 def readFromDB(self,set_name,key_obj):
     print 'DEBUG: In readFromDB'
     size = cl.new_intp()
     generation = cl.new_intp()
     # Declare a reference pointer for cl_bin *
     bins_get_all = cl.new_cl_bin_p()
     rv = cl.citrusleaf_get_all(self.asc, "test", set_name, key_obj, bins_get_all , size, 100, generation);
     # Number of bins returned
     number_bins = cl.intp_value(size)
     print 'DEBUG: number of bins read is ',number_bins
     # Use helper function get_bins to get the bins from pointer bins_get_all and the number of bins
     bins = pcl.get_bins (bins_get_all, number_bins)
     # Printing value received
     result = []
     for i in xrange(number_bins):
         keyvalue = {}
             print "Bin name: ",bins[i].bin_name,"Resulting string: ",bins[i].object.u.str
             keyvalue[bins[i].bin_name] = bins[i].object.u.str
             print "Bin name: ",bins[i].bin_name,"Resulting int: ",bins[i].object.u.i64
             keyvalue[bins[i].bin_name] = bins[i].object.u.i64
         elif bins[i].object.type == cl.CL_BLOB:
             binary_data = cl.cdata(bins[i].object.u.blob, bins[i].object.sz)
             print "Bin name: ",bins[i].bin_name,"Resulting decompressed blob: ",zlib.decompress(binary_data)
             keyvalue[bins[i].bin_name] = zlib.decompress(binary_data)
             print "Bin name: ",bins[i].bin_name,"Unknown bin type: ",bins[i].object.type
             keyvalue[bins[i].bin_name] = bins[i].object.type
     return result
文件: dao.py 项目: rajiv9/BookmarkIt
    def login (self, username, password):
        print "---> logging in:",username
        user_count = self.getCount("user_count")
        print user_count
        for j in xrange(user_count):
            rv = cl.citrusleaf_get_all(clu, "user", str(j+1), key_obj, bins_get_all , size, 100, generation);
            number_bins = cl.intp_value(size)
            # Use helper function get_bins to get the bins from pointer bins_get_all and the number of bins
            print "j : ", j
            bins = pcl.get_bins (bins_get_all, number_bins)
            for i in xrange(number_bins):
                if ((bins[i].object.type)==cl.CL_STR) & (bins[i].bin_name == "user_name"):
                    uname = bins[i].object.u.str

                if ((bins[i].object.type)==cl.CL_STR) & (bins[i].bin_name == "password"):
                    passwd = bins[i].object.u.str

                if ((bins[i].object.type)==cl.CL_STR) & (bins[i].bin_name == "name"):
                    name = bins[i].object.u.str
            print "User values : ", uname, passwd, name
            print username, password

