def test_that_is_aligned_for_multiple_points_where_system_is_rotated_and_poins_are_fuzzy( self): # Fixture origin = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) x_axis = [(-1.0, 0.0 + 0.01, 0.0), (-2.0, 0.0 - 0.02, 0.0)] xy_plane = [(2.0, 2.0, 0.0 + 0.02), (-3.0, -2.0, 0.0 + 0.01), (5.0, 0.0, 0.0 - 0.01)] # Note: Z of base stations must be positive (above the floor) bs_poses = { 1: Pose.from_rot_vec(t_vec=(1.0, 0.0, 1.0)), 2: Pose.from_rot_vec(t_vec=(0.0, 1.0, 1.0)), 3: Pose.from_rot_vec(t_vec=(0.0, 0.0, 1.0)), } # Test actual, transform = LighthouseSystemAligner.align( origin, x_axis, xy_plane, bs_poses) # Assert self.assertVectorsAlmostEqual((-1.0, 0.0, 1.0), actual[1].translation, places=1) self.assertVectorsAlmostEqual((0.0, -1.0, 1.0), actual[2].translation, places=1) self.assertVectorsAlmostEqual((0.0, 0.0, 1.0), actual[3].translation, places=1)
def _de_flip_transformation(cls, raw_transformation: Pose, x_axis: list[npt.ArrayLike], bs_poses: dict[int, Pose]) -> Pose: """ Investigats a transformation and flips it if needed. This method assumes that 1. all base stations are at Z>0 2. x_axis samples are taken at X>0 """ transformation = raw_transformation # X-axis poses should be on the positivie X-axis, check that the "mean" of the x-axis points ends up at X>0 x_axis_mean = np.mean(x_axis, axis=0) if raw_transformation.rotate_translate(x_axis_mean)[0] < 0.0: flip_around_z_axis = Pose.from_rot_vec(R_vec=(0.0, 0.0, np.pi)) transformation = flip_around_z_axis.rotate_translate_pose( transformation) # Base station poses should be above the floor, check the first one bs_pose = list(bs_poses.values())[0] if raw_transformation.rotate_translate(bs_pose.translation)[2] < 0.0: flip_around_x_axis = Pose.from_rot_vec(R_vec=(np.pi, 0.0, 0.0)) transformation = flip_around_x_axis.rotate_translate_pose( transformation) return transformation
def _convert_estimates_to_cf_reference_frame( cls, estimates_ref_bs: list[IppeCf.Solution]) -> tuple[Pose, Pose]: """ Convert the two ippe solutions from the base station reference frame to the CF reference frame """ rot_1 = estimates_ref_bs[0].R.transpose() t_1 =, -estimates_ref_bs[0].t) rot_2 = estimates_ref_bs[1].R.transpose() t_2 =, -estimates_ref_bs[1].t) return Pose(rot_1, t_1), Pose(rot_2, t_2)
def test_rotate_translate_pose_and_back(self): # Fixture transform = Pose.from_rot_vec(R_vec=(1.0, 2.0, 3.0), t_vec=(0.1, 0.2, 0.3)) expected = Pose(t_vec=(2.0, 3.0, 4.0)) # Test actual = transform.inv_rotate_translate_pose( transform.rotate_translate_pose(expected)) # Assert self.assertPosesAlmostEqual(expected, actual)
def test_rotate_translate_pose(self): # Fixture transform = Pose.from_rot_vec(R_vec=(0.0, 0.0, np.pi / 2), t_vec=(1.0, 0.0, 0.0)) pose = Pose(t_vec=(2.0, 0.0, 0.0)) expected = Pose.from_rot_vec(R_vec=(0.0, 0.0, np.pi / 2), t_vec=(1.0, 2.0, 0.0)) # Test actual = transform.rotate_translate_pose(pose) # Assert self.assertPosesAlmostEqual(expected, actual)
def _condense_results(cls, lsq_result, solution: LighthouseGeometrySolution, matched_samples: list[LhCfPoseSample]) -> None: bss, cf_poses = cls._params_to_struct(lsq_result.x, solution) # Extract CF pose estimates # First pose (origin) is not in the parameter list solution.cf_poses.append(Pose()) for i in range(len(matched_samples) - 1): solution.cf_poses.append(cls._params_to_pose( cf_poses[i], solution)) # Extract base station pose estimates for index, pose in enumerate(bss): bs_id = solution.bs_index_to_id[index] solution.bs_poses[bs_id] = cls._params_to_pose(pose, solution) solution.success = lsq_result.success # Extract the error for each CF pose residuals = i = 0 for sample in matched_samples: sample_errors = {} for bs_id in sorted(sample.angles_calibrated.keys()): sample_errors[bs_id] = np.linalg.norm(residuals[i:i + 2]) i += solution.n_sensors * 2 solution.estimated_errors.append(sample_errors) solution.error_info = cls._aggregate_error_info( solution.estimated_errors)
def test_that_solution_is_de_flipped(self): # Fixture origin = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) x_axis = [(-1.0, 0.0, 0.0)] xy_plane = [(2.0, 1.0, 0.0)] bs_id = 7 bs_poses = {bs_id: Pose.from_rot_vec(t_vec=(0.0, 0.0, 1.0))} expected = Pose.from_rot_vec(R_vec=(0.0, 0.0, np.pi), t_vec=(0.0, 0.0, 1.0)) # Test actual, transform = LighthouseSystemAligner.align( origin, x_axis, xy_plane, bs_poses) # Assert self.assertPosesAlmostEqual(expected, actual[bs_id])
