def main(cfg): # Start cerberus print(pyfiglet.figlet_format("cerberus"))"Starting ceberus") # Parse and read the config if os.path.isfile(cfg): with open(cfg, 'r') as f: config = yaml.full_load(f) watch_nodes = config["cerberus"]["watch_nodes"] cerberus_publish_status = \ config["cerberus"]["cerberus_publish_status"] watch_namespaces = config["cerberus"]["watch_namespaces"] kubeconfig_path = config["cerberus"]["kubeconfig_path"] inspect_components = config["cerberus"]["inspect_components"] slack_integration = config["cerberus"]["slack_integration"] iterations = config["tunings"]["iterations"] sleep_time = config["tunings"]["sleep_time"] daemon_mode = config["tunings"]["daemon_mode"] # Initialize clients if not os.path.isfile(kubeconfig_path): kubeconfig_path = None"Initializing client to talk to the Kubernetes cluster") kubecli.initialize_clients(kubeconfig_path) if "openshift-sdn" in watch_namespaces: sdn_namespace = kubecli.check_sdn_namespace() watch_namespaces = [ w.replace('openshift-sdn', sdn_namespace) for w in watch_namespaces ] # Cluster info"Fetching cluster info") cluster_version = runcommand.invoke("kubectl get clusterversion") cluster_info = runcommand.invoke( "kubectl cluster-info | awk 'NR==1' | sed -r " "'s/\x1B\[([0-9]{1,3}(;[0-9]{1,2})?)?[mGK]//g'") # noqa"\n%s%s" % (cluster_version, cluster_info)) # Run http server using a separate thread # if cerberus is asked to publish the status. # It is served by the http server. if cerberus_publish_status: address = ("", 8080) server_address = address[0] port = address[1]"Publishing cerberus status at http://%s:%s" % (server_address, port)) server.start_server(address) # Create slack WebCleint when slack intergation has been enabled if slack_integration: try: slackcli.initialize_slack_client() except Exception as e: slack_integration = False logging.error( "Couldn't create slack WebClient. Check if slack env " "varaibles are set. Exception: %s" % (e))"Slack integration has been disabled.") # Remove 'inspect_data' directory if it exists. # 'inspect_data' directory is used to collect # logs, events and metrics of the failed component if os.path.isdir("inspect_data/"):"Deleting existing inspect_data directory") runcommand.invoke("rm -R inspect_data") # Initialize the start iteration to 0 iteration = 0 # Set the number of iterations to loop to infinity # if daemon mode is enabled # or else set it to the provided iterations count in the config if daemon_mode:"Daemon mode enabled, cerberus will monitor forever")"Ignoring the iterations set") iterations = float('inf') else: iterations = int(iterations) # Loop to run the components status checks starts here while (int(iteration) < iterations): iteration += 1 print("\n") if slack_integration: weekday = runcommand.invoke("date '+%A'")[:-1] cop_slack_member_ID = config["cerberus"]["cop_slack_ID"][ weekday] valid_cops = slackcli.get_channel_members()['members'] slack_team_alias = config["cerberus"]["slack_team_alias"] if cop_slack_member_ID in valid_cops: slack_tag = "<@" + cop_slack_member_ID + ">" elif slack_team_alias: slack_tag = "@" + slack_team_alias + " " else: slack_tag = "" if iteration == 1: if cop_slack_member_ID in valid_cops: slack_tag = "Hi " + slack_tag + "! The cop " \ "for " + weekday + "!\n" slackcli.post_message_in_slack( slack_tag + "Cerberus has started monitoring! " ":skull_and_crossbones: %s" % (cluster_info)) # Monitor nodes status if watch_nodes: watch_nodes_status, failed_nodes = kubecli.monitor_nodes()"Iteration %s: Node status: %s" % (iteration, watch_nodes_status)) else:"Cerberus is not monitoring nodes, " "so setting the status to True and " "assuming that the nodes are ready") watch_nodes_status = True # Monitor each component in the namespace # Set the initial cerberus_status failed_pods_components = {} cerberus_status = True for namespace in watch_namespaces: watch_component_status, failed_component_pods = \ kubecli.monitor_component(iteration, namespace) cerberus_status = cerberus_status and watch_component_status if not watch_component_status: failed_pods_components[namespace] = failed_component_pods # Check for the number of hits if cerberus_publish_status:"HTTP requests served: %s \n" % (server.SimpleHTTPRequestHandler.requests_served)) # Logging the failed components if not watch_nodes_status:"Failed nodes")"%s" % (failed_nodes)) if not cerberus_status:"Failed pods and