def run_pypower(case):
    Executes a PYPOWER power flow for *case* and writes its results back to

    If *case* is a string, :func:`transform` will be called first to create
    a bus/branch model from the CIM file.

    basestring = (str,bytes)
    from pypower.api import ppoption, runpf
    from cim2busbranch import ext_pypower

    if isinstance(case, basestring):
        case = transform(case)

    ppc = ext_pypower.create(case)

    ppo = ppoption(OUT_ALL=0, VERBOSE=0)
    res = runpf(ppc, ppo)

    if not res[1]:
        raise RuntimeError('PYPOWER power flow failed.')

    ext_pypower.write_results_to_case(res[0], case)
def test_create(case, ppc):
    res = ext_pypower.create(case)

    assert res['version'] == ppc['version']
    assert res['baseMVA'] == ppc['baseMVA']
    assert (res['bus'] == ppc['bus']).all()
    assert (res['gen'] == ppc['gen']).all()
    assert (res['branch'] == ppc['branch']).all()
def main():
    import sys

    case = sys.argv[1] if len(sys.argv) == 2 else 'a'
    cases = {
        'a': test_case_a,
        'b': test_case_b,

    case = cases[case]()
    ppc = ext_pypower.create(case)

    ppo = ppoption(OUT_ALL=0, VERBOSE=0)
    res = runpf(ppc, ppo)

    ext_pypower.write_results_to_case(res[0], case)