def timedelay_magnification(mu_map, phi_map, dsx_arc, Ncells, lp1, lp2,
                            alpha1, alpha2, SrcPosSky, zs, zl, cosmo):
    Calculate Photon-travel-time and Magnification of strong lensed

        lp1, lp2: lens place grid coordinates

        len(mu): number of multiple images of supernova
        delta_t: Time it takes for photon to cover distance source-observer
        mu: luminosity magnification of source
    # Mapping light rays from image plane to source plan
    [sp1, sp2] = [lp1 - alpha1, lp2 - alpha2]  #yi1,yi2[arcsec]

    # Source position [arcsec]
    #x = SrcPosSky[0]*u.Mpc
    #y = SrcPosSky[1]*u.Mpc
    #z = SrcPosSky[2]*u.Mpc
    #if (y == 0.) and (z == 0.):
    #    beta1 = 1e-3
    #    beta2 = 1e-3
    #    beta1 = ((y/x)*u.rad).to_value('arcsec')
    #    beta2 = ((z/x)*u.rad).to_value('arcsec')
    beta1 = 1e-3
    beta2 = 1e-3
    #print("Wait here mapping_triangles")
    theta1, theta2 = cf.call_mapping_triangles([beta1, beta2], 
                                               lp1, lp2, sp1, sp2)
    # calculate magnifications of lensed Supernovae
    #print("Wait here inverse_cic_single")
    mu = cf.call_inverse_cic_single(mu_map, 0.0, 0.0, theta1, theta2, dsx_arc)
    # calculate time delays of lensed Supernovae in Days
    prts = cf.call_inverse_cic_single(phi_map, 0.0, 0.0, theta1, theta2, dsx_arc)
    Kc = ((1.0+zl)/const.c.to('Mpc/s') * \
          (cosmo.angular_diameter_distance(zl) * \
           cosmo.angular_diameter_distance(zs) / \
           (cosmo.angular_diameter_distance(zs) - \
    delta_t = Kc*(0.5*((theta1 - beta1)**2.0 + (theta2 - beta2)**2.0) - prts)/cf.apr**2
    beta = [beta1, beta2]
    theta = [theta1, theta2]
    return len(mu), delta_t, mu, theta, beta
def timedelay_magnification(mu_map, phi_map, dsx_arc, Ncells, lp1, lp2,
                            alpha1, alpha2, SrcPosSky, zs, zl, cosmo):
    Calculate Photon-travel-time and Magnification of strong lensed

        FOV: Field-of-View [Mpc]
        Ncells: number of cells for grid on FOV
        kappa: convergence map
        SrcPosSky: Position of Source relative to Lens [Mpc]
        zs: Redshift of Source
        zl: Redshift of Lens
        cosmo: Cosmology

        len(mu): number of multiple images of supernova
        delta_t: Time it takes for photon to cover distance source-observer
        mu: luminosity magnification of source
    # Mapping light rays from image plane to source plan
    [sp1, sp2] = [lp1 - alpha1, lp2 - alpha2]  #yi1,yi2[arcsec]