components") for namespace, failures in failed_pods_components.items():"%s: %s \n", namespace, failures) if slack_integration: failed_namespaces = ", ".join( list(failed_pods_components.keys())) valid_cops = slackcli.get_channel_members()['members'] cerberus_report_path = runcommand.invoke( "pwd | tr -d '\n'") slackcli.post_message_in_slack( slack_tag + " %sIn iteration %d, cerberus " "found issues in namespaces: *%s*. Hence, " "setting the go/no-go signal to false. The " "full report is at *%s* on the host cerberus " "is running." % (cluster_info, iteration, failed_namespaces, cerberus_report_path)) if inspect_components: for namespace in failed_pods_components.keys(): dir_name = "inspect_data/" + namespace + "-logs" if os.path.isdir(dir_name): runcommand.invoke("rm -R " + dir_name)"Deleted existing %s directory" % (dir_name)) command_out = runcommand.invoke("oc adm inspect ns/" + namespace + " --dest" "-dir=" + dir_name) if cerberus_publish_status: publish_cerberus_status(cerberus_status) # Sleep for the specified duration"Sleeping for the " "specified duration: %s" % (sleep_time)) time.sleep(float(sleep_time)) else: "Completed watching for the specified number of iterations: %s" % (iterations)) else: logging.error("Could not find a config at %s, please check" % (cfg)) sys.exit(1)
def main(cfg): # Start cerberus print(pyfiglet.figlet_format("cerberus"))"Starting ceberus") # Parse and read the config if os.path.isfile(cfg): with open(cfg, "r") as f: config = yaml.full_load(f) distribution = config["cerberus"].get("distribution", "openshift").lower() kubeconfig_path = config["cerberus"].get("kubeconfig_path", "") port = config["cerberus"].get("port", 8080) watch_nodes = config["cerberus"].get("watch_nodes", False) watch_cluster_operators = config["cerberus"].get( "watch_cluster_operators", False) watch_namespaces = config["cerberus"].get("watch_namespaces", []) watch_url_routes = config["cerberus"].get("watch_url_routes", []) watch_master_schedulable = config["cerberus"].get( "watch_master_schedulable", {}) cerberus_publish_status = config["cerberus"].get( "cerberus_publish_status", False) inspect_components = config["cerberus"].get("inspect_components", False) slack_integration = config["cerberus"].get("slack_integration", False) prometheus_url = config["cerberus"].get("prometheus_url", "") prometheus_bearer_token = config["cerberus"].get( "prometheus_bearer_token", "") custom_checks = config["cerberus"].get("custom_checks", []) iterations = config["tunings"].get("iterations", 0) sleep_time = config["tunings"].get("sleep_time", 0) cmd_timeout = config["tunings"].get("timeout", 60) request_chunk_size = config["tunings"].get( "kube_api_request_chunk_size", 250) daemon_mode = config["tunings"].get("daemon_mode", False) cores_usage_percentage = config["tunings"].get( "cores_usage_percentage", 0.5) database_path = config["database"].get("database_path", "/tmp/cerberus.db") reuse_database = config["database"].get("reuse_database", False) # Initialize custom checks vars custom_checks_status = True custom_checks_fail_messages = [] # Initialize clients and set kube api request chunk size if not os.path.isfile(kubeconfig_path): kubeconfig_path = None"Initializing client to talk to the Kubernetes cluster") kubecli.initialize_clients(kubeconfig_path, request_chunk_size, cmd_timeout) if "openshift-sdn" in watch_namespaces: sdn_namespace = kubecli.check_sdn_namespace() watch_namespaces = [ namespace.replace("openshift-sdn", sdn_namespace) for namespace in watch_namespaces ] # Check if all the namespaces under watch_namespaces are valid watch_namespaces = kubecli.check_namespaces(watch_namespaces) # Cluster info"Fetching cluster info") if distribution == "openshift": oc_version = runcommand.optional_invoke("oc version")"oc version:\n%s" % oc_version) cluster_version = runcommand.optional_invoke( "oc get clusterversion")"oc get clusterversion:\n%s" % cluster_version) cluster_info = runcommand.invoke( "kubectl cluster-info | awk 'NR==1' | sed -r " "'s/\x1B\[([0-9]{1,3}(;[0-9]{1,2})?)?