def test_dump_as_file(self): with open(util.get_data_filename('nginx.conf')) as handle: parsed = load(handle) parsed[-1][-1].append(UnspacedList([['server'], [['listen', ' ', '443 ssl'], ['server_name', ' ', 'localhost'], ['ssl_certificate', ' ', 'cert.pem'], ['ssl_certificate_key', ' ', 'cert.key'], ['ssl_session_cache', ' ', 'shared:SSL:1m'], ['ssl_session_timeout', ' ', '5m'], ['ssl_ciphers', ' ', 'HIGH:!aNULL:!MD5'], [['location', ' ', '/'], [['root', ' ', 'html'], ['index', ' ', 'index.html index.htm']]]]])) with open(util.get_data_filename(''), 'w') as handle: dump(parsed, handle) with open(util.get_data_filename('')) as handle: parsed_new = load(handle) try: self.maxDiff = None self.assertEqual(parsed[0], parsed_new[0]) self.assertEqual(parsed[1:], parsed_new[1:]) finally: os.unlink(util.get_data_filename(''))
def test_comments(self): with open(util.get_data_filename('minimalistic_comments.conf')) as handle: parsed = load(handle) with open(util.get_data_filename(''), 'w') as handle: dump(parsed, handle) with open(util.get_data_filename('')) as handle: parsed_new = load(handle) try: self.assertEqual(parsed, parsed_new) self.assertEqual(parsed_new, [ ['#', " Use bar.conf when it's a full moon!"], ['include', 'foo.conf'], ['#', ' Kilroy was here'], ['check_status'], [['server'], [['#', ''], ['#', " Don't forget to open up your firewall!"], ['#', ''], ['listen', '1234'], ['#', ' listen 80;']]], ]) finally: os.unlink(util.get_data_filename(''))
def _parse_files(self, filepath, override=False): """Parse files from a glob :param str filepath: Nginx config file path :param bool override: Whether to parse a file that has been parsed :returns: list of parsed tree structures :rtype: list """ files = glob.glob(filepath) # nginx on unix calls glob(3) for this # XXX Windows nginx uses FindFirstFile, and # should have a narrower call here trees = [] for item in files: if item in self.parsed and not override: continue try: with open(item) as _file: parsed = nginxparser.load(_file) self.parsed[item] = parsed trees.append(parsed) except IOError: logger.warn("Could not open file: %s", item) except pyparsing.ParseException: logger.debug("Could not parse file: %s", item) return trees
def _parse_files(self, filepath, override=False): """Parse files from a glob :param str filepath: Nginx config file path :param bool override: Whether to parse a file that has been parsed :returns: list of parsed tree structures :rtype: list """ files = glob.glob(filepath) # nginx on unix calls glob(3) for this # XXX Windows nginx uses FindFirstFile, and # should have a narrower call here trees = [] for item in files: if item in self.parsed and not override: continue try: with open(item) as _file: parsed = nginxparser.load(_file) self.parsed[item] = parsed trees.append(parsed) except IOError: logger.warning("Could not open file: %s", item) except pyparsing.ParseException as err: logger.debug("Could not parse file: %s due to %s", item, err) return trees
def _parse_ssl_options(ssl_options): if ssl_options is not None: try: with open(ssl_options) as _file: return nginxparser.load(_file) except IOError: logger.warn("Missing NGINX TLS options file: %s", ssl_options) except pyparsing.ParseBaseException as err: logger.debug("Could not parse file: %s due to %s", ssl_options, err) return []
def test_dump_as_file(self): with open(util.get_data_filename('nginx.conf')) as handle: parsed = load(handle) parsed[-1][-1].append(UnspacedList([['server'], [['listen', ' ', '443 ssl'], ['server_name', ' ', 'localhost'], ['ssl_certificate', ' ', 'cert.pem'], ['ssl_certificate_key', ' ', 'cert.key'], ['ssl_session_cache', ' ', 'shared:SSL:1m'], ['ssl_session_timeout', ' ', '5m'], ['ssl_ciphers', ' ', 'HIGH:!aNULL:!MD5'], [['location', ' ', '/'], [['root', ' ', 'html'], ['index', ' ', 'index.html index.htm']]]]])) with tempfile.TemporaryFile() as f: dump(parsed, f) parsed_new = load(f) self.assertEqual(parsed, parsed_new)
def test_dump_as_file(self): with open(util.get_data_filename('nginx.conf')) as handle: parsed = load(handle) parsed[-1][-1].append(UnspacedList([['server'], [['listen', ' ', '443', ' ', 'ssl'], ['server_name', ' ', 'localhost'], ['ssl_certificate', ' ', 'cert.pem'], ['ssl_certificate_key', ' ', 'cert.key'], ['ssl_session_cache', ' ', 'shared:SSL:1m'], ['ssl_session_timeout', ' ', '5m'], ['ssl_ciphers', ' ', 'HIGH:!aNULL:!MD5'], [['location', ' ', '/'], [['root', ' ', 'html'], ['index', ' ', 'index.html', ' ', 'index.htm']]]]])) with tempfile.TemporaryFile(mode='w+t') as f: dump(parsed, f) parsed_new = load(f) self.assertEqual(parsed, parsed_new)
