def __main(args: list) -> int:
    args = __process_arguments(args)
    verbose = not args.quiet

    # if repository is not set, then we are doing a core-sdk in performance repo run
    # if repository is set, user needs to supply the commit_sha
    if not ((args.commit_sha is None) == (args.repository is None)):
        raise ValueError(
            'Either both commit_sha and repository should be set or neither')

    # Acquire necessary tools (dotnet)
    # For arm64 runs, download the x64 version so we can get the information we need, but set all variables
    # as if we were running normally. This is a workaround due to the fact that arm64 binaries cannot run
    # in the cross containers, so we are running the ci setup script in a normal ubuntu container
    architecture = 'x64' if args.architecture == 'arm64' else args.architecture


    # dotnet --info

    # When running on internal repos, the repository comes to us incorrectly
    # (ie https://github.com/dotnet-coreclr). Replace dashes with slashes in that case.
    repo_url = None if args.repository is None else args.repository.replace(
        '-', '/')

    variable_format = 'set %s=%s\n' if sys.platform == 'win32' else 'export %s=%s\n'
    path_variable = 'set PATH=%%PATH%%;%s\n' if sys.platform == 'win32' else 'export PATH=$PATH:%s\n'
    dotnet_path = '%HELIX_CORRELATION_PAYLOAD%\dotnet' if sys.platform == 'win32' else '$HELIX_CORRELATION_PAYLOAD/dotnet'
    owner, repo = ('dotnet', 'core-sdk') if args.repository is None else (
    config_string = ';'.join(
        args.build_configs) if sys.platform == 'win32' else '"%s"' % ';'.join(

    output = ''

    with push_dir(get_repo_root_path()):
        output = check_output(['git', 'rev-parse', 'HEAD'])

    decoded_lines = []

    for line in output.splitlines():
        decoded_lines = decoded_lines + [line.decode('utf-8')]

    decoded_output = ''.join(decoded_lines)

    perfHash = decoded_output if args.get_perf_hash else args.perf_hash

    framework = ChannelMap.get_target_framework_moniker(args.channel)
    if framework.startswith('netcoreapp'):
        target_framework_moniker = dotnet.FrameworkAction.get_target_framework_moniker(
        dotnet_version = dotnet.get_dotnet_version(target_framework_moniker,
        commit_sha = dotnet.get_dotnet_sdk(
            args.cli) if args.commit_sha is None else args.commit_sha
        source_timestamp = dotnet.get_commit_date(target_framework_moniker,
                                                  commit_sha, repo_url)

        branch = ChannelMap.get_branch(
            args.channel) if not args.branch else args.branch

        getLogger().info("Writing script to %s" % args.output_file)

        with open(args.output_file, 'w') as out_file:
            out_file.write(variable_format % ('PERFLAB_INLAB', '1'))
            out_file.write(variable_format %
                           ('PERFLAB_REPO', '/'.join([owner, repo])))
            out_file.write(variable_format % ('PERFLAB_BRANCH', branch))
            out_file.write(variable_format % ('PERFLAB_PERFHASH', perfHash))
            out_file.write(variable_format % ('PERFLAB_HASH', commit_sha))
            out_file.write(variable_format % ('PERFLAB_QUEUE', args.queue))
            out_file.write(variable_format %
                           ('PERFLAB_BUILDNUM', args.build_number))
            out_file.write(variable_format %
                           ('PERFLAB_BUILDARCH', args.architecture))
            out_file.write(variable_format % ('PERFLAB_LOCALE', args.locale))
            out_file.write(variable_format %
                           ('PERFLAB_BUILDTIMESTAMP', source_timestamp))
            out_file.write(variable_format %
                           ('PERFLAB_CONFIGS', config_string))
            out_file.write(variable_format %
                           ('DOTNET_VERSION', dotnet_version))
            out_file.write(variable_format %
                           ('PERFLAB_TARGET_FRAMEWORKS', framework))
            out_file.write(variable_format %
                           ('DOTNET_CLI_TELEMETRY_OPTOUT', '1'))
            out_file.write(variable_format % ('DOTNET_MULTILEVEL_LOOKUP', '0'))
            out_file.write(variable_format % ('UseSharedCompilation', 'false'))
            out_file.write(variable_format % ('DOTNET_ROOT', dotnet_path))
            out_file.write(path_variable % dotnet_path)

        with open(args.output_file, 'w') as out_file:
            out_file.write(variable_format % ('PERFLAB_INLAB', '0'))
            out_file.write(variable_format %
                           ('PERFLAB_TARGET_FRAMEWORKS', framework))
            out_file.write(path_variable % dotnet_path)