[mGK]//g'") # noqa"%s" % (cluster_info)) # Run http server using a separate thread if cerberus is asked # to publish the status. It is served by the http server. if cerberus_publish_status: if not 0 <= port <= 65535: "Using port 8080 as %s isn't a valid port number" % (port)) port = 8080 address = ("", port) server_address = address[0] port = address[1]"Publishing cerberus status at http://%s:%s" % (server_address, port)) server.start_server(address) dbcli.set_db_path(database_path) if not os.path.isfile(database_path) or not reuse_database: dbcli.create_db() dbcli.create_table() # Create slack WebCleint when slack intergation has been enabled if slack_integration: slack_integration = slackcli.initialize_slack_client() # Run inspection only when the distribution is openshift if distribution == "openshift" and inspect_components: "Detailed inspection of failed components has been enabled") inspect.delete_inspect_directory() # get list of all master nodes with provided labels in the config master_nodes = [] master_label = "" if watch_master_schedulable["enabled"]: master_label = watch_master_schedulable["label"] nodes = kubecli.list_nodes(master_label) if len(nodes) == 0: logging.error( "No master node found for the label %s. Please check master node config." % (master_label)) # noqa sys.exit(1) else: master_nodes.extend(nodes) # Use cluster_info to get the api server url api_server_url = cluster_info.split(" ")[-1].strip() + "/healthz" # Counter for if api server is not ok api_fail_count = 0 # Variables used for multiprocessing global pool pool = multiprocessing.Pool( int(cores_usage_percentage * multiprocessing.cpu_count()), init_worker) manager = multiprocessing.Manager() # Track time taken for different checks in each iteration global time_tracker time_tracker = {} # Initialize the start iteration to 0 iteration = 0 # Initialize the prometheus client promcli.initialize_prom_client(distribution, prometheus_url, prometheus_bearer_token) # Prometheus query to alert on high apiserver latencies apiserver_latency_query = r"""ALERTS{alertname="KubeAPILatencyHigh", severity="warning"}""" # Prometheus query to alert when etcd fync duration is high etcd_leader_changes_query = r"""ALERTS{alertname="etcdHighNumberOfLeaderChanges", severity="warning"}""" # noqa # Set the number of iterations to loop to infinity if daemon mode is # enabled or else set it to the provided iterations count in the config if daemon_mode:"Daemon mode enabled, cerberus will monitor forever")"Ignoring the iterations set\n") iterations = float("inf") else: iterations = int(iterations) # Loop to run the components status checks starts here while int(iteration) < iterations: try: # Initialize a dict to store the operations timings per iteration iter_track_time = manager.dict() # Capture the start time iteration_start_time = time.time() iteration += 1 # Read the config for info when slack integration is enabled if slack_integration: weekday = runcommand.invoke("date '+%A'")[:-1] watcher_slack_member_ID = config["cerberus"][ "watcher_slack_ID"].get(weekday, None) slack_team_alias = config["cerberus"].get( "slack_team_alias", None) slackcli.slack_tagging(watcher_slack_member_ID, slack_team_alias) if iteration == 1: slackcli.slack_report_cerberus_start( cluster_info, weekday, watcher_slack_member_ID) # Collect the initial creation_timestamp and restart_count of all the pods in all # the namespaces in watch_namespaces if iteration == 1: pods_tracker = manager.dict() pool.starmap(kubecli.namespace_sleep_tracker, zip(watch_namespaces, repeat(pods_tracker))) # Execute the functions to check api_server_status, master_schedulable_status, # watch_nodes, watch_cluster_operators parallely ( (server_status), (schedulable_masters), (watch_nodes_status, failed_nodes), (watch_cluster_operators_status, failed_operators), (failed_routes), ) = smap, [ functools.partial(kubecli.is_url_available, api_server_url), functools.partial(kubecli.process_master_taint, master_nodes, master_label, iteration, iter_track_time), functools.partial(kubecli.process_nodes, watch_nodes, iteration, iter_track_time), functools.partial( kubecli.process_cluster_operator, distribution, watch_cluster_operators, iteration, iter_track_time, ), functools.partial(kubecli.process_routes, watch_url_routes, iter_track_time), ], ) # Increment api_fail_count if api server url is not ok if not server_status: api_fail_count += 1 # Initialize a shared_memory of type dict to share data between different processes failed_pods_components = manager.dict() failed_pod_containers = manager.dict() # Monitor all the namespaces parallely watch_namespaces_start_time = time.time() pool.starmap( kubecli.process_namespace, zip( repeat(iteration), watch_namespaces, repeat(failed_pods_components), repeat(failed_pod_containers), ), ) watch_namespaces_status = False if failed_pods_components else True iter_track_time["watch_namespaces"] = time.time( ) - watch_namespaces_start_time # Check for the number of hits if cerberus_publish_status: "HTTP requests served: %s \n" % (server.SimpleHTTPRequestHandler.requests_served)) if schedulable_masters: logging.warning( "Iteration %s: Masters without NoSchedule taint: %s\n" % (iteration, schedulable_masters)) # Logging the failed components if not watch_nodes_status:"Iteration %s: Failed nodes" % (iteration))"%s\n" % (failed_nodes)) dbcli.insert(, time.time(), 1, "not ready", failed_nodes, "node") if not watch_cluster_operators_status:"Iteration %s: Failed operators" % (iteration))"%s\n" % (failed_operators)) dbcli.insert(, time.time(), 1, "degraded", failed_operators, "cluster operator") if not server_status: "Iteration %s: Api Server is not healthy as reported by %s\n" % (iteration, api_server_url)) dbcli.insert(, time.time(), 1, "unavailable", list(api_server_url), "api server") if not watch_namespaces_status:"Iteration %s: Failed pods and components" % (iteration)) for namespace, failures in failed_pods_components.items():"%s: %s", namespace, failures) for pod, containers in failed_pod_containers[ namespace].items():"Failed containers in %s: %s", pod, containers) component = namespace.split("-") if component[0] == "openshift": component = "-".join(component[1:]) else: component = "-".join(component) dbcli.insert(, time.time(), 1, "pod crash", failures, component)"") # Logging the failed checking of routes watch_routes_status = True if failed_routes: watch_routes_status = False"Iteration %s: Failed route monitoring" % iteration) for route in failed_routes:"Route url: %s" % route)"") dbcli.insert(, time.time(), 1, "unavailable", failed_routes, "route") # Aggregate the status and publish it cerberus_status = (watch_nodes_status and watch_namespaces_status and watch_cluster_operators_status and server_status and watch_routes_status) if distribution == "openshift": watch_csrs_start_time = time.time() csrs = kubecli.get_csrs() pending_csr = [] for csr in csrs["items"]: # find csr status if "conditions" in csr["status"]: if "Approved" not in csr["status"]["conditions"][ 0]["type"]: pending_csr.append(csr["metadata"]["name"]) else: pending_csr.append(csr["metadata"]["name"]) if pending_csr: logging.warning( "There are CSR's that are currently not approved") logging.warning("Csr's that are not approved: " + str(pending_csr)) iter_track_time["watch_csrs"] = time.time( ) - watch_csrs_start_time if custom_checks: if iteration == 1: custom_checks_imports = [] for check in custom_checks: my_check = ".".join( check.replace("/", ".").split(".")[:-1]) my_check_module = importlib.import_module(my_check) custom_checks_imports.append(my_check_module) custom_checks_fail_messages = [] custom_checks_status = True for check in custom_checks_imports: check_returns = check.main() if type(check_returns) == bool: custom_checks_status = custom_checks_status and check_returns elif type(check_returns) == dict: status = check_returns["status"] message = check_returns["message"] custom_checks_status = custom_checks_status and status custom_checks_fail_messages.append(message) cerberus_status = cerberus_status and custom_checks_status if cerberus_publish_status: publish_cerberus_status(cerberus_status) # Report failures in a slack channel if (not watch_nodes_status or not watch_namespaces_status or not watch_cluster_operators_status or not custom_checks_status): if slack_integration: slackcli.slack_logging( cluster_info, iteration, watch_nodes_status, failed_nodes, watch_cluster_operators_status, failed_operators, watch_namespaces_status, failed_pods_components, custom_checks_status, custom_checks_fail_messages, ) # Run inspection only when the distribution is openshift if distribution == "openshift" and inspect_components: # Collect detailed logs for all the namespaces with failed # components parallely, failed_pods_components.keys())"") elif distribution == "kubernetes" and inspect_components: "Skipping the failed components inspection as " "it's specific to OpenShift") # Alert on high latencies metrics = promcli.process_prom_query(apiserver_latency_query) if metrics: logging.warning( "Kubernetes API server latency is high. " "More than 99th percentile latency for given requests to the " "kube-apiserver is above 1 second.