    def enable_systemd_units(self, osd_id, osd_fsid):
        * disables the ceph-disk systemd units to prevent them from running when
          a UDEV event matches Ceph rules
        * creates the ``simple`` systemd units to handle the activation and
          startup of the OSD with ``osd_id`` and ``osd_fsid``
        * enables the OSD systemd unit and finally starts the OSD.
        if not self.from_trigger and not self.skip_systemd:
            # means it was scanned and now activated directly, so ensure that
            # ceph-disk units are disabled, and that the `simple` systemd unit
            # is created and enabled

            # enable the ceph-volume unit for this OSD
            systemctl.enable_volume(osd_id, osd_fsid, 'simple')

            # disable any/all ceph-disk units
                ('All ceph-disk systemd units have been disabled to '
                 'prevent OSDs getting triggered by UDEV events'))
            terminal.info('Skipping enabling of `simple` systemd unit')
            terminal.info('Skipping masking of ceph-disk systemd units')

        if not self.skip_systemd:
            # enable the OSD

            # start the OSD
                'Skipping enabling and starting OSD simple systemd unit because --no-systemd was used'
def activate_bluestore(lvs):
    # find the osd
    osd_lv = lvs.get(lv_tags={'ceph.type': 'block'})
    is_encrypted = osd_lv.tags.get('ceph.encrypted', '0') == '1'
    dmcrypt_secret = None
    osd_id = osd_lv.tags['ceph.osd_id']
    conf.cluster = osd_lv.tags['ceph.cluster_name']
    osd_fsid = osd_lv.tags['ceph.osd_fsid']

    # mount on tmpfs the osd directory
    osd_path = '/var/lib/ceph/osd/%s-%s' % (conf.cluster, osd_id)
    if not system.path_is_mounted(osd_path):
        # mkdir -p and mount as tmpfs
        prepare_utils.create_osd_path(osd_id, tmpfs=True)
    # XXX This needs to be removed once ceph-bluestore-tool can deal with
    # symlinks that exist in the osd dir
    for link_name in ['block', 'block.db', 'block.wal']:
        link_path = os.path.join(osd_path, link_name)
        if os.path.exists(link_path):
            os.unlink(os.path.join(osd_path, link_name))
    # encryption is handled here, before priming the OSD dir
    if is_encrypted:
        osd_lv_path = '/dev/mapper/%s' % osd_lv.lv_uuid
        lockbox_secret = osd_lv.tags['ceph.cephx_lockbox_secret']
        encryption_utils.write_lockbox_keyring(osd_id, osd_fsid, lockbox_secret)
        dmcrypt_secret = encryption_utils.get_dmcrypt_key(osd_id, osd_fsid)
        encryption_utils.luks_open(dmcrypt_secret, osd_lv.lv_path, osd_lv.lv_uuid)
        osd_lv_path = osd_lv.lv_path

    db_device_path = get_osd_device_path(osd_lv, lvs, 'db', dmcrypt_secret=dmcrypt_secret)
    wal_device_path = get_osd_device_path(osd_lv, lvs, 'wal', dmcrypt_secret=dmcrypt_secret)

    # Once symlinks are removed, the osd dir can be 'primed again.
        'ceph-bluestore-tool', '--cluster=%s' % conf.cluster,
        'prime-osd-dir', '--dev', osd_lv_path,
        '--path', osd_path])
    # always re-do the symlink regardless if it exists, so that the block,
    # block.wal, and block.db devices that may have changed can be mapped
    # correctly every time
    process.run(['ln', '-snf', osd_lv_path, os.path.join(osd_path, 'block')])
    system.chown(os.path.join(osd_path, 'block'))
    if db_device_path:
        destination = os.path.join(osd_path, 'block.db')
        process.run(['ln', '-snf', db_device_path, destination])
    if wal_device_path:
        destination = os.path.join(osd_path, 'block.wal')
        process.run(['ln', '-snf', wal_device_path, destination])

    # enable the ceph-volume unit for this OSD
    systemctl.enable_volume(osd_id, osd_fsid, 'lvm')

    # start the OSD
    terminal.success("ceph-volume lvm activate successful for osd ID: %s" % osd_id)
def activate_filestore(lvs):
    # find the osd
    osd_lv = lvs.get(lv_tags={'ceph.type': 'data'})
    if not osd_lv:
        raise RuntimeError('Unable to find a data LV for filestore activation')
    is_encrypted = osd_lv.tags.get('ceph.encrypted', '0') == '1'

    osd_id = osd_lv.tags['ceph.osd_id']
    conf.cluster = osd_lv.tags['ceph.cluster_name']
    # it may have a volume with a journal
    osd_journal_lv = lvs.get(lv_tags={'ceph.type': 'journal'})
    # TODO: add sensible error reporting if this is ever the case
    # blow up with a KeyError if this doesn't exist
    osd_fsid = osd_lv.tags['ceph.osd_fsid']
    if not osd_journal_lv:
        # must be a disk partition, by quering blkid by the uuid we are ensuring that the
        # device path is always correct
        journal_uuid = osd_lv.tags['ceph.journal_uuid']
        osd_journal = disk.get_device_from_partuuid(journal_uuid)
        journal_uuid = osd_journal_lv.lv_uuid
        osd_journal = osd_lv.tags['ceph.journal_device']

    if not osd_journal:
        raise RuntimeError('unable to detect an lv or device journal for OSD %s' % osd_id)

