    def create_settings(self):
        self.pipeline = None
        self.metadata_keys = {}

        module_explanation = [
            "The %s module optionally allows you to split your list of images into image subsets"
            % self.module_name,
            "(groups) which will be processed independently of each other. Examples of",
            "groupings include screening batches, microtiter plates, time-lapse movies, etc."
        self.set_notes([" ".join(module_explanation)])

        self.wants_groups = cps.Binary("Do you want to group your images?",
Select "*{YES}*" if you need to split your images into image subsets (or
*groups*) such that each group is processed independently of each other.
See the main module help for more details.
""".format(**{"YES": YES}))

        self.grouping_text = cps.HTMLText(
            "Each unique metadata value (or combination of values) will be defined as a group",
            size=(30, 2))

        self.grouping_metadata = []

        self.grouping_metadata_count = cps.HiddenCount(
            self.grouping_metadata, "grouping metadata count")


        self.add_grouping_metadata_button = cps.DoSomething(
            "", "Add another metadata item", self.add_grouping_metadata)

        self.grouping_list = cps.Table("Grouping list",
                                       min_size=(300, 100),
This list shows the unique values of the selected metadata under the
“Group” column; each of the unique values comprises a group. The “Count”
column shows the number of image sets that included in a given group;
this is useful as a “sanity check”, to make sure that the expected
number of images are present. For example, if you are grouping by
per-plate metadata from a 384-well assay with 2 sites per well
consisting of 3 plates, you would expect to see 3 groups (each from the
3 unique plate IDs), with 384 wells × 2 sites/well = 768 image sets in

        self.image_set_list = cps.Table("Image sets",
This list displays the file name and location of each of the image sets
that comprise the group. For example, if you are grouping by per-plate
metadata from a 384-well assay with 2 sites per well consisting of 3
plates, you would expect to see a table consisting of 3 plates × 384
wells/plate ×2 sites/well = 2304 rows.
 def create_settings(self):
     self.pipelineinfo = cps.HTMLText(
         "Use the 'Data Tools' menu to open the Cluster View",
         size=(2, 2))