def do_request_one(db, searcher_url, alias_type, alias_value):
    asks Newstwister for info on a given twt user
    if not controller:
        return (False, 'external controller not available')
    if not db:
        return (False, 'inner application error')

    if not alias_value:
        return (False, 'empty provided citizen alias')

    request_type = None

    if 'alias_id' == alias_type:
        request_type = 'user_id'
    if 'alias_name' == alias_type:
        request_type = 'user_name'
    if not request_type:
        return (False, 'unknown form of requested citizen alias')

    search_spec = {}
    search_spec[request_type] = alias_value

    connector = controller.NewstwisterConnector(searcher_url)
    res = connector.request_user(search_spec)

    if not res[0]:
        return (False, 'error during user-search request dispatching',

    return (True, res[1])
def do_get_list(db, offset=None, limit=None):
    returns data of a set of stream control
    if not controller:
        return (False, 'external controller not available')
    if not db:
        return (False, 'inner application error')

    coll = db[collection]
    cursor = coll.find().sort([('_id', 1)])

    total = cursor.count()

    if limit is None:
        limit = DEFAULT_LIMIT

    if offset:
        cursor = cursor.skip(offset)
    if limit:
        cursor = cursor.limit(limit)

    docs = []
    for entry in cursor:
        if not entry:
        if ('spec' not in entry) or (type(entry['spec']) is not dict):
        if ('control' not in entry) or (type(entry['control']) is not dict):

        might_run = True
        for key in schema['control']:
            if (key not in entry['control']) or (not entry['control'][key]):
                might_run = False

        if might_run:
            connector = controller.NewstwisterConnector(entry['control']['streamer_url'])
            res = connector.request_status(entry['control']['process_id'])
            # let None here when can not check that it runs
            if res is not None:
                entry['control']['switch_on'] = True if res else False
                entry['control']['switch_on'] = None
            if res is False:
                # update info in db when we know it has been stopped
                timepoint = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
                update_set = {'control.switch_on': False, 'control.process_id': None, 'logs.stopped': timepoint}
                coll.update({'_id': entry['_id']}, {'$set': update_set}, upsert=False)


    return (True, docs, {'total': total})
def do_post_search(db, searcher_url, user_id, request_id, search_spec):
    executes twitter search
    if not controller:
        return (False, 'external controller not available')
    if not db:
        return (False, 'inner application error')

    for (part_name, part_value) in [['user_id', user_id],
                                    ['request_id', request_id],
                                    ['search_spec', search_spec]]:
        if not part_value:
            return (False, str(part_name) + ' not provided')

    if type(user_id) in [str, unicode]:
        if user_id.isdigit():
                user_id = int(user_id)

    if type(request_id) in [str, unicode]:
        if request_id.isdigit():
                request_id = int(request_id)

        parsed_res = _parse_data(search_spec)
        if not parsed_res[0]:
            return parsed_res
        return (False, 'could not parse the search specification data')
    coll = db[collection]

    timepoint = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
    created = timepoint
    updated = timepoint
    searched = None
    parsed_spec = parsed_res[1]

    connector = controller.NewstwisterConnector(searcher_url)
    res = connector.request_search(user_id, request_id, parsed_spec,

    if not res:
        return (False, 'error during search request dispatching')

    return (True, res)
def do_get_one(db, doc_id):
    returns data of a single stream info
    if not controller:
        return (False, 'external controller not available')
    if not db:
        return (False, 'inner application error')

    doc_id = _get_id_value(doc_id)

    coll = db[collection]
    doc = coll.find_one({'_id': doc_id})

    if not doc:
        return (False, 'stream info not found')

    might_run = True
    if ('control' not in doc) or (type(doc['control']) is not dict):
        might_run = False

    if might_run:
        for key in schema['control']:
            if (key not in doc['control']) or (not doc['control'][key]):
                might_run = False

    if might_run:
        connector = controller.NewstwisterConnector(doc['control']['streamer_url'])
        res = connector.request_status(doc['control']['process_id'])
        # let None here when can not check that it runs
        if res is not None:
            doc['control']['switch_on'] = True if res else False
            doc['control']['switch_on'] = None
        if res is False:
            # update info in db when we know it has been stopped
            timepoint = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
            update_set = {'control.switch_on': False, 'control.process_id': None, 'logs.stopped': timepoint}
            coll.update({'_id': doc_id}, {'$set': update_set}, upsert=False)

    if ('spec' not in doc) or (type(doc['spec']) is not dict):
        return (False, 'wrong stream info (spec) in db')
    if ('control' not in doc) or (type(doc['control']) is not dict):
        return (False, 'wrong stream info (control) in db')

    return (True, doc)
def do_delete_one(db, doc_id):
    deletes data of a single stream info
    if not controller:
        return (False, 'external controller not available')
    if not db:
        return (False, 'inner application error')

    doc_id = _get_id_value(doc_id)

    coll = db[collection]

    doc = coll.find_one({'_id': doc_id})
    if not doc:
        return (False, 'requested stream not found')

    might_run = True
    if ('control' not in doc) or (type(doc['control']) is not dict):
        might_run = False

    if might_run:
        for key in schema['control']:
            if (key not in doc['control']) or (not doc['control'][key]):
                might_run = False

    if might_run:
        connector = controller.NewstwisterConnector(doc['control']['streamer_url'])
        res = connector.request_stop(doc['control']['process_id'])
        if not res:
            return (False, 'can not stop the stream')

    coll.remove({'_id': doc_id})

    return (True, {'_id': doc_id})
def do_post_send(db,
    sends (a reply to) a tweet
    after it is sent and received, local=True, and user_id=user_id are set in the report
    if not controller:
        return (False, 'external controller not available')
    if not db:
        return (False, 'inner application error')

    if not authorized_id:
        return (False, 'authorized_id not specified')
    if not user_id:
        return (False, 'user_id not specified')
    if not endpoint_id:
        return (False, 'endpoint_id not specified')

    if type(tweet_spec) is not dict:
        return (False, 'unknown form of tweet spec')
    if ('message' not in tweet_spec) or (not tweet_spec['message']):
        return (False, 'message text not provided')

    follow_part = []
    tweet_data = {
        'endpoint_id': endpoint_id,
        'status': tweet_spec['message'],
        'filter': {},

    if ('sensitive' in tweet_spec) and (tweet_spec['sensitive'] is not None):
        sensitive = _get_boolean(tweet_spec['sensitive'])
        if sensitive:
            tweet_data['possibly_sensitive'] = 'true'

    if ('display_coordinates'
            in tweet_spec) and (tweet_spec['display_coordinates'] is not None):
        display_coordinates = _get_boolean(tweet_spec['display_coordinates'])
        if display_coordinates:
            tweet_data['display_coordinates'] = 'true'
            tweet_data['display_coordinates'] = 'false'

    for key in ['lat', 'long', 'place_id']:
        if (key in tweet_spec) and (tweet_spec[key]):
                tweet_data[key] = str(tweet_spec[key])
                return (False, 'wrong "' + str(key) + '" part in tweet spec')

    if report_id is not None:
        report_id = _get_id_value(report_id)

        search_spec = {'feed_type': FEED_TYPE}
        if type(report_id) is ObjectId:
            search_spec['_id'] = report_id
            search_spec['report_id'] = report_id

        coll = db[collection_reports]
        report = coll.find_one(search_spec)
        if not report:
            return (False, 'specified report not found')

            orig_user_screen_name = str(
            if orig_user_screen_name not in follow_part:
            return (False, 'can not find the original tweet sender')

        check_inclusion = '@' + orig_user_screen_name.lower()
            if check_inclusion not in tweet_spec['message'].lower():
                return (
                    'mentioning the original tweet sender not found in the tweet text'
            return (False,
                    'can not check inclusion of the original tweet sender')