\n")"%s\n" % (metrics)) # Alert on high etcd fync duration metrics = promcli.process_prom_query(etcd_leader_changes_query) if metrics: logging.warning( "Observed increase in number of etcd leader elections over the last " "15 minutes. Frequent elections may be a sign of insufficient resources, " "high network latency, or disruptions by other components and should be " "investigated.\n")"%s\n" % (metrics)) # Sleep for the specified duration"Sleeping for the specified duration: %s\n" % (sleep_time)) time.sleep(float(sleep_time)) sleep_tracker_start_time = time.time() # Track pod crashes/restarts during the sleep interval in all namespaces parallely multiprocessed_output = pool.starmap( kubecli.namespace_sleep_tracker, zip(watch_namespaces, repeat(pods_tracker))) crashed_restarted_pods = {} for item in multiprocessed_output: crashed_restarted_pods.update(item) iter_track_time["sleep_tracker"] = time.time( ) - sleep_tracker_start_time if crashed_restarted_pods: "Pods that were crashed/restarted during the sleep interval of " "iteration %s" % (iteration)) for namespace, pods in crashed_restarted_pods.items(): distinct_pods = set(pod[0] for pod in pods)"%s: %s" % (namespace, distinct_pods)) component = namespace.split("-") if component[0] == "openshift": component = "-".join(component[1:]) else: component = "-".join(component) for pod in pods: if pod[1] == "crash": dbcli.insert(, time.time(), 1, "pod crash", [pod[0]], component) elif pod[1] == "restart": dbcli.insert(, time.time(), pod[2], "pod restart", [pod[0]], component)"") # Capture total time taken by the iteration iter_track_time["entire_iteration"] = ( time.time() - iteration_start_time) - sleep_time # noqa time_tracker["Iteration " + str(iteration)] = iter_track_time.copy() # Print the captured timing for each operation "-------------------------- Iteration Stats ---------------------------" ) # noqa for operation, timing in iter_track_time.items(): "Time taken to run %s in iteration %s: %s seconds" % (operation, iteration, timing)) "----------------------------------------------------------------------\n" ) # noqa except KeyboardInterrupt: pool.terminate() pool.join()"Terminating cerberus monitoring") record_time(time_tracker) sys.exit(1) except Exception as e: "Encountered issues in cluster. Hence, setting the go/no-go " "signal to false")"Exception: %s\n" % (e)) if cerberus_publish_status: publish_cerberus_status(False) continue else: "Completed watching for the specified number of iterations: %s" % (iterations)) record_time(time_tracker) pool.close() pool.join() else: logging.error("Could not find a config at %s, please check" % (cfg)) sys.exit(1)
def main(cfg): # Start cerberus print(pyfiglet.figlet_format("cerberus"))"Starting ceberus") # Parse and read the config if os.path.isfile(cfg): with open(cfg, 'r') as f: config = yaml.full_load(f) distribution = config["cerberus"].get("distribution", "openshift").lower() kubeconfig_path = config["cerberus"].get("kubeconfig_path", "") watch_nodes = config["cerberus"].get("watch_nodes", False) watch_cluster_operators = config["cerberus"].get( "watch_cluster_operators", False) watch_namespaces = config["cerberus"].get("watch_namespaces", []) watch_url_routes = config["cerberus"].get("watch_url_routes", []) cerberus_publish_status = config["cerberus"].get( "cerberus_publish_status", False) inspect_components = config["cerberus"].get("inspect_components", False) slack_integration = config["cerberus"].get("slack_integration", False) prometheus_url = config["cerberus"].get("prometheus_url", "") prometheus_bearer_token = config["cerberus"].get( "prometheus_bearer_token", "") iterations = config["tunings"].get("iterations", 0) sleep_time = config["tunings"].get("sleep_time", 0) daemon_mode = config["tunings"].get("daemon_mode", False) # Initialize clients if not os.path.isfile(kubeconfig_path): kubeconfig_path = None"Initializing client to talk to the Kubernetes cluster") kubecli.initialize_clients(kubeconfig_path) if "openshift-sdn" in watch_namespaces: sdn_namespace = kubecli.check_sdn_namespace() watch_namespaces = [ namespace.replace('openshift-sdn', sdn_namespace) for namespace in watch_namespaces ] # Cluster info"Fetching cluster info") if distribution == "openshift": cluster_version = runcommand.invoke("kubectl get clusterversion")"\n%s" % (cluster_version)) cluster_info = runcommand.invoke( "kubectl cluster-info | awk 'NR==1' | sed -r " "'s/\x1B\[([0-9]{1,3}(;[0-9]{1,2})?)