 def execute(self, data_dict):
     """Inspect the data_dict to determine which CRUD operation to perform"""
     process = data_dict.get("process", None) # Get the requested process
     data = data_dict.get("data", None) # Get the request data
     if process == "create":
         return self.create(data) # Dispatch to the create function
     elif process == "add":
         return self.add(data)
     elif process == "read":
         if data.get("id", None) == None: # 400 if there is no ID given                
             raise toolkit.ValidationError({}, toolkit._("No ID was given."))
             return self.read(data) # Dispatch to the read function
     elif process == "update":            
         if data.get("id", None) == None: # 400 if there is no ID given                
             raise toolkit.ValidationError({}, toolkit._("No ID was given."))
             return self.update(data) # Dispatch to the update function
     elif process == "delete":            
         if data.get("id", None) == None: # 400 if there is no ID given                
             raise toolkit.ValidationError({}, toolkit._("No ID was given."))
             return self.delete(data) # Dispatch to the delete function
     else: # 400 if the request didn't contain an appropriate process            
         raise toolkit.ValidationError({}, toolkit._("Please supply a 'process' attribute in the POST body. Value can be one of: create, read, update, delete"))
    def execute(self, data_dict):
        """Inspect the data_dict to determine which CRUD operation to perform"""

        process = data_dict.get("process", None)  # Get the requested process
        data = data_dict.get("data", None)  # Get the request data

        if process == "create":
            return self.create(data)  # Dispatch to the create function
        elif process == "add":
            return self.add(data)
        elif process == "read":
            if data.get("id", None) == None:  # 400 if there is no ID given
                raise toolkit.ValidationError({},
                                              toolkit._("No ID was given."))
                return self.read(data)  # Dispatch to the read function
        elif process == "update":
            if data.get("id", None) == None:  # 400 if there is no ID given
                raise toolkit.ValidationError({},
                                              toolkit._("No ID was given."))
                return self.update(data)  # Dispatch to the update function
        elif process == "delete":
            if data.get("id", None) == None:  # 400 if there is no ID given
                raise toolkit.ValidationError({},
                                              toolkit._("No ID was given."))
                return self.delete(data)  # Dispatch to the delete function
        else:  # 400 if the request didn't contain an appropriate process
            raise toolkit.ValidationError(
                _("Please supply a 'process' attribute in the POST body. Value can be one of: create, read, update, delete"
    def create(self, data):
        """Save a new object to the database"""
        if self.valid_data(data):
                instance = self.model(**data)
                instance.save() # Automatically commits, save() defined by ckan.model.domain_object:DomainObject
                print instance.as_dict()
                return instance.as_dict() # as_dict() defined by ckan.model.domain_object:DomainObject
            except Exception as ex: #
                if 'duplicate' in ex.__str__():
                    raise toolkit.ValidationError({}, toolkit._("Duplicate Entry: %s" % ex.__str__()))
                    raise toolkit.ValidateError({}, toolkit._(ex.__str__()))

        else: # 400 if the data is not valid
            raise toolkit.ValidationError({}, toolkit._("Please supply a 'data' attribute containing the appropriate content for a %s instance.") % self.model.__name__)
 def add(self, data):
     """Save a new object to the database"""
     if self.valid_data(data):
         instance = self.model(**data)
         instance.add() # No Commit.
         return instance.as_dict() # as_dict() defined by ckan.model.domain_object:DomainObject
     else: # 400 if the data is not valid
         raise toolkit.ValidationError({}, toolkit._("Please supply a 'data' attribute containing the appropriate content for a %s instance.") % self.model.__name__)
    def create(self, data):
        """Save a new object to the database"""
        if self.valid_data(data):
                instance = self.model(**data)
                )  # Automatically commits, save() defined by ckan.model.domain_object:DomainObject
                print instance.as_dict()
                return instance.as_dict(
                )  # as_dict() defined by ckan.model.domain_object:DomainObject
            except Exception as ex:  #
                if 'duplicate' in ex.__str__():
                    raise toolkit.ValidationError(
                        {}, toolkit._("Duplicate Entry: %s" % ex.__str__()))
                    raise toolkit.ValidateError({}, toolkit._(ex.__str__()))

        else:  # 400 if the data is not valid
            raise toolkit.ValidationError(
                _("Please supply a 'data' attribute containing the appropriate content for a %s instance."
                  ) % self.model.__name__)
 def update(self, data):
     """Update an existing object with new data"""
     pk = data.get("id")
     instance = self.model.by_id(pk) # by_id() defined by ckanext.ngds.model.ngds_db_object:NgdsDataObject
     if instance:
         result = instance.as_dict() # as_dict() defined by ckan.model.domain_object:DomainObject
         keys = result.keys() # Grab the keys from as_dict(). These represent the update-able attributes of the instance
         result.update(data) # generate a dict with updates applied to the existing object
         if self.valid_data(result): # Check that the update is feasible
             for key in keys: # Cycle through the update-able attributes of the instance
                 if key in data.keys(): # If the attribute is defined in the incoming data...
                     setattr(instance, key, data[key]) # Update the attribute of the instance
             instance.save() # Done with the loop, save the instance to update the object
             return instance.as_dict() # Return it
         else: # Update does not produce a valid object, 400
             raise toolkit.ValidationError({}, toolkit._("The content supplied in the 'data' attribute would create an invalid %s instance.") % self.model.__name__)
     else: # ID did not correspond to an existing object, 400
         raise toolkit.ObjectNotFound()