    # Source position [arcsec]
    x = SrcPosSky[0]*u.Mpc
    y = SrcPosSky[1]*u.Mpc
    z = SrcPosSky[2]*u.Mpc
    beta1 = ((y/x)*u.rad).to_value('arcsec')
    beta2 = ((z/x)*u.rad).to_value('arcsec')
    theta1, theta2 = cf.call_mapping_triangles([beta1, beta2], 
                                               lp1, lp2, sp1, sp2)
    # calculate magnifications of lensed Supernovae
    mu = cf.call_inverse_cic_single(mu_map, 0.0, 0.0, theta1, theta2, dsx_arc)
    # calculate time delays of lensed Supernovae in Days
    prts = cf.call_inverse_cic_single(phi_map, 0.0, 0.0, theta1, theta2, dsx_arc)
    Kc = ((1.0+zl)/const.c.to('Mpc/s') * \
          (cosmo.angular_diameter_distance(zl) * \
           cosmo.angular_diameter_distance(zs) / \
           (cosmo.angular_diameter_distance(zs) - \
    delta_t = Kc*(0.5*((theta1 - beta1)**2.0 + (theta2 - beta2)**2.0) - prts)/cf.apr**2
    beta = [beta1, beta2]
    theta = [theta1, theta2]
    return len(mu), delta_t, mu, theta, beta
def timedelay_magnification(mu_map, phi_map, dsx_arc, Ncells, lp1, lp2, alpha1,
                            alpha2, beta, zs, zl, cosmo):
        mu_map: 2D magnification map
        phi_map: 2D potential map
        dsx_arc: cell size in arcsec
        Ncells: number of cells
        lp1, lp2: lens place grid coordinates
        alpha1, alpha2: 2D deflection map
        SrcPosSky: source position in Mpc
        zs: source redshift
        zl: lens redshift

        len(mu): number of multiple images of supernova
        delta_t: Time it takes for photon to cover distance source-observer
        mu: luminosity magnification of source
    # Mapping light rays from image plane to source plan
    [sp1, sp2] = [lp1 - alpha1, lp2 - alpha2]  #[arcsec]

    theta1, theta2 = cf.call_mapping_triangles([beta[0], beta[1]], lp1, lp2,
                                               sp1, sp2)
    # calculate magnifications of lensed Supernovae
    mu = cf.call_inverse_cic_single(mu_map, 0.0, 0.0, theta1, theta2, dsx_arc)
    # calculate time delays of lensed Supernovae in Days
    prts = cf.call_inverse_cic_single(phi_map, 0.0, 0.0, theta1, theta2,
    Kc = ((1.0+zl)/const.c.to('Mpc/s') * \
          (cosmo.angular_diameter_distance(zl) * \
           cosmo.angular_diameter_distance(zs) / \
           (cosmo.angular_diameter_distance(zs) - \
    delta_t = Kc*(0.5*((theta1 - beta[0])**2.0 + \
                       (theta2 - beta[1])**2.0) - prts)/cf.apr**2
    theta = np.array([theta1, theta2]).T
    return len(mu), delta_t, mu, theta
    def make_lensing_mocks(self,
        Performs interpolation on ray tracing maps, writing the result to an HDF file, the location
        of which is specified in `self.inp.outputs_path`. Note: the output files will be closed after
        this function executes, so if needed to be called again, this object will need to be re-initialized.
        nsrcs : int or callable or None
            If passed as an int, this is the number of sources to randomly place in the fov. This is 
            useful if creating a mock at one source plane; if using many source planes, then the lower
            redshift will effectively be weighted more strongly (nsrcs is constant while the angular scale
            If a callable, then a function to compute the number distribution N(z) should be given, and
            will be called at each source plane redshift, where galaxies will be populated randomly in 
            angular space, with their count inferred from N(z). The callable is expected to return N(z)
            in armin^-2
            Defaults to Nz_Chang2014().
        zs : float array or None
            Redshift edges of source planes to include. If None, use all source plaes given in ray-tracing outputs
            for the halo specified in self.inp. Defaults to None.
        theta1 : float array or None **DEPRECATED**
            azimuthal angular coordinate of the sources, in arcsec. If None, then nsrcs is assumed to have
            been passed, and theta1 will be generated from a uniform random distribution on the fov. If not
            None, then nsrcs should be None, else will throw an error. Defaults to None.
        theta2 : float array or None **DEPRECATED**
            coalitude angular coordinate of the sources, in arcsec. If None, then nsrcs is assumed to have
            been passed, and theta1 will be generated from a uniform random distribution on the fov. If not
            None, then nsrcs should be None, else will throw an error. Defaults to None.

