Di','CD15(Dy164)Di','Pax5(Ho165)Di', 'CD38(Er168)Di','CD3(Er170)Di','CD117(Yb171)Di', 'CD49d(Yb172)Di','CD33(Yb173)Di','HLADR(Yb174)Di','IgM-s(Lu175)Di', 'CD7(Yb176)Di'] labels = [label.split('(')[0] for label in full_labels] # which columns correspond to the interesting markers marker_idx = [channels.index(label) for label in full_labels] # keep only interesting markers and arcsinh-transform the data x_mrd = ftrans(np.asarray(mrd_data)[:,marker_idx], 5) x_healthy = ftrans(np.asarray(healthy_data)[:,marker_idx], 5) x_control = ftrans(np.asarray(control_data)[:,marker_idx], 5) # select CD10+ blasts cd10_idx = np.argsort(x_mrd[:,10]) x_mrd = x_mrd[cd10_idx[-500:]] # save the pre-processed dataset pickle_dir = os.path.join(cellCnn.__path__[0], 'examples', 'data') mkdir_p(pickle_dir) pickle_file = os.path.join(pickle_dir, 'ALL.pkl') data_dict = {'control': x_control, 'healthy': x_healthy, 'ALL': x_mrd, 'labels': labels} with open(pickle_file, 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(data_dict, f, -1) return 0
def main(): # cell types manually gated CTYPES = ['cd4+', 'cd8+', 'cd14+hladrmid', 'cd14-hladrmid', 'cd14+surf-', 'cd14-surf-', 'dendritic', 'igm+', 'igm-', 'nk'] # channels measured in this experiment CH = ['Time', 'Cell_length', 'CD3', 'CD45', 'BC1', 'BC2', 'pNFkB', 'pp38', 'CD4', 'BC3', 'CD20', 'CD33', 'pStat5', 'CD123', 'pAkt', 'pStat1', 'pSHP2', 'pZap70', 'pStat3', 'BC4', 'CD14', 'pSlp76', 'BC5', 'pBtk', 'pPlcg2', 'pErk', 'BC6', 'pLat', 'IgM', 'pS6', 'HLA-DR', 'BC7', 'CD7', 'DNA-1', 'DNA-2'] # intracelluler makrers PH_LABELS = ['pStat1', 'pStat3', 'pStat5', 'pNFkB', 'pp38', 'pAkt', 'pSHP2', 'pZap70', 'pSlp76', 'pBtk', 'pPlcg2', 'pErk', 'pLat', 'pS6'] PH_IDX = [CH.index(label) for label in PH_LABELS] # cell surface markers CD_LABELS = ['CD45', 'CD3', 'CD4', 'CD7', 'CD20', 'IgM', 'CD33', 'CD14', 'HLA-DR', 'CD123'] CD_IDX = [CH.index(label) for label in CD_LABELS] # all interesting markers that should be read labels = CD_LABELS + PH_LABELS marker_idx = CD_IDX + PH_IDX # different stimuli considered in this experiemnt STIMULI = ['02', '03', '04', '06', '07', '08', '09', '10', '11', '12', '01'] STIM_NAMES = ['IL-3', 'IL-2', 'IL-12', 'G-CSF', 'GM-CSF', 'BCR', 'IFN-g', 'IFN-a', 'LPS', 'PMA', 'Vanadate'] # store the pre-processed datasets pickle_dir = os.path.join(cellCnn.__path__[0], 'examples', 'data') mkdir_p(pickle_dir) for (s_code, s_name) in zip(STIMULI, STIM_NAMES): pickle_file = os.path.join(pickle_dir, s_name + '_vs_control.pkl') lookup = no_inhibitor_lookup_full(data_path=FCS_DATA_PATH, stimuli=['05', s_code], ctypes=CTYPES, marker_idx=marker_idx) with open(pickle_file, 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(lookup, f, -1) return 0
def plot_CellCnn_PR_curves(prec, recall, seq, seq_labels, nclust, plotdir, key): sns.set(style="white") curr_palette = sns.color_palette("Set1", n_colors=len(seq)) plt.clf() f, ax = plt.subplots() for i, nblast in enumerate(seq): if (seq_labels == []) or (nclust is None): plt.plot(recall[nblast], prec[nblast]) else: if nclust[nblast] == (1, 1): plt.plot(recall[nblast], prec[nblast], c=curr_palette[i], linestyle='-', label=seq_labels[i]) else: plt.plot(recall[nblast], prec[nblast], c=curr_palette[i], linestyle='--', label=seq_labels[i] + ' (%d/%d)' % nclust[nblast]) plt.xlabel('Recall', fontsize=28) plt.ylabel('Precision', fontsize=28) plt.ylim([0.0, 1.05]) plt.xlim([0.0, 1.05]) plt.legend(loc='center left', prop={'size': 20}) for item in (ax.get_xticklabels() + ax.get_yticklabels()): item.set_fontsize(24) plt.tight_layout() sns.despine() mkdir_p(plotdir) plt.savefig(os.path.join(plotdir, key + '_CellCnn_PRcurve.eps'), format='eps') plt.close()
def plot_barcharts(y_true, cnn_pred , outlier_pred, mean_pred, sc_pred, nblast, label, plotdir, key, at_recall=0.8, include_citrus=False): ntop = int(at_recall * nblast) count_h_cnn = return_FP(y_true, cnn_pred, ntop) count_h_outlier = return_FP(y_true, outlier_pred, ntop) count_h_mean = return_FP(y_true, mean_pred, ntop) count_h_sc = return_FP(y_true, sc_pred, ntop) methods = ['CellCnn', 'outlier', 'mean', 'sc'] if include_citrus: methods.append('Citrus') n_method = len(methods) arr = np.zeros((n_method, 2), dtype=float) arr[0] = np.array([count_h_cnn, ntop+count_h_cnn]) arr[1] = np.array([count_h_outlier, ntop+count_h_outlier]) arr[2] = np.array([count_h_mean, ntop+count_h_mean]) arr[3] = np.array([count_h_sc, ntop+count_h_sc]) # only include if we already have results from a Citrus run in R if include_citrus: if (label == 'AML') and (nblast > 3000): arr[4] = np.array([0, 1]) else: arr[4] = np.array([1, 1]) for i in range(n_method): arr[i] /= arr[i,-1] df_count = pd.DataFrame(arr, columns = ['ctrl', 'total']) df_count['names'] = methods # now plot the results from the dataframe sns.set(style="white") f, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(6, 8)) #cp = sns.color_palette("Set1", n_colors=8, desat=.5) curr_palette = sns.color_palette() col1 = curr_palette[2] col2 = curr_palette[0] sns.barplot(x="names", y='total', data=df_count, label=label, color=col1) bottom_plot = sns.barplot(x="names", y='ctrl', data=df_count, label='healthy', color=col2) topbar = plt.Rectangle((0,0),1,1, fc=col1, edgecolor = 'none') bbar = plt.Rectangle((0,0),1,1, fc=col2, edgecolor = 'none') l = plt.legend([bbar, topbar], ['healthy', label], loc=1, ncol = 2, prop={'size':18}) l.draw_frame(False) ax.set(ylim=(0, 1.1), xlabel="", ylabel="frequency of selected cell states") plt.yticks([.25, 0.5, .75, 1]) plt.xticks(rotation=45) sns.despine(left=True, bottom=True) #Set fonts to consistent size for item in ([bottom_plot.xaxis.label, bottom_plot.yaxis.label] + bottom_plot.get_xticklabels() + bottom_plot.get_yticklabels()): item.set_fontsize(22) plt.tight_layout() mkdir_p(plotdir) plt.savefig(os.path.join(plotdir, str(nblast)+'_barcharts_top_cells.eps'), format='eps') plt.close()
def plot_barcharts(y_true, cnn_pred, outlier_pred, mean_pred, sc_pred, nblast, label, plotdir, key, at_recall=0.8, include_citrus=False, cutoff=None): if cutoff is None: ntop = int(at_recall * nblast) count_h_cnn = return_FP(y_true, cnn_pred, ntop) count_h_outlier = return_FP(y_true, outlier_pred, ntop) count_h_mean = return_FP(y_true, mean_pred, ntop) count_h_sc = return_FP(y_true, sc_pred, ntop) count_tot_cnn = ntop + count_h_cnn count_tot_outlier = ntop + count_h_outlier count_tot_mean = ntop + count_h_mean count_tot_sc = ntop + count_h_sc else: count_h_cnn, count_tot_cnn = return_FP_cutoff(y_true, cnn_pred, cutoff) count_h_outlier, count_tot_outlier = return_FP_cutoff( y_true, outlier_pred, cutoff) count_h_mean, count_tot_mean = return_FP_cutoff( y_true, mean_pred, cutoff) count_h_sc, count_tot_sc = return_FP_cutoff(y_true, sc_pred, cutoff) methods = ['CellCnn', 'outlier', 'mean', 'sc'] if include_citrus: methods.append('Citrus') n_method = len(methods) arr = np.zeros((n_method, 