class frame(object): def __init__(self, logger, cfg): self.logger = logger self.cfg = cfg self.fv = ro.remoteObjectProxy('fitsview') self.fv1 = ro.remoteObjectProxy('fitsview1') self.stars = ro.remoteObjectProxy('STARS') self.insconfig = INSconfig() def frames(self, sort=default_sort, fromdate=None, todate=None, noxfer=None, norecv=None, nostars=None, skip=None, allbox=None): """Produce the main Frames page. """ print "entered frames!" # Header string for the generated web page page_hdr = """ <html> <head> <TITLE>Frames</title> %(css)s <script language="javascript"> function checkAll() { for (var i=0; i<document.forms[0].elements.length; i++) { var e=document.forms[0].elements[i]; if (( != 'allbox') && (e.type == 'checkbox')) { e.checked=document.forms[0].allbox.checked; } } } </script> </head> <body> """ # Row template for frames table tbl_row = """ <TR class=%(class)s> <TD>%(check)s</TD> <TD>%(frameid)s</TD> <TD>%(time_alloc)s</TD> <TD>%(time_xfer)s</TD> <TD>%(time_saved)s</TD> <TD>%(time_stars)s</TD> </TR> """ # -- PAGE HEADER --- base_url = self.cfg.my_url my_url = base_url + '/frames' reload_url = my_url + ('?sort=%s' % sort) #print "norecv=%s nostars=%s" % (norecv, nostars) res = [page_hdr % {'css': self.cfg.css}] now = if todate: todate = urllib.unquote_plus(todate) todate_t = datetime.datetime.strptime(todate, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') else: todate_t = if fromdate: fromdate = urllib.unquote_plus(fromdate) fromdate_t = datetime.datetime.strptime(fromdate, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') else: fromdate_t = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(time.time() - 86400) fromdate_s = fromdate_t.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') todate_s = todate_t.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') self.logger.debug("from %s to %s" % (fromdate_s, todate_s)) skip_cancel = (skip != None) norecv = (norecv != None) nostars = (nostars != None) # -- GLOBAL CONTROLS --- res.append("<h3>Controls</h3>") res.append('<a class=btn2 href="%s">Refresh</a>' % (reload_url)) res.append(" | ") res.append('<a class=btn2 href="/doc/help/index.html">Help</a>') res.append("<p>Page last refreshed: %s</p>" % time.ctime()) # -- FRAMES TABLE --- res.append("<h3>Frames from %s to %s</h3>" % (fromdate_s, todate_s)) self.logger.debug("getting framelist") framelist = framedb.getFramesByDate(fromdate_t, todate_t, no_time_xfer=noxfer, no_time_saved=norecv, no_time_hilo=nostars, skip_cancel=skip_cancel) # TODO: allow sorting options framelist.reverse() self.logger.debug("framelist=%s" % (str(framelist))) res.append("<table border=1 cellspacing=2 cellpadding=5>") res.append('<form action=%s/framectl method="get">' % (base_url)) res.append('<input type="hidden" name="fromdate" value="%s">' % fromdate_s) res.append('<input type="hidden" name="todate" value="%s">' % todate_s) d = { 'check': '<b>Select</b>', 'frameid': '<b>Frame ID</b>', 'time_alloc': '<b>Time Allocated</b>', 'time_xfer': '<b>Time Transfer</b>', 'time_saved': '<b>Time Saved</b>', 'time_stars': '<b>Sent to STARS</b>', 'class': 'header', } res.append(tbl_row % d) for data in framelist: d = {} d['check'] = '<input type="checkbox" name="frames" value="%s" />' % ( data['frameid']) frameid = data['frameid'] fitspath = self._get_fitspath(frameid) d['frameid'] = frameid d['class'] = 'none' if isinstance(data['time_alloc'], datetime.datetime): d['time_alloc'] = data['time_alloc'].strftime( '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') else: d['time_alloc'] = 'N/A' d['class'] = 'warn' if isinstance(data['time_xfer'], datetime.datetime): d['time_xfer'] = data['time_xfer'].strftime( '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') else: d['time_xfer'] = 'N/A' d['class'] = 'warn' if isinstance(data['time_stars'], datetime.datetime): d['time_stars'] = data['time_stars'].strftime( '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') else: d['time_stars'] = 'N/A' d['class'] = 'warn' if isinstance(data['time_saved'], datetime.datetime): d['time_saved'] = data['time_saved'].strftime( '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') d['frameid'] = '<a href="%s/getfitsheader/%s">%s</a>' % ( base_url, frameid, frameid) else: d['time_saved'] = 'N/A' if d['time_xfer'] == 'N/A': d['class'] = 'warn' else: d['class'] = 'error' res.append(tbl_row % d) res.append("</table>") res.append( '<p><input type="checkbox" value="on" name="allbox" onclick="checkAll();"/> Select all<br />' ) res.append( '<p><input class=btn2 type="submit" name="action" value="Show in FITS viewer" />' ) res.append( '<input class=btn2 type="submit" name="action" value="Retry STARS transfer" />' ) res.append('<p>') res.append( '<input class=btn2 type="submit" name="action" value="Get list" />' ) res.append( '<input type="text" name="path" size=20 value="/tmp/framelist.txt" />' ) res.append('</form>') res.append("""<p> <form action=%(formurl)s method="get"> Specify different date range (format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS): <p> <input type="text" name="fromdate" size=20 value="%(fromdate)s"> <input type="text" name="todate" size=20 value="%(todate)s"> <p> Skip cancelled <input type="checkbox" name="skip" value="true"> No transfer time <input