    # this is done here, so that previous checks that ensure path availability
    # and correctness can still be enforced, and report if any issues are found
    if is_encrypted:
        lockbox_secret = osd_lv.tags['ceph.cephx_lockbox_secret']
        # this keyring writing is idempotent
        encryption_utils.write_lockbox_keyring(osd_id, osd_fsid, lockbox_secret)
        dmcrypt_secret = encryption_utils.get_dmcrypt_key(osd_id, osd_fsid)
        encryption_utils.luks_open(dmcrypt_secret, osd_lv.lv_path, osd_lv.lv_uuid)
        encryption_utils.luks_open(dmcrypt_secret, osd_journal, journal_uuid)

        osd_journal = '/dev/mapper/%s' % journal_uuid
        source = '/dev/mapper/%s' % osd_lv.lv_uuid
        source = osd_lv.lv_path
    # mount the osd
    destination = '/var/lib/ceph/osd/%s-%s' % (conf.cluster, osd_id)
    if not system.device_is_mounted(source, destination=destination):
        process.run(['mount', '-v', source, destination])

    # always re-do the symlink regardless if it exists, so that the journal
    # device path that may have changed can be mapped correctly every time
    destination = '/var/lib/ceph/osd/%s-%s/journal' % (conf.cluster, osd_id)
    process.run(['ln', '-snf', osd_journal, destination])

    # make sure that the journal has proper permissions

    # enable the ceph-volume unit for this OSD
    systemctl.enable_volume(osd_id, osd_fsid, 'lvm')

    # start the OSD
    terminal.success("ceph-volume lvm activate successful for osd ID: %s" % osd_id)
文件: activate.py 项目: bspark8/ceph
def activate_filestore(lvs):
    # find the osd
    osd_lv = lvs.get(lv_tags={'ceph.type': 'data'})
    if not osd_lv:
        raise RuntimeError('Unable to find a data LV for filestore activation')
    is_encrypted = osd_lv.tags.get('ceph.encrypted', '0') == '1'

    osd_id = osd_lv.tags['ceph.osd_id']
    conf.cluster = osd_lv.tags['ceph.cluster_name']
    # it may have a volume with a journal
    osd_journal_lv = lvs.get(lv_tags={'ceph.type': 'journal'})
    # TODO: add sensible error reporting if this is ever the case
    # blow up with a KeyError if this doesn't exist
    osd_fsid = osd_lv.tags['ceph.osd_fsid']
    if not osd_journal_lv:
        # must be a disk partition, by quering blkid by the uuid we are ensuring that the
        # device path is always correct
        journal_uuid = osd_lv.tags['ceph.journal_uuid']
        osd_journal = disk.get_device_from_partuuid(journal_uuid)
        journal_uuid = osd_journal_lv.lv_uuid
        osd_journal = osd_lv.tags['ceph.journal_device']

    if not osd_journal:
        raise RuntimeError('unable to detect an lv or device journal for OSD %s' % osd_id)

    # this is done here, so that previous checks that ensure path availability
    # and correctness can still be enforced, and report if any issues are found
    if is_encrypted:
        lockbox_secret = osd_lv.tags['ceph.cephx_lockbox_secret']
        # this keyring writing is idempotent
        encryption_utils.write_lockbox_keyring(osd_id, osd_fsid, lockbox_secret)
        dmcrypt_secret = encryption_utils.get_dmcrypt_key(osd_id, osd_fsid)
        encryption_utils.luks_open(dmcrypt_secret, osd_lv.lv_path, osd_lv.lv_uuid)
        encryption_utils.luks_open(dmcrypt_secret, osd_journal, journal_uuid)

        osd_journal = '/dev/mapper/%s' % journal_uuid
        source = '/dev/mapper/%s' % osd_lv.lv_uuid
        source = osd_lv.lv_path
    # mount the osd
    destination = '/var/lib/ceph/osd/%s-%s' % (conf.cluster, osd_id)
    if not system.device_is_mounted(source, destination=destination):
        process.run(['mount', '-v', source, destination])

    # always re-do the symlink regardless if it exists, so that the journal
    # device path that may have changed can be mapped correctly every time
    destination = '/var/lib/ceph/osd/%s-%s/journal' % (conf.cluster, osd_id)
    process.run(['ln', '-snf', osd_journal, destination])