            tweet_data['in_reply_to_status_id'] = str(report['original_id'])
            return (False, 'can not find id_str of the original tweet')

    coll = db[collection_authorized]
    authorized_id = _get_id_value(authorized_id)

    authorized_data = coll.find_one({'_id': authorized_id})
    if not authorized_data:
        return (False, 'saved report on the send-tweet not found')

        authorized_spec = {
        sender_screen_name = str(authorized_data['spec']['screen_name_search'])
        if sender_screen_name not in follow_part:
    except Exception as exc:
        return (False,
                'authorized info does not contain all the required data: ' +

    for key in authorized_spec:
        if not authorized_spec[key]:
            return (False,
                    'the "' + str(key) + '" part of authorized info is empty')

    tweet_data['filter']['follow'] = follow_part

    connector = controller.NewstwisterConnector(sender_url)
    res = connector.send_tweet(authorized_spec, tweet_data)
    if not res[0]:
        err_msg = 'error during send-tweet request dispatching: ' + res[1]
        return (False, err_msg)

    ret_envelope = res[1]
    if type(ret_envelope) is not dict:
        return (False, 'unknown form of returned send-tweet data: ' +

    if ('status' not in ret_envelope) or (not ret_envelope['status']):
        err_msg = ''
        if ('error' in ret_envelope) and (ret_envelope['error']):
            err_msg = ': ' + str(ret_envelope['error'])
        return (False, 'status not acknowledged in returned send-tweet data' +
    if ('data' not in ret_envelope) or (not ret_envelope['data']):
        return (False, 'payload not provided in returned send-tweet data')

    ret_data = ret_envelope['data']
    if type(ret_data) is not dict:
        return (False,
                'unknown form of returned payload in send-tweet data: ' +

    if 'id_str' not in ret_data:
        return (False, 'returned send-tweet data without tweet identifier')

    coll = db[collection_reports]
    saved_tweet = coll.find_one({'original_id': ret_data['id_str']})
    if not saved_tweet:
        return (False, 'saved report on the send-tweet not found')

    doc_id = saved_tweet['_id']

    saved_update = {
        'local': True,
        'user_id': _get_id_value(user_id),
        'proto': False,
        FIELD_UPDATED: datetime.datetime.utcnow(),
        #'_etag': _get_etag(),

    coll.update({'_id': doc_id}, {'$set': saved_update})

    return (True, {'_id': doc_id})
def do_post_one(db, auther_url, data):
    sets info of one app data and requests authorization initialization on it
    if not controller:
        return (False, 'external controller not available')
    if not db:
        return (False, 'inner application error')

    if data is None:
        return (False, 'data not provided')

    if ('spec' not in data) or (type(data['spec']) is not dict):
        return (False, '"spec" part not provided')
    spec_data = data['spec']

    for one_key in ['app_consumer_key', 'app_consumer_secret']:
        if (one_key not in spec_data) or (not spec_data[one_key]):
            return (False, str(one_key) + ' not provided')

    authini_data = {
        'oauth_info': {
            'consumer_key': spec_data['app_consumer_key'],
            'consumer_secret': spec_data['app_consumer_secret'],
        'payload': {}

    connector = controller.NewstwisterConnector(auther_url)
    res = connector.request_authini(authini_data['oauth_info'], authini_data['payload'])
    if not res[0]:
        err_msg = 'error during authini request dispatching: ' + res[1]
        return (False, err_msg)

    ret_envelope = res[1]
    if type(ret_envelope) is not dict:
        return (False, 'unknown form of returned authini data: ' + str(type(ret_envelope)))

    if ('status' not in ret_envelope) or (not ret_envelope['status']):
        err_msg = ''
        if ('error' in ret_envelope) and (ret_envelope['error']):
            err_msg = ': ' + str(ret_envelope['error'])
        return (False, 'status not acknowledged in returned authini data' + err_msg)
    if ('data' not in ret_envelope) or (not ret_envelope['data']):
        return (False, 'payload not provided in returned authini data')

    ret_data = ret_envelope['data']
    if type(ret_data) is not dict:
        return (False, 'unknown form of returned payload in authini data: ' + str(type(ret_data)))

    for part in ['oauth_token_key', 'oauth_token_secret', 'pin_url']:
        if (part not in ret_data) or (not ret_data[part]):
            return (False, 'returned authini data missing the "' + str(part) + '" part')

        if USE_SEQUENCES:
            entry = db['counters'].find_and_modify(query={'_id': collection}, update={'$inc': {'next':1}}, new=True, upsert=True, full_response=False)
            doc_id = entry['next']
            doc_id = ObjectId()
        return (False, 'can not create document id')

    timepoint = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
    created = timepoint
    updated = timepoint

    save_data = {
        '_id': doc_id,
        'spec': {
            'app_consumer_key': spec_data['app_consumer_key'],
            'app_consumer_secret': spec_data['app_consumer_secret'],
            'temporary_access_token_key': ret_data['oauth_token_key'],
            'temporary_access_token_secret': ret_data['oauth_token_secret'],
            'verifier_url': ret_data['pin_url'],
        '_created': created,
        '_updated': updated,

    coll = db[collection]

    doc_id = coll.save(save_data)
    if not doc_id:
        return (False, 'can not save the authini data')

    return (True, {'_id': doc_id})
def do_finalize_one(db, auther_url, doc_id, data):
    finalizes authorization initialization on info of one app data
    if not controller:
        return (False, 'external controller not available')
    if not db:
        return (False, 'inner application error')

    if data is None:
        return (False, 'data not provided')

    if ('spec' not in data) or (type(data['spec']) is not dict):
        return (False, '"spec" part not provided')
    spec = data['spec']

    coll = db[collection]

    if doc_id is None:
        return (False, 'document id not provided')

    doc_id = _get_id_value(doc_id)
    entry = coll.find_one({'_id': doc_id})
    if not entry:
        return (False, 'document of the provided _id not found')

    if ('spec' not in entry) or (type(entry['spec']) is not dict):
        return (False, 'damaged document structure')
    spec = entry['spec']

    needed_keys = ['app_consumer_key', 'app_consumer_secret', 'temporary_access_token_key', 'temporary_access_token_secret']
    for one_key in needed_keys:
        if (one_key not in spec) or (not spec[one_key]):
            return (False, 'document missing the "' + str(one_key) + '" part')

    if ('spec' not in data) or (type(data['spec']) is not dict):
        return (False, '"spec" part not provided')
    spec_data = data['spec']

    for one_key in ['verifier_pin']:
        if (one_key not in spec_data) or (not spec_data[one_key]):
            return (False, str(one_key) + ' not provided')

    authfin_data = {
        'oauth_info': {
            'consumer_key': spec['app_consumer_key'],
            'consumer_secret': spec['app_consumer_secret'],
            'access_token_key': spec['temporary_access_token_key'],
            'access_token_secret': spec['temporary_access_token_secret'],
        'payload': {
            'verifier': spec_data['verifier_pin'],

    connector = controller.NewstwisterConnector(auther_url)
    res = connector.request_authfin(authfin_data['oauth_info'], authfin_data['payload'])
    if not res[0]:
        err_msg = 'error during authfin request dispatching: ' + res[1]
        return (False, err_msg)

    ret_envelope = res[1]
    if type(ret_envelope) is not dict:
        return (False, 'unknown form of returned authfin data: ' + str(type(ret_envelope)))

    if ('status' not in ret_envelope) or (not ret_envelope['status']):
        err_msg = ''
        if ('error' in ret_envelope) and (ret_envelope['error']):
            err_msg = ': ' + str(ret_envelope['error'])
        return (False, 'status not acknowledged in returned authfin data' + err_msg)
    if ('data' not in ret_envelope) or (not ret_envelope['data']):
        return (False, 'payload not provided in returned authfin data')

    ret_data = ret_envelope['data']
    if type(ret_data) is not dict:
        return (False, 'unknown form of returned payload in authfin data: ' + str(type(ret_data)))

    for part in ['oauth_token_key', 'oauth_token_secret', 'user_id', 'screen_name']:
        if (part not in ret_data) or (not ret_data[part]):
            return (False, 'returned authfin data missing the "' + str(part) + '" part')

        screen_name_search = ret_data['screen_name'].lower()
        screen_name_search = ret_data['screen_name']

    timepoint = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
    created = timepoint
    updated = timepoint

        if ('_created' in entry) and entry['_created']:
            created = entry['_created']
        created = timepoint

    save_data = {
        '_id': doc_id,
        'spec': {
            'app_consumer_key': spec['app_consumer_key'],
            'app_consumer_secret': spec['app_consumer_secret'],
            'temporary_access_token_key': None,
            'temporary_access_token_secret': None,
            'authorized_access_token_key': ret_data['oauth_token_key'],
            'authorized_access_token_secret': ret_data['oauth_token_secret'],
            'verifier_url': None,
            'user_id': ret_data['user_id'],
            'screen_name': ret_data['screen_name'],
            'screen_name_search': screen_name_search,
        '_created': created,
        '_updated': updated,

    coll = db[collection]

    doc_id = coll.save(save_data)
    if not doc_id:
        return (False, 'can not save the authfin data')

    return (True, {'_id': doc_id})
def do_patch_one(db, doc_id=None, data=None, force=None):
    starts/stops the stream
        from citizendesk.feeds.twt.filter.storage import get_one as filter_get_one
        return (False, 'filter processor not available')
        from citizendesk.feeds.twt.oauth.storage import get_one as oauth_get_one
        return (False, 'oauth processor not available')

    if not controller:
        return (False, 'external controller not available')
    if not db:
        return (False, 'inner application error')

    if data is None:
        return (False, 'data not provided')
    if type(data) is not dict:
        return (False, 'invalid data provided')

    if ('control' not in data) or (type(data['control']) is not dict):
        return (False, '"control" part not provided')

    if doc_id is None:
        return (False, 'stream _id not provided')

    doc_id = _get_id_value(doc_id)

        force_val = bool(_get_boolean(force))
        force_val = None

    coll = db[collection]

    entry = coll.find_one({'_id': doc_id})
    if not entry:
        return (False, '"stream" of the provided _id not found: ' + str(doc_id))
    if ('spec' not in entry) or (type(entry['spec']) is not dict):
        return (False, '"stream" of the provided _id does not contain "spec" part')

    doc = {'control': {}}
    for key in schema['control']:
        doc['control'][key] = None
        if key in data['control']:
            doc['control'][key] = data['control'][key]

    res = _check_schema(None, doc['control'])
    if not res[0]:
        return res

    should_run = False
    if doc['control']['switch_on']:
        if not doc['control']['streamer_url']:
            return (False, 'can not start the stream without the "streamer_url" being set')
            should_run = True

    filter_id = None
    oauth_id = None
    if should_run:
        if ('spec' in entry) and (type(entry['spec']) is dict):
            if 'filter_id' in entry['spec']:
                filter_id = entry['spec']['filter_id']
            if 'oauth_id' in entry['spec']:
                oauth_id = entry['spec']['oauth_id']

        if (not filter_id) or (not oauth_id):
            return (False, 'Can not start the stream without assigned filter_id and oauth_id')

    new_stream_url = None
    connector = None
    if should_run:
        new_stream_url = doc['control']['streamer_url']
        connector = controller.NewstwisterConnector(new_stream_url)

    # load the supplemental data
    filter_info = None
    oauth_info = None
    if should_run:
        res = filter_get_one(db, filter_id)
        if not res[0]:
            return (False, 'filter info with _id equal to "spec.filter_id" not found')
        filter_info = res[1]
        if ('spec' not in filter_info) or (type(filter_info['spec']) is not dict):
            return (False, 'set filter without "spec" part')

        res = oauth_get_one(db, oauth_id)
        if not res[0]:
            return (False, 'oauth info with _id equal to "spec.oauth_id" not found')
        oauth_info = res[1]
        if ('spec' not in oauth_info) or (type(oauth_info['spec']) is not dict):
            return (False, 'set oauth without "spec" part')

    filter_spec = {}
    filter_spec_original = {}
    if should_run and filter_info and filter_info['spec']:
            prep_res = _prepare_filter(db, connector, filter_info['spec'])
            if not prep_res[0]:
                return (False, prep_res[1])
            filter_spec = prep_res[1]
            filter_spec_original = prep_res[2]
        except Exception as exc:
            return (False, 'can not prepare filter params: ' + str(exc))
        if not filter_spec:
            return (False, 'no filter spec was prepared')
        if not filter_spec_original:
            return (False, 'no filter spec original was prepared')

    # check if the oauth_id is not used by any other running feed
    if should_run:
        running_count = coll.find({'spec.oauth_id': oauth_id, 'control.switch_on': True, '_id': {'$ne': doc_id}}).count()
        if running_count:
            return (False, 'the "oauth_id" is already used at a running stream')

    # stop first in any case, since filter/oauth specs might have changed
    might_run = True
    if not entry:
        might_run = False

    if might_run:
        if ('control' not in entry) or (type(entry['control']) is not dict):
            might_run = False

    if might_run:
        for key in schema['control']:
            if (key not in entry['control']) or (not entry['control'][key]):
                might_run = False

    if might_run:
        cur_stream_url = entry['control']['streamer_url']
        connector = controller.NewstwisterConnector(cur_stream_url)
        res = connector.request_stop(entry['control']['process_id'])
        if (not res) and (not force_val):
            return (False, 'can not stop the stream')
        # update info in db when we know it has been stopped
        timepoint = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
        update_set = {'control.switch_on': False, 'control.process_id': None, 'logs.stopped': timepoint}
        coll.update({'_id': doc_id}, {'$set': update_set}, upsert=False)

    if should_run:
        res = connector.request_start(str(doc_id), oauth_info['spec'], filter_spec, filter_spec_original)
        if not res:
            return (False, 'can not start the stream')
            proc_id = int(res)
            proc_id = res

        # update info in db when we know it has been started
        timepoint = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
        update_set = {'control.switch_on': True, 'control.process_id': proc_id, 'control.streamer_url': new_stream_url, 'logs.started': timepoint}
        coll.update({'_id': doc_id}, {'$set': update_set}, upsert=False)

    return (True, {'_id': doc_id})
def do_post_one(db, doc_id=None, data=None):
    sets data of a single stream info
    if not controller:
        return (False, 'external controller not available')
    if not db:
        return (False, 'inner application error')

    if data is None:
        return (False, 'data not provided')

    if ('spec' not in data) or (type(data['spec']) is not dict):
        return (False, '"spec" part not provided')

    doc_id = _get_id_value(doc_id)

    coll = db[collection]

    timepoint = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
    created = timepoint
    updated = timepoint
    started = None
    stopped = None

    entry = None
    if doc_id is not None:
        entry = coll.find_one({'_id': doc_id})
        if not entry:
            return (False, '"stream" of the provided _id not found')
            if ('logs' in entry) and (entry['logs']):
                if ('started' in entry['logs']) and entry['logs']['started']:
                    started = entry['logs']['started']
                if ('stopped' in entry['logs']) and entry['logs']['stopped']:
                    started = entry['logs']['stopped']
            started = None
            stopped = None
            if ('_created' in entry) and entry['_created']:
                created = entry['_created']
            created = timepoint

    doc = {
        'logs': {
            'started': started,
            'stopped': stopped,
        'spec': {},
        'control': {
            'streamer_url': None,
            'process_id': None,
            'switch_on': False,
        '_created': created,
        '_updated': updated,

    for key in schema['spec']:
        doc['spec'][key] = None
        if key in data['spec']:
            doc['spec'][key] = _get_id_value(data['spec'][key])

    res = _check_schema(doc['spec'], None)
    if not res[0]:
        return res

    # stop in any case, since filter/oauth specs might have changed
    might_run = True
    if not entry:
        might_run = False

    if might_run:
        if ('control' not in entry) or (type(entry['control']) is not dict):
            might_run = False

    if might_run:
        for key in schema['control']:
            if (key not in entry['control']) or (not entry['control'][key]):
                might_run = False

    if might_run:
        connector = controller.NewstwisterConnector(entry['control']['streamer_url'])
        res = connector.request_stop(entry['control']['process_id'])
        if not res:
            return (False, 'can not stop the stream')
        # update info in db when we know it has been stopped
        timepoint = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
        doc['logs']['stopped'] = timepoint
        update_set = {'control.switch_on': False, 'control.process_id': None, 'logs.stopped': timepoint}
        coll.update({'_id': entry['_id']}, {'$set': update_set}, upsert=False)

    if not doc_id:
            if USE_SEQUENCES:
                entry = db['counters'].find_and_modify(query={'_id': collection}, update={'$inc': {'next':1}}, new=True, upsert=True, full_response=False);
                doc_id = entry['next']
                doc_id = ObjectId()
            return (False, 'can not create document id')

    doc['_id'] = doc_id

    doc_id = coll.save(doc)

    return (True, {'_id': doc_id})
def do_post_pick(db, picker_url, endpoint_id, tweet_spec):
    picks a tweet
    if not controller:
        return (False, 'external controller not available')
    if not db:
        return (False, 'inner application error')

    if not endpoint_id:
        return (False, 'endpoint_id not specified')

    if type(tweet_spec) is not dict:
        return (False, 'unknown form of tweet spec')

    tweet_id = None
    if ('tweet_id' in tweet_spec) and tweet_spec['tweet_id']:
        tweet_id = str(tweet_spec['tweet_id'])
    if (not tweet_id) and ('tweet_url' in tweet_spec) and tweet_spec['tweet_url']:
        tweet_url = str(tweet_spec['tweet_url']).lower()
        url_scheme, url_netloc, url_path, url_params, url_query, url_index = urllib2.urlparse.urlparse(tweet_url)
        if TWEET_DOMAIN != url_netloc:
            if url_path.startswith(TWEET_DOMAIN):
                url_netloc = TWEET_DOMAIN
                url_path = url_path[len(TWEET_DOMAIN):]
        if TWEET_DOMAIN != url_netloc:
            return (False, 'unknown tweet URL domain')
        path_parts = []
        for one_part in url_path.split('/'):
            if not one_part:
        if 3 != len(path_parts):
            return (False, 'unrecognized tweet URL path')
        if path_parts[1] not in ('status', 'statuses'):
            return (False, 'unrecognized tweet URL path segments')
        tweet_id = path_parts[2].strip()
        if not tweet_id:
            return (False, 'tweet id part of provided URL is empty')

    if not tweet_id:
        return (False, 'no tweet specifier found')
    if not tweet_id.isdigit():
        return (False, 'tweet specifier is not a numerical string')

    pick_data = {
        'endpoint_id': endpoint_id,
        'tweet_id': tweet_id,

    connector = controller.NewstwisterConnector(picker_url)
    res = connector.pick_tweet(pick_data)
    if not res[0]:
        err_msg = 'error during pick-tweet request dispatching: ' + res[1]
        return (False, err_msg)

    coll = db[collection_reports]
    saved_tweet = coll.find_one({'original_id': tweet_id})
    if not saved_tweet:
        return (False, 'saved report on the pick-tweet not found')

    doc_id = saved_tweet['_id']

    saved_update = {'proto': False}

    saved_update[FIELD_UPDATED] = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
    #saved_update['_etag'] = _get_etag()

    coll.update({'_id': doc_id}, {'$set': saved_update})

    return (True, {'_id': doc_id})