2), dtype=float) arr[0] = np.array([count_h_cnn, count_tot_cnn]) arr[1] = np.array([count_h_outlier, count_tot_outlier]) arr[2] = np.array([count_h_mean, count_tot_mean]) arr[3] = np.array([count_h_sc, count_tot_sc]) # only include if we already have results from a Citrus run in R if include_citrus: if (label == 'AML') and (nblast > 3000): arr[4] = np.array([0, 1]) else: arr[4] = np.array([1, 1]) for i in range(n_method): arr[i] /= arr[i, -1] df_count = pd.DataFrame(arr, columns=['ctrl', 'total']) df_count['names'] = methods # now plot the results from the dataframe sns.set(style="white") f, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(6, 8)) #cp = sns.color_palette("Set1", n_colors=8, desat=.5) curr_palette = sns.color_palette() col1 = curr_palette[2] col2 = curr_palette[0] sns.barplot(x="names", y='total', data=df_count, label=label, color=col1) bottom_plot = sns.barplot(x="names", y='ctrl', data=df_count, label='healthy', color=col2) topbar = plt.Rectangle((0, 0), 1, 1, fc=col1, edgecolor='none') bbar = plt.Rectangle((0, 0), 1, 1, fc=col2, edgecolor='none') l = plt.legend([bbar, topbar], ['healthy', label], loc=1, ncol=2, prop={'size': 18}) l.draw_frame(False) ax.set(ylim=(0, 1.1), xlabel="", ylabel="frequency of selected cell states") plt.yticks([.25, 0.5, .75, 1]) plt.xticks(rotation=45) sns.despine(left=True, bottom=True) #Set fonts to consistent size for item in ([bottom_plot.xaxis.label, bottom_plot.yaxis.label] + bottom_plot.get_xticklabels() + bottom_plot.get_yticklabels()): item.set_fontsize(22) plt.tight_layout() mkdir_p(plotdir) plt.savefig(os.path.join(plotdir, str(nblast) + '_barcharts_top_cells.eps'), format='eps') plt.close()
def train_model(train_samples, train_phenotypes, outdir, valid_samples=None, valid_phenotypes=None, generate_valid_set=True, scale=True, quant_normed=False, nrun=20, regression=False, ncell=200, nsubset=1000, per_sample=False, subset_selection='random', maxpool_percentages=[0.01, 1., 5., 20., 100.], nfilter_choice=range(3, 10), learning_rate=None, coeff_l1=0, coeff_l2=1e-4, dropout='auto', dropout_p=.5, max_epochs=20, patience=5, dendrogram_cutoff=0.4, accur_thres=.95, verbose=1): """ Performs a CellCnn analysis """ mkdir_p(outdir) if nrun < 3: print 'The nrun argument should be >= 3, setting it to 3.' nrun = 3 # copy the list of samples so that they are not modified in place train_samples = copy.deepcopy(train_samples) if valid_samples is not None: valid_samples = copy.deepcopy(valid_samples) # normalize extreme values # we assume that 0 corresponds to the control class if subset_selection == 'outlier': ctrl_list = [train_samples[i] for i in np.where(np.array(train_phenotypes) == 0)[0]] test_list = [train_samples[i] for i in np.where(np.array(train_phenotypes) != 0)[0]] train_samples = normalize_outliers_to_control(ctrl_list, test_list) if valid_samples is not None: ctrl_list = [valid_samples[i] for i in np.where(np.array(valid_phenotypes) == 0)[0]] test_list = [valid_samples[i] for i in np.where(np.array(valid_phenotypes) != 0)[0]] valid_samples = normalize_outliers_to_control(ctrl_list, test_list) # merge all input samples (X_train, X_valid) # and generate an identifier for each of them (train_id, valid_id) if (valid_samples is None) and (not generate_valid_set): sample_ids = range(len(train_phenotypes)) X_train, id_train = combine_samples(train_samples, sample_ids) elif (valid_samples is None) and generate_valid_set: sample_ids = range(len(train_phenotypes)) X, sample_id = combine_samples(train_samples, sample_ids) valid_phenotypes = train_phenotypes # split into train-validation partitions eval_folds = 5 #kf = StratifiedKFold(sample_id, eval_folds) #train_indices, valid_indices = next(iter(kf)) kf = StratifiedKFold(n_splits=eval_folds) train_indices, valid_indices = next(kf.split(X, sample_id)) X_train, id_train = X[train_indices], sample_id[train_indices] X_valid, id_valid = X[valid_indices], sample_id[valid_indices] else: sample_ids = range(len(train_phenotypes)) X_train, id_train = combine_samples(train_samples, sample_ids) sample_ids = range(len(valid_phenotypes)) X_valid, id_valid = combine_samples(valid_samples, sample_ids) if quant_normed: z_scaler = StandardScaler(with_mean=True, with_std=False) * np.ones((1, X_train.shape[1]))) X_train = z_scaler.transform(X_train) elif scale: z_scaler = StandardScaler(with_mean=True, with_std=True) X_train = z_scaler.transform(X_train) else: z_scaler = None X_train, id_train = shuffle(X_train, id_train) train_phenotypes = np.asarray(train_phenotypes) # an array containing the phenotype for each single cell y_train = train_phenotypes[id_train] if (valid_samples is not None) or generate_valid_set: if scale: X_valid = z_scaler.transform(X_valid) X_valid, id_valid = shuffle(X_valid, id_valid) valid_phenotypes = np.asarray(valid_phenotypes) y_valid = valid_phenotypes[id_valid] # number of measured markers nmark = X_train.shape[1] # generate multi-cell inputs print 'Generating multi-cell inputs...' if subset_selection == 'outlier': # here we assume that class 0 is always the control class x_ctrl_train = X_train[y_train == 0] to_keep = int(0.1 * (X_train.shape[0] / len(train_phenotypes))) nsubset_ctrl = nsubset / np.sum(train_phenotypes == 0) # generate a fixed number of subsets per class nsubset_biased = [0] for pheno in range(1, len(np.unique(train_phenotypes))): nsubset_biased.append(nsubset / np.sum(train_phenotypes == pheno)) X_tr, y_tr = generate_biased_subsets(X_train, train_phenotypes, id_train, x_ctrl_train, nsubset_ctrl, nsubset_biased, ncell, to_keep, id_ctrl=np.where(train_phenotypes == 0)[0], id_biased=np.where(train_phenotypes != 0)[0]) # save those because it takes long to generate, 'X_tr.npy'), X_tr), 'y_tr.npy'), y_tr) #X_tr = np.load(os.path.join(outdir, 'X_tr.npy')) #y_tr = np.load(os.path.join(outdir, 'y_tr.npy')) if (valid_samples is not None) or generate_valid_set: x_ctrl_valid = X_valid[y_valid == 0] nsubset_ctrl = nsubset / np.sum(valid_phenotypes == 0) # generate a fixed number of subsets per class nsubset_biased = [0] for pheno in range(1, len(np.unique(valid_phenotypes))): nsubset_biased.append(nsubset / np.sum(valid_phenotypes == pheno)) to_keep = int(0.1 * (X_valid.shape[0] / len(valid_phenotypes))) X_v, y_v = generate_biased_subsets(X_valid, valid_phenotypes, id_valid, x_ctrl_valid, nsubset_ctrl, nsubset_biased, ncell, to_keep, id_ctrl=np.where(valid_phenotypes == 0)[0], id_biased=np.where(valid_phenotypes != 0)[0]) # save those because it takes long to generate, 'X_v.npy'), X_v), 'y_v.npy'), y_v) #X_v = np.load(os.path.join(outdir, 'X_v.npy')) #y_v = np.load(os.path.join(outdir, 'y_v.npy')) else: cut = X_tr.shape[0] / 5 X_v = X_tr[:cut] y_v = y_tr[:cut] X_tr = X_tr[cut:] y_tr = y_tr[cut:] else: # generate 'nsubset' multi-cell inputs per input sample if per_sample: X_tr, y_tr = generate_subsets(X_train, train_phenotypes, id_train, nsubset, ncell, per_sample) if (valid_samples is not None) or generate_valid_set: X_v, y_v = generate_subsets(X_valid, valid_phenotypes, id_valid, nsubset, ncell, per_sample) # generate 