def setup_method(self): self.mock_client = mock.Mock(spec=TypedAWSClient) self.ui = mock.Mock(spec=UI) self.executor = DisplayOnlyExecutor(self.mock_client, self.ui)
class TestDisplayOnlyExecutor(object): # Note: This executor doesn't have any guarantees on its output, # it's primarily to help debug/understand chalice. The tests here # check the basic structure of the output, but try to not be overly strict. def setup_method(self): self.mock_client = mock.Mock(spec=TypedAWSClient) self.ui = mock.Mock(spec=UI) self.executor = DisplayOnlyExecutor(self.mock_client, self.ui) def execute(self, instructions, messages=None): if messages is None: messages = {} self.executor.execute(models.Plan(instructions, messages)) def get_plan_output(self, instructions): self.executor.execute(models.Plan(instructions, {})) return ''.join(args[0][0] for args in self.ui.write.call_args_list) def test_can_display_plan(self): params = { 'name': 'foo', 'trust_policy': { 'trust': 'policy' }, 'policy': { 'iam': 'policy' } } call = APICall('create_role', params) plan_output = self.get_plan_output([call]) # Should have a plan title. assert plan_output.startswith('Plan\n====') # Should print the api call in upper camel case. assert 'API_CALL' in plan_output # Should print the name of the method in the plan. assert 'method_name: create_role' in plan_output # Should print out the api call arguments in output. assert 'name: foo' in plan_output # The values for these are in the tests for the variable pool. assert 'trust_policy: ' in plan_output assert 'policy: ' in plan_output def test_variable_pool_printed_if_needed(self): params = {'name': 'foo', 'policy': {'iam': 'policy'}} call = APICall('create_role', params) plan_output = self.get_plan_output([call]) # Dictionaries for param values are printed at the end so they # don't clutter the plan output. We should see a placeholder here. assert 'policy: ${POLICY_0}' in plan_output assert 'Variable Pool' in plan_output assert "${POLICY_0}:\n{'iam': 'policy'}" in plan_output def test_variable_pool_omitted_if_empty(self): params = {'name': 'foo'} call = APICall('create_role', params) plan_output = self.get_plan_output([call]) assert 'Variable Pool' not in plan_output def test_byte_value_replaced_if_over_length(self): params = {'name': 'foo', 'zip_contents': b'\x01' * 50} call = APICall('create_role', params) plan_output = self.get_plan_output([call]) assert 'zip_contents: <bytes>' in plan_output def test_can_print_multiple_instructions(self): instructions = [ JPSearch(expression='', input_var='in1', output_var='out1'), JPSearch(expression='foo.baz', input_var='in2', output_var='out2'), ] plan_output = self.get_plan_output(instructions) # Use a regex to ensure they're printed in order. assert 'JP_SEARCH.*expression:*' 'JP_SEARCH.*expression: foo.baz', plan_output, re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL) is not None def test_empty_values_omitted(self): params = { 'name': 'foo', 'empty_list': [], 'empty_dict': {}, 'empty_str': '' } call = APICall('create_role', params) plan_output = self.get_plan_output([call]) assert 'empty_list' not in plan_output assert 'empty_dict' not in plan_output assert 'empty_str' not in plan_output