def qr_input(self): from chainkey import qrscanner try: data = qrscanner.scan_qr( except BaseException, e: QMessageBox.warning(self, _('Error'), _(e), _('OK')) return ""
def build_tray_menu(self): m = QMenu() m.addAction(_("Show/Hide"), self.show_or_hide) m.addAction(_("Dark/Light"), self.toggle_tray_icon) m.addSeparator() m.addAction(_("Exit Encompass"), self.close) self.tray.setContextMenu(m)
def mouseReleaseEvent(self, event): dialog = QDialog(self) dialog.setWindowTitle(_('Encompass update')) dialog.setModal(1) main_layout = QGridLayout() main_layout.addWidget(QLabel(_("A new version of Encompass is available:")+" " + self.latest_version), 0,0,1,3) ignore_version = QPushButton(_("Ignore this version")) ignore_version.clicked.connect(self.ignore_this_version) ignore_all_versions = QPushButton(_("Ignore all versions")) ignore_all_versions.clicked.connect(self.ignore_all_version) open_website = QPushButton(_("Goto download page")) open_website.clicked.connect(self.open_website) main_layout.addWidget(ignore_version, 1, 0) main_layout.addWidget(ignore_all_versions, 1, 1) main_layout.addWidget(open_website, 1, 2) dialog.setLayout(main_layout) self.dialog = dialog if not dialog.exec_(): return
def before_send(self): ''' Change URL to address before making a send. IMPORTANT: return False to continue execution of the send return True to stop execution of the send ''' if # only supports single line entries atm return False if return payto_e = str( regex = re.compile(r'^([^\s]+) <([A-Za-z0-9]+)>') # only do that for converted addresses try: (url, address) = except AttributeError: return False if not self.validated: msgBox = QMessageBox() msgBox.setText(_('WARNING: the address ' + address + ' could not be validated via an additional security check, DNSSEC, and thus may not be correct.')) msgBox.setInformativeText(_('Do you wish to continue?')) msgBox.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox.Cancel | QMessageBox.Ok) msgBox.setDefaultButton(QMessageBox.Cancel) reply = msgBox.exec_() if reply != QMessageBox.Ok: return True return False
def add_io(self, form): if self.tx.locktime > 0: form.addRow(QLabel("LockTime:"), QLabel(self.tx.locktime)) def format_input(x): if x.get('is_coinbase'): return 'coinbase' else: _hash = x.get('prevout_hash') return _hash[0:8] + '...' + _hash[-8:] + ":%d"%x.get('prevout_n') + u'\t' + "%s"%x.get('address') lines = map(format_input, self.tx.inputs ) i_text = QTextEdit() i_text.setFont(QFont(MONOSPACE_FONT)) i_text.setText('\n'.join(lines)) i_text.setReadOnly(True) i_text.setMaximumHeight(100) inputs_layout = QVBoxLayout() inputs_layout.addWidget(QLabel(_("Inputs:"))) inputs_layout.addWidget(i_text) form.addRow(inputs_layout) lines = map(lambda x: x[0] + u'\t\t' + self.parent.format_amount(x[1]) if x[1] else x[0], self.tx.get_outputs()) o_text = QTextEdit() o_text.setFont(QFont(MONOSPACE_FONT)) o_text.setText('\n'.join(lines)) o_text.setReadOnly(True) o_text.setMaximumHeight(100) outputs_layout = QVBoxLayout() outputs_layout.addWidget(QLabel(_("Outputs:"))) outputs_layout.addWidget(o_text) form.addRow(outputs_layout)
def context_menu(self): view_menu = QMenu() themes_menu = view_menu.addMenu(_("&Themes")) selected_theme = self.actuator.selected_theme() theme_group = QActionGroup(self) for theme_name in self.actuator.theme_names(): theme_action = themes_menu.addAction(theme_name) theme_action.setCheckable(True) if selected_theme == theme_name: theme_action.setChecked(True) class SelectThemeFunctor: def __init__(self, theme_name, toggle_theme): self.theme_name = theme_name self.toggle_theme = toggle_theme def __call__(self, checked): if checked: self.toggle_theme(self.theme_name) delegate = SelectThemeFunctor(theme_name, self.toggle_theme) theme_action.toggled.connect(delegate) theme_group.addAction(theme_action) view_menu.addSeparator() show_receiving = view_menu.addAction(_("Show Receiving addresses")) show_receiving.setCheckable(True) show_receiving.toggled.connect(self.toggle_receiving_layout) show_receiving.setChecked(self.config.get("gui_show_receiving",False)) show_history = view_menu.addAction(_("Show History")) show_history.setCheckable(True) show_history.toggled.connect(self.show_history) show_history.setChecked(self.config.get("gui_show_history",False)) return view_menu
def callback_PassphraseRequest(self, req): msg = _("Please enter your Trezor passphrase.") passphrase = trezor_passphrase_dialog(msg) if passphrase is None: QMessageBox.critical(None, _('Error'), _("Password request canceled"), _('OK')) return proto.Cancel() return proto.PassphraseAck(passphrase=passphrase)
def save(self): name = 'signed_%s.txn' % (self.tx.hash()[0:8]) if self.tx.is_complete() else 'unsigned.txn' fileName = self.parent.getSaveFileName(_("Select where to save your signed transaction"), name, "*.txn") if fileName: with open(fileName, "w+") as f: f.write(json.dumps(self.tx.as_dict(),indent=4) + '\n') self.show_message(_("Transaction saved successfully"))
