文件: ch_10.py 项目: ing7t/kod
def match(G, X, Y):  # Maximum bipartite matching
    H = tr(G)  # The transposed graph
    S, T, M = set(X), set(Y), set()  # Unmatched left/right + match
    while S:  # Still unmatched on the left?
        s = S.pop()  # Get one
        Q, P = {s}, {}  # Start a traversal from it
        while Q:  # Discovered, unvisited
            u = Q.pop()  # Visit one
            if u in T:  # Finished augmenting path?
                T.remove(u)  # u is now matched
                break  # and our traversal is done
            forw = (v for v in G[u] if (u, v) not in M)  # Possible new edges
            back = (v for v in H[u] if (v, u) in M)  # Cancellations
            for v in chain(forw, back):  # Along out- and in-edges
                if v in P:
                    continue  # Already visited? Ignore
                P[v] = u  # Traversal predecessor
                Q.add(v)  # New node discovered
        while u != s:  # Augment: Backtrack to s
            u, v = P[u], u  # Shift one step
            if v in G[u]:  # Forward edge?
                M.add((u, v))  # New edge
            else:  # Backward edge?
                M.remove((v, u))  # Cancellation
    return M  # Matching -- a set of edges
def ford_fulkerson(G, s, t, aug=bfs_aug):       # Max flow from s to t
    H, f = tr(G), defaultdict(int)              # Transpose and flow
    while True:                                 # While we can improve things
        P, c = aug(G, H, s, t, f)               # Aug. path and capacity/slack
        if c == 0: return f                     # No augm. path found? Done!
        u = t                                   # Start augmentation
        while u != s:                           # Backtrack to s
            u, v = P[u], u                      # Shift one step
            if v in G[u]: f[u,v] += c           # Forward edge? Add slack
            else:         f[v,u] -= c           # Backward edge? Cancel slack
def ford_fulkerson(G, s, t, aug=bfs_aug):       # Max flow from s to t
    H, f = tr(G), defaultdict(int)              # Transpose and flow
    while True:                                 # While we can improve things
        P, c = aug(G, H, s, t, f)               # Aug. path and capacity/slack
        if c == 0: return f                     # No augm. path found? Done!
        u = t                                   # Start augmentation
        while u != s:                           # Backtrack to s
            u, v = P[u], u                      # Shift one step
            if v in G[u]: f[u,v] += c           # Forward edge? Add slack
            else:         f[v,u] -= c           # Backward edge? Cancel slack
def paths(G, s, t):                             # Edge-disjoint path count
    H, M, count = tr(G), set(), 0               # Transpose, matching, result
    while True:                                 # Until the function returns
        Q, P = {s}, {}                          # Traversal queue + tree
        while Q:                                # Discovered, unvisited
            u = Q.pop()                         # Get one
            if u == t:                          # Augmenting path!
                count += 1                      # That means one more path
                break                           # End the traversal
            forw = (v for v in G[u] if (u,v) not in M)  # Possible new edges
            back = (v for v in H[u] if (v,u) in M)      # Cancellations
            for v in chain(forw, back):         # Along out- and in-edges
                if v in P: continue             # Already visited? Ignore
                P[v] = u                        # Traversal predecessor
                Q.add(v)                        # New node discovered
        else:                                   # Didn't reach t?
            return count                        # We're done
        while u != s:                           # Augment: Backtrack to s
            u, v = P[u], u                      # Shift one step
            if v in G[u]:                       # Forward edge?
                M.add((u,v))                    # New edge
            else:                               # Backward edge?
                M.remove((v,u))                 # Cancellation
def paths(G, s, t):                             # Edge-disjoint path count
    H, M, count = tr(G), set(), 0               # Transpose, matching, result
    while True:                                 # Until the function returns
        Q, P = {s}, {}                          # Traversal queue + tree
        while Q:                                # Discovered, unvisited
            u = Q.pop()                         # Get one
            if u == t:                          # Augmenting path!
                count += 1                      # That means one more path
                break                           # End the traversal
            forw = (v for v in G[u] if (u,v) not in M)  # Possible new edges
            back = (v for v in H[u] if (v,u) in M)      # Cancellations
            for v in chain(forw, back):         # Along out- and in-edges
                if v in P: continue             # Already visited? Ignore
                P[v] = u                        # Traversal predecessor
                Q.add(v)                        # New node discovered
        else:                                   # Didn't reach t?
            return count                        # We're done
        while u != s:                           # Augment: Backtrack to s
            u, v = P[u], u                      # Shift one step
            if v in G[u]:                       # Forward edge?
                M.add((u,v))                    # New edge
            else:                               # Backward edge?
                M.remove((v,u))                 # Cancellation
def match(G, X, Y):                             # Maximum bipartite matching
    H = tr(G)                                   # The transposed graph
    S, T, M = set(X), set(Y), set()             # Unmatched left/right + match
    while S:                                    # Still unmatched on the left?
        s = S.pop()                             # Get one
        Q, P = {s}, {}                          # Start a traversal from it
        while Q:                                # Discovered, unvisited
            u = Q.pop()                         # Visit one
            if u in T:                          # Finished augmenting path?
                T.remove(u)                     # u is now matched
                break                           # and our traversal is done
            forw = (v for v in G[u] if (u,v) not in M)  # Possible new edges
            back = (v for v in H[u] if (v,u) in M)      # Cancellations
            for v in chain(forw, back):         # Along out- and in-edges
                if v in P: continue             # Already visited? Ignore
                P[v] = u                        # Traversal predecessor
                Q.add(v)                        # New node discovered
        while u != s:                           # Augment: Backtrack to s
            u, v = P[u], u                      # Shift one step
            if v in G[u]:                       # Forward edge?
                M.add((u,v))                    # New edge
            else:                               # Backward edge?
                M.remove((v,u))                 # Cancellation
    return M                                    # Matching -- a set of edges