def after_update(self, context, pkg_dict):
        '''after_update - uploads package zipfile to s3'''

        # Obtain logger
        logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

        # Check context object
        # If originating from resource create or update, skip package zipfile
        # upload for now
        # For more information, read documentation in 'before_create_or_update'
        if 'resource_create_or_update' not in context:
                "Package after_update without originating from resource create/update"
            # Check if required config options exist
            if not upload.config_exists():
                # Log an error
                    "Required S3 config options missing. Please check if required config options exist."
                raise Exception('Required S3 config options missing')
                upload.upload_package_zipfile_to_s3(context, pkg_dict)
            # Skip package_zipfile upload
                "Package after_update originating from resource create/update... Skipping package zipfile upload"
    def after_create_or_update(self, context, resource):
        '''Uploads resource zip file to S3
        Done after create/update instead of before to ensure metadata is generated correctly'''
        if 'upload' not in resource: return

        upload.upload_resource_zipfile_to_s3(context, resource)

        # Remove 'resource_create_or_update' in context. See documentation in 'before_create_or_update'
        # for more details
        if 'resource_create_or_update' in context and upload.config_exists() and resource['upload'] != '':
            pkg = plugins.toolkit.get_action('package_show')(data_dict={'id': resource['package_id']})
            upload.upload_package_zipfile_to_s3(context, pkg)
    def before_create_or_update(self, context, resource):
        '''before_create_or_update - our own function. NOT a CKAN hook.
        Contains shared code performed regardless of whether we are
        creating or updating.

        # Check if required config options exist
        if not upload.config_exists():
            # Log an error
            logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
                "Required S3 config options missing. Please check if required config options exist."
            raise Exception('Required S3 config options missing')
            # If resource is an API, don't do anything special
            if resource.get('format') == 'API':
            # Only upload to S3 if not blacklisted
            elif not upload.is_blacklisted(resource):
                upload.upload_resource_to_s3(context, resource)
                # If blacklisted, the resource file is uploaded to CKAN.
                # However, in the CKAN source resource_create/resource_update, package_update is
                # called before the file is uploaded.
                # This causes a problem as our package after_update attempts to upload
                # the package zipfile and it cannot locate the resource file.
                # To solve this, we add the field 'resource_create_or_update' into the context object,
                # and look for it in the package after_update.
                # We remove this field from the context object in resource after_create and after_update.
                # We don't actually use the value context['resource_create_or_update'], we just check
                # the existence of 'resource_create_or_update' in context.
                context['resource_create_or_update'] = True

                logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
                    "Resource %s from package %s is blacklisted and not uploaded to S3."
                    % (resource['name'], resource['package_id']))