def __init__(self, parent): CurrenciesCheckboxDialog.__init__(self, parent) self.setWindowTitle(_('Hide Coins')) self.hide_chains = self.parent.config.get_above_chain('hide_chains', []) # sanity checking active_chain_code = self.parent.active_chain.code if active_chain_code in self.hide_chains: self.hide_chains.remove(active_chain_code) self.main_layout = vbox = QVBoxLayout() hide_label = QLabel(_('You can select chains here that will be hidden from view in the currency selection dialog.')) vbox.addWidget(hide_label) for cbox in self.coin_checkboxes: code = str(cbox.text()).split()[0] if code == active_chain_code: cbox.setChecked(False) cbox.setEnabled(False) continue cbox.setChecked(code in self.hide_chains) vbox.addLayout(self.scroll_layout) vbox.addLayout(close_button(self)) self.finished.connect(self.save_hide_chains) self.setLayout(vbox)
def __init__(self, parent): super(SendEdit, self).__init__(parent) self.parent = parent # list of 2-tuples: (widget, PayToEdit) self.payto_widgets = [] self.shortcut_paytoedit = None self.shortcut_addr = '' self.payto_help = HelpButton(_('Recipient of the funds.') + '\n\n' + _('You may enter a coin address, a label from your list of contacts (a list of completions will be proposed), or an alias (email-like address that forwards to a coin address)')) self.amount_help = HelpButton(_('Amount to be sent.') + '\n\n' \ + _('The amount will be displayed in red if you do not have enough funds in your wallet. Note that if you have frozen some of your addresses, the available funds will be lower than your total balance.') \ + '\n\n' + _('Keyboard shortcut: type "!" to send all your coins.')) self.scroller = QScrollArea() self.scroller.setEnabled(True) self.scroller.setWidgetResizable(True) self.scroller.setMinimumSize(100, 125) self.scroller.setVerticalScrollBarPolicy(Qt.ScrollBarAlwaysOn) self.scroll_widget = QWidget() self.scroll_widget.setProperty("scrollArea", True) self.vbox = QVBoxLayout() self.scrolling_layout = QVBoxLayout() self.num_paytoedits = 10 # scroll area self.scroll_widget.setLayout(self.vbox) self.scroller.setWidget(self.scroll_widget) self.scrolling_layout.addWidget(self.scroller) self.create_paytoedits() self.active_paytoedit = self.payto_widgets[0][1] self.vbox.addStretch(1)
def __init__(self, transaction_id, parent): super(TransactionWindow, self).__init__() self.tx_id = str(transaction_id) self.parent = parent self.setModal(True) self.resize(200,100) self.setWindowTitle(_("Transaction successfully sent")) self.layout = QGridLayout(self) history_label = "%s\n%s" % (_("Your transaction has been sent."), _("Please enter a label for this transaction for future reference.")) self.layout.addWidget(QLabel(history_label)) self.label_edit = QLineEdit() self.label_edit.setPlaceholderText(_("Transaction label")) self.label_edit.setObjectName("lite_label_input") self.label_edit.setAttribute(Qt.WA_MacShowFocusRect, 0) self.label_edit.setFocusPolicy(Qt.ClickFocus) self.layout.addWidget(self.label_edit) self.save_button = QPushButton(_("Save")) self.layout.addWidget(self.save_button) self.save_button.clicked.connect(self.set_label) self.exec_()
def __init__(self): QDialog.__init__(self) self.setMinimumSize(200, 100) self.setWindowTitle('M-of-N Wallet') self.main_layout = vb = QVBoxLayout(self) mofn_explanation = QLabel(_("Select M (minimum number of cosigner signatures) and N (total cosigners)")) vb.addWidget(mofn_explanation) # choices self.m_list = map(lambda x: QString(str(x)), [1,2,3,4]) self.n_list = [] mnbox = QHBoxLayout() self.combobox_m = cb_m = QComboBox() self.combobox_n = cb_n = QComboBox() cb_m.addItems(self.m_list) cb_n.setEnabled(False) # add choices to layout mnbox.addWidget(cb_m) mnbox.addWidget(QLabel(_("of"))) mnbox.addWidget(cb_n) vb.addLayout(mnbox) # connect choice combo box cb_m.currentIndexChanged.connect(self.on_m_changed) cb_n.currentIndexChanged.connect(self.on_n_changed) # ok and cancel buttons self.ok_cancel, self.accept_button = okc, accept_b = ok_cancel_buttons2(self) accept_b.setEnabled(False) vb.addLayout(okc)
def verify_seed(self, seed, sid, func=None): r = self.enter_seed_dialog(MSG_VERIFY_SEED, sid, func) if not r: return if prepare_seed(r) != prepare_seed(seed): QMessageBox.warning(None, _('Error'), _('Incorrect seed'), _('OK')) return False else: return True
def give_error(self, message, clear_client = False): if not self.signing: QMessageBox.warning(QDialog(), _('Warning'), _(message), _('OK')) else: self.signing = False if clear_client and self.client is not None: self.client.bad = True self.device_checked = False raise Exception(message)
def ok_cancel_buttons(dialog): row_layout = QHBoxLayout() row_layout.addStretch(1) ok_button = QPushButton(_("OK")) row_layout.addWidget(ok_button) ok_button.clicked.connect(dialog.accept) cancel_button = QPushButton(_("Cancel")) row_layout.addWidget(cancel_button) cancel_button.clicked.connect(dialog.reject) return row_layout
def export_history_dialog(self, d,hbox): history = self.wallet.get_tx_history() if len(history) > 0: b = QPushButton(_("Preview plot")) hbox.addWidget(b) b.clicked.connect(lambda: self.do_plot(self.wallet, history)) else: b = QPushButton(_("No history to plot")) hbox.addWidget(b)