    # make sure that the journal has proper permissions

    # enable the ceph-volume unit for this OSD
    systemctl.enable_volume(osd_id, osd_fsid, 'lvm')

    # start the OSD
    terminal.success("ceph-volume lvm activate successful for osd ID: %s" % osd_id)
文件: activate.py 项目: bspark8/ceph
def activate_bluestore(lvs):
    # find the osd
    osd_lv = lvs.get(lv_tags={'ceph.type': 'block'})
    is_encrypted = osd_lv.tags.get('ceph.encrypted', '0') == '1'
    dmcrypt_secret = None
    osd_id = osd_lv.tags['ceph.osd_id']
    conf.cluster = osd_lv.tags['ceph.cluster_name']
    osd_fsid = osd_lv.tags['ceph.osd_fsid']

    # mount on tmpfs the osd directory
    osd_path = '/var/lib/ceph/osd/%s-%s' % (conf.cluster, osd_id)
    if not system.path_is_mounted(osd_path):
        # mkdir -p and mount as tmpfs
        prepare_utils.create_osd_path(osd_id, tmpfs=True)
    # XXX This needs to be removed once ceph-bluestore-tool can deal with
    # symlinks that exist in the osd dir
    for link_name in ['block', 'block.db', 'block.wal']:
        link_path = os.path.join(osd_path, link_name)
        if os.path.exists(link_path):
            os.unlink(os.path.join(osd_path, link_name))
    # encryption is handled here, before priming the OSD dir
    if is_encrypted:
        osd_lv_path = '/dev/mapper/%s' % osd_lv.lv_uuid
        lockbox_secret = osd_lv.tags['ceph.cephx_lockbox_secret']
        encryption_utils.write_lockbox_keyring(osd_id, osd_fsid, lockbox_secret)
        dmcrypt_secret = encryption_utils.get_dmcrypt_key(osd_id, osd_fsid)
        encryption_utils.luks_open(dmcrypt_secret, osd_lv.lv_path, osd_lv.lv_uuid)
        osd_lv_path = osd_lv.lv_path

    db_device_path = get_osd_device_path(osd_lv, lvs, 'db', dmcrypt_secret=dmcrypt_secret)
    wal_device_path = get_osd_device_path(osd_lv, lvs, 'wal', dmcrypt_secret=dmcrypt_secret)

    # Once symlinks are removed, the osd dir can be 'primed again.
        'ceph-bluestore-tool', '--cluster=%s' % conf.cluster,
        'prime-osd-dir', '--dev', osd_lv_path,
        '--path', osd_path])
    # always re-do the symlink regardless if it exists, so that the block,
    # block.wal, and block.db devices that may have changed can be mapped
    # correctly every time
    process.run(['ln', '-snf', osd_lv_path, os.path.join(osd_path, 'block')])
    system.chown(os.path.join(osd_path, 'block'))
    if db_device_path:
        destination = os.path.join(osd_path, 'block.db')
        process.run(['ln', '-snf', db_device_path, destination])
    if wal_device_path:
        destination = os.path.join(osd_path, 'block.wal')
        process.run(['ln', '-snf', wal_device_path, destination])

    # enable the ceph-volume unit for this OSD
    systemctl.enable_volume(osd_id, osd_fsid, 'lvm')

    # start the OSD
    terminal.success("ceph-volume lvm activate successful for osd ID: %s" % osd_id)
def activate_bluestore(lvs):
    # find the osd
    osd_lv = lvs.get(lv_tags={'ceph.type': 'block'})
    osd_id = osd_lv.tags['ceph.osd_id']
    conf.cluster = osd_lv.tags['ceph.cluster_name']
    osd_fsid = osd_lv.tags['ceph.osd_fsid']
    db_device_path = get_osd_device_path(osd_lv, lvs, 'db')
    wal_device_path = get_osd_device_path(osd_lv, lvs, 'wal')

    # mount on tmpfs the osd directory
    osd_path = '/var/lib/ceph/osd/%s-%s' % (conf.cluster, osd_id)
    if not system.path_is_mounted(osd_path):
        # mkdir -p and mount as tmpfs
        prepare_utils.create_osd_path(osd_id, tmpfs=True)
    # XXX This needs to be removed once ceph-bluestore-tool can deal with
    # symlinks that exist in the osd dir
    for link_name in ['block', 'block.db', 'block.wal']:
        link_path = os.path.join(osd_path, link_name)
        if os.path.exists(link_path):
            os.unlink(os.path.join(osd_path, link_name))
    # Once symlinks are removed, the osd dir can be 'primed again.
        '--cluster=%s' % conf.cluster, 'prime-osd-dir', '--dev',
        osd_lv.lv_path, '--path', osd_path
    # always re-do the symlink regardless if it exists, so that the block,
    # block.wal, and block.db devices that may have changed can be mapped
    # correctly every time
        ['ln', '-snf', osd_lv.lv_path,
         os.path.join(osd_path, 'block')])
    system.chown(os.path.join(osd_path, 'block'))
    if db_device_path:
        destination = os.path.join(osd_path, 'block.db')
        process.run(['ln', '-snf', db_device_path, destination])
    if wal_device_path:
        destination = os.path.join(osd_path, 'block.wal')
        process.run(['ln', '-snf', wal_device_path, destination])

