def __get_class(parent_class, name=None):
    Identify the subclass of parent_class to a given name, if specified.
    If the name is not specified, the routine picks a default.

    Note, only the first filename of the list is use here.

    :param parent_class: A base class
    :param name: name of the class to find
    :return: a subclass of the parent_class
    from cis.plugin import find_plugin_classes
    from cis.exceptions import ClassNotFoundError
    import logging

    all_classes = find_plugin_classes(parent_class, 'cis.collocation.col_implementations')
    for cls in all_classes:

        if name is None:
            # Use default
            # Method specified directly
            if name == cls.__name__:
                logging.debug("Selected class " + cls.__name__)
                return cls

    raise ClassNotFoundError("Specified "+parent_class.__name__+" subclass cannot be found")
def __get_class(parent_class, name=None):
    Identify the subclass of parent_class to a given name, if specified.
    If the name is not specified, the routine picks a default.

    Note, only the first filename of the list is use here.

    :param parent_class: A base class
    :param name: name of the class to find
    :return: a subclass of the parent_class
    from cis.plugin import find_plugin_classes
    from cis.exceptions import ClassNotFoundError
    import logging

    all_classes = find_plugin_classes(parent_class,
    for cls in all_classes:

        if name is None:
            # Use default
            # Method specified directly
            if name == cls.__name__:
                logging.debug("Selected class " + cls.__name__)
                return cls

    raise ClassNotFoundError("Specified " + parent_class.__name__ +
                             " subclass cannot be found")
def __get_class(filename, product=None):
    Identify the subclass of :class:`.AProduct` to a given product name if specified.
    If the product name is not specified, the routine uses the signature (regex)
    given by :meth:`get_file_signature` to infer the product class from the filename.

    Note, only the first filename of the list is use here.

    :param filename: A single filename
    :param product: name of the product
    :return: a subclass of :class:`.AProduct`
    import re
    import os
    import cis.plugin as plugin
    from cis.exceptions import ClassNotFoundError

    # Ensure the filename doesn't include the path
    basename = os.path.basename(filename)

    product_classes = plugin.find_plugin_classes(AProduct,
    product_classes = sorted(product_classes,
                             key=lambda cls: cls.priority,

    for cls in product_classes:

        if product is None:
            # search for a pattern that matches file signature
            class_instance = cls()
            patterns = class_instance.get_file_signature()
            for pattern in patterns:
                # Match the pattern - re.I allows for case insensitive matches.
                # Appending '$' to the pattern ensures we match the whole string
                if re.match(pattern + '$', basename, re.I) is not None:
                    logging.debug("Found product class " + cls.__name__ +
                                  " matching regex pattern " + pattern)
                    errors = class_instance.get_file_type_error(filename)
                    if errors is None:
                        return cls
                            "Product class {} is not right because {}".format(
                                cls.__name__, errors))
            # product specified directly
            if product == cls.__name__:
                logging.debug("Selected product class " + cls.__name__)
                return cls
    error_message = "Product cannot be found for given file.\nSupported products and signatures are:\n"
    for cls in product_classes:
        error_message += cls().__class__.__name__ + ": " + str(
            cls().get_file_signature()) + "\n"
    raise ClassNotFoundError(error_message)
文件: parse.py 项目: cpaulik/cis
def check_aggregate_kernel(arg, parser):
    import cis.plugin as plugin
    from cis.collocation.col_framework import Kernel
    from cis.aggregation.aggregation_kernels import aggregation_kernels

    aggregation_classes = plugin.find_plugin_classes(Kernel, 'cis.collocation.col_implementations')
    aggregation_names = [cls().__class__.__name__ for cls in aggregation_classes]
    if arg in aggregation_kernels.keys() or arg in aggregation_names:
        return arg
        parser.error(arg + " is not a valid aggregation kernel. Please use one of " + str(aggregation_names))
文件: parse.py 项目: cpaulik/cis
def check_product(product, parser):
    from cis.data_io.products.AProduct import AProduct
    import cis.plugin as plugin

    if product:
        product_classes = plugin.find_plugin_classes(AProduct, 'cis.data_io.products.products')
        product_names = [cls().__class__.__name__ for cls in product_classes]
        if product not in product_names:
            parser.error(product + " is not a valid product. Please use one of " + str(product_names))
        product = None
    return product
def files_which_match_some_of_regexp_but_not_the_end_shouldnt_match():
    Because we're using re.match the regular expression has to match the start - but not necassarily the end. This
     test ensures that we have taken care of that as often the extension is the most important part.
    import cis.plugin as plugin
    from cis.data_io.products.AProduct import AProduct
    # We have to patch all of the plugin classes because get_file_type_error gets called and this file doesn't exist
    #  we are only testing the wildcard matching logic.
    product_classes = plugin.find_plugin_classes(AProduct,
    for p in product_classes:
        p.get_file_type_error = lambda self, f: None
    _ = __get_class(example_caliop_l2_filename + ".ext")
文件: AProduct.py 项目: cedadev/cis
def __get_class(filename, product=None):
    Identify the subclass of :class:`.AProduct` to a given product name if specified.
    If the product name is not specified, the routine uses the signature (regex)
    given by :meth:`get_file_signature` to infer the product class from the filename.

    Note, only the first filename of the list is use here.

    :param filename: A single filename
    :param product: name of the product
    :return: a subclass of :class:`.AProduct`
    import re
    import os
    import cis.plugin as plugin
    from cis.exceptions import ClassNotFoundError

    # Ensure the filename doesn't include the path
    basename = os.path.basename(filename)

    product_classes = plugin.find_plugin_classes(AProduct, 'cis.data_io.products')
    product_classes = sorted(product_classes, key=lambda cls: cls.priority, reverse=True)

    for cls in product_classes:

        if product is None:
            # search for a pattern that matches file signature
            class_instance = cls()
            patterns = class_instance.get_file_signature()
            for pattern in patterns:
                # Match the pattern - re.I allows for case insensitive matches.
                # Appending '$' to the pattern ensures we match the whole string
                if re.match(pattern+'$', basename, re.I) is not None:
                    logging.debug("Found product class " + cls.__name__ + " matching regex pattern " + pattern)
                    errors = class_instance.get_file_type_error(filename)
                    if errors is None:
                        return cls
                        logging.info("Product class {} is not right because {}".format(cls.__name__, errors))
            # product specified directly
            if product == cls.__name__:
                logging.debug("Selected product class " + cls.__name__)
                return cls
    error_message = "Product cannot be found for given file.\nSupported products and signatures are:\n"
    for cls in product_classes:
        error_message += cls().__class__.__name__ + ": " + str(cls().get_file_signature()) + "\n"
    raise ClassNotFoundError(error_message)
文件: parse.py 项目: cpaulik/cis
def add_plot_parser_arguments(parser):
    from cis.data_io.products.AProduct import AProduct
    import cis.plugin as plugin

    product_classes = plugin.find_plugin_classes(AProduct, 'cis.data_io.products', verbose=False)

    parser.add_argument("datagroups", metavar="Input datagroups", nargs="+",
                        help="The datagroups to be plotted, in the format 'variable:filenames[:options]', where "
                             "options are entered in a comma separated list of the form \'keyword=value\'. Available "
                             "options are color, edgecolor, itemstylem, label and product. Colour is any valid html "
                             "colour and product is one of the options listed below. For example 'cis plot "
                             "var1:file:product=NetCDF_CF_Gridded,colour=red'. Products: " +
                             str([cls().__class__.__name__ for cls in product_classes]))
    parser.add_argument("-o", "--output", metavar="Output filename", nargs="?",
                        help="The filename of the output file for the plot image")
    parser.add_argument("--type", metavar="Chart type", nargs="?",
                        help="The chart type, one of: " + str(Plotter.plot_types.keys()))

    parser.add_argument("--xlabel", metavar="X axis label", nargs="?", help="The label for the x axis")
    parser.add_argument("--ylabel", metavar="Y axis label", nargs="?", help="The label for the y axis")
    parser.add_argument("--cbarlabel", metavar="Colour bar label", nargs="?", help="The label for the colour bar")

    parser.add_argument("--xtickangle", metavar="X tick angle", nargs="?",
                        help="The angle (in degrees) of the ticks on the x axis")
    parser.add_argument("--ytickangle", metavar="Y tick angle", nargs="?",
                        help="The angle (in degrees) of the ticks on the y axis")

    parser.add_argument("--title", metavar="Chart title", nargs="?", help="The title for the chart")
    parser.add_argument("--itemwidth", metavar="Item width", nargs="?",
                        help="The width of an item. Unit are points in the case of a line, and point^2 in the case of a"
                             " scatter point.")
    parser.add_argument("--fontsize", metavar="Font size", nargs="?", help="The size of the font in points")
    parser.add_argument("--cmap", metavar="Colour map", nargs="?", help="The colour map used, e.g. RdBu")
    parser.add_argument("--height", metavar="Plot height", nargs="?", help="The height of the plot in inches")
    parser.add_argument("--width", metavar="Plot width", nargs="?", help="The width of the plot in inches")

    parser.add_argument("--xmin", metavar="Minimum x", nargs="?", help="The minimum x value to plot")
    parser.add_argument("--xmax", metavar="Maximum x", nargs="?", help="The maximum x value to plot")
    parser.add_argument("--xstep", metavar="X step", nargs="?", help="The step of the x axis")

    parser.add_argument("--ymin", metavar="Minimum y", nargs="?", help="The minimum y value to plot")
    parser.add_argument("--ymax", metavar="Maximum y", nargs="?", help="The maximum y value to plot")
    parser.add_argument("--ystep", metavar="Y step", nargs="?", help="The step of the y axis")

    parser.add_argument("--vmin", metavar="Minimum value", nargs="?", help="The minimum value to plot")
    parser.add_argument("--vmax", metavar="Maximum value", nargs="?", help="The maximum value to plot")
    parser.add_argument("--vstep", metavar="X value", nargs="?", help="The step of the colour bar")

    parser.add_argument("--xbinwidth", metavar="Histogram x axis bin width", nargs="?",
                        help="The width of the bins on the x axis of a histogram")
    parser.add_argument("--ybinwidth", metavar="Histogram y axis bin width", nargs="?",
                        help="The width of the bins on the y axis of a histogram")

    parser.add_argument("--cbarorient", metavar="Colour bar orientation", default="vertical", nargs="?",
                        help="The orientation of the colour bar, either horizontal or vertical")
    parser.add_argument("--nocolourbar", metavar="Hides the colour bar", default="False", nargs="?",
                        help="Does not show the colour bar")

    parser.add_argument("--logx", metavar="Log (base 10) scale on X axis", default="False", nargs="?",
                        help="Uses a log scale (base 10) on the x axis")
    parser.add_argument("--logy", metavar="Log (base 10) scale on Y axis", default="False", nargs="?",
                        help="Uses a log scale (base 10) on the y axis")
    parser.add_argument("--logv", metavar="Log (base 10) scale for values", default="False", nargs="?",
                        help="Uses a log scale (base 10) on the colour bar")

    parser.add_argument("--grid", metavar="Show grid", default="False", nargs="?", help="Shows grid lines on the plot")
    parser.add_argument("--xaxis", metavar="Variable on x axis", nargs="?",
                        help="Name of variable to use on the x axis")
    parser.add_argument("--yaxis", metavar="Variable on y axis", nargs="?",
                        help="Name of variable to use on the y axis")

    parser.add_argument("--coastlinescolour", metavar="Coastlines Colour", nargs="?",
                        help="The colour of the coastlines on a map. Any valid html colour (e.g. red)")
    parser.add_argument("--nasabluemarble", metavar="NASA Blue Marble background", default=False, nargs="?",
                        help="Add the NASA 'Blue Marble' image as the background to a map, instead of coastlines")

    parser.add_argument("--plotwidth", metavar="Width of the plot in inches", default=8, nargs="?",
                        help="Set the width of the plot when outputting to file")
    parser.add_argument("--plotheight", metavar="Height of the plot in inches", default=6, nargs="?",
                        help="Set the height of the plot when outputting to file")
    parser.add_argument("--cbarscale", metavar="A scaling for the color bar", default=None, nargs="?",
                        help="Scale the color bar, use when color bar does not match plot size")
    return parser
文件: parse.py 项目: cedadev/cis
def add_plot_parser_arguments(parser):
    from cis.data_io.products.AProduct import AProduct
    from cis.parse_datetime import parse_as_number_or_datetime_delta, parse_as_number_or_datetime
    import cis.plugin as plugin
    from matplotlib.colors import cnames

    product_classes = plugin.find_plugin_classes(AProduct, 'cis.data_io.products', verbose=False)

    parser.add_argument("datagroups", metavar="Input datagroups", nargs="+",
                        help="The datagroups to be plotted, in the format 'variable:filenames[:options]', where "
                             "options are entered in a comma separated list of the form \'keyword=value\'. Available "
                             "options are color, edgecolor, itemstylem, label and product. Colour is any valid html "
                             "colour and product is one of the options listed below. For example 'cis plot "
                             "var1:file:product=NetCDF_CF_Gridded,colour=red'. Products: " +
                             str([cls().__class__.__name__ for cls in product_classes]))
    parser.add_argument("-o", "--output", metavar="Output filename", nargs="?", default=None,
                        help="The filename of the output file for the plot image")
    parser.add_argument("--type", metavar="Chart type", nargs="?",
                        help="The chart type, one of: " + str(plot_types.keys()),

    parser.add_argument("--xlabel", metavar="X axis label", nargs="?", help="The label for the x axis")
    parser.add_argument("--ylabel", metavar="Y axis label", nargs="?", help="The label for the y axis")
    parser.add_argument("--cbarlabel", metavar="Colour bar label", nargs="?", help="The label for the colour bar")

    parser.add_argument("--title", metavar="Chart title", nargs="?", help="The title for the chart")
    parser.add_argument("--fontsize", metavar="Font size", nargs="?", help="The size of the font in points", type=float)
    parser.add_argument("--cmap", metavar="Colour map", nargs="?", help="The colour map used, e.g. RdBu")
    parser.add_argument("--height", metavar="Plot height", nargs="?", help="The height of the plot in inches",
    parser.add_argument("--width", metavar="Plot width", nargs="?", help="The width of the plot in inches", type=float)

    parser.add_argument("--xmin", metavar="Minimum x", nargs="?", help="The minimum x value to plot",
    parser.add_argument("--xmax", metavar="Maximum x", nargs="?", help="The maximum x value to plot",
    parser.add_argument("--xstep", metavar="X step", nargs="?", help="The step of the x axis",

    parser.add_argument("--ymin", metavar="Minimum y", nargs="?", help="The minimum y value to plot",
    parser.add_argument("--ymax", metavar="Maximum y", nargs="?", help="The maximum y value to plot",
    parser.add_argument("--ystep", metavar="Y step", nargs="?", help="The step of the y axis",

    parser.add_argument("--vmin", metavar="Minimum value", nargs="?", help="The minimum value to plot",
    parser.add_argument("--vmax", metavar="Maximum value", nargs="?", help="The maximum value to plot",
    parser.add_argument("--vstep", metavar="X value", nargs="?", help="The step of the colour bar",

    parser.add_argument("--xbins", metavar="Number of histogram x axis bins", nargs="?",
                        help="The number of bins on the x axis of a histogram", type=int)
    parser.add_argument("--ybins", metavar="Number of histogram x axis bins", nargs="?",
                        help="The number of bins on the y axis of a histogram", type=int)

    parser.add_argument("--cbarorient", metavar="Colour bar orientation", nargs="?",
                        help="The orientation of the colour bar, either horizontal or vertical",
                        choices=['vertical', 'horizontal'])
    parser.add_argument("--nocolourbar", dest='colourbar',
                        help="Does not show the colour bar", action='store_false')

                        help="Uses a log scale (base 10) on the x axis", action='store_true')
                        help="Uses a log scale (base 10) on the y axis", action='store_true')
                        help="Uses a log scale (base 10) on the colour bar", action='store_true')

    parser.add_argument("--grid", help="Shows grid lines on the plot",

    parser.add_argument("--xaxis", metavar="Variable on x axis", nargs="?",
                        help="Name of variable to use on the x axis")
    parser.add_argument("--yaxis", metavar="Variable on y axis", nargs="?",
                        help="Name of variable to use on the y axis")

    parser.add_argument("--coastlinescolour", metavar="Coastlines Colour", nargs="?",
                        help="The colour of the coastlines on a map. Any valid html colour (e.g. red)",
                        choices=(list(cnames.keys()) + ['grey']))
                        help="Add the NASA 'Blue Marble' image as the background to a map, instead of coastlines",

    parser.add_argument("--cbarscale", metavar="A scaling for the color bar", nargs="?",
                        help="Scale the color bar, use when color bar does not match plot size", type=float)

    parser.add_argument("--projection", choices=projections.keys())

    # Taylor diagram specific options
    parser.add_argument('--solid', action='store_true', help='Use solid markers')
    parser.add_argument('--extend', type=float, help='Extend plot for negative correlation')
    parser.add_argument('--fold', action='store_true', help='Fold plot for negative correlation or large variance')
    parser.add_argument('--gammamax', type=float, help='Fix maximum extent of radial axis')
    parser.add_argument('--stdbiasmax', type=float, help='Fix maximum standardised bias')
    parser.add_argument('--bias', metavar='METHOD', choices=['color', 'colour', 'size', 'flag'],
                        help='Indicate bias using the specified method (colo[u]r, size, flag)')

    return parser