def __init__(self, parent, seed, imported_keys): QDialog.__init__(self, parent) self.setModal(1) self.setMinimumWidth(400) self.setWindowTitle('Encompass' + ' - ' + _('Seed')) vbox = show_seed_box(seed) if imported_keys: vbox.addWidget(QLabel("<b>"+_("WARNING")+":</b> " + _("Your wallet contains imported keys. These keys cannot be recovered from seed.") + "</b><p>")) vbox.addLayout(close_button(self)) self.setLayout(vbox)
def on_change_hist(checked): if checked: self.config.set_key('history_rates', 'checked') self.request_history_rates() else: self.config.set_key('history_rates', 'unchecked') [ '', _('Date'), _('Description') , _('Amount'), _('Balance')] ) for i,width in enumerate(['history']):, width)
def installwizard_restore(self, wizard, storage): if storage.get('wallet_type') != 'btchip': return wallet = BTChipWallet(storage) try: wallet.create_main_account(None) except BaseException as e: QMessageBox.information(None, _('Error'), str(e), _('OK')) return return wallet
def history_tab_update(self): if self.config.get('history_rates') != "checked": return if not self.resp_hist: return = True [ '', _('Date'), _('Description') , _('Amount'), _('Balance'), _('Fiat Amount')] ) root = childcount = root.childCount() for i in range(childcount): item = root.child(i) try: tx_info = self.tx_list[str(, Qt.UserRole).toPyObject())] except Exception: newtx = self.wallet.get_tx_history() v = newtx[[x[0] for x in newtx].index(str(, Qt.UserRole).toPyObject()))][3] tx_info = {'timestamp':int(time.time()), 'value': v } pass tx_time = int(tx_info['timestamp']) if self.cur_exchange == "CoinDesk": tx_time_str = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(tx_time).strftime('%Y-%m-%d') try: tx_fiat_val = "%.2f %s" % (Decimal(str(tx_info['value'])) / 100000000 * Decimal(self.resp_hist['bpi'][tx_time_str]), "USD") except KeyError: tx_fiat_val = "%.2f %s" % (self.btc_rate * Decimal(str(tx_info['value']))/100000000 , "USD") elif self.cur_exchange == "Winkdex": tx_time_str = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(tx_time).strftime('%Y-%m-%d') + "T16:00:00-04:00" try: tx_rate = self.resp_hist[[x['timestamp'] for x in self.resp_hist].index(tx_time_str)]['price'] tx_fiat_val = "%.2f %s" % (Decimal(tx_info['value']) / 100000000 * Decimal(tx_rate)/Decimal("100.0"), "USD") except ValueError: tx_fiat_val = "%.2f %s" % (self.btc_rate * Decimal(tx_info['value'])/100000000 , "USD") except KeyError: tx_fiat_val = _("No data") elif self.cur_exchange == "BitcoinVenezuela": tx_time_str = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(tx_time).strftime('%Y-%m-%d') try: num = self.resp_hist[tx_time_str].replace(',','') tx_fiat_val = "%.2f %s" % (Decimal(str(tx_info['value'])) / 100000000 * Decimal(num), cur_currency) except KeyError: tx_fiat_val = _("No data") tx_fiat_val = " "*(12-len(tx_fiat_val)) + tx_fiat_val item.setText(5, tx_fiat_val) item.setFont(5, QFont(MONOSPACE_FONT)) if Decimal(str(tx_info['value'])) < 0: item.setForeground(5, QBrush(QColor("#BC1E1E"))) for i, width in enumerate(['history']):, width), 140), 120) = False
def restore_or_create(self): vbox = QVBoxLayout() main_label = QLabel(_("Encompass could not find an existing wallet.")) vbox.addWidget(main_label) grid = QGridLayout() grid.setSpacing(5) gb1 = QGroupBox(_("What do you want to do?")) vbox.addWidget(gb1) b1 = QRadioButton(gb1) b1.setText(_("Create new wallet")) b1.setChecked(True) b2 = QRadioButton(gb1) b2.setText(_("Restore an existing wallet")) group1 = QButtonGroup() group1.addButton(b1) group1.addButton(b2) vbox.addWidget(b1) vbox.addWidget(b2) gb2 = QGroupBox(_("Wallet type:")) vbox.addWidget(gb2) group2 = QButtonGroup() self.wallet_types = [ ('standard', _("Standard wallet")), ('twofactor', _("Wallet with two-factor authentication")), ('multisig', _("Multi-signature wallet")), ('hardware', _("Hardware wallet")), ] for i, (wtype,name) in enumerate(self.wallet_types): if not filter(lambda x:x[0]==wtype, chainkey.wallet.wallet_types): continue button = QRadioButton(gb2) button.setText(name) vbox.addWidget(button) group2.addButton(button) group2.setId(button, i) if i==0: button.setChecked(True) vbox.addStretch(1) hbox, button = ok_cancel_buttons2(self, _('Next')) vbox.addLayout(hbox) self.set_layout(vbox) self.raise_() button.setDefault(True) if not self.exec_(): return None, None action = 'create' if b1.isChecked() else 'restore' wallet_type = self.wallet_types[group2.checkedId()][0] return action, wallet_type
def append(self, address, amount, date): if address is None: address = _("Unknown") if amount is None: amount = _("Unknown") if date is None: date = _("Unknown") item = QTreeWidgetItem([amount, address, date]) if float(amount) < 0: item.setForeground(0, QBrush(QColor("#BC1E1E"))) self.insertTopLevelItem(0, item)
def ok_cancel_buttons2(dialog, ok_label=None, cancel_label=None): hbox = QHBoxLayout() hbox.addStretch(1) b = QPushButton(cancel_label or _('Cancel')) hbox.addWidget(b) b.clicked.connect(dialog.reject) b = QPushButton(ok_label or _("OK")) hbox.addWidget(b) b.clicked.connect(dialog.accept) b.setDefault(True) return hbox, b
def __init__(self, owner=None): self.owner = owner self.editing = False QTreeWidget.__init__(self, owner) self.setColumnCount(3) self.setHeaderLabels([_("Address"), _("Label"), _("Used")]) self.setIndentation(0) self.hide_used = True self.setColumnHidden(2, True)