    # enable the ceph-volume unit for this OSD
    systemctl.enable_volume(osd_id, osd_fsid, 'lvm')

    # start the OSD
def activate_filestore(lvs):
    # find the osd
    osd_lv = lvs.get(lv_tags={'ceph.type': 'data'})
    if not osd_lv:
        raise RuntimeError('Unable to find a data LV for filestore activation')
    osd_id = osd_lv.tags['ceph.osd_id']
    conf.cluster = osd_lv.tags['ceph.cluster_name']
    # it may have a volume with a journal
    osd_journal_lv = lvs.get(lv_tags={'ceph.type': 'journal'})
    # TODO: add sensible error reporting if this is ever the case
    # blow up with a KeyError if this doesn't exist
    osd_fsid = osd_lv.tags['ceph.osd_fsid']
    if not osd_journal_lv:
        # must be a disk partition, by quering blkid by the uuid we are ensuring that the
        # device path is always correct
        osd_journal = disk.get_device_from_partuuid(
        osd_journal = osd_lv.tags['ceph.journal_device']

    if not osd_journal:
        raise RuntimeError(
            'unable to detect an lv or device journal for OSD %s' % osd_id)

    # mount the osd
    source = osd_lv.lv_path
    destination = '/var/lib/ceph/osd/%s-%s' % (conf.cluster, osd_id)
    if not system.device_is_mounted(source, destination=destination):
        process.run(['mount', '-v', source, destination])

    # always re-do the symlink regardless if it exists, so that the journal
    # device path that may have changed can be mapped correctly every time
    destination = '/var/lib/ceph/osd/%s-%s/journal' % (conf.cluster, osd_id)
    process.run(['ln', '-snf', osd_journal, destination])

    # make sure that the journal has proper permissions

    # enable the ceph-volume unit for this OSD
    systemctl.enable_volume(osd_id, osd_fsid, 'lvm')

    # start the OSD
    terminal.success("ceph-volume lvm activate successful for osd ID: %s" %
文件: activate.py 项目: rootfs/ceph
def activate_bluestore(lvs):
    # find the osd
    osd_lv = lvs.get(lv_tags={'ceph.type': 'block'})
    osd_id = osd_lv.tags['ceph.osd_id']
    conf.cluster = osd_lv.tags['ceph.cluster_name']
    osd_fsid = osd_lv.tags['ceph.osd_fsid']
    db_device_path = get_osd_device_path(osd_lv, lvs, 'db')
    wal_device_path = get_osd_device_path(osd_lv, lvs, 'wal')

    # mount on tmpfs the osd directory
    osd_path = '/var/lib/ceph/osd/%s-%s' % (conf.cluster, osd_id)
    if not system.path_is_mounted(osd_path):
        # mkdir -p and mount as tmpfs
        prepare_utils.create_osd_path(osd_id, tmpfs=True)
    # XXX This needs to be removed once ceph-bluestore-tool can deal with
    # symlinks that exist in the osd dir
    for link_name in ['block', 'block.db', 'block.wal']:
        link_path = os.path.join(osd_path, link_name)
        if os.path.exists(link_path):
            os.unlink(os.path.join(osd_path, link_name))
    # Once symlinks are removed, the osd dir can be 'primed again.
        'ceph-bluestore-tool', '--cluster=%s' % conf.cluster,
        'prime-osd-dir', '--dev', osd_lv.lv_path,
        '--path', osd_path])
    # always re-do the symlink regardless if it exists, so that the block,
    # block.wal, and block.db devices that may have changed can be mapped
    # correctly every time
    process.run(['ln', '-snf', osd_lv.lv_path, os.path.join(osd_path, 'block')])
    system.chown(os.path.join(osd_path, 'block'))
    if db_device_path:
        destination = os.path.join(osd_path, 'block.db')
        process.run(['ln', '-snf', db_device_path, destination])
    if wal_device_path:
        destination = os.path.join(osd_path, 'block.wal')
        process.run(['ln', '-snf', wal_device_path, destination])

    # enable the ceph-volume unit for this OSD
    systemctl.enable_volume(osd_id, osd_fsid, 'lvm')

    # start the OSD
def activate_bluestore(lvs):
    # find the osd
    osd_lv = lvs.get(lv_tags={'ceph.type': 'block'})
    osd_id = osd_lv.tags['ceph.osd_id']
    osd_fsid = osd_lv.tags['ceph.osd_fsid']
    db_device_path = get_osd_device_path(osd_lv, lvs, 'db')
    wal_device_path = get_osd_device_path(osd_lv, lvs, 'wal')