'nsubset' multi-cell inputs per class else: nsubset_list = [] for pheno in range(len(np.unique(train_phenotypes))): nsubset_list.append(nsubset / np.sum(train_phenotypes == pheno)) X_tr, y_tr = generate_subsets(X_train, train_phenotypes, id_train, nsubset_list, ncell, per_sample) if (valid_samples is not None) or generate_valid_set: nsubset_list = [] for pheno in range(len(np.unique(valid_phenotypes))): nsubset_list.append(nsubset / np.sum(valid_phenotypes == pheno)) X_v, y_v = generate_subsets(X_valid, valid_phenotypes, id_valid, nsubset_list, ncell, per_sample) print 'Done.' ## neural network configuration ## # batch size bs = 200 # keras needs (nbatch, ncell, nmark) X_tr = np.swapaxes(X_tr, 2, 1) X_v = np.swapaxes(X_v, 2, 1) n_classes = 1 if not regression: n_classes = len(np.unique(train_phenotypes)) y_tr = to_categorical(y_tr, n_classes) y_v = to_categorical(y_v, n_classes) # train some neural networks with different parameter configurations accuracies = np.zeros(nrun) w_store = dict() config = dict() config['nfilter'] = [] config['learning_rate'] = [] config['maxpool_percentage'] = [] lr = learning_rate for irun in range(nrun): if verbose: print 'training network: %d' % (irun + 1) if learning_rate is None: lr = 10 ** np.random.uniform(-3, -2) config['learning_rate'].append(lr) # choose number of filters for this run nfilter = np.random.choice(nfilter_choice) config['nfilter'].append(nfilter) print 'Number of filters: %d' % nfilter # choose number of cells pooled for this run mp = maxpool_percentages[irun % len(maxpool_percentages)] config['maxpool_percentage'].append(mp) k = max(1, int(mp/100. * ncell)) print 'Cells pooled: %d' % k # build the neural network model = build_model(ncell, nmark, nfilter, coeff_l1, coeff_l2, k, dropout, dropout_p, regression, n_classes, lr) filepath = os.path.join(outdir, 'nnet_run_%d.hdf5' % irun) try: if not regression: check = ModelCheckpoint(filepath, monitor='val_loss', save_best_only=True, mode='auto') earlyStopping = EarlyStopping(monitor='val_loss', patience=patience, mode='auto'), int32(y_tr), nb_epoch=max_epochs, batch_size=bs, callbacks=[check, earlyStopping], validation_data=(float32(X_v), int32(y_v)), verbose=verbose) else: check = ModelCheckpoint(filepath, monitor='val_loss', save_best_only=True, mode='auto') earlyStopping = EarlyStopping(monitor='val_loss', patience=patience, mode='auto'), float32(y_tr), nb_epoch=max_epochs, batch_size=bs, callbacks=[check, earlyStopping], validation_data=(float32(X_v), float32(y_v)), verbose=verbose) # load the model from the epoch with highest validation accuracy model.load_weights(filepath) if not regression: valid_metric = model.evaluate(float32(X_v), int32(y_v))[-1] print 'Best validation accuracy: %.2f' % valid_metric accuracies[irun] = valid_metric else: train_metric = model.evaluate(float32(X_tr), float32(y_tr), batch_size=bs) print 'Best train loss: %.2f' % train_metric valid_metric = model.evaluate(float32(X_v), float32(y_v), batch_size=bs) print 'Best validation loss: %.2f' % valid_metric accuracies[irun] = - valid_metric # extract the network parameters w_store[irun] = model.get_weights() except Exception as e: sys.stderr.write('An exception was raised during training the network.\n') sys.stderr.write(str(e) + '\n') # the top 3 performing networks model_sorted_idx = np.argsort(accuracies)[::-1][:3] best_3_nets = [w_store[i] for i in model_sorted_idx] best_net = best_3_nets[0] best_accuracy_idx = model_sorted_idx[0] # weights from the best-performing network w_best_net = keras_param_vector(best_net) # post-process the learned filters # cluster weights from all networks that achieved accuracy above the specified thershold w_cons, cluster_res = cluster_profiles(w_store, nmark, accuracies, accur_thres, dendrogram_cutoff=dendrogram_cutoff) # output w_store as a .csv file w = csv.writer(open("w_store.csv", "w")) for key, val in w_store.items(): w.writerow([key, val]) results = { 'clustering_result': cluster_res, 'selected_filters': w_cons, 'best_net': best_net, 'best_3_nets': best_3_nets, 'w_best_net': w_best_net, 'accuracies': accuracies, 'best_model_index': best_accuracy_idx, 'config': config, 'scaler': z_scaler, 'n_classes' : n_classes } if (valid_samples is not None) and (w_cons is not None): maxpool_percentage = config['maxpool_percentage'][best_accuracy_idx] if regression: tau = get_filters_regression(w_cons, z_scaler, valid_samples, valid_phenotypes, maxpool_percentage) results['filter_tau'] = tau else: filter_diff = get_filters_classification(w_cons, z_scaler, valid_samples, valid_phenotypes, maxpool_percentage) results['filter_diff'] = filter_diff return results
def discriminative_filters(results, outdir, filter_diff_thres, positive_filters_only=False, show_filters=True): mkdir_p(outdir) # select the discriminative filters based on the validation set if 'filter_diff' in results: filter_diff = results['filter_diff'] # do we want to consider negative filters? if positive_filters_only: filter_diff = filter_diff * np.sign(filters[:, -1]) sorted_idx = np.argsort(filter_diff)[::-1] filter_diff = filter_diff[sorted_idx] keep_idx = [sorted_idx[0]] for i in range(0, len(filter_diff) - 1): if (filter_diff[i] - filter_diff[i + 1]) < filter_diff_thres * filter_diff[i]: keep_idx.append(sorted_idx[i + 1]) else: break if show_filters: plt.figure() sns.set_style('whitegrid') plt.plot(range(len(filter_diff)), filter_diff, '--') plt.xticks(range(len(filter_diff)), ['filter %d' % i for i in sorted_idx], rotation='vertical') plt.ylabel( 'average cell filter response difference between classes') sns.despine() plt.savefig(os.path.join(outdir, 'filter_response_differences.pdf'), format='pdf') plt.clf() plt.close() elif 'filter_tau' in results: filter_diff = results['filter_tau'] # do we want to consider negative filters? if positive_filters_only: filter_diff = filter_diff * np.sign(filters[:, -1]) sorted_idx = np.argsort(filter_diff)[::-1] filter_diff = filter_diff[sorted_idx] keep_idx = [sorted_idx[0]] for i in range(0, len(filter_diff) - 1): if (filter_diff[i] - filter_diff[i + 1]) < filter_diff_thres * filter_diff[i]: keep_idx.append(sorted_idx[i + 1]) else: break if show_filters: plt.figure() sns.set_style('whitegrid') plt.plot(range(len(filter_diff)), filter_diff, '--') plt.xticks(range(len(filter_diff)), ['filter %d' % i for i in sorted_idx], rotation='vertical') plt.ylabel('Kendalls tau') sns.despine() plt.savefig(os.path.join(outdir, 'filter_response_differences.pdf'), format='pdf') plt.clf() plt.close() # if no validation samples were provided, keep all consensus filters else: filters = results['selected_filters'] keep_idx = range(filters.shape[0]) return keep_idx
