def test_from_file(path):
    datafile = path.with_suffix('.json')
        data = json.loads(datafile.read_text())
    except FileNotFoundError:
        cfg = None
        cfg = Configuration.parse_obj(data)
    assert Configuration.from_file(path) == cfg
def test_resolve_paths(data, expected, monkeypatch, tmp_path):
    for path in [
        create_file(tmp_path / path)
    monkeypatch.chdir(tmp_path / "usr" / "src" / "project")
    if isinstance(data.get("package"), str):
        data["package"] = data["package"].format(tmp_path=tmp_path)
    elif isinstance(data.get("package"), list):
        data["package"] = [
            p.format(tmp_path=tmp_path) for p in data["package"]
    cfg = Configuration.parse_obj(data)
    if expected is not None:
        expected = [tmp_path / p for p in expected]
    assert cfg.package_paths == expected
def test_convert_check_set_error(field, value, badbit):
    with pytest.raises(ValidationError) as excinfo:
        Configuration.parse_obj({field: value})
    assert f'Unknown/invalid check prefix: {badbit!r}' in str(excinfo.value)
def test_convert_check_set(data, expected):
    cfg = Configuration.parse_obj(data)
    assert == expected
def test_convert_comma_list_error(field, value):
    if field in ('toplevel', 'package_omit') and value in ([42], ["foo", 42]):
        pytest.skip("pydantic allows int input to string fields")
    with pytest.raises(ValidationError):
        Configuration.parse_obj({field: value})
def test_convert_comma_list(data, expected):
    cfg = Configuration.parse_obj(data)
    assert cfg.package_omit == expected