    # The '_Framework' is needed for specifying frameworks in proj files and for building tools later in the pipeline
    __write_pipeline_variable('_Framework', framework)
def install(
        architecture: str,
        channels: list,
        versions: str,
        verbose: bool,
        install_dir: str = None) -> None:
    Downloads dotnet cli into the tools folder.
    __log_script_header("Downloading DotNet Cli")

    if not install_dir:
        install_dir = __get_directory(architecture)
    if not path.exists(install_dir):

    getLogger().info("DotNet Install Path: '%s'", install_dir)

    # Download appropriate dotnet install script
    dotnetInstallScriptExtension = '.ps1' if platform == 'win32' else '.sh'
    dotnetInstallScriptName = 'dotnet-install' + dotnetInstallScriptExtension
    url = 'https://dot.net/v1/'  
    dotnetInstallScriptUrl = url + dotnetInstallScriptName

    dotnetInstallScriptPath = path.join(install_dir, dotnetInstallScriptName)

    getLogger().info('Downloading %s', dotnetInstallScriptUrl)
    count = 0
    while count < 3:
            with urlopen(dotnetInstallScriptUrl, context=ssl._create_unverified_context()) as response:
                if "html" in response.info()['Content-Type']:
                    count = count + 1
                    sleep(1) # sleep one second
                with open(dotnetInstallScriptPath, 'wb') as outfile:
        except Exception:
            count = count + 1

    if count == 3:
        getLogger().error("Fatal error: could not download dotnet-install script")
        raise Exception("Fatal error: could not download dotnet-install script")

    if platform != 'win32':
        chmod(dotnetInstallScriptPath, S_IRWXU)

    dotnetInstallInterpreter = [
        '-ExecutionPolicy', 'Bypass',
    ] if platform == 'win32' else [dotnetInstallScriptPath]

    # If Version is supplied, pull down the specified version

    common_cmdline_args = dotnetInstallInterpreter + [
        '-InstallDir', install_dir,
        '-Architecture', architecture

    # Install Runtime/SDKs
    if versions:
        for version in versions:
            cmdline_args = common_cmdline_args + ['-Version', version]
            RunCommand(cmdline_args, verbose=verbose, retry=1).run(

    # Only check channels if versions are not supplied.
    # When we supply a version, but still pull down with -Channel, we will use
    # whichever sdk is newer. So if we are trying to check an older version,
    # or if there is a new version between when we start a run and when we actually
    # run, we will be testing the "wrong" version, ie, not the version we specified.
    if (not versions) and channels:
        for channel in channels:
            cmdline_args = common_cmdline_args + ['-Channel', ChannelMap.get_branch(channel)]
            if ChannelMap.get_quality_from_channel(channel) is not None:
                cmdline_args += ['-Quality', ChannelMap.get_quality_from_channel(channel)]
            RunCommand(cmdline_args, verbose=verbose, retry=1).run(

    # Set DotNet Cli environment variables.
    environ['DOTNET_CLI_TELEMETRY_OPTOUT'] = '1'
    environ['DOTNET_MULTILEVEL_LOOKUP'] = '0'
    environ['UseSharedCompilation'] = 'false'
    environ['DOTNET_ROOT'] = install_dir

    # Add installed dotnet cli to PATH
    environ["PATH"] = install_dir + pathsep + environ["PATH"]

    # If we have copied dotnet from a different machine, then it may not be
    # marked as executable. Fix this.
    if platform != 'win32':
        chmod(path.join(install_dir, 'dotnet'), S_IRWXU)