def test_process_2d_bounds():
    # behavior: _process_2d_bounds accepts all possible ways to set x and y
    # bounds in 2d plots and returns a 1d array with equally spaced
    # intervals between the lower and upper bound of the data. The number
    # of elements in the 1d array must be of one element larger than the
    # shape of the data, because it includes the upper bound.

    height, width = 20, 10
    array_data = np.ones(shape=(height, width))
    plot = Plot()

    # bounds is None : infer from array_data shape
    xs = plot._process_2d_bounds(None, array_data, 1)
    assert xs.shape[0] == width + 1
    ys = plot._process_2d_bounds(None, array_data, 0)
    assert ys.shape[0] == height + 1

    # bounds is a tuple : it defines lower and upper range
    bounds = (1.0, 100.0)
    xs = plot._process_2d_bounds(bounds, array_data, 1)
    assert xs.shape[0] == width + 1
    assert xs[0] == bounds[0] and xs[-1] == bounds[1]

    # bounds is a 1D array: the first and last elements are used to create
    # equally spaced intervals. Bounds must be of one element larger than the
    # corresponding axis in array_data, or it will raise a Value error
    bounds = np.zeros((height+1, ))
    bounds[0], bounds[-1] = 0.2, 21.3
    ys = plot._process_2d_bounds(bounds, array_data, 0)
    assert ys.shape[0] == height + 1
    assert ys[0] == bounds[0] and ys[-1] == bounds[-1]
    with assert_raises(ValueError):
        bounds = np.zeros((width // 2, ))
        plot._process_2d_bounds(bounds, array_data, 0)

    # bounds is a 2D array: the first and last elements along the appropriate
    # axis are used to create equally spaced intervals.
    # The size of the bounds must be the same as the data array, or this
    # sill raise a ValueError
    xbounds, ybounds = np.meshgrid(np.arange(width), np.arange(height))

    xs = plot._process_2d_bounds(xbounds, array_data, 1)
    assert xs.shape[0] == width + 1
    assert xs[0] == xbounds[0,0] and xs[-2] == xbounds[0,-1]
    with assert_raises(ValueError):
        plot._process_2d_bounds(xbounds[:5,:], array_data, 1)

    ys = plot._process_2d_bounds(ybounds, array_data, 0)
    assert ys.shape[0] == height + 1
    assert ys[0] == ybounds[0,0] and ys[-2] == ybounds[-1,0]
def test_process_2d_bounds():
    # behavior: _process_2d_bounds accepts all possible ways to set x and y
    # bounds in 2d plots and returns a 1d array with equally spaced
    # intervals between the lower and upper bound of the data. The number
    # of elements in the 1d array must be of one element larger than the
    # shape of the data, because it includes the upper bound.

    height, width = 20, 10
    array_data = np.ones(shape=(height, width))
    plot = Plot()

    # bounds is None : infer from array_data shape
    xs = plot._process_2d_bounds(None, array_data, 1)
    assert xs.shape[0] == width + 1
    ys = plot._process_2d_bounds(None, array_data, 0)
    assert ys.shape[0] == height + 1

    # bounds is a tuple : it defines lower and upper range
    bounds = (1.0, 100.0)
    xs = plot._process_2d_bounds(bounds, array_data, 1)
    assert xs.shape[0] == width + 1
    assert xs[0] == bounds[0] and xs[-1] == bounds[1]

    # bounds is a 1D array: the first and last elements are used to create
    # equally spaced intervals. Bounds must be of one element larger than the
    # corresponding axis in array_data, or it will raise a Value error
    bounds = np.zeros((height + 1, ))
    bounds[0], bounds[-1] = 0.2, 21.3
    ys = plot._process_2d_bounds(bounds, array_data, 0)
    assert ys.shape[0] == height + 1
    assert ys[0] == bounds[0] and ys[-1] == bounds[-1]
    with assert_raises(ValueError):
        bounds = np.zeros((width // 2, ))
        plot._process_2d_bounds(bounds, array_data, 0)

    # bounds is a 2D array: the first and last elements along the appropriate
    # axis are used to create equally spaced intervals.
    # The size of the bounds must be the same as the data array, or this
    # sill raise a ValueError
    xbounds, ybounds = np.meshgrid(np.arange(width), np.arange(height))

    xs = plot._process_2d_bounds(xbounds, array_data, 1)
    assert xs.shape[0] == width + 1
    assert xs[0] == xbounds[0, 0] and xs[-2] == xbounds[0, -1]
    with assert_raises(ValueError):
        plot._process_2d_bounds(xbounds[:5, :], array_data, 1)

    ys = plot._process_2d_bounds(ybounds, array_data, 0)
    assert ys.shape[0] == height + 1
    assert ys[0] == ybounds[0, 0] and ys[-2] == ybounds[-1, 0]