    def test_grad_for_E(self):

        print('\ttesting E fields in FDTD (forward mode)')

        F = fdtd(self.eps_r, dL=self.dL, npml=self.pml)

        def objective(c):

            F = fdtd(c * self.eps_r, dL=self.dL, npml=self.pml)

            S = 0.0
            for t_index in range(self.steps):
                fields = F.forward(Jx=self.gaussian(t_index))
                S += fields['Ex'] + fields['Ey'] + fields['Ez']
            return S

        c0 = 2.0
        jac_autograd_for = jacobian(objective, mode='forward')(c0)
        jac_numerical = jacobian(objective, mode='numerical', step_size=DEPS)(c0)

        if VERBOSE:
            print('\tobjective function value: ', objective(self.eps_arr))
            print('\tjacobian (auto):  \n\t\t', jac_autograd_for)
            print('\tjacobian (num):   \n\t\t', jac_numerical)

        self.check_gradient_error(jac_numerical, jac_autograd_for)
    def test_Hz_reverse(self):

        print('\ttesting reverse-mode Hz in FDFD')

        f = fdfd_hz(self.omega, self.dL, self.eps_r, self.pml)

        def J_fdfd(eps_arr):

            eps_r = eps_arr.reshape((self.Nx, self.Ny))

            # set the permittivity
            f.eps_r = eps_r

            # set the source amplitude to the permittivity at that point
            Ex, Ey, Hz = f.solve(eps_r * self.source_hz, iterative=True)

            return npa.sum(npa.square(npa.abs(Hz))) \
                 + npa.sum(npa.square(npa.abs(Ex))) \
                 + npa.sum(npa.square(npa.abs(Ey)))

        grad_autograd_rev = jacobian(J_fdfd, mode='reverse')(self.eps_arr)
        grad_numerical = jacobian(J_fdfd, mode='numerical')(self.eps_arr)

        if VERBOSE:
            print('\tobjective function value: ', J_fdfd(self.eps_arr))
            print('\tgrad (auto):  \n\t\t', grad_autograd_rev)
            print('\tgrad (num):   \n\t\t\n', grad_numerical)

        self.check_gradient_error(grad_numerical, grad_autograd_rev)
    def test_Ez_forward(self):

        print('\ttesting forward-mode Ez in FDFD')

        f = fdfd_ez(self.omega, self.dL, self.eps_r, self.pml)

        def J_fdfd(c):

            # set the permittivity
            f.eps_r = c * self.eps_r

            # set the source amplitude to the permittivity at that point
            Hx, Hy, Ez = f.solve(c * self.eps_r * self.source_ez)

            return npa.square(npa.abs(Ez)) \
                 + npa.square(npa.abs(Hx)) \
                 + npa.square(npa.abs(Hy))

        grad_autograd_for = jacobian(J_fdfd, mode='forward')(1.0)
        grad_numerical = jacobian(J_fdfd, mode='numerical')(1.0)

        if VERBOSE:
            print('\tobjective function value: ', J_fdfd(1.0))
            print('\tgrad (auto):  \n\t\t', grad_autograd_for)
            print('\tgrad (num):   \n\t\t', grad_numerical)

        self.check_gradient_error(grad_numerical, grad_autograd_for)
    def test_Ez_lin(self):

        print('\ttesting linear Ez in FDFD')

        f = fdfd_ez(self.omega, self.dL, self.eps_lin, self.pml)

        def J_fdfd(eps_arr):

            f.eps_r = eps_arr.reshape((self.Nx, self.Ny))

            # set the source amplitude to the permittivity at that point
            Hx, Hy, Ez = f.solve(self.source_ez)

            return npa.sum(npa.square(npa.abs(Ez))) \
                 + npa.sum(npa.square(npa.abs(Hx))) \
                 + npa.sum(npa.square(npa.abs(Hy)))

        grad_autograd_rev = jacobian(J_fdfd, mode='reverse')(self.eps_lin)
        grad_numerical = jacobian(J_fdfd, mode='numerical')(self.eps_lin)

        if VERBOSE:
            print('\tobjective function value: ', J_fdfd(self.eps_lin))
            print('\tgrad (auto):  \n\t\t', grad_autograd_rev)
            print('\tgrad (num):   \n\t\t', grad_numerical)

        self.check_gradient_error(grad_numerical, grad_autograd_rev)
    def test_Ez_nl(self):

        print('\ttesting reverse-mode nonlinear Ez in FDFD')

        f = fdfd_ez_nl(self.omega, self.dL, self.eps_nl, self.pml)

        Hx, Hy, Ez = f.solve(self.source_ez)
        mod_strength = self.chi3 * np.max(np.square(np.abs(Ez)))
        print('\t\tmodulation strength (chi3 * max(|E|^2)) = {}'.format(

        def J_fdfd(eps_arr):

            eps_lin = eps_arr.reshape((self.Nx, self.Ny))

            # construct nonlinear epsilon using autograd numpy wrapper
            eps_nl = lambda Ez: eps_lin + 3 * eps_lin * self.chi3 * npa.square(

            # set the permittivity
            f.eps_r = eps_nl

            # set the source amplitude to the permittivity at that point
            Hx, Hy, Ez = f.solve(self.source_ez)

            return npa.sum(npa.square(npa.abs(Ez))) \
                 + npa.sum(npa.square(npa.abs(Hx))) \
                 + npa.sum(npa.square(npa.abs(Hy)))

        grad_autograd_rev = jacobian(J_fdfd, mode='reverse')(self.eps_lin)
        grad_numerical = jacobian(J_fdfd, mode='numerical')(self.eps_lin)

        if VERBOSE:
            print('\tobjective function value: ', J_fdfd(self.eps_lin))
            print('\tgrad (auto):  \n\t\t', grad_autograd_rev)
            print('\tgrad (num):   \n\t\t', grad_numerical)

        self.check_gradient_error(grad_numerical, grad_autograd_rev)
    def test_grad_rev_E(self):

        print('\ttesting E fields in FDTD (reverse mode)')

        F = fdtd(self.eps_r, dL=self.dL, npml=self.pml)

        def objective(eps_arr):
            F.eps_r = eps_arr.reshape((self.Nx, self.Ny, self.Nz))
            S = 0.0
            for t_index in range(self.steps):
                fields = F.forward(Jz=self.gaussian(t_index))
                S += npa.sum(fields['Ex'] + fields['Ey'] + fields['Ez'])
            return S

        jac_autograd_rev = jacobian(objective, mode='reverse')(self.eps_arr)
        jac_numerical = jacobian(objective, mode='numerical', step_size=DEPS)(self.eps_arr)

        if VERBOSE:
            print('\tobjective function value: ', objective(self.eps_arr))
            print('\tjacobian (auto):  \n\t\t', jac_autograd_rev)
            print('\tjacobian (num):   \n\t\t', jac_numerical)

        self.check_gradient_error(jac_numerical, jac_autograd_rev)