def _create_plot_component(title, initial_values=None, on_change_functor=None): #return OverlayPlotContainer() container = OverlayPlotContainer(padding = 25, fill_padding = True, bgcolor = "lightgray", use_backbuffer=True) if initial_values: x = initial_values[0] y = initial_values[1] else: # Create the initial X-series of data numpoints = 30 low = -5 high = 15.0 x = linspace(low, high, numpoints) y = jn(0, x) lineplot = create_line_plot((x, y), color=tuple(COLOR_PALETTE[0]), width=2.0) lineplot.selected_color = "none" scatter = ScatterPlot(index = lineplot.index, value = lineplot.value, index_mapper = lineplot.index_mapper, value_mapper = lineplot.value_mapper, color = tuple(COLOR_PALETTE[0]), marker_size = 2) scatter.index.sort_order = "ascending" scatter.bgcolor = "white" scatter.border_visible = True add_default_grids(scatter) add_default_axes(scatter), drag_button="right")) # The ZoomTool tool is stateful and allows drawing a zoom # box to select a zoom region. zoom = ZoomTool(scatter, tool_mode="box", always_on=False, drag_button=None) scatter.overlays.append(zoom) point_dragging_tool = PointDraggingTool(scatter) point_dragging_tool.on_change_functor = on_change_functor container.add(lineplot) container.add(scatter) # Add the title at the top container.overlays.append(PlotLabel(title, component=container, font = "swiss 16", overlay_position="top")) = lineplot.index.get_data() = lineplot.value.get_data() container.lineplot = lineplot return container
def _create_plot_component(): container = OverlayPlotContainer(padding = 50, fill_padding = True, bgcolor = "lightgray", use_backbuffer=True) # Create the initial X-series of data numpoints = 30 low = -5 high = 15.0 x = linspace(low, high, numpoints) y = jn(0, x) lineplot = create_line_plot((x,y), color=tuple(COLOR_PALETTE[0]), width=2.0) lineplot.selected_color = "none" scatter = ScatterPlot(index = lineplot.index, value = lineplot.value, index_mapper = lineplot.index_mapper, value_mapper = lineplot.value_mapper, color = tuple(COLOR_PALETTE[0]), marker_size = 5) scatter.index.sort_order = "ascending" scatter.bgcolor = "white" scatter.border_visible = True add_default_grids(scatter) add_default_axes(scatter), drag_button="right")) # The ZoomTool tool is stateful and allows drawing a zoom # box to select a zoom region. zoom = ZoomTool(scatter, tool_mode="box", always_on=False) scatter.overlays.append(zoom) container.add(lineplot) container.add(scatter) # Add the title at the top container.overlays.append(PlotLabel("Line Editor", component=container, font = "swiss 16", overlay_position="top")) return container
def _plot_default(self): data_xy = x_ds = ArrayDataSource(data_xy[:,0] * y_ds = ArrayDataSource(data_xy[:,1] * self.x_ds = x_ds self.y_ds = y_ds x_dr = DataRange1D(x_ds) y_dr = DataRange1D(y_ds) x_dr.set_bounds(0, # auto ranging won't work if a side has no walls y_dr.set_bounds(0, markersize = max( min(475/, 500/, 1 ) # marker_size needs to be roughly plot.bounds[0] / (xdim*2) plot = ScatterPlot(index = x_ds, value = y_ds, index_mapper = LinearMapper(range = x_dr), value_mapper = LinearMapper(range = y_dr), color = "black", bgcolor = "white", marker = "square", marker_size = markersize) plot.aspect_ratio = float(self.xdim) / float(self.ydim) pgx = PlotGrid(component = plot, mapper = plot.index_mapper, orientation = 'vertical', grid_interval = 1, line_width = 1.0, line_style = "dot", line_color = "lightgray") pgy = PlotGrid(component = plot, mapper = plot.value_mapper, orientation = 'horizontal', grid_interval = 1, line_width = 1.0, line_style = "dot", line_color = "lightgray") plot.underlays.append(pgx) plot.underlays.append(pgy) add_default_axes(plot) # this is meaningless until we're actually rendered #print plot.bounds return plot
def _add_lines(self): # index = self.mk_ads('index') index = ArrayDataSource(range(len(self.index_labels))) value = self.mk_ads('values') # Create lineplot plot_line = LinePlot( index=index, index_mapper=self.index_mapper, value=value, value_mapper=self.value_mapper, name='line') # Add datapoint enhancement plot_scatter = ScatterPlot( index=index, index_mapper=self.index_mapper, value=value, value_mapper=self.value_mapper, color="blue", marker_size=5, name='scatter', ) self.add(plot_line, plot_scatter)
def _plot_default(self): container = DataView() xds = FunctionDataSource(func=self.xfunc) yds = FunctionDataSource(func=self.yfunc) xmapper = container.x_mapper ymapper = container.y_mapper xds.data_range = xmapper.range yds.data_range = xmapper.range xmapper.range.set_bounds(-5, 10) ymapper.range.set_bounds(-1, 1.2) plot = ScatterPlot(index=xds, value=yds, index_mapper=xmapper, value_mapper=ymapper, color="green", marker="circle", marker_size=3, line_width=0) plot2 = LinePlot(index=xds, value=yds, index_mapper=xmapper, value_mapper=ymapper, color="lightgray") container.add(plot2, plot) PanTool(plot, constrain_direction="x", constrain=True)), axis="index", tool_mode="range")) return container
def _plot_default(self): plotdata = ArrayPlotData() plot = MapPlot(plotdata, auto_grid=False, bgcolor=self.land_color) plot.x_axis.visible = False plot.y_axis.visible = False plot.padding = (0, 0, 0, 0) plot.border_visible = False index_mapper = LinearMapper(range=plot.index_range) value_mapper = LinearMapper(range=plot.value_range) if self.model.lake is not None: line_lengths = [l.length for l in self.model.lake.shoreline] idx_max = line_lengths.index(max(line_lengths)) for num, l in enumerate(self.model.lake.shoreline): line = np.array(l.coords) x = line[:,0] y = line[:,1] # assume that the longest polygon is lake, all others islands if num == idx_max: color = self.lake_color else: color = self.land_color polyplot = PolygonPlot(index=ArrayDataSource(x), value=ArrayDataSource(y), edge_color=self.shore_color, face_color=color, index_mapper=index_mapper, value_mapper=value_mapper) plot.add(polyplot) for num, line in enumerate(self.survey_lines): coords = np.array(line.navigation_line.coords) x = coords[:,0] y = coords[:,1] x_key = 'x-line' + str(num) y_key = 'y-line' + str(num) plotdata.set_data(x_key, x) plotdata.set_data(y_key, y) self.line_plots[] = plot.plot((x_key, y_key), color=self.line_color) for core in self.model.core_samples: x, y = core.location scatterplot = ScatterPlot(index=ArrayDataSource([x]), value=ArrayDataSource([y]), marker='circle', color=self.core_color, outline_color=self.core_color, index_mapper=index_mapper, value_mapper=value_mapper) plot.add(scatterplot) self._set_line_colors() if self.model.lake is not None: x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max = self.model.lake.shoreline.bounds index_mapper.range.high = x_max index_mapper.range.low = x_min value_mapper.range.high = y_max value_mapper.range.low = y_min self.line_select_tool = LineSelectTool(plot, line_plots=self.line_plots) # single click in map sets 'select point': toggle in selected lines self.line_select_tool.on_trait_event(self.select_point, 'select_point') # double click in map sets 'current point': change current survey line self.line_select_tool.on_trait_event(self.current_point, 'current_point') return plot