def close(self): self.d.accept() if self.error: QMessageBox.warning(self.parent, _('Error'), self.error, _('OK')) else: if self.on_success: if type(self.result) is not tuple: self.result = (self.result,) self.on_success(*self.result) if self.on_complete: self.on_complete()
def settings_dialog(self): def check_for_api_key(api_key): if api_key and len(api_key) > 12: self.config.set_key("plugin_label_api_key", str(self.auth_token_edit.text())) self.upload.setEnabled(True) self.accept.setEnabled(True) else: self.upload.setEnabled(False) self.accept.setEnabled(False) d = QDialog() layout = QGridLayout(d) layout.addWidget(QLabel("API Key: "),0,0) self.auth_token_edit = QLineEdit(self.auth_token()) self.auth_token_edit.textChanged.connect(check_for_api_key) layout.addWidget(QLabel("Label sync options: "),2,0) layout.addWidget(self.auth_token_edit, 0,1,1,2) decrypt_key_text = QLineEdit(self.encode_password) decrypt_key_text.setReadOnly(True) layout.addWidget(decrypt_key_text, 1,1) layout.addWidget(QLabel("Decryption key: "),1,0) layout.addWidget(HelpButton("This key can be used on the LabElectrum website to decrypt your data in case you want to review it online."),1,2) self.upload = QPushButton("Force upload") self.upload.clicked.connect(self.full_push) layout.addWidget(self.upload, 2,1) = QPushButton("Force download") layout.addWidget(, 2,2) c = QPushButton(_("Cancel")) c.clicked.connect(d.reject) self.accept = QPushButton(_("Done")) self.accept.clicked.connect(d.accept) layout.addWidget(c,3,1) layout.addWidget(self.accept,3,2) check_for_api_key(self.auth_token()) self.window.labelsChanged.connect(self.done_processing) if d.exec_(): return True else: return False
def setup(self, address): label = QLabel(_("Copied your coin address to the clipboard!")) address_display = QLineEdit(address) address_display.setReadOnly(True) resize_line_edit_width(address_display, address) main_layout = QVBoxLayout(self) main_layout.addWidget(label) main_layout.addWidget(address_display) self.setMouseTracking(True) self.setWindowTitle("Encompass - " + _("Receive coin payment")) self.setWindowFlags(Qt.Window | Qt.FramelessWindowHint | Qt.MSWindowsFixedSizeDialogHint) self.layout().setSizeConstraint(QLayout.SetFixedSize)
def passphrase_dialog(self): from chainkey_gui.qt.password_dialog import make_password_dialog, run_password_dialog d = QDialog() d.setModal(1) d.setLayout(make_password_dialog(d, None, self.message, False)) confirmed, p, passphrase = run_password_dialog(d, None, None) if not confirmed: QMessageBox.critical(None, _('Error'), _('Password request canceled'), _('OK')) self.passphrase = None else: if passphrase is None: passphrase = '' # Even blank string is valid Trezor passphrase self.passphrase = unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', unicode(passphrase)) self.done.set()
def question(self, msg, yes_label=_('OK'), no_label=_('Cancel'), icon=None): vbox = QVBoxLayout() self.set_layout(vbox) if icon: logo = QLabel() logo.setPixmap(icon) vbox.addWidget(logo) label = QLabel(msg) label.setWordWrap(True) vbox.addWidget(label) vbox.addStretch(1) vbox.addLayout(ok_cancel_buttons(self, yes_label, no_label)) if not self.exec_(): return None return True
def do_full_pull(self, force = False): connection = httplib.HTTPConnection(self.target_host) connection.request("GET", ("/api/wallets/%s/labels.json?auth_token=%s" % (self.wallet_id, self.auth_token())),"", {'Content-Type': 'application/json'}) response = connection.getresponse() if response.status != 200: print_error("Cannot retrieve labels:", response.status, response.reason) return response = json.loads( if "error" in response: raise BaseException(_("Could not sync labels: %s" % response["error"])) for label in response: try: key = self.decode(label["external_id"]) except: continue try: value = self.decode(label["text"]) except: continue try: json.dumps(key) json.dumps(value) except: print_error('error: no json', key) continue if force or not self.wallet.labels.get(key): self.wallet.labels[key] = value'labels', self.wallet.labels) print_error("received %d labels"%len(response)) self.window.labelsChanged.emit()
def show_seed_box(seed, sid=None): save_msg = _("Please save these %d words on paper (order is important)." ) % len(seed.split()) + " " qr_msg = _( "Your seed is also displayed as QR code, in case you want to transfer it to a mobile phone." ) + "<p>" warning_msg = "<b>" + _("WARNING") + ":</b> " + _( "Never disclose your seed. Never type it on a website.") + "</b><p>" if sid is None: msg = _("Your wallet generation seed is") msg2 = save_msg + " " \ + _("This seed will allow you to recover your wallet in case of computer failure.") + "<br/>" \ + warning_msg elif sid == 'cold': msg = _("Your cold storage seed is") msg2 = save_msg + " " \ + _("This seed will be permanently deleted from your wallet file. Make sure you have saved it before you press 'next'") + " " \ elif sid == 'hot': msg = _("Your hot seed is") msg2 = save_msg + " " \ + _("If you ever need to recover your wallet from seed, you will need both this seed and your cold seed.") + " " \ label1 = QLabel(msg + ":") seed_text = ShowQRTextEdit(text=seed) seed_text.setMaximumHeight(130) label2 = QLabel(msg2) label2.setWordWrap(True) logo = QLabel() logo.setPixmap(QPixmap(icon_filename(sid)).scaledToWidth(56)) logo.setMaximumWidth(60) grid = QGridLayout() grid.addWidget(logo, 0, 0) grid.addWidget(label1, 0, 1) grid.addWidget(seed_text, 1, 0, 1, 2) vbox = QVBoxLayout() vbox.addLayout(grid) vbox.addWidget(label2) vbox.addStretch(1) return vbox
def filename_field(parent, config, defaultname, select_msg, csv_default=True): vbox = QVBoxLayout() vbox.addWidget(QLabel(_("Format"))) gb = QGroupBox("format", parent) b1 = QRadioButton(gb) b1.setText(_("CSV")) b1.setChecked(csv_default) b2 = QRadioButton(gb) b2.setText(_("json")) b2.setChecked(False if csv_default else True) vbox.addWidget(b1) vbox.addWidget(b2) hbox = QHBoxLayout() directory = config.get_above_chain('io_dir', unicode(os.path.expanduser('~'))) path = os.path.join(directory, defaultname) filename_e = QLineEdit() filename_e.setText(path) def func(): text = unicode(filename_e.text()) _filter = "*.csv" if text.endswith( ".csv") else "*.json" if text.endswith(".json") else None p = unicode( QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(None, select_msg, text, _filter)) if p: filename_e.setText(p) button = QPushButton(_('File')) button.clicked.connect(func) hbox.addWidget(button) hbox.addWidget(filename_e) vbox.addLayout(hbox) def set_csv(v): text = unicode(filename_e.text()) text = text.replace(".json", ".csv") if v else text.replace( ".csv", ".json") filename_e.setText(text) b1.clicked.connect(lambda: set_csv(True)) b2.clicked.connect(lambda: set_csv(False)) return vbox, filename_e, b1
def close_button(dialog, label=None): hbox = QHBoxLayout() hbox.addStretch(1) b = QPushButton(label or _("Close")) hbox.addWidget(b) b.clicked.connect(dialog.close) b.setDefault(True) return hbox
def __init__(self, config, name): BasePlugin.__init__(self, config, name) self._is_available = self._init() self._requires_settings = True self.wallet = None self.window = None if self._is_available: chainkey.wallet.wallet_types.append( ('hardware', 'trezor', _("Trezor wallet"), TrezorWallet))
def do_verify(self, tx): # 1. get the password and sign the verification request password = None if self.wallet.use_encryption: msg = _( 'GreenAddress requires your signature to verify that transaction is instant.\n' 'Please enter your password to sign a verification request.') password = if not password: return try: self.verify_button.setText(_('Verifying...')) QApplication.processEvents() # update the button label addr = self.get_my_addr(tx) message = "Please verify if %s is GreenAddress instant confirmed" % tx.hash( ) sig = self.wallet.sign_message(addr, message, password) # 2. send the request connection = httplib.HTTPSConnection('') connection.request("GET", ("/verify/?signature=%s&txhash=%s" % (urllib.quote(sig), tx.hash())), None, {'User-Agent': 'Electrum'}) response = connection.getresponse() response = json.loads( # 3. display the result if response.get('verified'): QMessageBox.information( None, _('Verification successful!'), _('%s is covered by GreenAddress instant confirmation') % (tx.hash()), _('OK')) else: QMessageBox.critical( None, _('Verification failed!'), _('%s is not covered by GreenAddress instant confirmation') % (tx.hash()), _('OK')) except BaseException as e: import traceback traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout) QMessageBox.information(None, _('Error'), str(e), _('OK')) finally: self.verify_button.setText(self.button_label)
def network_dialog(self): # skip this if config already exists if self.config.get('server') is not None: return grid = QGridLayout() grid.setSpacing(5) label = QLabel(_("Encompass communicates with remote servers to get information about your transactions and addresses. The servers all fulfil the same purpose only differing in hardware. In most cases you simply want to let Encompass pick one at random if you have a preference though feel free to select a server manually.") + "\n\n" \ + _("How do you want to connect to a server:")+" ") label.setWordWrap(True) grid.addWidget(label, 0, 0) gb = QGroupBox() b1 = QRadioButton(gb) b1.setText(_("Auto connect")) b1.setChecked(True) b2 = QRadioButton(gb) b2.setText(_("Select server manually")) #b3 = QRadioButton(gb) #b3.setText(_("Stay offline")) grid.addWidget(b1,1,0) grid.addWidget(b2,2,0) #grid.addWidget(b3,3,0) vbox = QVBoxLayout() vbox.addLayout(grid) vbox.addStretch(1) vbox.addLayout(ok_cancel_buttons(self, _('Next'))) self.set_layout(vbox) if not self.exec_(): return if b2.isChecked(): return NetworkDialog(, self.config, None).do_exec() else: self.config.set_key('auto_cycle', True, True) return
def __init__(self, data, parent=None, title = "", show_text=False): QDialog.__init__(self, parent) d = self d.setWindowTitle(title) vbox = QVBoxLayout() qrw = QRCodeWidget(data) vbox.addWidget(qrw, 1) if show_text: text = QTextEdit() text.setText(data) text.setReadOnly(True) vbox.addWidget(text) hbox = QHBoxLayout() hbox.addStretch(1) config = chainkey.get_config() if config: filename = os.path.join(config.path, "qrcode.bmp") def print_qr(): bmp.save_qrcode(qrw.qr, filename) QMessageBox.information(None, _('Message'), _("QR code saved to file") + " " + filename, _('OK')) def copy_to_clipboard(): bmp.save_qrcode(qrw.qr, filename) QApplication.clipboard().setImage(QImage(filename)) QMessageBox.information(None, _('Message'), _("QR code saved to clipboard"), _('OK')) b = QPushButton(_("Copy")) hbox.addWidget(b) b.clicked.connect(copy_to_clipboard) b = QPushButton(_("Save")) hbox.addWidget(b) b.clicked.connect(print_qr) b = QPushButton(_("Close")) hbox.addWidget(b) b.clicked.connect(d.accept) b.setDefault(True) vbox.addLayout(hbox) d.setLayout(vbox)