            if (uname == username) & (passwd == password) :
                user = {"_id": j+1, "username" : uname, "password" : password, "name" : name }
                print user
                return user
            print "final"
        return "error"
文件: dao.py 项目: rajiv9/BookmarkIt
 def getUser(self, id):
     print "---> getting user:"******"user_count")
     print user_count
     for j in xrange(user_count):'''
     rv = cl.citrusleaf_get_all(clu, "user", str(id), key_obj, bins_get_all , size, 100, generation);
     number_bins = cl.intp_value(size)
     # Use helper function get_bins to get the bins from pointer bins_get_all and the number of bins
     if number_bins > 0 : 
         bins = pcl.get_bins (bins_get_all, number_bins)
         for i in xrange(number_bins):
             if ((bins[i].object.type)==cl.CL_STR) & (bins[i].bin_name == "user_name"):
                 uname = bins[i].object.u.str
             '''if ((bins[i].object.type)==cl.CL_STR) & (bins[i].bin_name == "password"):
                 passwd = bins[i].object.u.str'''
             if ((bins[i].object.type)==cl.CL_STR) & (bins[i].bin_name == "name"):
                 name = bins[i].object.u.str
         print "User values : ", uname, name
         user = {"_id": id, "username" : uname, "name" : name }
         print user
         return user
        return "error"
文件: dao.py 项目: rajiv9/BookmarkIt
 def getCount(self, name):
     rv = cl.citrusleaf_get_all(clu, "count", name, key_obj, bins_get_all , size, 100, generation);
     # Number of bins returned
     number_bins = cl.intp_value(size)
     # Use helper function get_bins to get the bins from pointer bins_get_all and the number of bins
     bins = pcl.get_bins (bins_get_all, number_bins)
     for i in xrange(number_bins):
         if ((bins[i].object.type)==cl.CL_INT) & (bins[i].bin_name == "count") :
             return bins[i].object.u.i64
     return 0
文件: dao.py 项目: rajiv9/BookmarkIt
 def register(self,u):
     print "---> registering user : "******"user_count")
     for j in xrange(user_count):
         rv = cl.citrusleaf_get_all(clu, "user", str(j+1), key_obj, bins_get_all , size, 100, generation);
         number_bins = cl.intp_value(size)
         # Use helper function get_bins to get the bins from pointer bins_get_all and the number of bins
         bins = pcl.get_bins (bins_get_all, number_bins)
         for i in xrange(number_bins):
             if ((bins[i].object.type)==cl.CL_STR) & (bins[i].bin_name == "user_name"):
                 #print "comparing ", u["username"], " with database object ", bins[i].object.u.str 
                 if (bins[i].object.u.str) == u["username"] :
                     return "duplicate"        
     #Insert User into user namespace
     self.setCount("user_count", user_count)
     return user_count
文件: dao.py 项目: rajiv9/BookmarkIt
 def getAllBoards(self):
     print "---> Listing boards:"
     board_count = self.getCount("board_count")
     print board_count
     boards = []
     for j in xrange(board_count):
         rv = cl.citrusleaf_get_all(clu, "board", str(j+1), key_obj, bins_get_all , size, 100, generation);
         number_bins = cl.intp_value(size)
         # Use helper function get_bins to get the bins from pointer bins_get_all and the number of bins
         if number_bins>0:
             print "j : ", j
             bins = pcl.get_bins (bins_get_all, number_bins)
             for i in xrange(number_bins):
                 if ((bins[i].object.type)==cl.CL_STR) & (bins[i].bin_name == "board_name"):
                     bname = bins[i].object.u.str
             bId = j+1
             b = {"board_id" : bId, "board_name" : bname}
     return boards
文件: dao.py 项目: rajiv9/BookmarkIt
 def getComments(self, pId):
     comment_count = self.getCount("comment_count")
     pId = int(pId)
     comments = []
     for j in xrange(comment_count):
         rv = cl.citrusleaf_get_all(clu, "comment", str(j+1), key_obj, bins_get_all , size, 100, generation);
         number_bins = cl.intp_value(size)
         # Use helper function get_bins to get the bins from pointer bins_get_all and the number of bins
         bins = pcl.get_bins (bins_get_all, number_bins)
         for i in xrange(number_bins):
             if ((bins[i].object.type)==cl.CL_INT): 
                 #print "comparing ", u["username"], " with database object ", bins[i].object.u.str
                 if (bins[i].bin_name == "pin_id"): 
                     pin_id = bins[i].object.u.i64
                 if (bins[i].bin_name == "user_id"):
                     user_id = bins[i].object.u.i64
             if ((bins[i].object.type)==cl.CL_STR) & (bins[i].bin_name == "comment"):
                 comment_string = bins[i].object.u.str
         if(pId == pin_id):
             c = {"user_id" : user_id, "comments":comment_string }
     return comments
文件: dao.py 项目: rajiv9/BookmarkIt
    def getBoard(self, id):
        print "---> getting board:",id
        rv = cl.citrusleaf_get_all(clu, "board", str(id), key_obj, bins_get_all , size, 100, generation);
        number_bins = cl.intp_value(size)
        # Use helper function get_bins to get the bins from pointer bins_get_all and the number of bins
        if number_bins > 0 : 
            bins = pcl.get_bins (bins_get_all, number_bins)
            for i in xrange(number_bins):
                if ((bins[i].object.type)==cl.CL_STR) & (bins[i].bin_name == "pin_list"):
                    pin_list = bins[i].object.u.str
            print "Pin List : ", pin_list
            if pin_list != "":
                pin_list = pin_list.split(",")
                for pin in pin_list:

            print pins
            return pins
            return "error"
文件: dao.py 项目: rajiv9/BookmarkIt
 def updateBoard(self, user_id, board_id, pin):
     print "--> updating board:",board_id
     rv = cl.citrusleaf_get_all(clu, "board", str(board_id), key_obj, bins_get_all , size, 100, generation);
     number_bins = cl.intp_value(size)
     # Use helper function get_bins to get the bins from pointer bins_get_all and the number of bins
     if number_bins > 0 : 
         bins = pcl.get_bins (bins_get_all, number_bins)
         for i in xrange(number_bins):
             if ((bins[i].object.type)==cl.CL_STR) & (bins[i].bin_name == "pin_list"):
                 pin_list = bins[i].object.u.str
             if ((bins[i].object.type)==cl.CL_STR) & (bins[i].bin_name == "board_name"):
                 board_name = bins[i].object.u.str
         print pin_list,board_name        
         print "Pin List : ", pin_list
         if (pin_list == "") :
             pin_list = pin["pin_id"]
         else :
             pin_list = str(pin_list)+","+str(pin["pin_id"]) 
         print "Updated pin list : ", pin_list
         b = {"boardname": board_name}
         print b
         #self.createBoard(user_id, b, pin_list)
         user_id = int(user_id)
         pin_list = str(pin_list)
         cl.citrusleaf_object_init_str(b1.object, pin_list)
         cl.citrusleaf_object_init_str(b0.object, board_name)#str(u["name"]));
         cl.citrusleaf_object_init_int(b2.object, user_id)
         # Assign the structure back to the "bins" variable
         board[0] = b0
         board[1] = b1
         board[2] = b2
         return_value = cl.citrusleaf_put(clu, "board", str(board_id), key_obj, board, 3, None);
         print "here"
         return b
     return "error"
文件: dao.py 项目: rajiv9/BookmarkIt
 def getPin(self, id):
     print "---> getting pin:",id
     rv = cl.citrusleaf_get_all(clu, "pin", str(id), key_obj, bins_get_all , size, 100, generation);
     number_bins = cl.intp_value(size)
     # Use helper function get_bins to get the bins from pointer bins_get_all and the number of bins
     if number_bins > 0 : 
         bins = pcl.get_bins (bins_get_all, number_bins)
         for i in xrange(number_bins):
             if ((bins[i].object.type)==cl.CL_STR) & (bins[i].bin_name == "pin_name"):
                 pname = bins[i].object.u.str
             '''if ((bins[i].object.type)==cl.CL_STR) & (bins[i].bin_name == "password"):
                 passwd = bins[i].object.u.str'''
             if ((bins[i].object.type)==cl.CL_STR) & (bins[i].bin_name == "pin_path"):
                 ppath = bins[i].object.u.str
         print "User values : ", pname, ppath
         comments = self.getComments(id)
         user = {"_id": id, "pin_name" : pname, "pin_path" : ppath, "comments" : comments }
         print user
         return user
        return "error"
    print "Success"

return_value2 = cl.citrusleaf_put(asc, "user", "rajiv", key_obj, tins, 3, None )
if return_value2 !=cl.CITRUSLEAF_OK :
    print "3. Falied to set values %d", return_value2
else :
    print "Success"'''

size = cl.new_intp()
generation = cl.new_intp()
# Declare a reference pointer for cl_bin *
bins_get_all = cl.new_cl_bin_p()
rv = cl.citrusleaf_get_all(asc, "user", "rajiv", key_obj, bins_get_all , size, 100, generation);
# Number of bins returned
number_bins = cl.intp_value(size)
# Use helper function get_bins to get the bins from pointer bins_get_all and the number of bins
bins = pcl.get_bins (bins_get_all, number_bins)

if number_bins>0:
    print "something", number_bins
    print "nothing", number_bins

# Printing value received
for i in xrange(number_bins):
        print "Bin name: ",bins[i].bin_name,"Resulting string: ",bins[i].object.u.str