def plot_results(results, samples, phenotypes, labels, outdir, filter_diff_thres=.2, filter_response_thres=0, response_grad_cutoff=None, stat_test=None, positive_filters_only=False, log_yscale=False, group_a='group A', group_b='group B', group_names=None, tsne_ncell=10000, regression=False, clustering=None, add_filter_response=False, percentage_drop_cluster=.1, min_cluster_freq=0.2, show_filters=True): """ Plots the results of a CellCnn analysis. Args: - results : Dictionary containing the results of a CellCnn analysis. - samples : Samples from which to visualize the selected cell populations. - phenotypes : List of phenotypes corresponding to the provided `samples`. - labels : Names of measured markers. - outdir : Output directory where the generated plots will be stored. - filter_diff_thres : Threshold that defines which filters are most discriminative. Given an array ``filter_diff`` of average cell filter response differences between classes, sorted in decreasing order, keep a filter ``i, i > 0`` if it holds that ``filter_diff[i-1] - filter_diff[i] < filter_diff_thres * filter_diff[i-1]``. For regression problems, the array ``filter_diff`` contains Kendall's tau values for each filter. - filter_response_thres : Threshold for choosing a responding cell population. Default is 0. - response_grad_cutoff : Threshold on the gradient of the cell filter response CDF, might be useful for defining the selected cell population. - stat_test: None | 'ttest' | 'mannwhitneyu' Optionally, perform a statistical test on selected cell population frequencies between two groups and report the corresponding p-value on the boxplot figure (see plots description below). Default is None. Currently only used for binary classification problems. - group_a : Name of the first class. - group_b : Name of the second class. - group_names : List of names for the different phenotype classes. - positive_filters_only : If True, only consider filters associated with higher cell population frequency in the positive class. - log_yscale : If True, display the y-axis of the boxplot figure (see plots description below) in logarithmic scale. - clustering: None | 'dbscan' | 'louvain' Post-processing option for selected cell populations. Default is None. - tsne_ncell : Number of cells to include in t-SNE calculations and plots. - regression : Whether it is a regression problem. - show_filters : Whether to plot learned filter weights. Returns: A list with the indices and corresponding cell filter response thresholds of selected discriminative filters. \ This function also produces a collection of plots for model interpretation. These plots are stored in `outdir`. They comprise the following: - clustered_filter_weights.pdf : Filter weight vectors from all trained networks that pass a validation accuracy threshold, grouped in clusters via hierarchical clustering. Each row corresponds to a filter. The last column(s) indicate the weight(s) connecting each filter to the output class(es). Indices on the y-axis indicate the filter cluster memberships, as a result of the hierarchical clustering procedure. - consensus_filter_weights.pdf : One representative filter per cluster is chosen (the filter with minimum distance to all other memebers of the cluster). We call these selected filters "consensus filters". - best_net_weights.pdf : Filter weight vectors of the network that achieved the highest validation accuracy. - filter_response_differences.pdf : Difference in cell filter response between classes for each consensus filter. To compute this difference for a filter, we first choose a filter-specific class, that's the class with highest output weight connection to the filter. Then we compute the average cell filter response (value after the pooling layer) for validation samples belonging to the filter-specific class (``v1``) and the average cell filter response for validation samples not belonging to the filter-specific class (``v0``). The difference is computed as ``v1 - v0``. For regression problems, we cannot compute a difference between classes. Instead we compute Kendall's rank correlation coefficient between the predictions of each individual filter (value after the pooling layer) and the true response values. This plot helps decide on a cutoff (``filter_diff_thres`` parameter) for selecting discriminative filters. - tsne_all_cells.png : Marker distribution overlaid on t-SNE map. In addition, the following plots are produced for each selected filter (e.g. filter ``i``): - cdf_filter_i.pdf : Cumulative distribution function of cell filter response for filter ``i``. This plot helps decide on a cutoff (``filter_response_thres`` parameter) for selecting the responding cell population. - selected_population_distribution_filter_i.pdf : Histograms of univariate marker expression profiles for the cell population selected by filter ``i`` vs all cells. - selected_population_frequencies_filter_i.pdf : Boxplot of selected cell population frequencies in samples of the different classes, if running a classification problem. For regression settings, a scatter plot of selected cell population frequencies vs response variable is generated. - tsne_cell_response_filter_i.png : Cell filter response overlaid on t-SNE map. - tsne_selected_cells_filter_i.png : Marker distribution of selected cell population overlaid on t-SNE map. """ # create the output directory mkdir_p(outdir) # number of measured markers nmark = samples[0].shape[1] if results['selected_filters'] is not None: print 'Loading the weights of consensus filters.' filters = results['selected_filters'] else: sys.exit('Consensus filters were not found.') if show_filters: plot_filters(results, labels, outdir) # get discriminative filter indices in consensus matrix keep_idx = discriminative_filters( results, outdir, filter_diff_thres, positive_filters_only=positive_filters_only, show_filters=show_filters) # encode the sample and sample-phenotype for each cell sample_sizes = [] per_cell_ids = [] for i, x in enumerate(samples): sample_sizes.append(x.shape[0]) per_cell_ids.append(i * np.ones(x.shape[0])) # for each selected filter, plot the selected cell population x = np.vstack(samples) z = np.hstack(per_cell_ids) if results['scaler'] is not None: x = results['scaler'].transform(x) print 'Computing t-SNE projection...' tsne_idx = np.random.choice(x.shape[0], tsne_ncell) x_for_tsne = x[tsne_idx].copy() x_tsne = TSNE(n_components=2).fit_transform(x_for_tsne) vmin, vmax = np.zeros(x.shape[1]), np.zeros(x.shape[1]) for seq_index in range(x.shape[1]): vmin[seq_index] = np.percentile(x[:, seq_index], 1) vmax[seq_index] = np.percentile(x[:, seq_index], 99) fig_path = os.path.join(outdir, 'tsne_all_cells') plot_tsne_grid(x_tsne, x_for_tsne, fig_path, labels=labels, fig_size=(20, 20), point_size=5) return_filters = [] for i_filter in keep_idx: w = filters[i_filter, :nmark] b = filters[i_filter, nmark] g = np.sum(w.reshape(1, -1) * x, axis=1) + b g = g * (g > 0) # skip a filter if it does not select any cell if np.max(g) <= 0: continue ecdf = sm.distributions.ECDF(g) gx = np.linspace(np.min(g), np.max(g)) gy = ecdf(gx) plt.figure() sns.set_style('whitegrid') a = plt.step(gx, gy) t = filter_response_thres # set a threshold to the CDF gradient? if response_grad_cutoff is not None: by = np.array(a[0].get_ydata())[::-1] bx = np.array(a[0].get_xdata())[::-1] b_diff_idx = np.where(by[:-1] - by[1:] >= response_grad_cutoff)[0] if len(b_diff_idx) > 0: t = bx[b_diff_idx[0] + 1] plt.plot((t, t), (np.min(gy), 1.), 'r--') plt.xlabel('Cell filter response') plt.ylabel('Cumulative distribution function (CDF)') sns.despine() plt.savefig(os.path.join(outdir, 'cdf_filter_%d.pdf' % i_filter), format='pdf') plt.clf() plt.close() condition = g > t x1 = x[condition] z1 = z[condition] g1 = g[condition] # skip a filter if it does not select any cell with the new cutoff threshold if x1.shape[0] == 0: continue # else add the filters to selected filters return_filters.append((i_filter, t)) # t-SNE plots for characterizing the selected cell population fig_path = os.path.join(outdir, 'tsne_cell_response_filter_%d.png' % i_filter) plot_2D_map(x_tsne, g[tsne_idx], fig_path, s=5) # overlay marker values on TSNE map for selected cells fig_path = os.path.join(outdir, 'tsne_selected_cells_filter_%d' % i_filter) g_tsne = g[tsne_idx] x_pos = x_for_tsne[g_tsne > t] x_tsne_pos = x_tsne[g_tsne > t] plot_tsne_selection_grid(x_tsne_pos, x_pos, x_tsne, vmin, vmax, fig_path=fig_path, labels=labels, fig_size=(20, 20), s=5, suffix='png') if clustering is None: suffix = 'filter_%d' % i_filter plot_selected_subset(x1, z1, x, labels, sample_sizes, phenotypes, outdir, suffix, stat_test, log_yscale, group_a, group_b, group_names, regression) else: if clustering == 'louvain': print 'Creating a k-NN graph with %d/%d cells...' % ( x1.shape[0], x.shape[0]) k = 10 G = create_graph(x1, k, g1, add_filter_response) print 'Identifying cell communities...' cl = G.community_fastgreedy() clusters = np.array(cl.as_clustering().membership) else: print 'Clustering using the dbscan algorithm...' eps = set_dbscan_eps(x1, os.path.join(outdir, 'kNN_distances.png')) cl = DBSCAN(eps=eps, min_samples=5, metric='l1') clusters = cl.fit_predict(x1) # discard outliers, i.e. clusters with very few cells c = Counter(clusters) cluster_ids = [] min_cells = int(min_cluster_freq * x1.shape[0]) for key, val in c.items(): if (key != -1) and (val > min_cells): cluster_ids.append(key) num_clusters = len(cluster_ids) scores = np.zeros(num_clusters) for j in range(num_clusters): cl_id = cluster_ids[j] scores[j] = np.mean(g1[clusters == cl_id]) # keep the communities with high cell filter response sorted_idx = np.argsort(scores)[::-1] scores = scores[sorted_idx] keep_idx_comm = [sorted_idx[0]] for i in range(1, num_clusters): if (scores[i - 1] - scores[i]) < percentage_drop_cluster * scores[i - 1]: keep_idx_comm.append(sorted_idx[i]) else: break for j in keep_idx_comm: cl_id = cluster_ids[j] xc = x1[clusters == cl_id] zc = z1[clusters == cl_id] suffix = 'filter_%d_cluster_%d' % (i_filter, cl_id) plot_selected_subset(xc, zc, x, labels, sample_sizes, phenotypes, outdir, suffix, stat_test, log_yscale, group_a, group_b, group_names, regression) print 'Done.\n' return return_filters
def plot_results_2class(results, samples, phenotypes, labels, outdir, percentage_drop_filter=.2, filter_response_thres=0, response_grad_cutoff=None, group_a='group a', group_b='group b', stat_test=None, positive_filters_only=False, log_yscale=False, clustering=None, add_filter_response=False, percentage_drop_cluster=.1, min_cluster_freq=0.2, plot_tsne=False, tsne_ncell=3000): """ Plots the results of a CellCnn analysis for a 2-class classification problem. Args: - results : Dictionary containing the results of a CellCnn analysis. - samples : Samples from which to visualize the selected cell populations. - phenotypes : List of phenotypes corresponding to the provided `samples`. - labels : Names of measured markers. - outdir : Output directory where the generated plots will be stored. - percentage_drop_filter : Threshold that defines which filters are most discriminative. Given an array ``diff`` of cell filter response differences sorted in decreasing order, keep a filter ``i, i >= 0`` if it holds that ``diff[i-1] - diff[i] < percentage_drop_filter * diff[i-1]``. - filter_response_thres : Threshold for choosing a responding cell population. Default is 0. - response_grad_cutoff : Threshold on the gradient of the cell filter response CDF, might be useful for defining the selected cell population. - group_a : Name of the first class. - group_b : Name of the second class. - stat_test: None | 'ttest' | 'mannwhitneyu' Optionally, perform a statistical test on selected cell population frequencies between the two groups and report the corresponding p-value on the boxplot figure (see plots description below). Default is None. - positive_filters_only : If True, only consider filters associated with higher cell population frequency in the positive class. - log_yscale : If True, display the y-axis of the boxplot figure (see plots description below) in logarithmic scale. - clustering: None | 'dbscan' | 'louvain' Post-processing option for selected cell populations. Default is None. Returns: A list with the indices and corresponding cell filter response thresholds of selected discriminative filters. \ This function also produces a collection of plots for model interpretation. These plots are stored in `outdir`. They comprise the following: - clustered_filter_weights.pdf : Filter weight vectors from all trained networks that pass a validation accuracy threshold, grouped in clusters via hierarchical clustering. Each row corresponds to a filter. The last column indicates the weight connecting each filter to the output positive class. Indices on the y-axis indicate the filter cluster memberships, as a result of the hierarchical clustering procedure. - consensus_filter_weights.pdf : One representative filter per cluster is chosen (the filter with minimum distance to all other memebers of the cluster). We call these selected filters "consensus filters". - best_net_weights.pdf : Filter weight vectors of the network that achieved the highest validation accuracy. - filter_response_differences.pdf : Difference in cell filter response between the two classes for each consensus filter. This plot helps decide on a cutoff (``percentage_drop_filter`` parameter) for selecting discriminative filters. In addition, the following plots are produced for each selected filter (e.g. filter ``i``): - cdf_filter_i.pdf : Cumulative distribution function of cell filter response for filter ``i``. This plot helps decide on a cutoff (``filter_response_thres`` parameter) for selecting the responding cell population. - selected_population_distribution_filter_i.pdf : Histograms of univariate marker expression profiles for the cell population selected by filter ``i`` vs all cells. - selected_population_boxplot_filter_i.pdf : Boxplot of selected cell population frequencies in samples of the two classes. """ # create the output directory