def __init__(self, parent): super(SettingsDialog, self).__init__(parent) self.gui = gui = parent self.config = gui.config self.actuator = gui.actuator self.active_chain = gui.active_chain self.setWindowTitle(_('Encompass Settings')) self.setModal(1) self.setMinimumWidth(500) # There are tabs for each category of settings. self.pages_tabs = QTabWidget() # Global options global_rows = self.create_global_options() global_options_grid = QGridLayout() for r in global_rows: r.add_to_layout(global_options_grid) global_description = _("These settings are not limited to any coin.") global_widget = self.create_page_widget(global_description, global_options_grid) self.pages_tabs.addTab(global_widget, _('Global')) # Per-chain options chain_rows = self.create_chain_options() chain_options_grid = QGridLayout() for r in chain_rows: r.add_to_layout(chain_options_grid) chain_description = _("These settings only affect") + " {}.".format(self.active_chain.coin_name) chain_widget = self.create_page_widget(chain_description, chain_options_grid) self.pages_tabs.addTab(chain_widget, self.actuator.get_coin_icon(self.active_chain.code), self.active_chain.coin_name) pages_explanation = QLabel(_('Select a category of settings below:')) pages_explanation.setWordWrap(True) vbox = QVBoxLayout() vbox.addWidget(pages_explanation) vbox.addWidget(self.pages_tabs, stretch=1) vbox.addLayout(close_button(self)) self.setLayout(vbox)
def __init__(self, parent): super(QDialog, self).__init__(parent) self.setModal(True) self.password_input = QLineEdit() self.password_input.setEchoMode(QLineEdit.Password) main_layout = QVBoxLayout(self) message = _('Please enter your password') main_layout.addWidget(QLabel(message)) grid = QGridLayout() grid.setSpacing(8) grid.addWidget(QLabel(_('Password')), 1, 0) grid.addWidget(self.password_input, 1, 1) main_layout.addLayout(grid) main_layout.addLayout(ok_cancel_buttons(self)) self.setLayout(main_layout)
def do_buy(credentials, amount): conn = httplib.HTTPSConnection('') credentials.authorize(conn) params = { 'qty': float(amount) / SATOSHIS_PER_BTC, 'agree_btc_amount_varies': False } resp = conn.auth_request('POST', '/api/v1/buys', urlencode(params), None) if resp.status != 200: message(_('Error, could not buy bitcoin')) return content = json.loads( if content['success']: message(_('Success!\n') + content['transfer']['description']) else: if content['errors']: message(_('Error: ') + string.join(content['errors'], '\n')) else: message(_('Error, could not buy bitcoin'))
def password_dialog(self, msg=None): if not msg: msg = _("Do not enter your device PIN here !\r\n\r\n" \ "Your BTChip wants to talk to you and tell you a unique second factor code.\r\n" \ "For this to work, please open a text editor (on a different computer / device if you believe this computer is compromised) and put your cursor into it, unplug your BTChip and plug it back in.\r\n" \ "It should show itself to your computer as a keyboard and output the second factor along with a summary of the transaction it is signing into the text-editor.\r\n\r\n" \ "Check that summary and then enter the second factor code here.\r\n" \ "Before clicking OK, re-plug the device once more (unplug it and plug it again if you read the second factor code on the same computer)") d = QDialog() d.setModal(1) d.setLayout(make_password_dialog(d, None, msg, False)) return run_password_dialog(d, None, None)
def show_message(self, msg, icon=None): vbox = QVBoxLayout() self.set_layout(vbox) if icon: logo = QLabel() logo.setPixmap(icon) vbox.addWidget(logo) vbox.addWidget(QLabel(msg)) vbox.addStretch(1) vbox.addLayout(close_button(self, _('Next'))) if not self.exec_(): return None
def waiting_dialog(self, task, msg= _("Encompass is generating your addresses, please wait.")): def target(): task() self.emit(QtCore.SIGNAL('accept')) vbox = QVBoxLayout() self.waiting_label = QLabel(msg) vbox.addWidget(self.waiting_label) self.set_layout(vbox) t = threading.Thread(target = target) t.start() self.exec_()
def add_paytoedit(self): w = QWidget() grid = QGridLayout() grid.setSpacing(8) grid.setColumnMinimumWidth(1, 300) grid.setColumnStretch(1, 2) pay_edit = PayToEdit(self.parent, BTCAmountEdit(self.parent.get_decimal_point)) self.payto_widgets.append((w, pay_edit)) current_widget_index = len(self.payto_widgets) - 1 completer = QCompleter() completer.setCaseSensitivity(False) pay_edit.setCompleter(completer) completer.setModel(self.parent.completions) if current_widget_index == 0: grid.addWidget(QLabel(_('Pay to')), 0, 0, 1, 1) grid.addWidget(QLabel(_('Amount')), 0, 3, 1, 1) grid.addWidget(self.payto_help, 0, 1) grid.addWidget(self.amount_help, 0, 4) grid.addWidget(pay_edit, 1, 0, 1, 3) grid.addWidget(pay_edit.amount_edit, 1, 3, 1, 3) w.setLayout(grid) self.vbox.addWidget(w) pay_edit.amount_edit.shortcut.connect( functools.partial(self.on_shortcut, current_widget_index)) pay_edit.textChanged.connect( functools.partial(self.on_textChanged, current_widget_index)) pay_edit.amount_edit.textEdited.connect( functools.partial(self.on_textChanged, current_widget_index)) return w
