    def visit_Attribute(self, node):
        """Get attribute with fallback to dictionary lookup.

        Note: Variables starting with an underscore are exempt
        (reserved for internal use); as are the default system symbols.

        if isinstance(node.value, ast.Name) and \
           (node.value.id.startswith('_') or node.value.id in SYMBOLS):
            return ASTTransformer.visit_Attribute(self, node)

        ## This should be spellable as
        ##         return ast.Call(
        ##             ast.Name(config.SYMBOLS.lookup_attr, ast.Load()),
        ##             [self.visit(node.value), ast.Str(node.attr)],
        ##             [], None, None)
        ## .. except Python 2.5 doesn't allow it.

        call = ast.Call()
        name = ast.Name()
        name.id = config.SYMBOLS.lookup_attr
        name.ctx = ast.Load()
        call.func = name
        string = ast.Str()
        string.s = node.attr
        args = [self.visit(node.value), string]
        call.args = args
        call.keywords = []
        call.starargs = None
        call.kwargs = None
        return call
    def visit_Attribute(self, node):
        """Get attribute with fallback to dictionary lookup.

        Note: Variables starting with an underscore are exempt
        (reserved for internal use); as are the default system symbols.

        if isinstance(node.value, ast.Name) and \
           (node.value.id.startswith('_') or node.value.id in SYMBOLS):
            return ASTTransformer.visit_Attribute(self, node)

        ## This should be spellable as
        ##         return ast.Call(
        ##             ast.Name(config.SYMBOLS.lookup_attr, ast.Load()),
        ##             [self.visit(node.value), ast.Str(node.attr)],
        ##             [], None, None)
        ## .. except Python 2.5 doesn't allow it.

        call = ast.Call()
        name = ast.Name()
        name.id = config.SYMBOLS.lookup_attr
        name.ctx = ast.Load()
        call.func = name
        string = ast.Str()
        string.s = node.attr
        args = [self.visit(node.value), string]
        call.args = args
        call.keywords = []
        call.starargs = None
        call.kwargs = None
        return call