    # mount on tmpfs the osd directory
    osd_path = '/var/lib/ceph/osd/%s-%s' % (conf.cluster, osd_id)
    if not system.path_is_mounted(osd_path):
        # mkdir -p and mount as tmpfs
        prepare_utils.create_osd_path(osd_id, tmpfs=True)
        # if the osd dir was not mounted via tmpfs, it means that the files are
        # gone, so it needs to be 'primed' again. The command would otherwise
        # fail if the directory was already populated
            'sudo', 'ceph-bluestore-tool', 'prime-osd-dir', '--dev',
            osd_lv.lv_path, '--path', osd_path
    # always re-do the symlink regardless if it exists, so that the block,
    # block.wal, and block.db devices that may have changed can be mapped
    # correctly every time
        'sudo', 'ln', '-snf', osd_lv.lv_path,
        os.path.join(osd_path, 'block')
    system.chown(os.path.join(osd_path, 'block'))
    if db_device_path:
        destination = os.path.join(osd_path, 'block.db')
        process.run(['sudo', 'ln', '-snf', db_device_path, destination])
    if wal_device_path:
        destination = os.path.join(osd_path, 'block.wal')
        process.run(['sudo', 'ln', '-snf', wal_device_path, destination])

    # enable the ceph-volume unit for this OSD
    systemctl.enable_volume(osd_id, osd_fsid, 'lvm')

    # start the OSD
def activate_filestore(lvs):
    # find the osd
    osd_lv = lvs.get(lv_tags={'ceph.type': 'data'})
    if not osd_lv:
        raise RuntimeError('Unable to find a data LV for filestore activation')
    osd_id = osd_lv.tags['ceph.osd_id']
    conf.cluster = osd_lv.tags['ceph.cluster_name']
    # it may have a volume with a journal
    osd_journal_lv = lvs.get(lv_tags={'ceph.type': 'journal'})
    # TODO: add sensible error reporting if this is ever the case
    # blow up with a KeyError if this doesn't exist
    osd_fsid = osd_lv.tags['ceph.osd_fsid']
    if not osd_journal_lv:
        # must be a disk partition, by quering blkid by the uuid we are ensuring that the
        # device path is always correct
        osd_journal = disk.get_device_from_partuuid(osd_lv.tags['ceph.journal_uuid'])
        osd_journal = osd_lv.tags['ceph.journal_device']

    if not osd_journal:
        raise RuntimeError('unable to detect an lv or device journal for OSD %s' % osd_id)

    # mount the osd
    source = osd_lv.lv_path
    destination = '/var/lib/ceph/osd/%s-%s' % (conf.cluster, osd_id)
    if not system.device_is_mounted(source, destination=destination):
        process.run(['mount', '-v', source, destination])

    # always re-do the symlink regardless if it exists, so that the journal
    # device path that may have changed can be mapped correctly every time
    destination = '/var/lib/ceph/osd/%s-%s/journal' % (conf.cluster, osd_id)
    process.run(['ln', '-snf', osd_journal, destination])

    # make sure that the journal has proper permissions

    # enable the ceph-volume unit for this OSD
    systemctl.enable_volume(osd_id, osd_fsid, 'lvm')

    # start the OSD
    terminal.success("ceph-volume lvm activate successful for osd ID: %s" % osd_id)
def activate_filestore(lvs):
    # find the osd
    osd_lv = lvs.get(lv_tags={'ceph.type': 'data'})
    osd_id = osd_lv.tags['ceph.osd_id']
    # it may have a volume with a journal
    osd_journal_lv = lvs.get(lv_tags={'ceph.type': 'journal'})
    # TODO: add sensible error reporting if this is ever the case
    # blow up with a KeyError if this doesn't exist
    osd_fsid = osd_lv.tags['ceph.osd_fsid']
    if not osd_journal_lv:
        osd_journal = osd_lv.tags.get('ceph.journal_device')
        osd_journal = osd_journal.lv_path

    if not osd_journal:
        raise RuntimeError(
            'unable to detect an lv or device journal for OSD %s' % osd_id)

    # mount the osd
    source = osd_lv.lv_path
    destination = '/var/lib/ceph/osd/%s-%s' % (conf.cluster, osd_id)
    if not system.is_mounted(source, destination=destination):
        process.run(['sudo', 'mount', '-v', source, destination])

    # ensure that the symlink for the journal is there
    if not os.path.exists(osd_journal):
        source = osd_journal
        destination = '/var/lib/ceph/osd/%s-%s/journal' % (conf.cluster,
        process.run(['sudo', 'ln', '-s', source, destination])

    # make sure that the journal has proper permissions

    # enable the ceph-volume unit for this OSD
    systemctl.enable_volume(osd_id, osd_fsid, 'lvm')

    # start the OSD
文件: activate.py 项目: LenzGr/ceph
    def enable_systemd_units(self, osd_id, osd_fsid):
        * disables the ceph-disk systemd units to prevent them from running when
          a UDEV event matches Ceph rules
        * creates the ``simple`` systemd units to handle the activation and
          startup of the OSD with ``osd_id`` and ``osd_fsid``
        * enables the OSD systemd unit and finally starts the OSD.
        if not self.from_trigger and not self.skip_systemd:
            # means it was scanned and now activated directly, so ensure that
            # ceph-disk units are disabled, and that the `simple` systemd unit
            # is created and enabled