            '\n ---------- creating lensing mocks for halo {} ---------- '.
        assert self.raytrace_file is not None, "read_raytrace_planes() must be called before interpolation"

        # get source plane redshift edges if not passed
        if (zs is None):
            zs = [0.0]
            zs = np.hstack([
                    for key in self.source_plane_keys

        # define interpolation points
        # if nsrcs is callable, calulate N(z) and randomly populate source planes
        # if nsrcs is an int, randomly populate source planes with uniform density
        if hasattr(nsrcs, '__call__'):
            box_arcmin2 = (self.inp.bsz_arc / 60)**2
            Nz = (nsrcs(zs) * box_arcmin2).astype(int)
            ys1_arrays = np.array([
                np.random.random(nn) * self.inp.bsz_arc -
                self.inp.bsz_arc * 0.5 for nn in Nz
            ys2_arrays = np.array([
                np.random.random(nn) * self.inp.bsz_arc -
                self.inp.bsz_arc * 0.5 for nn in Nz
            ys1_arrays = np.array([
                np.random.random(nsrcs) * self.inp.bsz_arc -
                self.inp.bsz_arc * 0.5 for i in range(len(zs))
            ys2_arrays = np.array([
                np.random.random(nsrcs) * self.inp.bsz_arc -
                self.inp.bsz_arc * 0.5 for i in range(len(zs))

        self.print('created out file {}'.format(self.out_file.filename))
        self.print('reading {}'.format(self.raytrace_file.filename))

        # loop over source planes
        for i in range(len(self.source_plane_keys)):

            zsp = zs[i]
            zkey = self.source_plane_keys[i]

                '-------- placing {} sources at source plane {} --------'.
                format(len(ys1_arrays[i]), zkey))

            # get positions at this source plane
            ys1_array = ys1_arrays[i]
            ys2_array = ys2_arrays[i]

            af1 = self.raytrace_file[zkey]['alpha1'][:]
            af2 = self.raytrace_file[zkey]['alpha2'][:]
            kf0 = self.raytrace_file[zkey]['kappa0'][:]
            sf1 = self.raytrace_file[zkey]['shear1'][:]
            sf2 = self.raytrace_file[zkey]['shear2'][:]

            # Deflection Angles and lensed Positions
            yf1 = self.xx1 - af1
            yf2 = self.xx2 - af2
            xr1_array, xr2_array = cf.call_mapping_triangles_arrays_omp(
                ys1_array, ys2_array, self.xx1, self.xx2, yf1, yf2)
            # xr1_array, xr2_array = ys1_array, ys2_array

            # Update Lensing Signals of Lensed Positions
            kr0_array = cf.call_inverse_cic_single(kf0, 0.0, 0.0, xr1_array,
                                                   xr2_array, self.inp.dsx_arc)
            sr1_array = cf.call_inverse_cic_single(sf1, 0.0, 0.0, xr1_array,
                                                   xr2_array, self.inp.dsx_arc)
            sr2_array = cf.call_inverse_cic_single(sf2, 0.0, 0.0, xr1_array,
                                                   xr2_array, self.inp.dsx_arc)

            mfa = cf.alphas_to_mu(af1, af2, self.inp.bsz_arc, self.inp.nnn)
            mra_array = cf.call_inverse_cic_single(mfa, 0.0, 0.0, xr1_array,
                                                   xr2_array, self.inp.dsx_arc)

            # Save Outputs
            self.out_file[zkey]['zs'] = np.atleast_1d(zsp).astype('float32')
            self.out_file[zkey]['xr1'] = xr1_array.astype('float32')
            self.out_file[zkey]['xr2'] = xr2_array.astype('float32')
            self.out_file[zkey]['kr0'] = kr0_array.astype('float32')
            self.out_file[zkey]['sr1'] = sr1_array.astype('float32')
            self.out_file[zkey]['sr2'] = sr2_array.astype('float32')
            self.out_file[zkey]['mra'] = mra_array.astype('float32')

            if vis_shears:
                self.shear_vis_mocks(xr1_array, xr2_array, sr1_array,
                                     sr2_array, kf0)