mkdir_p(outdir) # number of measured markers nmark = samples[0].shape[1] # plot the filter weights of the best network w_best = results['w_best_net'][:, range(nmark) + [-1]] fig_path = os.path.join(outdir, 'best_net_weights.pdf') plot_nn_weights(w_best, labels + ['output'], fig_path, fig_size=(10, 10)) # plot the selected filters if results['selected_filters'] is not None: print 'Loading the weights of consensus filters.' w = results['selected_filters'][:, range(nmark) + [-1]] fig_path = os.path.join(outdir, 'consensus_filter_weights.pdf') plot_nn_weights(w, labels + ['output'], fig_path, fig_size=(10, 10)) filters = results['selected_filters'] else: print 'Consensus filters were not found, using the weights of the best network instead.' filters = results['w_best_net'] # plot the filter clustering cl = results['clustering_result'] cl_w = cl['w'][:, range(nmark) + [-1]] fig_path = os.path.join(outdir, 'clustered_filter_weights.pdf') plot_nn_weights(cl_w, labels + ['output'], fig_path, row_linkage=cl['cluster_linkage'], y_labels=cl['cluster_assignments'], fig_size=(10, 10)) # select the discriminative filters based on the validation set if 'dist' in results: dist = results['dist'] dist = np.max(dist, axis=1) # if no validation set was provided, # select filters based on the magnitude of their output weight else: dist = abs(filters[:, -1]) # do we want to consider negative filters? if positive_filters_only: dist = dist * np.sign(filters[:, -1]) sorted_idx = np.argsort(dist)[::-1] dist = dist[sorted_idx] keep_idx = [sorted_idx[0]] for i in range(1, dist.shape[0]): if (dist[i - 1] - dist[i]) < percentage_drop_filter * dist[i - 1]: keep_idx.append(sorted_idx[i]) else: break plt.figure() sns.set_style('whitegrid') plt.plot(range(len(dist)), dist, '--') plt.xticks(range(len(dist)), ['filter %d' % i for i in sorted_idx], rotation='vertical') sns.despine() plt.savefig(os.path.join(outdir, 'filter_response_differences.pdf'), format='pdf') plt.clf() plt.close() # encode the sample and sample-phenotype for each cell sample_sizes = [] per_cell_ids = [] for i, x in enumerate(samples): sample_sizes.append(x.shape[0]) per_cell_ids.append(i * np.ones(x.shape[0])) # for each selected filter, plot the selected cell population x = np.vstack(samples) z = np.hstack(per_cell_ids) if results['scaler'] is not None: x = results['scaler'].transform(x) return_filters = [] for i_filter in keep_idx: w = filters[i_filter, :nmark] b = filters[i_filter, nmark] g = np.sum(w.reshape(1, -1) * x, axis=1) + b g = g * (g > 0) ecdf = sm.distributions.ECDF(g) gx = np.linspace(np.min(g), np.max(g)) gy = ecdf(gx) plt.figure() sns.set_style('whitegrid') a = plt.step(gx, gy) t = filter_response_thres # set a threshold to the CDF gradient? if response_grad_cutoff is not None: by = np.array(a[0].get_ydata())[::-1] bx = np.array(a[0].get_xdata())[::-1] b_diff_idx = np.where(by[:-1] - by[1:] >= response_grad_cutoff)[0] if len(b_diff_idx) > 0: t = bx[b_diff_idx[0] + 1] plt.plot((t, t), (np.min(gy), 1.), 'r--') sns.despine() plt.savefig(os.path.join(outdir, 'cdf_filter_%d.pdf' % i_filter), format='pdf') plt.clf() plt.close() condition = g > t x1 = x[condition] z1 = z[condition] g1 = g[condition] # skip a filter if it does not select any cell if x1.shape[0] == 0: continue else: return_filters.append((i_filter, t)) # plot a cell filter response map for the filter # do it on a subset of the cells, so that it is relatively fast if plot_tsne: proj = TSNE(n_components=2, random_state=0) x_2D = proj.fit_transform(x[:tsne_ncell]) fig_path = os.path.join( outdir, 'cell_filter_response_%d.png' % i_filter) plot_2D_map( x_2D, MinMaxScaler().fit_transform(g.reshape(-1, 1))[:tsne_ncell], fig_path) if clustering is None: suffix = 'filter_%d' % i_filter plot_selected_subset(x1, z1, x, labels, sample_sizes, phenotypes, outdir, suffix, stat_test, group_a, group_b, log_yscale) else: if clustering == 'louvain': print 'Creating a k-NN graph with %d/%d cells...' % ( x1.shape[0], x.shape[0]) k = 10 G = create_graph(x1, k, g1, add_filter_response) print 'Identifying cell communities...' cl = G.community_fastgreedy() clusters = np.array(cl.as_clustering().membership) else: print 'Clustering using the dbscan algorithm...' eps = set_dbscan_eps(x1, os.path.join(outdir, 'kNN_distances.png')) cl = DBSCAN(eps=eps, min_samples=5, metric='l1') clusters = cl.fit_predict(x1) # discard outliers, i.e. clusters with very few cells c = Counter(clusters) cluster_ids = [] min_cells = int(min_cluster_freq * x1.shape[0]) for key, val in c.items(): if (key != -1) and (val > min_cells): cluster_ids.append(key) num_clusters = len(cluster_ids) scores = np.zeros(num_clusters) for j in range(num_clusters): cl_id = cluster_ids[j] scores[j] = np.mean(g1[clusters == cl_id]) # keep the communities with high cell filter response sorted_idx = np.argsort(scores)[::-1] scores = scores[sorted_idx] keep_idx_comm = [sorted_idx[0]] for i in range(1, num_clusters): if (scores[i - 1] - scores[i]) < percentage_drop_cluster * scores[i - 1]: keep_idx_comm.append(sorted_idx[i]) else: break for j in keep_idx_comm: cl_id = cluster_ids[j] xc = x1[clusters == cl_id] zc = z1[clusters == cl_id] suffix = 'filter_%d_cluster_%d' % (i_filter, cl_id) plot_selected_subset(xc, zc, x, labels, sample_sizes, phenotypes, outdir, suffix, stat_test, group_a, group_b, log_yscale) print 'Found %d discriminative filter(s): ' % len(return_filters), zip( *return_filters)[0] return return_filters
def main(): # stimulation conditions in this experiment STIM = [ 'Basal1', 'Basal2', 'AICAR', 'Flt3L', 'G-CSF', 'GM-CSF', 'IFNa', 'IFNg', 'IL-10', 'IL-27', 'IL-3', 'IL-6', 'PMAiono', 'PVO4', 'SCF', 'TNFa', 'TPO' ] full_stim_names = ['_'.join(['NoDrug', stim]) for stim in STIM] + ['BEZ-235_Basal1'] # all available channels in this experiment channels = [ 'Time', 'Cell_length', 'DNA1', 'DNA2', 'BC1', 'BC2', 'BC3', 'BC4', 'BC5', 'BC6', 'pPLCg2', 'CD19', 'p4EBP1', 'CD11b', 'pAMPK', 'pSTAT3', 'CD34', 'pSTAT5', 'pS6', 'pCREB', 'pc-Cbl', 'CD45', 'CD123', 'pSTAT1', 'pZap70-Syk', 'CD33', 'CD47', 'pAKT', 'CD7', 'CD15', 'pRb', 'CD44', 'CD38', 'pErk1-2', 'CD3', 'pP38', 'CD117', 'cCaspase3', 'HLA-DR', 'CD64', 'CD41', 'Viability', 'PhenoGraph' ] # which markers should be kept for further analysis labels = [ 'CD19', 'CD11b', 'CD34', 'CD45', 'CD123', 'CD33', 'CD47', 'CD7', 'CD15', 'CD44', 'CD38', 'CD3', 'CD117', 'HLA-DR', 'CD64', 'CD41' ] # which columns correspond to the interesting markers marker_idx = [channels.index(label) for label in labels] # data directory FCS_DATA_PATH = '/Volumes/biol_imsb_claassen_s1/eiriniar/Data/phenograph_data' # read the data from healthy samples healthy_keys = ['H' + str(i) for i in range(1, 6)] D = read_healthy_data(FCS_DATA_PATH, healthy_keys, full_stim_names, marker_idx) aml_dict = { 'healthy_BM': [(key, D[key]) for key in ['H1', 'H2', 'H3', 'H5', 'H4']] } # map .txt files back to patient identifiers mapping = { 0: 'SJ10', 2: 'SJ12', 3: 'SJ13', 4: 'SJ14', 5: 'SJ15', 6: 'SJ16', 8: 'SJ1', 9: 'SJ1', 10: 'SJ2', 11: 'SJ2', 12: 'SJ3', 13: 'SJ3', 14: 'SJ4', 15: 'SJ5', 17: 'SJ7' } # read the data from AML samples # gated blast populations were downloaded as .txt files from Cytobank # CAREFUL when reading these .txt files: # they are tab-separated and include an extra first column (cell index) AML_files = glob.glob(os.path.join(FCS_DATA_PATH, 'AML_blasts', '*.txt')) # only include patients with sufficiently high blast counts # (>10% of total cell counts) for sj in [0, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17]: fname = AML_files[sj] t = pd.read_csv(fname, skiprows=1, sep='\t', index_col=0) print[list(t.columns)[ii] for ii in marker_idx] data_blasts = ftrans(np.asarray(t)[:, marker_idx], 5) if mapping[sj] not in aml_dict: aml_dict[mapping[sj]] = data_blasts # save the pre-processed dataset pickle_dir = os.path.join(cellCnn.