?[mGK]//g'") # noqa"%s" % (cluster_info)) # Run http server using a separate thread if cerberus is asked # to publish the status. It is served by the http server. if cerberus_publish_status: address = ("", 8080) server_address = address[0] port = address[1]"Publishing cerberus status at http://%s:%s" % (server_address, port)) server.start_server(address) # Create slack WebCleint when slack intergation has been enabled if slack_integration: slack_integration = slackcli.initialize_slack_client() # Run inspection only when the distribution is openshift if distribution == "openshift" and inspect_components: "Detailed inspection of failed components has been enabled") inspect.delete_inspect_directory() # get list of all master nodes to verify scheduling master_nodes = kubecli.list_nodes("") # Use cluster_info to get the api server url api_server_url = cluster_info.split(" ")[-1].strip() + "/healthz" # Counter for if api server is not ok api_fail_count = 0 # Initialize the start iteration to 0 iteration = 0 # Set the number of iterations to loop to infinity if daemon mode is # enabled or else set it to the provided iterations count in the config if daemon_mode:"Daemon mode enabled, cerberus will monitor forever")"Ignoring the iterations set\n") iterations = float('inf') else: iterations = int(iterations) # Loop to run the components status checks starts here while (int(iteration) < iterations): # Initialize a dict to store the operations timings per iteration iter_track_time = {} # Capture the start time iteration_start_time = time.time() iteration += 1 # Read the config for info when slack integration is enabled if slack_integration: weekday = runcommand.invoke("date '+%A'")[:-1] cop_slack_member_ID = config["cerberus"]["cop_slack_ID"].get( weekday, None) slack_team_alias = config["cerberus"].get( "slack_team_alias", None) slackcli.slack_tagging(cop_slack_member_ID, slack_team_alias) if iteration == 1: slackcli.slack_report_cerberus_start( cluster_info, weekday, cop_slack_member_ID) # Check if api server url is ok server_status = kubecli.is_url_available(api_server_url) if not server_status: api_fail_count += 1 # Check for NoSchedule taint in all the master nodes once in every 10 iterations if iteration % 10 == 1: check_taint_start_time = time.time() schedulable_masters = kubecli.check_master_taint(master_nodes) iter_track_time['check_master_taint'] = time.time( ) - check_taint_start_time if schedulable_masters: logging.warning( "Iteration %s: Masters without NoSchedule taint: %s\n" % (iteration, schedulable_masters)) # Monitor nodes status if watch_nodes: watch_nodes_start_time = time.time() watch_nodes_status, failed_nodes = kubecli.monitor_nodes() iter_track_time['watch_nodes'] = time.time( ) - watch_nodes_start_time"Iteration %s: Node status: %s" % (iteration, watch_nodes_status)) else: "Cerberus is not monitoring nodes, so setting the status " "to True and assuming that the nodes are ready") watch_nodes_status = True # Monitor cluster operators status if distribution == "openshift" and watch_cluster_operators: watch_co_start_time = time.time() status_yaml = kubecli.get_cluster_operators() watch_cluster_operators_status, failed_operators = \ kubecli.monitor_cluster_operator(status_yaml) iter_track_time['watch_cluster_operators'] = time.time( ) - watch_co_start_time"Iteration %s: Cluster Operator status: %s" % (iteration, watch_cluster_operators_status)) else: watch_cluster_operators_status = True if iteration == 1: for namespace in watch_namespaces: kubecli.namespace_sleep_tracker(namespace) failed_pods_components = {} failed_pod_containers = {} watch_namespaces_status = True # Monitor each component in the namespace watch_namespaces_start_time = time.time() for namespace in watch_namespaces: watch_component_status, failed_component_pods, failed_containers = \ kubecli.monitor_namespace(namespace)"Iteration %s: %s: %s" % (iteration, namespace, watch_component_status)) watch_namespaces_status = watch_namespaces_status and watch_component_status if not watch_component_status: failed_pods_components[namespace] = failed_component_pods failed_pod_containers[namespace] = failed_containers iter_track_time['watch_namespaces'] = time.time( ) - watch_namespaces_start_time