def test_that_base_stations_are_rotated(self): # Fixture origin = (1.0, 0.0, 0.0) x_axis = [(1.0, 1.0, 0.0)] xy_plane = [(2.0, 1.0, 0.0)] bs_id = 7 bs_poses = {bs_id: Pose.from_rot_vec(t_vec=(1.0, 0.0, 1.0))} # Test actual, transform = LighthouseSystemAligner.align( origin, x_axis, xy_plane, bs_poses) # Assert self.assertPosesAlmostEqual( Pose.from_rot_vec(R_vec=(0.0, 0.0, -np.pi / 2), t_vec=(0.0, 0.0, 1.0)), actual[bs_id])
def _params_to_pose(cls, params: npt.ArrayLike, defs: LighthouseGeometrySolution) -> Pose: """ Convert from the array format used in the solver to Pose """ r_vec = params[:defs.len_rot_vec] t = params[defs.len_rot_vec:defs.len_pose] return Pose.from_rot_vec(R_vec=r_vec, t_vec=t)
def test_default_rot_vec_constructor(self): # Fixture # Test actual = Pose.from_rot_vec() # Assert self.assertEqual(0.0, np.linalg.norm(actual.translation)) self.assertEqual(0.0, np.linalg.norm(actual.rot_matrix - np.identity(3)))
def _map_pose_to_ref_frame(cls, pose1_ref1: Pose, pose1_ref2: Pose, pose2_ref2: Pose) -> Pose: """ Express pose2 in reference system 1, given pose1 in both reference system 1 and 2 """ R_o2_in_1, t_o2_in_1 = cls._map_cf_pos_to_cf_pos( pose1_ref1, pose1_ref2).matrix_vec t =, pose2_ref2.translation) + t_o2_in_1 R =, pose2_ref2.rot_matrix) return Pose(R, t)
def _map_cf_pos_to_cf_pos(cls, pose1_ref1: Pose, pose1_ref2: Pose) -> Pose: """ Find the rotation/translation from ref1 to ref2 given a pose, that is the returned Pose will tell us where the origin in ref2 is, expressed in ref1 """ R_inv_ref2 = np.matrix.transpose(pose1_ref2.rot_matrix) R =, R_inv_ref2) t = pose1_ref1.translation -, pose1_ref2.translation) return Pose(R, t)
def test_rotate_translate(self): # Fixture transform = Pose.from_rot_vec(R_vec=(0.0, 0.0, np.pi / 2), t_vec=(1.0, 0.0, 0.0)) point = (2.0, 0.0, 0.0) # Test actual = transform.rotate_translate(point) # Assert self.assertAlmostEqual(1.0, actual[0]) self.assertAlmostEqual(2.0, actual[1]) self.assertAlmostEqual(0.0, actual[2])
def test_rotate_translate_and_back(self): # Fixture transform = Pose.from_rot_vec(R_vec=(1.0, 2.0, 3.0), t_vec=(0.1, 0.2, 0.3)) expected = (2.0, 3.0, 4.0) # Test actual = transform.inv_rotate_translate( transform.rotate_translate(expected)) # Assert self.assertAlmostEqual(expected[0], actual[0]) self.assertAlmostEqual(expected[1], actual[1]) self.assertAlmostEqual(expected[2], actual[2])
def test_that_the_global_ref_frame_is_used(self): # Fixture # CF2 is used in the first sample and will define the global reference frame bs_id0 = 3 bs_id1 = 1 bs_id2 = 2 samples = [ LhCfPoseSample( angles_calibrated={ bs_id0: self.fixtures.angles_cf2_bs0, bs_id1: self.fixtures.angles_cf2_bs1, }), LhCfPoseSample( angles_calibrated={ bs_id1: self.fixtures.angles_cf1_bs1, bs_id2: self.fixtures.angles_cf1_bs2, }), ] # Test actual = LighthouseInitialEstimator.estimate( samples, LhDeck4SensorPositions.positions) # Assert self.assertPosesAlmostEqual(Pose.from_rot_vec(R_vec=(0.0, 0.0, -np.pi / 2), t_vec=(1.0, 3.0, 3.0)), actual.bs_poses[bs_id0], places=3) self.assertPosesAlmostEqual(Pose.from_rot_vec(R_vec=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), t_vec=(-2.0, 1.0, 3.0)), actual.bs_poses[bs_id1], places=3) self.assertPosesAlmostEqual(Pose.from_rot_vec(R_vec=(0.0, 0.0, np.pi), t_vec=(2.0, 1.0, 3.0)), actual.bs_poses[bs_id2], places=3)
def _avarage_poses(cls, poses: list[Pose]) -> Pose: """ Averaging of quaternions to get the "average" orientation of multiple samples. From """ def q_average(Q, W=None): if W is not None: Q *= W[:, None] eigvals, eigvecs = np.linalg.eig(Q.T @ Q) return eigvecs[:, eigvals.argmax()] positions = map(lambda x: x.translation, poses) average_pos = np.average(np.array(list(positions)), axis=0) quats = map(lambda x: x.rot_quat, poses) average_quaternion = q_average(np.array(list(quats))) return Pose.from_quat(R_quat=average_quaternion, t_vec=average_pos)
def _Pose_from_params(cls, params: npt.ArrayLike) -> Pose: return Pose.from_rot_vec(R_vec=params[:3], t_vec=params[3:])