type="checkbox" name="noxfer" value="true"> No saved time <input type="checkbox" name="norecv" value="true"> No STARS time <input type="checkbox" name="nostars" value="true"> <p> <input class=btn2 type="submit" value="Reload"> </form>""" % ({ 'formurl': my_url, 'fromdate': fromdate_s, 'todate': todate_s, })) res.append('<p><hr width="30%">') res.append('<a href="/default">Back to home</a>') res.append("</body>\n</html>") html = " ".join(res) #print html return html def _get_fitspath(self, frameid): match = re.match('^(\w{3})([AQ])(\d)(\d{7})$', frameid) if not match: raise IOError("Bad frameid '%s'" % frameid) (inscode, frtype, prefix, number) = match.groups() insname = self.insconfig.getNameByCode(inscode) fitspath = os.path.abspath( os.path.join(g2soss.datahome, insname, "%s.fits" % frameid)) return fitspath def getfitsheader(self, frameid): """Show the detail for a frame _frameid_. """ # Header string for the generated web page page_hdr = """ <html> <head> <TITLE>Frame: %(frameid)s</title> %(css)s </head> <body> """ # Row template for fits header tbl_row = """ <TR class=%(class)s> <TD>%(kwd)s</TD> <TD>%(val)s</TD> </TR> """ # -- PAGE HEADER --- base_url = self.cfg.my_url frameid = frameid.upper() res = [page_hdr % {'css': self.cfg.css, 'frameid': frameid}] # -- FRAMES TABLE --- res.append("<h3>%s</h3>" % frameid) res.append( '<a href="%s/framectl?frames=%s&action=show">View frame in FITS viewers</a>' % ((base_url, frameid))) try: fitspath = self._get_fitspath(frameid) fits_f =, "readonly") try: res.append("<h4>FITS Header</h4>") res.append("<table border=1 cellspacing=2 cellpadding=5>") d = { 'kwd': '<b>Keyword</b>', 'val': '<b>Value</b>', 'class': 'header', } res.append(tbl_row % d) # this seems to be necessary now for some fits files... fits_f.verify('fix') header = fits_f[0].header keys = [] for key, val in header.items(): keys.append(key) keys.sort() for key in keys: d = {} ## d['check'] = '<input type="checkbox" name="frames" value="%s" />' % ( ## data['frameid']) d['kwd'] = '%-8.8s' % key d['val'] = str(header[key]) d['class'] = 'none' res.append(tbl_row % d) res.append("</table>") finally: fits_f.close() except Exception, e: res.append("Sorry, that frame is not available.<p><tt>%s</tt>" % (str(e))) res.append('<p><hr width="30%">') res.append('<a href="/default">Back to home</a>') res.append("</body>\n</html>") html = " ".join(res) #print html return html
def main(options, args): # Get an instrument configuration object insconfig = INSconfig() if options.check_stars: # Only import this if they are asking if file is in STARS import STARSquery for fitspath in args: # Separate leading directory res = fitsutils.getFrameInfoFromPath(fitspath) if not res: print "File name '%s' doesn't match a valid Subaru FITS name." % \ (fitspath) print "Please rename the file as 'XXX{A|Q}DDDDDDDD.fits'" print "Skipping this file..." continue (frameid, fitsfile, fitsdir, inscode, frametype, frameno) = res try: insname = insconfig.getNameByCode(inscode) except KeyError: print "File name '%s' doesn't match a valid Subaru instrument." % \ (fitsfile) print "Skipping this file..." continue if options.check_stars: print "Checking if frame %s is in STARS..." % frameid if STARSquery.GetStarsInfoForFitsID(frameid): print "Frame %s IS in STARS!" % frameid print "Skipping this file..." continue # Look up the instrument number and figure out the path where # the file should end up insnum = insconfig.getNumberByCode(inscode) obcInstrPath = '/mdata/fits/obcp%2d' % insnum obcIndexPath = '/mdata/index' indexfile = frameid + '.index' # Get some metadata by reading the file (if necessary) metadata = {} get_fits_metadata(metadata, fitspath=fitspath, use_mtime=not options.use_ctime) # Substitute path where file should end up metadata['fitspath'] = obcInstrPath + '/' + fitsfile metadata['indexpath'] = obcIndexPath + '/' + indexfile indexpath = options.indexdir + '/' + indexfile # Make the index file if options.create_index: print "Creating index file for %s fits file '%s'..." % \ (insname, fitsfile) create_index_file(metadata, indexpath=indexpath) if options.copy_mdata: # chmod 440 fitspath--what DAQ expects try: os.chmod(fitspath, 0440) except OSError, e: print "Error chmod on '%s': %s" % (fitsfile, str(e)) # FITS file dstpath = obcInstrPath + '/' + fitsfile sshcmd = "ssh [email protected] ls -ld %s" % dstpath res = os.system(sshcmd) if res != 512: print "File may already exist: %s" % dstpath print "Skipping file transfer..." else: scpcmd = "scp -p %s [email protected]:%s" % (fitspath, dstpath) print scpcmd res = 0 res = os.system(scpcmd) if res != 0: print "Error code transferring file: %d" % res # Index file dstpath = obcIndexPath + '/' + indexfile sshcmd = "ssh [email protected] ls -ld %s" % dstpath res = os.system(sshcmd) if res != 512: print "File may already exist: %s" % dstpath print "Skipping file transfer..." else: scpcmd = "scp -p %s [email protected]:%s" % (indexpath, dstpath) print scpcmd res = 0 res = os.system(scpcmd) if res != 0: print "Error code transferring file: %d" % res if options.insert_flowqueue: sshcmd = "ssh [email protected] /soss/SRC/TOOL/bin/DAQobcQueueInsert %s 10000000 -y" % frameid res = 0 print sshcmd res = os.system(sshcmd) if res != 0: print "May have been problem with DAQobcQueueInsert"