def worldMatrix_get(node=None, asEuclid=False): """ Query the worldMatrix of a given node :parameters: node(str): node to query asMatrix(bool): whether to return a EUCLID.Matrix4 :returns matrix """ _str_func = 'worldMatrix_get' node = VALID.mNodeString(node) try: matrix_a = mc.xform(node, q=True, m=True, ws=True) except Exception, e: if not VALID.is_transform(node): log.error("|{0}| >> Not a transform: '{1}'".format( _str_func, node)) return False log.error("|{0}| >> Failed: '{1}'".format(_str_func, node)) #for arg in e.args: #log.error(arg) raise Exception, e
from cgm.core.rigger import ModuleShapeCaster as mShapeCast reload(mShapeCast) from cgm.core.lib import shapeCaster as ShapeCast reload(ShapeCast) mShapeCast.go(m1,l_toBuild) m1 = cgmMeta.asMeta('l_arm_part') mShapeCast.go(m1,['segmentFK_Loli']) mShapeCast.go(m1,['settings']) mShapeCast.go(m1,['midIK']) mShapeCast.go(m1,['hand']) #Issues======================================================== import cgm.core.cgmPy.validateArgs as VALID reload(VALID) VALID.is_transform('cgmObject_poly2_parentConstraint1') mc.listAttr('cgmObject_poly2_parentConstraint1') ATTR.set('cgmObject_poly2_parentConstraint1','ty',100) ATTR.get('cgmObject_poly2_parentConstraint1','ty') import cgm.core.lib.curve_Utils as CURVES reload(CURVES) import maya.cmds as mc CURVES.mirror_worldSpace('l_eye_block|uprLid_rigHelper','r_eye_block|uprLid_rigHelper') CURVES.mirror_worldSpace([0],[1]) CURVES.Copy
def __init__(self, obj, targets=[], move=True, orient=False, aim=False, pos=[], snapToSurface=False, midSurfacePos=False, posOffset=False, aimVector=[0, 0, 1], upVector=[0, 1, 0], worldUpType='scene', snapComponents=False, softSelection=False, softSelectDistance=20, mode=None, **kws): """ Asserts objects existance and that it has a transform. Then initializes. Keyword arguments: obj(string/instance) targets(list) -- target objects snapToSurface -- if target is a snappable surface will try to do that posOffset snapComponents(bool) -- will try to use components if True aimVector(vector) -- aim vector for object upVector(vector) -- up vector for object (used as lathe axis for midpoint surface snap too) midSurfacePos(bool) -- mid point snap with a surface worldUpType(string) -- arg for various modes (aim, orient, etc) softSelection(bool) -- soft select mode for component objects only softSelectDistance(float) -- arg for mc.softSelect ToDo: 1) midSurfacePos """ #>>> Check our obj log.debug("obj: %s" % obj) log.debug("targets: %s" % targets) if issubclass(type(obj), cgmMeta.cgmNode): self.i_obj = obj else: i_node = cgmMeta.cgmNode(obj) if i_node.isComponent(): self.i_obj = i_node else: self.i_obj = cgmMeta.cgmObject(obj) assert VALID.is_transform(self.i_obj.mNode) or self.i_obj.isComponent( ), "Not a snappable object. Not a transform: '%s" % self.i_obj.getShortName( ) #>>> Pass through args self.b_snaptoSurface = snapToSurface self.b_midSurfacePos = midSurfacePos self.b_snapComponents = snapComponents self.b_softSelection = softSelection self.b_midSurfacePos = midSurfacePos self.b_aim = aim self._softSelectionDistance = softSelectDistance, self._posOffset = posOffset self._aimVector = aimVector self._upVector = upVector self._worldUpType = worldUpType #>>> Check our targets if targets and not type(targets) == list: targets = [targets] self.l_targets = [] self.d_targetTypes = {} self.d_targetPositions = {} for t in targets: self.registerTarget(t) if not self.l_targets: log.error("No existing targets found") return if self.b_softSelection: #Should we save soft select info before changing? mc.softSelect(softSelectDistance=softSelectDistance) mc.softSelect(softSelectFalloff=0) log.debug("targetTypes: %s" % self.d_targetTypes) if move: log.debug("Moving") self.doMove(**kws) if orient: log.debug("orienting") self.doOrient(**kws) if aim: log.debug("orienting") self.doAim(**kws)
def siblings_get(node=None, fullPath=True): """ Get all the parents of a given node where the last parent is the top of the heirarchy :parameters: node(str): Object to check fullPath(bool): Whether you want long names or not :returns siblings(list) """ _str_func = 'siblings_get' _node = VALID.mNodeString(node) _l_res = [] _type = VALID.get_mayaType(_node) log.debug("|{0}| >> node: [{1}] | type: {2}".format( _str_func, _node, _type)) if VALID.is_shape(_node): log.debug("|{0}| >> shape...".format(_str_func)) _long = NAME.long(_node) for s in shapes_get(_node, True): if s != _long: _l_res.append(s) elif not VALID.is_transform(_node): log.debug("|{0}| >> not a transform...".format(_str_func)) if VALID.is_component(_node): log.debug("|{0}| >> component...".format(_str_func)) _comp = VALID.get_component(_node) log.debug("|{0}| >> component: {1}".format(_str_func, _comp)) _comb = "{0}.{1}".format(_comp[1], _comp[0]) for c in"{0}.{1}[*]".format(_comp[1], _comp[2]), flatten=True): if str(c) != _comb: _l_res.append(c) else: _long = NAME.long(_node) log.debug("|{0}| >> something else...".format(_str_func)) _l = for o in _l: if NAME.long(o) != _long: _l_res.append(o) #raise ValueError,"Shouldn't have arrived. node: [{0}] | type: {1}".format(_node,_type) elif parents_get(_node): log.debug("|{0}| >> parented...".format(_str_func)) _long = NAME.long(_node) for c in children_get(parent_get(node), True): if c != _long: _l_res.append(c) else: log.debug("|{0}| >> root transform...".format(_str_func)) l_rootTransforms = get_rootList() _short = NAME.short(_node) for o in l_rootTransforms: if o != _short and VALID.get_mayaType(o) == _type: _l_res.append(o) if not fullPath: return [NAME.short(o) for o in _l_res] return _l_res