def installwizard_restore(self, wizard, storage): if storage.get_above_chain('wallet_type') != 'trezor': return seed = wizard.enter_seed_dialog("Enter your Trezor seed", None, func=lambda x: True) if not seed: return wallet = TrezorWallet(storage) self.wallet = wallet passphrase = self.handler.get_passphrase( _("Please enter your Trezor passphrase.") + '\n' + _("Press OK if you do not use one.")) if passphrase is None: return password = wizard.password_dialog() wallet.add_seed(seed, password) wallet.add_cosigner_seed(seed, 'x/', password, passphrase) wallet.create_main_account(password) # disable trezor plugin self.set_enabled(False) return wallet
def propose_rebuy_qt(amount): web = QWebView() box = QMessageBox() box.setFixedSize(200, 200) credentials = read_local_oauth_credentials() questionText = _('Rebuy ') + format_satoshis(amount) + _(' BTC?') if credentials: credentials.refresh() if credentials and not credentials.invalid: credentials.store_locally() totalPrice = get_coinbase_total_price(credentials, amount) questionText += _('\n(Price: ') + totalPrice + _(')') if not question(box, questionText): return if credentials: do_buy(credentials, amount) else: do_oauth_flow(web, amount) return web
def enter_seed_dialog(self, msg, sid, func=None): if func is None: func = self.is_any vbox, seed_e = seed_dialog.enter_seed_box(msg, self, sid) vbox.addStretch(1) hbox, button = ok_cancel_buttons2(self, _('Next')) vbox.addLayout(hbox) button.setEnabled(False) seed_e.textChanged.connect(lambda: button.setEnabled(func(self.get_seed_text(seed_e)))) self.set_layout(vbox) if not self.exec_(): return return self.get_seed_text(seed_e)
def __init__(self, parent): super(SendEdit, self).__init__(parent) self.parent = parent # list of 2-tuples: (widget, PayToEdit) self.payto_widgets = [] self.shortcut_paytoedit = None self.shortcut_addr = '' self.payto_help = HelpButton( _('Recipient of the funds.') + '\n\n' + _('You may enter a coin address, a label from your list of contacts (a list of completions will be proposed), or an alias (email-like address that forwards to a coin address)' )) self.amount_help = HelpButton(_('Amount to be sent.') + '\n\n' \ + _('The amount will be displayed in red if you do not have enough funds in your wallet. Note that if you have frozen some of your addresses, the available funds will be lower than your total balance.') \ + '\n\n' + _('Keyboard shortcut: type "!" to send all your coins.')) self.scroller = QScrollArea() self.scroller.setEnabled(True) self.scroller.setWidgetResizable(True) self.scroller.setMinimumSize(100, 125) self.scroller.setVerticalScrollBarPolicy(Qt.ScrollBarAlwaysOn) self.scroll_widget = QWidget() self.scroll_widget.setProperty("scrollArea", True) self.vbox = QVBoxLayout() self.scrolling_layout = QVBoxLayout() self.num_paytoedits = 10 # scroll area self.scroll_widget.setLayout(self.vbox) self.scroller.setWidget(self.scroll_widget) self.scrolling_layout.addWidget(self.scroller) self.create_paytoedits() self.active_paytoedit = self.payto_widgets[0][1] self.vbox.addStretch(1)
def address_field(addresses): hbox = QHBoxLayout() address_e = QLineEdit() if addresses: address_e.setText(addresses[0]) def func(): i = addresses.index(str(address_e.text())) + 1 i = i % len(addresses) address_e.setText(addresses[i]) button = QPushButton(_('Address')) button.clicked.connect(func) hbox.addWidget(button) hbox.addWidget(address_e) return hbox, address_e
def transaction_dialog(self, d): clamspeech = getattr(d.tx, 'clamspeech', None) if not clamspeech: return form = d.layout() vbox = QVBoxLayout() vbox.addWidget(QLabel(_("ClamSpeech:"))) speech_text = QTextEdit() speech_text.setReadOnly(True) speech_text.setMaximumHeight(100) speech_text.setText(clamspeech) speech_text.setFixedHeight(50) vbox.addWidget(speech_text) form.insertRow(form.rowCount() - 1, vbox)
def load_wallet(self, wallet): if self.trezor_is_connected(): if not wallet.is_supported_coin(): QMessageBox.information( self.window, _('Error'), _("Wallet firmware does not support the active currency.\nContinuing in watching-only mode." ), _('OK')) self.wallet.force_watching_only = True if not self.wallet.check_proper_device(): QMessageBox.information( self.window, _('Error'), _("This wallet does not match your Trezor device"), _('OK')) self.wallet.force_watching_only = True else: QMessageBox.information( self.window, _('Error'), _("Trezor device not detected.\nContinuing in watching-only mode." ), _('OK')) self.wallet.force_watching_only = True
def pin_dialog(self, msg): d = QDialog(None) d.setModal(1) d.setWindowTitle(_("Enter PIN")) d.setWindowFlags(d.windowFlags() | QtCore.Qt.WindowStaysOnTopHint) matrix = PinMatrixWidget() vbox = QVBoxLayout() vbox.addWidget(QLabel(msg)) vbox.addWidget(matrix) vbox.addLayout(ok_cancel_buttons(d)) d.setLayout(vbox) if not d.exec_(): return return str(matrix.get_value())
