From: %s did not match the attributes commonName = %s emailAddress = %s given in your certificate request. Your certificate request will be processed anyway. But if you intend to use the requested certificate for signing e-mails you might want to adjust the from address in your mail clients preferences / options menu to avoid trouble with other mail users reporting invalid signatures. If you have further questions simply reply to this e-mail. """ % (mime_encode_header( charset.t612iso(cacert.subject.get( 'CN', 'CA administrator'))), ca_from_addr, certreq_mail_attr, caChallengeId, from_addr, certreq_name_attr, certreq_mail_attr) try: smtpconn = smtplib.SMTP(MailRelay) try: try: smtpconn.set_debuglevel(0) smtpconn.sendmail(ca_from_addr, certreq_mail_attr, mail_msg) finally: smtpconn.quit() except: LogWrite(logfile, 'Error', m, 'Unable to send an e-mail to %s!\n' % (certreq_mail_attr)) else: LogWrite(
dntemplate = findoption(options,'--dntemplate')[1] else: dntemplate = r'cn=%(CN)s' ca_names = opensslcnf.sectionkeys.get('ca',[]) ca_dn_dict = {} for ca_name in ca_names: ca = opensslcnf.getcadata(ca_name) if os.path.isfile(ca.certificate): cacert = openssl.cert.X509CertificateClass(ca.certificate) ca_dn = charset.iso2utf(charset.t612iso(dntemplate % (cacert.subject))) if ca_dn_dict.has_key(ca_dn): sys.stderr.write('Warning: DN of %s conflicts with %s.\n' % (ca_name,ca_dn_dict[ca_dn])) else: ca_dn_dict[ca_dn]=ca_name if ldapbase.dn_regex.match(ca_dn): ca_entry = {'objectclass':['top','certificationAuthority']} ca_entry['cACertificate;binary'] = [cacert.readcertfile('der')] if create_crls: if os.path.isfile(ca.crl): cacrl = openssl.cert.CRLClass(ca.crl) ca_entry['certificateRevocationList;binary'] = [cacrl.readcertfile('der')] ca_entry['authorityRevocationList;binary'] = [cacrl.readcertfile('der')]
did not match the attributes commonName = %s emailAddress = %s given in your certificate request. Your certificate request will be processed anyway. But if you intend to use the requested certificate for signing e-mails you might want to adjust the from address in your mail clients preferences / options menu to avoid trouble with other mail users reporting invalid signatures. If you have further questions simply reply to this e-mail. """ % ( mime_encode_header( charset.t612iso( cacert.subject.get('CN','CA administrator')) ), ca_from_addr, certreq_mail_attr, caChallengeId, from_addr, certreq_name_attr,certreq_mail_attr ) try: smtpconn=smtplib.SMTP(MailRelay) try: try: smtpconn.set_debuglevel(0) smtpconn.sendmail(ca_from_addr,certreq_mail_attr,mail_msg) finally: