def create_newlines( self, st, file_path, phase, window, Boots, epsilon, slow_vec_error=3, Filter=False, ): """ This function will create a list of lines with all relevant information to be stored in the results file. The function write_to_cluster_file() will write these lines to a new file and replace any of the lines with the same array location and target phase. Parameters ---------- st : Obspy stream object Obspy stream object of sac files with event, arrival time and station headers populated. file_path : string Path to the results file to check the contents of. phase : string Target phase (e.g. SKS) window : list of floats tmin and tmax describing the relative time window. Boots : int Number of bootstrap samples. epsilon : float Epsilon value used to find the clusters. slow_vec_error : float Maximum slowness vector deviation between the predicted and observed arrival. Arrival with larger deviations will be removed if Filter = True (below). Default is 3. Filter : bool Do you want to filter out the arrivals (default = False) Returns ------- newlines: list of strings of the contents to write to the results file. """ from scipy.spatial import distance from sklearn.neighbors import KDTree import os from circ_beam import shift_traces from obspy.taup import TauPyModel model = TauPyModel(model='prem') newlines = [] header = ( "Name evla evlo evdp reloc_evla reloc_evlo " "stla_mean stlo_mean slow_pred slow_max slow_diff " "slow_std_dev baz_pred baz_max baz_diff baz_std_dev " "slow_x_pred slow_x_obs del_x_slow x_std_dev slow_y_pred slow_y_obs " "del_y_slow y_std_dev az az_std mag mag_std time_obs time_pred time_diff time_std_dev " "error_ellipse_area ellispe_width ellispe_height " "ellispe_theta ellipse_rel_density multi phase no_stations " "stations t_window_start t_window_end Boots\n") event_time = c.get_eventtime(st) geometry = c.get_geometry(st) distances = c.get_distances(st, type="deg") mean_dist = np.mean(distances) stations = c.get_stations(st) no_stations = len(stations) sampling_rate = st[0].stats.sampling_rate stlo_mean, stla_mean = np.mean(geometry[:, 0]), np.mean(geometry[:, 1]) evdp = st[0].stats.sac.evdp evlo = st[0].stats.sac.evlo evla = st[0].stats.sac.evla t_min = window[0] t_max = window[1] Target_phase_times, time_header_times = c.get_predicted_times( st, phase) # the traces need to be trimmed to the same start and end time # for the shifting and clipping traces to work (see later). min_target = int(np.nanmin(Target_phase_times, axis=0)) + (t_min) max_target = int(np.nanmax(Target_phase_times, axis=0)) + (t_max) stime = event_time + min_target etime = event_time + max_target # trim the stream # Normalise and cut seismogram around defined window st = st.copy().trim(starttime=stime, endtime=etime) st = st.normalize() # get predicted slownesses and backazimuths predictions = c.pred_baz_slow(stream=st, phases=[phase], one_eighty=True) # find the line with the predictions for the phase of interest row = np.where((predictions == phase))[0] ( P, S, BAZ, PRED_BAZ_X, PRED_BAZ_Y, PRED_AZ_X, PRED_AZ_Y, DIST, TIME, ) = predictions[row, :][0] PRED_BAZ_X = float(PRED_BAZ_X) PRED_BAZ_Y = float(PRED_BAZ_Y) S = float(S) BAZ = float(BAZ) name = (str(event_time.year) + f"{event_time.month:02d}" + f"{}" + "_" + f"{event_time.hour:02d}" + f"{event_time.minute:02d}" + f"{event_time.second:02d}") traces = c.get_traces(st) shifted_traces = shift_traces(traces=traces, geometry=geometry, abs_slow=float(S), baz=float(BAZ), distance=float(mean_dist), centre_x=float(stlo_mean), centre_y=float(stla_mean), sampling_rate=sampling_rate) # predict arrival time arrivals = model.get_travel_times(source_depth_in_km=evdp, distance_in_degree=mean_dist, phase_list=[phase]) pred_time = arrivals[0].time # get point of the predicted arrival time pred_point = int(sampling_rate * (pred_time - min_target)) # get points to clip window point_before = int(pred_point + (t_min * sampling_rate)) point_after = int(pred_point + (t_max * sampling_rate)) # clip the traces cut_shifted_traces = shifted_traces[:, point_before:point_after] # get the min time of the traces min_time = pred_time + t_min no_clusters = np.amax(self.labels) + 1 means_xy, means_baz_slow = self.cluster_means() bazs_std, slows_std, slow_xs_std, slow_ys_std, azs_std, mags_std = self.cluster_std_devs( pred_x=PRED_BAZ_X, pred_y=PRED_BAZ_Y) ellipse_areas = self.cluster_ellipse_areas(std_dev=2) ellipse_properties = self.cluster_ellipse_properties(std_dev=2) points_clusters = self.group_points_clusters() arrival_times = self.estimate_travel_times(traces=cut_shifted_traces, tmin=min_time, sampling_rate=sampling_rate, geometry=geometry, distance=mean_dist, pred_x=PRED_BAZ_X, pred_y=PRED_BAZ_Y) # Option to filter based on ellipse size or vector deviation if Filter == True: try: distances = distance.cdist(np.array([[PRED_BAZ_X, PRED_BAZ_Y]]), means_xy, metric="euclidean") number_arrivals_slow_space = np.where( distances < slow_vec_error)[0].shape[0] number_arrivals = number_arrivals_slow_space except: multi = "t" number_arrivals = 0 elif Filter == False: number_arrivals = no_clusters else: print("Filter needs to be True or False") exit() if number_arrivals > 1: multi = "y" elif number_arrivals == 0: print("no usable arrivals, exiting code") # exit() multi = "t" elif number_arrivals == 1: multi = "n" else: print("something went wrong in error estimates, exiting") # exit() multi = "t" # make new line usable_means = np.empty((number_arrivals, 2)) # set counter to be zero, this will be used to label the arrivals as first second etc. usable_arrivals = 0 if no_clusters != 0: for i in range(no_clusters): # create label for the arrival # get information for that arrival baz_obs = means_baz_slow[i, 0] baz_diff = baz_obs - float(BAZ) slow_obs = means_baz_slow[i, 1] slow_diff = slow_obs - float(S) slow_x_obs = c.myround(means_xy[i, 0]) slow_y_obs = c.myround(means_xy[i, 1]) del_x_slow = slow_x_obs - PRED_BAZ_X del_y_slow = slow_y_obs - PRED_BAZ_Y az = np.degrees(np.arctan2(del_y_slow, del_x_slow)) mag = np.sqrt(del_x_slow**2 + del_y_slow**2) if az < 0: az += 360 distance = np.sqrt(del_x_slow**2 + del_y_slow**2) baz_std_dev = bazs_std[i] slow_std_dev = slows_std[i] x_std_dev = slow_xs_std[i] y_std_dev = slow_ys_std[i] az_std_dev = azs_std[i] mag_std_dev = mags_std[i] error_ellipse_area = ellipse_areas[i] width = ellipse_properties[i, 1] height = ellipse_properties[i, 2] theta = ellipse_properties[i, 3] # relocated event location reloc_evla, reloc_evlo = c.relocate_event_baz_slow( evla=evla, evlo=evlo, evdp=evdp, stla=stla_mean, stlo=stlo_mean, baz=baz_obs, slow=slow_obs, phase=phase, mod='prem') times = arrival_times[i] mean_time = np.mean(times) time_diff = mean_time - pred_time times_std_dev = np.std(times) # if error_ellipse_area <= error_criteria_area and error_ellipse_area > 1.0: # multi = 'm' if Filter == True: if distance < slow_vec_error: usable_means[usable_arrivals] = np.array( [slow_x_obs, slow_y_obs]) points_cluster = points_clusters[i] tree = KDTree(points_cluster, leaf_size=self.points.shape[0] * 1.5) points_rad = tree.query_radius(points_cluster, r=epsilon, count_only=True) densities = points_rad / (np.pi * (epsilon**2)) mean_density = np.mean(densities) # update the usable arrivals count usable_arrivals += 1 name_label = name + "_" + str(usable_arrivals) # define the newline to be added to the file newline = ( f"{name_label} {evla:.2f} {evlo:.2f} {evdp:.2f} {reloc_evla:.2f} " f"{reloc_evlo:.2f} {stla_mean:.2f} {stlo_mean:.2f} {S:.2f} {slow_obs:.2f} " f"{slow_diff:.2f} {slow_std_dev:.2f} {BAZ:.2f} {baz_obs:.2f} {baz_diff:.2f} " f"{baz_std_dev:.2f} {PRED_BAZ_X:.2f} {slow_x_obs:.2f} " f"{del_x_slow:.2f} {x_std_dev:.2f} {PRED_BAZ_Y:.2f} {slow_y_obs:.2f} " f"{del_y_slow:.2f} {y_std_dev:.2f} {az:.2f} {az_std_dev:.2f} {mag:.2f} {mag_std_dev:.2f} " f"{mean_time:.2f} {pred_time:.2f} {time_diff:.2f} {times_std_dev:.2f} " f"{error_ellipse_area:.2f} {width:.2f} {height:.2f} {theta:.2f} {mean_density:.2f} " f"{multi} {phase} {no_stations} {','.join(stations)} " f"{window[0]:.2f} {window[1]:.2f} {Boots}\n") # there will be multiple lines so add these to this list. newlines.append(newline) else: print( "The error for this arrival is too large, not analysing this any further" ) ## change the labels updated_labels = np.where(self.labels == i, -1, self.labels) newline = "" newlines.append(newline) elif Filter == False: usable_means[usable_arrivals] = np.array( [slow_x_obs, slow_y_obs]) points_cluster = points_clusters[i] tree = KDTree(points_cluster, leaf_size=self.points.shape[0] * 1.5) points_rad = tree.query_radius(points_cluster, r=epsilon, count_only=True) densities = points_rad / (np.pi * (epsilon**2)) mean_density = np.mean(densities) # update the usable arrivals count usable_arrivals += 1 name_label = name + "_" + str(usable_arrivals) # define the newline to be added to the file newline = ( f"{name_label} {evla:.2f} {evlo:.2f} {evdp:.2f} {reloc_evla:.2f} " f"{reloc_evlo:.2f} {stla_mean:.2f} {stlo_mean:.2f} {S:.2f} {slow_obs:.2f} " f"{slow_diff:.2f} {slow_std_dev:.2f} {BAZ:.2f} {baz_obs:.2f} {baz_diff:.2f} " f"{baz_std_dev:.2f} {PRED_BAZ_X:.2f} {slow_x_obs:.2f} " f"{del_x_slow:.2f} {x_std_dev:.2f} {PRED_BAZ_Y:.2f} {slow_y_obs:.2f} " f"{del_y_slow:.2f} {y_std_dev:.2f} {az:.2f} {az_std_dev:.2f} {mag:.2f} {mag_std_dev:.2f} " f"{mean_time:.2f} {pred_time:.2f} {time_diff:.2f} {times_std_dev:.2f} " f"{error_ellipse_area:.2f} {width:.2f} {height:.2f} {theta:.2f} {mean_density:.2f} " f"{multi} {phase} {no_stations} {','.join(stations)} " f"{window[0]:.2f} {window[1]:.2f} {Boots}\n") # there will be multiple lines so add these to this list. newlines.append(newline) else: print("Filter needs to be True or False") exit() else: newline = "" newlines.append(newline) ## Write to file! # now loop over file to see if I have this observation already found = False added = False # just so i dont write it twice if i find the criteria in multiple lines ## write headers to the file if it doesnt exist line_list = [] if os.path.exists(file_path): with open(file_path, "r") as Multi_file: for line in Multi_file: if name in line and phase in line and f"{stla_mean:.2f}" in line: print("name and phase and stla in line, replacing") if added == False: line_list.extend(newlines) added = True else: print("already added to file") found = True else: line_list.append(line) else: with open(file_path, "w") as Multi_file: Multi_file.write(header) line_list.append(header) if not found: print("name or phase or stla not in line. Adding to the end.") line_list.extend(newlines) else: pass with open(file_path, "w") as Multi_file2: Multi_file2.write("".join(line_list)) return newlines
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import circ_array as c from circ_beam import pws_stack_baz_slow, linear_stack_baz_slow phase = 'SKS' phases = ['SKS', 'SKKS', 'ScS', 'Sdiff', 'sSKS', 'sSKKS', 'PS'] st ='./data/19970525/*SAC') # get array metadata event_time = c.get_eventtime(st) geometry = c.get_geometry(st) distances = c.get_distances(st, type='deg') mean_dist = np.mean(distances) stations = c.get_stations(st) # get travel time information and define a window Target_phase_times, time_header_times = c.get_predicted_times(st, phase) avg_target_time = np.mean(Target_phase_times) min_target_time = int(np.nanmin(Target_phase_times, axis=0)) max_target_time = int(np.nanmax(Target_phase_times, axis=0)) stime = event_time + min_target_time etime = event_time + max_target_time + 30 print(stime) print(etime) # trim the stream
Description = """ This python script will test: - Importing of the package. - Recovering information from the data files about the array. """ # import packages import obspy import circ_array as c # read in data as an obspy stream st ='./data/19970525/*SAC') stations = c.get_stations(stream=st) geometry_degrees_absolute = c.get_geometry(stream=st, return_center=False, distance='degrees', verbose='False', relative='False') geometry_degrees_relative = c.get_geometry(stream=st, return_center=False, distance='degrees', verbose='False', relative='True') geometry_kilometres_absolute = c.get_geometry(stream=st, return_center=False, distance='km',