def get_action_objects_for_url(action_url=None):
    If signing in and performing an action
    Will return ()
    from civicboom.lib.helpers import get_object_from_action_url
    from civicboom.controllers.members import MembersController
    from civicboom.controllers.contents import ContentsController
    content_show = ContentsController().show
    member_show = MembersController().show

    actions_list = [
        #            url identifyer                                ,  action      ,    description
        (re.compile('/signout'), 'signout', _('sign out')),
        (re.compile('/accept'), 'accept', _('accept a _assignment')),
        (re.compile('/follow'), 'follow', _('follow a _member')),
        (re.compile('/boom'), 'boom', _('boom _content')),
        (re.compile('/contents/new\?parent_id='), 'new_respose',
         _('create a response')),
        (re.compile('/contents/new\?target_type=article'), 'new_article',
         _('post a _article')),
        (re.compile('/contents\?(.*?)type=comment(.*?)parent_id='), 'comment',
         _('make a comment')
         ),  #AllanC - I weep at the inefficency and code duplication
        (re.compile('/contents\?(.*?)parent_id=(.*?)type=comment'), 'comment',
         _('make a comment')),
        (re.compile('/contents/new'), 'new_article',
         _('create new content')),  # Failsafe for new aticle is all 

    # If performing an action we may want to display a custom message with the login
    if not action_url:
        action_url = current_url()
    for action_identifyer, action_action, action_description in actions_list:
        if action_identifyer.search(action_url):
            args, kwargs = get_object_from_action_url(action_url)
            action_object = {
            }  # Set this in case we cant recover an action object
            action_object_frag_url = ''
            if args and kwargs:
                # Generate action object frag URL
                kwargs['format'] = 'frag'
                action_object_frag_url = url(*args, **kwargs)
                # Find action object
                if 'content' in args and 'id' in kwargs:
                    action_object = content_show(id=kwargs['id']).get('data')
                if 'member' in args and 'id' in kwargs:
                    action_object = member_show(id=kwargs['id']).get('data')
            return dict(
    return {}
        def members_show(id, **kwargs):
            lists = kwargs.pop('lists')
            member = get_member(id)

            data = {'member': member.to_dict(list_type='full', **kwargs)}

            # Imports
            # AllanC - cannot be imported at begining of module because of mutual coupling error
            from civicboom.controllers.contents import ContentsController, list_filters
            from civicboom.controllers.member_actions import MemberActionsController
            contents_controller = ContentsController()
            member_actions_controller = MemberActionsController()

            # Content Lists
            for list in [list for list in lists if list in list_filters]:
                data[list] = contents_controller.index(
                )  # AllanC - fix; don't allow the same lists to be got from both content and member controller

            # Member Lists
            for list in [
                    list for list in lists
                    if hasattr(member_actions_controller, list)
                limit = None
                if list in [
                        'boomed', 'assignments_accepted'
                ]:  # AllanC - we dont want to limit member lists, but we do want to limit content lists to 3
                    limit = config['search.default.limit.sub_list']
                data[list] = getattr(member_actions_controller,
                                     list)(member, limit=limit,

            return action_ok(data=data)
 def publish_scheduled_content(self, frequency_of_timed_task="hours=1"):
     query for all users in last <timedelta> and email 
     frequency_of_timed_task = timedelta_from_str(frequency_of_timed_task)
     datetime_now            = normalize_datetime(now())
     from civicboom.model.content        import DraftContent
     from civicboom.controllers.contents import ContentsController
     content_publish = ContentsController().update
     def get_content_to_publish(date_start, date_end):
         return Session.query(DraftContent).filter(and_(DraftContent.auto_publish_trigger_datetime >= date_start, DraftContent.auto_publish_trigger_datetime <= date_end)).all()
     # AllanC - calls will be made to content.py:update this will trigger the normal decorators, we need to ensure that these dont prohibit the update call's we are about to make
     c.authenticated_form = True     # AllanC - Fake the authenticated status so that the auth decorator does not tigger
     c.format             = 'python'
     for content in get_content_to_publish(datetime_now, datetime_now + frequency_of_timed_task):
         log.info('Auto publishing content #%s - %s' % (content.id, content.title))
         # By calling the content:update method with no param with the content as a draft, it automatically pubishs the content
         content_publish(content, submit_publish=True)
     return response_completed_ok
from civicboom.lib.base import *
from civicboom.controllers.contents import ContentsController
from civicboom.lib.communication import messages
from cbutils.misc import update_dict

from civicboom.lib.qrcode import cb_qrcode

content_search = ContentsController().index

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class ContentActionsController(BaseController):
    Content Actions and lists relating to an item of content

    # Image - QR Code
    @cacheable(time=60 * 60, anon_only=False)
    def qrcode(self, id, **kwargs):
        @param pixel_size optional int, default '8' The size of each cqcode module in pixels
        @parsm format optional string, default PNG accepts [png, jpeg, bmp, gif, tiff]
        @param level  optional int, default 1 Error correction level 0 to 3
        @return 200 a PNG
        return cb_qrcode(
from civicboom.lib.base import *

from civicboom.controllers.contents import ContentsController
from civicboom.controllers.members import MembersController, has_role_required
from civicboom.controllers.payments import PaymentsController
from civicboom.controllers.member_actions import MemberActionsController
from civicboom.controllers.group_actions import GroupActionsController
from civicboom.controllers.payment_actions import PaymentActionsController

import copy

from civicboom.model.member import group_member_roles, PaymentAccount

contents_controller = ContentsController()
members_controller = MembersController()
payments_controller = PaymentsController()
member_actions_controller = MemberActionsController()
group_actions_controller = GroupActionsController()
payment_actions_controller = PaymentActionsController()

def get_payment_account(id):
    return Session.query(PaymentAccount).get(id)

def check_member(member):
    return has_role_required(
        'editor', c.logged_in_persona_role) and member == c.logged_in_persona

def check_payment_account(payment_account):
from civicboom.lib.base import *
from cbutils.misc import make_username

from civicboom.controllers.account import AccountController
set_persona = AccountController().set_persona

from civicboom.model.member import Group, GroupMembership, group_member_roles, group_join_mode, group_member_visibility, group_content_visibility, Member

#from civicboom.controllers.contents import _normalize_member # now part of base

from civicboom.controllers.contents import ContentsController

create_content = ContentsController().create

from civicboom.lib.form_validators.dict_overlay import validate_dict

import formencode

from civicboom.lib.form_validators.base import DefaultSchema
from civicboom.lib.form_validators.registration import UniqueUsernameValidator

from civicboom.controllers.settings import SettingsController

import re

from civicboom.lib.communication.email_lib import send_email

settings_update = SettingsController().update

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)