failed_routes = [] if watch_url_routes: watch_routes_start_time = time.time() for route_info in watch_url_routes: # Might need to get different authorization types here header = {'Accept': 'application/json'} if len(route_info) > 1: header['Authorization'] = route_info[1] route_status = kubecli.is_url_available( route_info[0], header) if not route_status: failed_routes.append(route_info[0]) iter_track_time['watch_routes'] = time.time( ) - watch_routes_start_time # Check for the number of hits if cerberus_publish_status:"HTTP requests served: %s \n" % (server.SimpleHTTPRequestHandler.requests_served)) # Logging the failed components if not watch_nodes_status:"Iteration %s: Failed nodes" % (iteration))"%s\n" % (failed_nodes)) if not watch_cluster_operators_status:"Iteration %s: Failed operators" % (iteration))"%s\n" % (failed_operators)) if not server_status:"Api Server is not healthy as reported by %s" % (api_server_url)) if not watch_namespaces_status:"Iteration %s: Failed pods and components" % (iteration)) for namespace, failures in failed_pods_components.items():"%s: %s", namespace, failures) for pod, containers in failed_pod_containers[ namespace].items():"Failed containers in %s: %s", pod, containers)"") # Logging the failed checking of routes if failed_routes:"Iteration %s: Failed route monitoring" % iteration) for route in failed_routes:"Route url: %s" % route)"") # Report failures in a slack channel if not watch_nodes_status or not watch_namespaces_status or \ not watch_cluster_operators_status: if slack_integration: slackcli.slack_logging(cluster_info, iteration, watch_nodes_status, failed_nodes, watch_cluster_operators_status, failed_operators, watch_namespaces_status, failed_pods_components) # Run inspection only when the distribution is openshift if distribution == "openshift" and inspect_components: inspect.inspect_components(failed_pods_components) elif distribution == "kubernetes" and inspect_components:"Skipping the failed components inspection as " "it's specific to OpenShift") # Aggregate the status and publish it cerberus_status = watch_nodes_status and watch_namespaces_status \ and watch_cluster_operators_status and server_status if cerberus_publish_status: publish_cerberus_status(cerberus_status) # Alert on high latencies # Intialize prometheus client if distribution == "openshift" and not prometheus_url: url = runcommand.invoke( r"""oc get routes -n openshift-monitoring -o=jsonpath='{.items[?("prometheus-k8s")]}'""" ) # noqa prometheus_url = "https://" + url if distribution == "openshift" and not prometheus_bearer_token: prometheus_bearer_token = runcommand.invoke( "oc -n openshift-monitoring sa get-token prometheus-k8s" ) # noqa if prometheus_url and prometheus_bearer_token: promcli.initialize_prom_client(prometheus_url, prometheus_bearer_token) # Check for high latency alerts query = r"""ALERTS{alertname="KubeAPILatencyHigh", severity="warning"}""" metrics = promcli.get_metrics(query) if metrics: logging.warning( "Kubernetes API server latency is high. " "More than 99th percentile latency for given requests to the kube-apiserver is above 1 second.\n" ) # noqa"%s\n" % (metrics)) else: "Skipping the alerts check as the prometheus url and bearer token are not provided\n" ) # noqa # Sleep for the specified duration"Sleeping for the specified duration: %s\n" % (sleep_time)) time.sleep(float(sleep_time)) crashed_restarted_pods = defaultdict(list) for namespace in watch_namespaces: crashed_restarted_pods.update( kubecli.namespace_sleep_tracker(namespace)) if crashed_restarted_pods: "Pods that were crashed/restarted during the sleep interval of " "iteration %s" % (iteration)) for namespace, pods in crashed_restarted_pods.items():"%s: %s" % (namespace, pods))"") # Capture total time taken by the iteration iter_track_time['entire_iteration'] = ( time.time() - iteration_start_time) - sleep_time # noqa # Print the captured timing for each operation "-------------------------- Iteration Stats ---------------------------" ) for operation, timing in iter_track_time.items(): "Time taken to run %s in iteration %s: %s seconds" % (operation, iteration, timing)) "----------------------------------------------------------------------\n" ) else: "Completed watching for the specified number of iterations: %s" % (iterations)) else: logging.error("Could not find a config at %s, please check" % (cfg)) sys.exit(1)