文件: update.py 项目: tino097/ckan
def task_status_update_many(
        context: Context, data_dict: DataDict) -> ActionResult.TaskStatusUpdateMany:
    '''Update many task statuses at once.

    :param data: the task_status dictionaries to update, for the format of task
        status dictionaries see
    :type data: list of dictionaries

    :returns: the updated task statuses
    :rtype: list of dictionaries

    results = []
    model = context['model']
    deferred = context.get('defer_commit')
    context['defer_commit'] = True

    for data in data_dict['data']:
        results.append(_get_action('task_status_update')(context, data))
    if not deferred:
    if not context.get('defer_commit'):
    return {'results': results}
文件: update.py 项目: tino097/ckan
def package_update(
        context: Context, data_dict: DataDict) -> ActionResult.PackageUpdate:
    '''Update a dataset (package).

    You must be authorized to edit the dataset and the groups that it belongs

    .. note:: Update methods may delete parameters not explicitly provided in the
        data_dict. If you want to edit only a specific attribute use `package_patch`

    It is recommended to call
    :py:func:`ckan.logic.action.get.package_show`, make the desired changes to
    the result, and then call ``package_update()`` with it.

    Plugins may change the parameters of this function depending on the value
    of the dataset's ``type`` attribute, see the
    :py:class:`~ckan.plugins.interfaces.IDatasetForm` plugin interface.

    For further parameters see

    :param id: the name or id of the dataset to update
    :type id: string

    :returns: the updated dataset (if ``'return_package_dict'`` is ``True`` in
              the context, which is the default. Otherwise returns just the
              dataset id)
    :rtype: dictionary

    model = context['model']
    name_or_id = data_dict.get('id') or data_dict.get('name')
    if name_or_id is None:
        raise ValidationError({'id': _('Missing value')})

    pkg = model.Package.get(name_or_id)
    if pkg is None:
        raise NotFound(_('Package was not found.'))
    context["package"] = pkg

    # immutable fields
    data_dict["id"] = pkg.id
    data_dict['type'] = pkg.type

    _check_access('package_update', context, data_dict)

    user = context['user']
    # get the schema

    package_plugin = lib_plugins.lookup_package_plugin(pkg.type)
    schema = context.get('schema') or package_plugin.update_package_schema()
    if 'api_version' not in context:
        # check_data_dict() is deprecated. If the package_plugin has a
        # check_data_dict() we'll call it, if it doesn't have the method we'll
        # do nothing.
        check_data_dict = getattr(package_plugin, 'check_data_dict', None)
        if check_data_dict:
                package_plugin.check_data_dict(data_dict, schema)
            except TypeError:
                # Old plugins do not support passing the schema so we need
                # to ensure they still work.

    resource_uploads = []
    for resource in data_dict.get('resources', []):
        # file uploads/clearing
        upload = uploader.get_resource_uploader(resource)

        if 'mimetype' not in resource:
            if hasattr(upload, 'mimetype'):
                resource['mimetype'] = upload.mimetype

        if 'size' not in resource and 'url_type' in resource:
            if hasattr(upload, 'filesize'):
                resource['size'] = upload.filesize


    data, errors = lib_plugins.plugin_validate(
        package_plugin, context, data_dict, schema, 'package_update')
    log.debug('package_update validate_errs=%r user=%s package=%s data=%r',
              errors, user, context['package'].name, data)

    if errors:
        raise ValidationError(errors)

    #avoid revisioning by updating directly
        {"metadata_modified": datetime.datetime.utcnow()})

    pkg = model_save.package_dict_save(data, context)

    context_org_update = context.copy()
    context_org_update['ignore_auth'] = True
    context_org_update['defer_commit'] = True
                                            {'id': pkg.id,
                                             'organization_id': pkg.owner_org})

    # Needed to let extensions know the new resources ids
    for index, (resource, upload) in enumerate(
            zip(data.get('resources', []), resource_uploads)):
        resource['id'] = pkg.resources[index].id

        upload.upload(resource['id'], uploader.get_max_resource_size())

    for item in plugins.PluginImplementations(plugins.IPackageController):

        item.after_dataset_update(context, data)

    if not context.get('defer_commit'):

    log.debug('Updated object %s' % pkg.name)

    return_id_only = context.get('return_id_only', False)

    # Make sure that a user provided schema is not used on package_show
    context.pop('schema', None)

    # we could update the dataset so we should still be able to read it.
    context['ignore_auth'] = True
    output = data_dict['id'] if return_id_only \
            else _get_action('package_show')(context, {'id': data_dict['id']})

    return output