def register(user_id=1, email: str = None, server: str = None, rsa_key=None,
             organization: str = None,
             organizational_unit: str = None,
             country: str = None,
             state: str = None,
             location: str = None):

    email = email if email else config.CERTIFIRE_EMAIL
    server = server if server else config.LETS_ENCRYPT_PRODUCTION
    organization = organization if organization else config.CERTIFIRE_ORGANIZATION
    organizational_unit = organizational_unit if organizational_unit else config.CERTIFIRE_ORGANIZATIONAL_UNIT
    country = country if country else config.CERTIFIRE_COUNTRY
    state = state if state else config.CERTIFIRE_STATE
    location = location if location else config.CERTIFIRE_LOCATION

    check = database.get_all(Account, email, 'email')
    for act in check:
        if email == act.email and server == act.server and user_id == act.user_id:
            print("Account {} exists for given email {}.".format(act.uri, email))
            return False, act.id

    acme = AcmeDnsHandler()
    account = acme.setup_acme_account(user_id, email, server, rsa_key,
                                      organization, organizational_unit, country, state, location)
    print("Account {} created for given email {}.".format(
        account.uri, account.email))
    return True, account.id
def deregister(user_id:int, account_id: int):
    account = Account.query.get(account_id)
    if account.user_id != user_id:
        print("This account does not belong to this user")
        return False, account_id
    print("Deleting ACME account and revoking all certificates associated with it")
    orders = database.get_all(Order, account_id, 'account_id')
    for order in orders:
        if order.resolved_cert_id:
            revoke_certificate(account_id, order.resolved_cert_id)
    print("Deregistering acme account with email: {}".format(account.email))
    acme = AcmeDnsHandler(account.id)
    if acme.deregister_acme_account():
    return True, account_id
def get_all_destinations():
    data = {}
    dests = database.get_all(Destination, g.user.id, 'user_id')
    for dest in dests:
        data[dest.id] = json.loads(dest.json)
    return jsonify(data)
def get_all_acme_account():
    data = {}
    accounts = database.get_all(Account, g.user.id, 'user_id')
    for act in accounts:
        data[act.id] = json.loads(act.json)
    return jsonify(data)
def get_all_certificates():
    data = {}
    certs = database.get_all(Certificate, g.user.id, 'user_id')
    for cert in certs:
        data[cert.id] = json.loads(cert.json)
    return jsonify(data)
def get_all_orders():
    data = {}
    orders = database.get_all(Order, g.user.id, 'user_id')
    for order in orders:
        data[order.id] = json.loads(order.json)
    return jsonify(data)
def create_order(account_id: int,
                 destination_id: int = None,
                 domains: list = None,
                 type: str = None,
                 provider: str = None,
                 email: str = None,
                 organization: str = None,
                 organizational_unit: str = None,
                 country: str = None,
                 state: str = None,
                 location: str = None,
                 reissue: bool = False,
                 csr: str = None,
                 key: str = None):

    account = Account.query.get(account_id)
    if not account:
        print("Account {} not found".format(account_id))
        return False, 0

    type = type if type else config.DEFAULT_AUTH_TYPE
    provider = provider if provider else config.DEFAULT_DNS
    email = email if email else account.email
    organization = organization if organization else account.organization
    organizational_unit = organizational_unit if organizational_unit else account.organizational_unit
    country = country if country else account.country
    state = state if state else account.state
    location = location if location else account.location

    if type == 'dns':
        if provider not in config.VALID_DNS_PROVIDERS:
            print("Invalid DNS Provider")
            return False, 0
        acme = AcmeDnsHandler(account.id)
    if type == 'sftp':
        acme = AcmeHttpHandler(account.id)

    if not domains:
        if not destination_id:
            print("No domains or destinations provided")
            return False, 0
        destination_db = Destination.query.get(destination_id)
        domains = [destination_db.host]
        if destination_id:
            destination_db = Destination.query.get(destination_id)
            if destination_db.host not in domains:
                domains = [destination_db.host] + domains

    domains_hash = hashlib.sha256(
    check = database.get_all(Order, domains_hash, 'hash')
    for order in check:
        if order.email == email and order.type == type and order.account_id == account.id:
            print("Order {} exists for given email: {} and account_id: {}.".format(
                order.uri, email, account.id))
            #acme_order = acme.create_order(order.csr, order.provider, order.id)
            AppContextThread(target=acme.create_order, args=(
                order.csr, order.provider, order.id, destination_id, reissue)).start()
            return False, order.id

    if not csr or key:
        csr, key = acme.generate_csr(
            domains, email, organization, organizational_unit, country, state, location)

    order = Order(destination_id, domains, type, provider, account.id, account.user_id, domains_hash,
                  csr, key, email, organization, organizational_unit, country, state, location)

    #acme_order = acme.create_order(csr, provider, order.id)
    AppContextThread(target=acme.create_order, args=(
        csr, provider, order.id, destination_id)).start()
    return True, order.id