def get_question(question_id):
    table = chalicelib.questions.QuestionsTable()
    question = table.get_question(question_id)
    if not question:
        raise chalice.NotFoundError('Requested resource does not exist')
    return {
        'question_id': question.question_id,
        'question': question.question,
        'possible_answers': question.possible_answers
def answer_question(question_id):
    if 'answer' not in app.current_request.json_body:
        raise chalice.BadRequestError('Missing "answer" in request body')
    provided_answer = app.current_request.json_body['answer']
    table = chalicelib.questions.QuestionsTable()
    question = table.get_question(question_id)
    if not question:
        raise chalice.NotFoundError('Requested resource does not exist')
    elif provided_answer not in question.possible_answers:
        raise chalice.BadRequestError(
            'Provided answer: %s is not a valid answer. Please submit an '
            'answer from the list of possible answers: %s' %
            (provided_answer, question.possible_answers))
    return {
        'is_correct': provided_answer == question.correct_answer,
        'provided_answer': provided_answer,
        'correct_answer': question.correct_answer,
        'question_id': question.question_id
def state_date_cases(state, date):
    Handles requests for a specific state and date. Dates must be in ISO format and
    be between 20202-01-01 and today.

    For GET requests, the single record for the specified date is returned. If no
    record exists, a 404 NotFound error is returned.

    For DELETE requests, if the record does not exist, the request has no effect
    and 200 is returned.

    :param state: The state of the current request.
    :param date: The date of the current request.
    :return: For GET requests, the specified data record is returned in the response
             body in JSON format.
             For DELETE requests, only the status code is returned.
    logger.info("Got %s to /states/%s/%s.", app.current_request.method, state,

    state = urllib.parse.unquote(state)
    date = urllib.parse.unquote(date)
    verify_input(state, date=date)

    response = None
    if app.current_request.method == 'GET':
        response = storage.get_state_date_data(state, date)
        if response is not None:
            response = json.dumps(response, default=convert_decimal_to_int)
            raise chalice.NotFoundError(
                f"No data found for {state} on {date}.")
    elif app.current_request.method == 'DELETE':
        storage.delete_state_date_data(state, date)

    return response