            # enable the ceph-volume unit for this OSD
            systemctl.enable_volume(osd_id, osd_fsid, 'simple')

            # disable any/all ceph-disk units
                ('All ceph-disk systemd units have been disabled to '
                 'prevent OSDs getting triggered by UDEV events')
            terminal.info('Skipping enabling of `simple` systemd unit')
            terminal.info('Skipping masking of ceph-disk systemd units')

        if not self.skip_systemd:
            # enable the OSD

            # start the OSD
                'Skipping enabling and starting OSD simple systemd unit because --no-systemd was used'
    def activate(self, args):
        with open(args.json_config, 'r') as fp:
            osd_metadata = json.load(fp)

        osd_id = osd_metadata.get('whoami', args.osd_id)
        osd_fsid = osd_metadata.get('fsid', args.osd_fsid)

        cluster_name = osd_metadata.get('cluster_name', 'ceph')
        osd_dir = '/var/lib/ceph/osd/%s-%s' % (cluster_name, osd_id)
        data_uuid = osd_metadata.get('data', {}).get('uuid')
        if not data_uuid:
            raise RuntimeError(
                'Unable to activate OSD %s - no "uuid" key found for data' % args.osd_id
        data_device = disk.get_device_from_partuuid(data_uuid)
        journal_device = disk.get_device_from_partuuid(osd_metadata.get('journal', {}).get('uuid'))
        block_device = disk.get_device_from_partuuid(osd_metadata.get('block', {}).get('uuid'))
        block_db_device = disk.get_device_from_partuuid(osd_metadata.get('block.db', {}).get('uuid'))
        block_wal_device = disk.get_device_from_partuuid(
            osd_metadata.get('block.wal', {}).get('uuid')

        if not system.device_is_mounted(data_device, destination=osd_dir):
            process.run(['mount', '-v', data_device, osd_dir])

        device_map = {
            'journal': journal_device,
            'block': block_device,
            'block.db': block_db_device,
            'block.wal': block_wal_device

        for name, device in device_map.items():
            if not device:
            # always re-do the symlink regardless if it exists, so that the journal
            # device path that may have changed can be mapped correctly every time
            destination = os.path.join(osd_dir, name)
            process.run(['ln', '-snf', device, destination])

            # make sure that the journal has proper permissions

        if not self.systemd:
            # enable the ceph-volume unit for this OSD
            systemctl.enable_volume(osd_id, osd_fsid, 'simple')

            # disable any/all ceph-disk units

        # enable the OSD

        # start the OSD

        terminal.success('Successfully activated OSD %s with FSID %s' % (osd_id, osd_fsid))
            ('All ceph-disk systemd units have been disabled to '
             'prevent OSDs getting triggered by UDEV events')
def activate_bluestore(osd_lvs, no_systemd=False, no_tmpfs=False):
    for lv in osd_lvs:
        if lv.tags.get('ceph.type') == 'block':
            osd_block_lv = lv
        raise RuntimeError('could not find a bluestore OSD to activate')

    is_encrypted = osd_block_lv.tags.get('ceph.encrypted', '0') == '1'
    dmcrypt_secret = None
    osd_id = osd_block_lv.tags['ceph.osd_id']
    conf.cluster = osd_block_lv.tags['ceph.cluster_name']
    osd_fsid = osd_block_lv.tags['ceph.osd_fsid']

    # mount on tmpfs the osd directory
    osd_path = '/var/lib/ceph/osd/%s-%s' % (conf.cluster, osd_id)
    if not system.path_is_mounted(osd_path):
        # mkdir -p and mount as tmpfs
        prepare_utils.create_osd_path(osd_id, tmpfs=not no_tmpfs)
    # XXX This needs to be removed once ceph-bluestore-tool can deal with
    # symlinks that exist in the osd dir
    for link_name in ['block', 'block.db', 'block.wal']:
        link_path = os.path.join(osd_path, link_name)
        if os.path.exists(link_path):
            os.unlink(os.path.join(osd_path, link_name))
    # encryption is handled here, before priming the OSD dir
    if is_encrypted:
        osd_lv_path = '/dev/mapper/%s' % osd_block_lv.lv_uuid
        lockbox_secret = osd_block_lv.tags['ceph.cephx_lockbox_secret']
        encryption_utils.write_lockbox_keyring(osd_id, osd_fsid,
        dmcrypt_secret = encryption_utils.get_dmcrypt_key(osd_id, osd_fsid)
        encryption_utils.luks_open(dmcrypt_secret, osd_block_lv.lv_path,
        osd_lv_path = osd_block_lv.lv_path

    db_device_path = get_osd_device_path(osd_lvs,
    wal_device_path = get_osd_device_path(osd_lvs,