__path__[0], 'examples', 'data') mkdir_p(pickle_dir) pickle_file = os.path.join(pickle_dir, 'AML.pkl') aml_dict['labels'] = labels with open(pickle_file, 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(aml_dict, f, -1) return 0
from cellCnn.run_CellCnn import train_model from cellCnn.plotting import visualize_results from numpy.random import RandomState from lasagne.random import set_rng as set_lasagne_rng ''' AML.pkl can be downloaded from ''' WDIR = os.path.join(cellCnn.__path__[0], 'examples') LOOKUP_PATH = os.path.join(WDIR, 'data', 'AML.pkl') OUTDIR = os.path.join(WDIR, 'output', 'AML') mkdir_p(OUTDIR) def main(): # set random seed for reproducible results seed = 12345 np.random.seed(seed) set_lasagne_rng(RandomState(seed)) lookup = pickle.load(open(LOOKUP_PATH, 'rb')) labels = lookup['labels'] healthy_BM = lookup['healthy_BM'] control_list = [x for (key, x) in healthy_BM[:-1]] x_healthy = healthy_BM[-1][1] # how many AML blast cells to spike-in
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() # IO-specific parser.add_argument('-f', '--fcs', required=True, help='file specifying the FCS file names and corresponding labels') parser.add_argument('-m', '--markers', required=True, help='file specifying the names of markers to be used for analysis') parser.add_argument('-i', '--indir', default='./', help='directory where input FCS files are located') parser.add_argument('-o', '--outdir', default='output', help='directory where output will be generated') parser.add_argument('-p', '--plot', action='store_true', default=True, help='whether to plot results ') parser.add_argument('--export_selected_cells', action='store_true', default=False, help='whether to export selected cell populations') parser.add_argument('--export_csv', action='store_true', default=False, help='whether to export network weights as csv files') parser.add_argument('-l', '--load_results', action='store_true', default=False, help='whether to load precomputed results') # data preprocessing parser.add_argument('--train_perc', type=float, default=0.75, help='percentage of samples to be used for training') parser.add_argument('--arcsinh', dest='arcsinh', action='store_true', help='preprocess the data with arcsinh') parser.add_argument('--no_arcsinh', dest='arcsinh', action='store_false', help='do not preprocess the data with arcsinh') parser.set_defaults(arcsinh=True) parser.add_argument('--cofactor', type=int, default=5, help='cofactor for the arcsinh transform') parser.add_argument('--scale', dest='scale', action='store_true', help='z-transform features (mean=0, std=1) prior to training') parser.add_argument('--no_scale', dest='scale', action='store_false', help='do not z-transform features (mean=0, std=1) prior to training') parser.set_defaults(scale=True) parser.add_argument('--quant_normed', action='store_true', default=False, help='input data has been pre-processed via quantile normalization') # multi-cell input specific parser.add_argument('--ncell', type=int, help='number of cells per multi-cell input', default=200) parser.add_argument('--nsubset', type=int, help='number of multi-cell inputs', default=1000) parser.add_argument('--per_sample', action='store_true', default=False, help='whether nsubset refers to each class or each sample') parser.add_argument('--subset_selection', choices=['random', 'outlier'], default='random', help='generate random or outlier-enriched multi-cell inputs') # neural network specific parser.add_argument('--maxpool_percentages', nargs='+', type=float, help='list of choices (percentage of multi-cell input) for top-k max pooling', default=[0.01, 1, 5, 20, 100]) parser.add_argument('--nfilter_choice', nargs='+', type=int, help='list of choices for number of filters', default=range(3, 10)) parser.add_argument('--learning_rate', type=float, default=0.005, help='learning rate for the Adam optimization algorithm') parser.add_argument('--coeff_l1', type=float, default=0, help='coefficient for L1 weight regularization') parser.add_argument('--coeff_l2', type=float, default=0.0001, help='coefficient for L2 weight regularization') parser.add_argument('--coeff_activity', type=float, default=0, help='coefficient for regularizing the activity at each filter') parser.add_argument('--max_epochs', type=int, default=20, help='maximum number of iterations through the data') parser.add_argument('--patience', type=int, default=5, help='number of epochs before early stopping') # analysis specific parser.add_argument('--seed', type=int, default=1234, help='random seed') parser.add_argument('--nrun', type=int, default=15, help='number of neural network configurations to try (should be >= 3)') parser.add_argument('--regression', action='store_true', default=False, help='whether it is a regression problem (default is classification)') parser.add_argument('--dendrogram_cutoff', type=float, default=.4, help='cutoff for hierarchical clustering of filter weights') parser.add_argument('--accur_thres', type=float, default=.9, help='keep filters from models achieving at least this accuracy ' \ ' (or at least from the best 3 models)') parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', type=int, choices=[0, 1], default=1, help='output verbosity') # plot specific parser.add_argument('--filter_diff_thres', type=float, default=0.2, help='threshold that defines which filters are discriminative') parser.add_argument('--filter_response_thres', type=float, default=0, help='threshold that defines the selected cell population per filter') parser.add_argument('--positive_filters_only', action='store_true', default=False, help='whether to only consider filters associated with higher cell ' \ 'population frequencies in the positive class') parser.add_argument('--stat_test', choices=[None, 'ttest', 'mannwhitneyu'], help='statistical test for comparing cell population frequencies of two ' \ 'groups of samples') parser.add_argument('--group_a', default='group A', help='name of the first class') parser.add_argument('--group_b', default='group B', help='name of the second class') args = parser.parse_args() # read in the data fcs_info = np.array(pd.read_csv(args.fcs, sep=',')) marker_names = list(pd.read_csv(args.markers, sep=',').columns) # if the samples have already been pre-processed via quantile normalization # we should not perform arcsinh transformation if args.quant_normed: args.arcsinh = False samples, phenotypes = get_data(args.indir, fcs_info, marker_names, args.arcsinh, args.cofactor) if not args.load_results: # generate training/validation sets np.random.seed(args.seed) val_perc = 1 - args.train_perc n_splits = int(1. / val_perc) skf = StratifiedKFold(n_splits=n_splits, shuffle=True) train, val = next(skf.split(np.zeros((len(phenotypes), 1)), phenotypes)) train_samples = [samples[i] for i in train] valid_samples = [samples[i] for i in val] train_phenotypes = [phenotypes[i] for i in train] valid_phenotypes = [phenotypes[i] for i in val] # run CellCnn model = CellCnn(ncell=args.ncell, nsubset=args.nsubset, per_sample=args.per_sample, subset_selection=args.subset_selection, scale=args.scale, quant_normed=args.quant_normed, maxpool_percentages=args.maxpool_percentages, nfilter_choice=args.nfilter_choice, nrun=args.nrun, regression=args.regression, learning_rate=args.learning_rate, coeff_l1=args.coeff_l1, coeff_l2=args.coeff_l2, coeff_activity=args.coeff_activity, max_epochs=args.max_epochs, patience=args.patience, dendrogram_cutoff=args.dendrogram_cutoff, accur_thres=args.accur_thres, verbose=args.verbose), train_phenotypes=train_phenotypes, valid_samples=valid_samples, valid_phenotypes=valid_phenotypes, outdir=args.outdir) # save results for subsequent analysis results = model.results pickle.dump(results, open(os.path.join(args.outdir, 'results.pkl'), 'w')) else: results = pickle.load(open(os.path.join(args.outdir, 'results.pkl'), 'r')) if args.export_csv: save_results(results, args.outdir, marker_names) # plot results if args.plot or args.export_selected_cells: mkdir_p(os.path.join(args.outdir, 'plots')) filter_info = plot_results(results, samples, phenotypes, marker_names, os.path.join(args.outdir, 'plots'), filter_diff_thres=args.filter_diff_thres, filter_response_thres=args.filter_response_thres, positive_filters_only=args.positive_filters_only, stat_test=args.stat_test, group_a=args.group_a, group_b=args.group_b) if args.export_selected_cells: csv_dir = os.path.join(args.outdir, 'selected_cells') mkdir_p(csv_dir) nfilter = len(filter_info) sample_names = [name.split('.fcs')[0] for name in list(fcs_info[:, 0])] # for each sample for x, x_name in zip(samples, sample_names): flags = np.zeros((x.shape[0], 2*nfilter)) columns = [] # for each filter for i, (filter_idx, thres) in enumerate(filter_info): flags[:, 2*i:2*(i+1)] = get_selected_cells( results['selected_filters'][filter_idx], x, results['scaler'], thres, True) columns += ['filter_%d_continuous' % filter_idx, 'filter_%d_binary' % filter_idx] df = pd.DataFrame(flags, columns=columns) df.to_csv(os.path.join(csv_dir, x_name+'_selected_cells.csv'), index=False)
import cellCnn from cellCnn.utils import mkdir_p from cellCnn.run_CellCnn import train_model from cellCnn.plotting import visualize_results from numpy.random import RandomState from lasagne.random import set_rng as set_lasagne_rng ''' ALL.pkl can be downloaded from ''' WDIR = os.path.join(cellCnn.__path__[0], 'examples') LOOKUP_PATH = os.path.join(WDIR, 'data', 'ALL.pkl') OUTDIR = os.path.join(WDIR, 'output', 'ALL') mkdir_p(OUTDIR) def main(): # set random seed for reproducible results seed = 12345 np.random.seed(seed) set_lasagne_rng(RandomState(seed)) lookup = pickle.load(open(LOOKUP_PATH, 'rb')) labels = lookup['labels'] x_control = lookup['control'] x_healthy = lookup['healthy'] x_ALL = shuffle(lookup['ALL'])
def main(args): # define input and output directories WDIR = os.path.join('.') FCS_DATA_PATH = args.data_root # define output directory OUTDIR = os.path.join(WDIR, f'output_{args.data_name}_{args.ncell}_{args.seed}') mkdir_p(OUTDIR) train_csv_file = os.path.join(FCS_DATA_PATH, 'train', 'train_labels.csv') test_csv_file = os.path.join(FCS_DATA_PATH, 'test', 'test_labels.csv') marker_file = os.path.join(FCS_DATA_PATH, 'marker.csv') # set random seed for reproducible results co_factor = 5.0 np.random.seed(args.seed) if args.pkl: with open(os.path.join(FCS_DATA_PATH, 'train_HIV.pkl'), 'rb') as f: _data = pickle.load(f) train_samples, train_phenotypes = _data['sample'], _data[ 'phenotype'] with open(os.path.join(FCS_DATA_PATH, 'test_HIV.pkl'), 'rb') as f: _data = pickle.load(f) test_samples, test_phenotypes = _data['sample'], _data['phenotype'] else: train_samples, train_phenotypes = load_fcs_dataset( train_csv_file, marker_file, co_factor) test_samples, test_phenotypes = load_fcs_dataset( test_csv_file, marker_file, co_factor) print("data io finished") # run a CellCnn analysis cellcnn = CellCnn(ncell=args.ncell, nsubset=args.nsubset, max_epochs=args.max_epochs, nrun=3, verbose=0), train_phenotypes=train_phenotypes, outdir=OUTDIR) # make predictions on the test cohort test_pred_cellcnn = cellcnn.predict(test_samples) test_pred_label_cellcnn = [ 1 if p > 0.5 else 0 for p in test_pred_cellcnn[:, 1] ] # look at the test set predictions # print('\nModel predictions:\n', test_pred_cellcnn) # and the true phenotypes of the test samples print('\nPred phenotypes:\n', test_pred_label_cellcnn) print('\nTrue phenotypes:\n', test_phenotypes) # calculate area under the ROC curve for the test set test_acc_cellcnn = sum( np.array(test_pred_label_cellcnn) == np.array(test_phenotypes)) / len( test_phenotypes) test_fpr, test_tpr, _ = roc_curve(test_phenotypes, test_pred_cellcnn[:, 1], pos_label=1) test_auc_cellcnn = roc_auc_score(test_phenotypes, test_pred_cellcnn[:, 1]) print("test acc of cellcnn: ", test_acc_cellcnn) print("test auc of cellcnn: ", test_auc_cellcnn) test_stat = { 'test_acc': test_acc_cellcnn, 'test_auc': test_auc_cellcnn, 'fpr': test_fpr, 'tpr': test_tpr } with open(os.path.join(OUTDIR, 'test_result.pkl'), 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(test_stat, f)
AML_files = glob.glob(os.path.join(FCS_DATA_PATH, 'AML_blasts', '*.txt')) # only include patients with sufficiently high blast counts # (>10% of total cell counts) for sj in [0,2,3,4,5,6,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,17]: fname = AML_files[sj] t = pd.read_csv(fname, skiprows=1, sep='\t', index_col=0) print [list(t.columns)[ii] for ii in marker_idx] data_blasts = ftrans(np.asarray(t)[:, marker_idx], 5) if mapping[sj] not in aml_dict: aml_dict[mapping[sj]] = data_blasts # save the pre-processed dataset pickle_dir = os.path.join(cellCnn.__path__[0], 'examples', 'data') mkdir_p(pickle_dir) pickle_file = os.path.join(pickle_dir, 'AML.pkl') aml_dict['labels'] = labels with open(pickle_file, 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(aml_dict, f, -1) return 0 if __name__ == '__main__': try: main() except KeyboardInterrupt: sys.stderr.write("User interrupt!\n") sys.exit(-1)