def test_dump_as_file(self): with open(util.get_data_filename('nginx.conf')) as handle: parsed = util.filter_comments(load(handle)) parsed[-1][-1].append([['server'], [['listen', '443 ssl'], ['server_name', 'localhost'], ['ssl_certificate', 'cert.pem'], ['ssl_certificate_key', 'cert.key'], ['ssl_session_cache', 'shared:SSL:1m'], ['ssl_session_timeout', '5m'], ['ssl_ciphers', 'HIGH:!aNULL:!MD5'], [['location', '/'], [['root', 'html'], ['index', 'index.html index.htm']]]]]) with open(util.get_data_filename(''), 'w') as handle: dump(parsed, handle) with open(util.get_data_filename('')) as handle: parsed_new = util.filter_comments(load(handle)) self.assertEquals(parsed, parsed_new)
def test_comments(self): with open(util.get_data_filename( 'minimalistic_comments.conf')) as handle: parsed = load(handle) with tempfile.TemporaryFile() as f: dump(parsed, f) parsed_new = load(f) self.assertEqual(parsed, parsed_new) self.assertEqual(parsed_new, [ ['#', " Use bar.conf when it's a full moon!"], ['include', 'foo.conf'], ['#', ' Kilroy was here'], ['check_status'], [['server'], [['#', ''], ['#', " Don't forget to open up your firewall!"], ['#', ''], ['listen', '1234'], ['#', ' listen 80;']]], ])
def test_comments(self): with open(util.get_data_filename('minimalistic_comments.conf')) as handle: parsed = load(handle) with tempfile.TemporaryFile() as f: dump(parsed, f) parsed_new = load(f) self.assertEqual(parsed, parsed_new) self.assertEqual(parsed_new, [ ['#', " Use bar.conf when it's a full moon!"], ['include', 'foo.conf'], ['#', ' Kilroy was here'], ['check_status'], [['server'], [['#', ''], ['#', " Don't forget to open up your firewall!"], ['#', ''], ['listen', '1234'], ['#', ' listen 80;']]], ])
def test_parse_from_file3(self): with open(util.get_data_filename('multiline_quotes.conf')) as handle: parsed = util.filter_comments(load(handle)) self.assertEqual( parsed, [[['http'], [[['server'], [['listen', '*:443'], [['location', '/'], [['body_filter_by_lua', '\'ngx.ctx.buffered = (ngx.ctx.buffered or "")' ' .. string.sub(ngx.arg[1], 1, 1000)\n' ' ' 'if ngx.arg[2] then\n' ' ' 'ngx.var.resp_body = ngx.ctx.buffered\n' ' end\'']]]]]]]])
def test_parse_from_file2(self): with open(util.get_data_filename('edge_cases.conf')) as handle: parsed = util.filter_comments(load(handle)) self.assertEqual( parsed, [[['server'], [['server_name', 'simple']]], [['server'], [['server_name', 'with.if'], [['location', '~', '^/services/.+$'], [[['if', '($request_filename ~* \\.(ttf|woff)$)'], [['add_header', 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin "*"']]]]]]], [['server'], [['server_name', 'with.complicated.headers'], [['location', '~*', '\\.(?:gif|jpe?g|png)$'], [['add_header', 'Pragma public'], ['add_header', 'Cache-Control \'public, must-revalidate, proxy-revalidate\'' ' "test,;{}" foo'], ['blah', '"hello;world"'], ['try_files', '$uri @rewrites']]]]]])
def test_parse_from_file(self): with open(util.get_data_filename('foo.conf')) as handle: parsed = util.filter_comments(load(handle)) self.assertEqual( parsed, [['user', 'www-data'], [['http'], [[['server'], [['listen', '*:80 default_server ssl'], ['server_name', '* *'], ['root', '/home/ubuntu/sites/foo/'], [['location', '/status'], [ [['types'], [['image/jpeg', 'jpg']]], ]], [['location', '~', r'case_sensitive\.php$'], [ ['index', 'index.php'], ['root', '/var/root'], ]], [['location', '~*', r'case_insensitive\.php$'], []], [['location', '=', r'exact_match\.php$'], []], [['location', '^~', r'ignore_regex\.php$'], []]]]]]])
def test_parse_from_file(self): with open(util.get_data_filename('foo.conf')) as handle: parsed = util.filter_comments(load(handle)) self.assertEqual( parsed, [['user', 'www-data'], [['http'], [[['server'], [ ['listen', '*:80 default_server ssl'], ['server_name', '* *'], ['root', '/home/ubuntu/sites/foo/'], [['location', '/status'], [ [['types'], [['image/jpeg', 'jpg']]], ]], [['location', '~', r'case_sensitive\.php$'], [ ['index', 'index.php'], ['root', '/var/root'], ]], [['location', '~*', r'case_insensitive\.php$'], []], [['location', '=', r'exact_match\.php$'], []], [['location', '^~', r'ignore_regex\.php$'], []] ]]]]] )
def _parse_files(self, filepath, override=False): """Parse files from a glob :param str filepath: Nginx config file path :param bool override: Whether to parse a file that has been parsed :returns: list of parsed tree structures :rtype: list """ files = glob.glob(filepath) trees = [] for item in files: if item in self.parsed and not override: continue try: with open(item) as _file: parsed = nginxparser.load(_file) self.parsed[item] = parsed trees.append(parsed) except IOError: logger.warn("Could not open file: %s", item) except pyparsing.ParseException: logger.debug("Could not parse file: %s", item) return trees