    # Once symlinks are removed, the osd dir can be 'primed again. chown first,
    # regardless of what currently exists so that ``prime-osd-dir`` can succeed
    # even if permissions are somehow messed up
    prime_command = [
        '--cluster=%s' % conf.cluster, 'prime-osd-dir', '--dev', osd_lv_path,
        '--path', osd_path, '--no-mon-config'

    # always re-do the symlink regardless if it exists, so that the block,
    # block.wal, and block.db devices that may have changed can be mapped
    # correctly every time
    process.run(['ln', '-snf', osd_lv_path, os.path.join(osd_path, 'block')])
    system.chown(os.path.join(osd_path, 'block'))
    if db_device_path:
        destination = os.path.join(osd_path, 'block.db')
        process.run(['ln', '-snf', db_device_path, destination])
    if wal_device_path:
        destination = os.path.join(osd_path, 'block.wal')
        process.run(['ln', '-snf', wal_device_path, destination])

    if no_systemd is False:
        # enable the ceph-volume unit for this OSD
        systemctl.enable_volume(osd_id, osd_fsid, 'lvm')

        # enable the OSD

        # start the OSD
    terminal.success("ceph-volume lvm activate successful for osd ID: %s" %
    def activate(self, args):
        with open(args.json_config, 'r') as fp:
            osd_metadata = json.load(fp)

        # Make sure that required devices are configured

        osd_id = osd_metadata.get('whoami', args.osd_id)
        osd_fsid = osd_metadata.get('fsid', args.osd_fsid)
        data_uuid = osd_metadata.get('data', {}).get('uuid')
        conf.cluster = osd_metadata.get('cluster_name', 'ceph')
        if not data_uuid:
            raise RuntimeError(
                'Unable to activate OSD %s - no "uuid" key found for data' %

        # Encryption detection, and capturing of the keys to decrypt
        self.is_encrypted = osd_metadata.get('encrypted', False)
        self.encryption_type = osd_metadata.get('encryption_type')
        if self.is_encrypted:
            lockbox_secret = osd_metadata.get('lockbox.keyring')
            # write the keyring always so that we can unlock
            encryption_utils.write_lockbox_keyring(osd_id, osd_fsid,
            # Store the secret around so that the decrypt method can reuse
            raw_dmcrypt_secret = encryption_utils.get_dmcrypt_key(
                osd_id, osd_fsid)
            # Note how both these calls need b64decode. For some reason, the
            # way ceph-disk creates these keys, it stores them in the monitor
            # *undecoded*, requiring this decode call again. The lvm side of
            # encryption doesn't need it, so we are assuming here that anything
            # that `simple` scans, will come from ceph-disk and will need this
            # extra decode call here
            self.dmcrypt_secret = base64.b64decode(raw_dmcrypt_secret)

        cluster_name = osd_metadata.get('cluster_name', 'ceph')
        osd_dir = '/var/lib/ceph/osd/%s-%s' % (cluster_name, osd_id)

        # XXX there is no support for LVM here
        data_device = self.get_device(data_uuid)
        journal_device = self.get_device(
            osd_metadata.get('journal', {}).get('uuid'))
        block_device = self.get_device(
            osd_metadata.get('block', {}).get('uuid'))
        block_db_device = self.get_device(
            osd_metadata.get('block.db', {}).get('uuid'))
        block_wal_device = self.get_device(
            osd_metadata.get('block.wal', {}).get('uuid'))

        if not system.device_is_mounted(data_device, destination=osd_dir):
            process.run(['mount', '-v', data_device, osd_dir])

        device_map = {
            'journal': journal_device,
            'block': block_device,
            'block.db': block_db_device,
            'block.wal': block_wal_device

        for name, device in device_map.items():
            if not device:
            # always re-do the symlink regardless if it exists, so that the journal
            # device path that may have changed can be mapped correctly every time
            destination = os.path.join(osd_dir, name)
            process.run(['ln', '-snf', device, destination])

            # make sure that the journal has proper permissions

        if not self.systemd:
            # enable the ceph-volume unit for this OSD
            systemctl.enable_volume(osd_id, osd_fsid, 'simple')

            # disable any/all ceph-disk units

        # enable the OSD

        # start the OSD

        terminal.success('Successfully activated OSD %s with FSID %s' %
                         (osd_id, osd_fsid))
        terminal.warning(('All ceph-disk systemd units have been disabled to '
                          'prevent OSDs getting triggered by UDEV events'))
    def activate(self, args):
        with open(args.json_config, 'r') as fp:
            osd_metadata = json.load(fp)

        # Make sure that required devices are configured

        osd_id = osd_metadata.get('whoami', args.osd_id)
        osd_fsid = osd_metadata.get('fsid', args.osd_fsid)
        data_uuid = osd_metadata.get('data', {}).get('uuid')
        conf.cluster = osd_metadata.get('cluster_name', 'ceph')
        if not data_uuid:
            raise RuntimeError(
                'Unable to activate OSD %s - no "uuid" key found for data' % args.osd_id