def add_io(self, form): if self.tx.locktime > 0: form.addRow(QLabel("LockTime:"), QLabel(self.tx.locktime)) def format_input(x): if x.get('is_coinbase'): return 'coinbase' else: _hash = x.get('prevout_hash') return _hash[0:8] + '...' + _hash[-8:] + ":%d" % x.get( 'prevout_n') + u'\t' + "%s" % x.get('address') lines = map(format_input, self.tx.inputs) i_text = QTextEdit() i_text.setFont(QFont(MONOSPACE_FONT)) i_text.setText('\n'.join(lines)) i_text.setReadOnly(True) i_text.setMaximumHeight(100) inputs_layout = QVBoxLayout() inputs_layout.addWidget(QLabel(_("Inputs:"))) inputs_layout.addWidget(i_text) form.addRow(inputs_layout) lines = map( lambda x: x[0] + u'\t\t' + self.parent.format_amount(x[1]) if x[1] else x[0], self.tx.get_outputs()) o_text = QTextEdit() o_text.setFont(QFont(MONOSPACE_FONT)) o_text.setText('\n'.join(lines)) o_text.setReadOnly(True) o_text.setMaximumHeight(100) outputs_layout = QVBoxLayout() outputs_layout.addWidget(QLabel(_("Outputs:"))) outputs_layout.addWidget(o_text) form.addRow(outputs_layout)
def context_menu(self): view_menu = QMenu() themes_menu = view_menu.addMenu(_("&Themes")) selected_theme = self.actuator.selected_theme() theme_group = QActionGroup(self) for theme_name in self.actuator.theme_names(): theme_action = themes_menu.addAction(theme_name) theme_action.setCheckable(True) if selected_theme == theme_name: theme_action.setChecked(True) class SelectThemeFunctor: def __init__(self, theme_name, toggle_theme): self.theme_name = theme_name self.toggle_theme = toggle_theme def __call__(self, checked): if checked: self.toggle_theme(self.theme_name) delegate = SelectThemeFunctor(theme_name, self.toggle_theme) theme_action.toggled.connect(delegate) theme_group.addAction(theme_action) view_menu.addSeparator() show_receiving = view_menu.addAction(_("Show Receiving addresses")) show_receiving.setCheckable(True) show_receiving.toggled.connect(self.toggle_receiving_layout) show_receiving.setChecked(self.config.get("gui_show_receiving", False)) show_history = view_menu.addAction(_("Show History")) show_history.setCheckable(True) show_history.toggled.connect(self.show_history) show_history.setChecked(self.config.get("gui_show_history", False)) return view_menu
def add_chain_dialog(self): d = QDialog(self) d.setModal(1) d.setWindowTitle(_("Add Currency To Wallet")) pw = QLineEdit() pw.setEchoMode(2) vbox = QVBoxLayout() msg = _('Please enter your password to start using this currency') vbox.addWidget(QLabel(msg)) grid = QGridLayout() grid.setSpacing(8) grid.addWidget(QLabel(_('Password')), 1, 0) grid.addWidget(pw, 1, 1) vbox.addLayout(grid) vbox.addLayout(ok_cancel_buttons(d)) d.setLayout(vbox) always_hook('password_dialog', pw, grid, 1) if not d.exec_(): return return unicode(pw.text())
def __init__(self, parent, verbose_view=False): QDialog.__init__(self, parent) self.parent = parent self.verbose_view = verbose_view self.setWindowTitle(_('Change Currency')) self.main_layout = main_layout = QVBoxLayout() self.create_chains_info() self.create_chains_view() self.refresh_chains() main_layout.addWidget(self.chains_view) main_layout.addLayout(ok_cancel_buttons(self)) self.setLayout(main_layout)
def waiting_dialog(self, f): s = Timer() s.start() w = QDialog() w.resize(200, 70) w.setWindowTitle('Encompass') l = QLabel(_('Sending transaction, please wait.')) vbox = QVBoxLayout() vbox.addWidget(l) w.setLayout(vbox) def ff(): s = f() if s: l.setText(s) else: w.close() w.connect(s, QtCore.SIGNAL('timersignal'), ff) w.exec_() w.destroy()
def resolve(self, url): '''Resolve OpenAlias address using url.''' print_error('[OA] Attempting to resolve OpenAlias data for ' + url) url = url.replace( '@', '.') # support email-style addresses, per the OA standard prefix = chainparams.get_active_chain().code.lower() retries = 3 err = None for i in range(0, retries): try: resolver = dns.resolver.Resolver() resolver.timeout = 2.0 resolver.lifetime = 4.0 records = resolver.query(url, dns.rdatatype.TXT) for record in records: string = record.strings[0] if string.startswith('oa1:' + prefix): address = self.find_regex( string, r'recipient_address=([A-Za-z0-9]+)') name = self.find_regex(string, r'recipient_name=([^;]+)') if not name: name = address if not address: continue return (address, name) QMessageBox.warning(, _('Error'), _('No OpenAlias record found.'), _('OK')) return 0 except dns.resolver.NXDOMAIN: err = _('No such domain.') continue except dns.resolver.Timeout: err = _('Timed out while resolving.') continue except DNSException: err = _('Unhandled exception.') continue except Exception, e: err = _('Unexpected error: ' + str(e)) continue break
def choice(self, title, msg, choices): vbox = QVBoxLayout() self.set_layout(vbox) vbox.addWidget(QLabel(title)) gb2 = QGroupBox(msg) vbox.addWidget(gb2) group2 = QButtonGroup() for i,c in enumerate(choices): button = QRadioButton(gb2) button.setText(c[1]) vbox.addWidget(button) group2.addButton(button) group2.setId(button, i) if i==0: button.setChecked(True) vbox.addStretch(1) vbox.addLayout(ok_cancel_buttons(self, _("Next"))) if not self.exec_(): return wallet_type = choices[group2.checkedId()][0] return wallet_type