def ssim_depthwise_convolution(y, t, window_size, stride):
    n, c, w, h = y.shape
    window = _create_window(window_size, c, y.xp)
    mu_y = F.depthwise_convolution_2d(y, window, stride=stride)
    mu_t = F.depthwise_convolution_2d(t, window, stride=stride)
    mu_y_sq = F.depthwise_convolution_2d(y * y, window, stride=stride)
    mu_t_sq = F.depthwise_convolution_2d(t * t, window, stride=stride)
    mu_ty = F.depthwise_convolution_2d(y * t, window, stride=stride)
    muy_mut = (mu_y * mu_t)

    sq_mu_y = mu_y**2
    sq_mu_t = mu_t**2

    sigma_y_sq = mu_y_sq - sq_mu_y
    sigma_t_sq = mu_t_sq - sq_mu_t
    sigma_yt = mu_ty - muy_mut

    c1 = 0.01**2
    c2 = 0.03**2

    ssim_map = ((2 * muy_mut + c1) *
                (2 * sigma_yt + c2)) / ((sq_mu_y + sq_mu_t + c1) *
                                        (sigma_y_sq + sigma_t_sq + c2))

    return F.mean(ssim_map)
    def __call__(self, encs, hiddens, batch_size, prev_image, num_masks, color_channels):
            Learn through StatelessCDNA.
                encs: An array of computed transformation
                hiddens: An array of hidden layers
                batch_size: Size of mini batches
                prev_image: The image to transform
                num_masks: Number of masks to apply
                color_channels: Output color channels
                transformed: A list of masks to apply on the previous image
        logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
        enc0, enc1, enc2, enc3, enc4, enc5, enc6 = encs
        hidden1, hidden2, hidden3, hidden4, hidden5, hidden6, hidden7 = hiddens

        img_height = prev_image.shape[2]
        img_width = prev_image.shape[3]

        # CDNA specific
        enc7 = self.enc7(enc6)
        enc7 = F.relu(enc7)
        transformed_list = list([F.sigmoid(enc7)])

        # CDNA specific
        # Predict kernels using linear function of last layer
        cdna_input = F.reshape(hidden5, (int(batch_size), -1))
        cdna_kerns = self.cdna_kerns(cdna_input)

        # Reshape and normalize
        # B x C x H x W => B x NUM_MASKS x 1 x H x W
        cdna_kerns = F.reshape(cdna_kerns, (int(batch_size), self.num_masks, 1, DNA_KERN_SIZE, DNA_KERN_SIZE))
        cdna_kerns = F.relu(cdna_kerns - RELU_SHIFT) + RELU_SHIFT
        norm_factor = F.sum(cdna_kerns, (2, 3, 4), keepdims=True)
        cdna_kerns = broadcasted_division(cdna_kerns, norm_factor)

        # Treat the color channel dimension as the batch dimension since the same
        # transformation is applied to each color channel.
        # Treat the batch dimension as the channel dimension so that
        # F.depthwise_convolution_2d can apply a different transformation to each sample.
        cdna_kerns = F.reshape(cdna_kerns, (int(batch_size), self.num_masks, DNA_KERN_SIZE, DNA_KERN_SIZE))
        cdna_kerns = F.transpose(cdna_kerns, (1, 0, 2, 3))
        # Swap the batch and channel dimension.
        prev_image = F.transpose(prev_image, (1, 0, 2, 3))

        # Transform the image.
        transformed = F.depthwise_convolution_2d(prev_image, cdna_kerns, stride=(1, 1), pad=DNA_KERN_SIZE/2)

        # Transpose the dimensions where they belong.
        transformed = F.reshape(transformed, (color_channels, int(batch_size), self.num_masks, img_height, img_width))
        transformed = F.transpose(transformed, (2, 1, 0, 3, 4))
        transformed = F.split_axis(transformed, indices_or_sections=self.num_masks, axis=0)
        transformed = [F.squeeze(t, axis=0) for t in transformed]

        transformed_list += transformed

        return transformed_list, enc7
    def forward(self, x):
        if self.W.array is None:

        pad_width = [(0, 0), (0, 0)] + list(map(lambda x: (x, x), self.pad))
        x = F.pad(x, pad_width, self.pad_mode)

        return F.depthwise_convolution_2d(x, self.W, self.b, self.stride, 0)
    def check_backward(self, x_data, W_data, b_data, y_grad):
        args = (x_data, W_data)
        if b_data is not None:
            args = args + (b_data,)

            lambda *inputs: functions.depthwise_convolution_2d(
                *inputs, stride=self.stride, pad=self.pad),
            args, y_grad, **self.check_backward_options)
    def check_forward(self, x_data, W_data, b_data):
        args1 = (x_data, W_data)
        args2 = (x_data, W_data)
        if b_data is not None:
            args1 = args1 + (b_data,)
            b_data = sum(numpy.split(b_data, W_data.shape[1]))
            args2 = args2 + (b_data,)

        y1 = functions.depthwise_convolution_2d(
            *args1, stride=self.stride, pad=self.pad)
        arys = numpy.split(y1.array, self.W.shape[1], axis=1)
        y1 = sum(arys)

        y2 = functions.convolution_2d(
            *args2, stride=self.stride, pad=self.pad).array
        testing.assert_allclose(y1, y2, **self.check_forward_options)
 def __call__(self, x, stride=1, return_f_map=False):
     if return_f_map:
         return F.depthwise_convolution_2d(x, self.W, self.b,
                                           stride=stride), self.W
         return F.depthwise_convolution_2d(x, self.W, self.b, stride=stride)