        # Encryption detection, and capturing of the keys to decrypt
        self.is_encrypted = osd_metadata.get('encrypted', False)
        self.encryption_type = osd_metadata.get('encryption_type')
        if self.is_encrypted:
            lockbox_secret = osd_metadata.get('lockbox.keyring')
            # write the keyring always so that we can unlock
            encryption_utils.write_lockbox_keyring(osd_id, osd_fsid, lockbox_secret)
            # Store the secret around so that the decrypt method can reuse
            raw_dmcrypt_secret = encryption_utils.get_dmcrypt_key(osd_id, osd_fsid)
            # Note how both these calls need b64decode. For some reason, the
            # way ceph-disk creates these keys, it stores them in the monitor
            # *undecoded*, requiring this decode call again. The lvm side of
            # encryption doesn't need it, so we are assuming here that anything
            # that `simple` scans, will come from ceph-disk and will need this
            # extra decode call here
            self.dmcrypt_secret = base64.b64decode(raw_dmcrypt_secret)

        cluster_name = osd_metadata.get('cluster_name', 'ceph')
        osd_dir = '/var/lib/ceph/osd/%s-%s' % (cluster_name, osd_id)

        # XXX there is no support for LVM here
        data_device = self.get_device(data_uuid)
        journal_device = self.get_device(osd_metadata.get('journal', {}).get('uuid'))
        block_device = self.get_device(osd_metadata.get('block', {}).get('uuid'))
        block_db_device = self.get_device(osd_metadata.get('block.db', {}).get('uuid'))
        block_wal_device = self.get_device(osd_metadata.get('block.wal', {}).get('uuid'))

        if not system.device_is_mounted(data_device, destination=osd_dir):
            process.run(['mount', '-v', data_device, osd_dir])

        device_map = {
            'journal': journal_device,
            'block': block_device,
            'block.db': block_db_device,
            'block.wal': block_wal_device

        for name, device in device_map.items():
            if not device:
            # always re-do the symlink regardless if it exists, so that the journal
            # device path that may have changed can be mapped correctly every time
            destination = os.path.join(osd_dir, name)
            process.run(['ln', '-snf', device, destination])

            # make sure that the journal has proper permissions

        if not self.systemd:
            # enable the ceph-volume unit for this OSD
            systemctl.enable_volume(osd_id, osd_fsid, 'simple')

            # disable any/all ceph-disk units

        # enable the OSD

        # start the OSD

        terminal.success('Successfully activated OSD %s with FSID %s' % (osd_id, osd_fsid))
            ('All ceph-disk systemd units have been disabled to '
             'prevent OSDs getting triggered by UDEV events')
    def activate(self, args):
        with open(args.json_config, 'r') as fp:
            osd_metadata = json.load(fp)

        osd_id = osd_metadata.get('whoami', args.osd_id)
        osd_fsid = osd_metadata.get('fsid', args.osd_fsid)

        cluster_name = osd_metadata.get('cluster_name', 'ceph')
        osd_dir = '/var/lib/ceph/osd/%s-%s' % (cluster_name, osd_id)
        data_uuid = osd_metadata.get('data', {}).get('uuid')
        if not data_uuid:
            raise RuntimeError(
                'Unable to activate OSD %s - no "uuid" key found for data' % args.osd_id
        data_device = disk.get_device_from_partuuid(data_uuid)
        journal_device = disk.get_device_from_partuuid(osd_metadata.get('journal', {}).get('uuid'))
        block_device = disk.get_device_from_partuuid(osd_metadata.get('block', {}).get('uuid'))
        block_db_device = disk.get_device_from_partuuid(osd_metadata.get('block.db', {}).get('uuid'))
        block_wal_device = disk.get_device_from_partuuid(
            osd_metadata.get('block.wal', {}).get('uuid')

        if not system.device_is_mounted(data_device, destination=osd_dir):
            process.run(['sudo', 'mount', '-v', data_device, osd_dir])

        device_map = {
            'journal': journal_device,
            'block': block_device,
            'block.db': block_db_device,
            'block.wal': block_wal_device

        for name, device in device_map.items():
            if not device:
            # always re-do the symlink regardless if it exists, so that the journal
            # device path that may have changed can be mapped correctly every time
            destination = os.path.join(osd_dir, name)
            process.run(['sudo', 'ln', '-snf', device, destination])

            # make sure that the journal has proper permissions

        if not self.systemd:
            # enable the ceph-volume unit for this OSD
            systemctl.enable_volume(osd_id, osd_fsid, 'simple')

            # disable any/all ceph-disk units

        # enable the OSD

        # start the OSD

        if not self.systemd:
            terminal.success('Successfully activated OSD %s with FSID %s' % (osd_id, osd_fsid))
                ('All ceph-disk systemd units have been disabled to '
                 'prevent OSDs getting triggered by UDEV events')