def package_update(context, data_dict):
    '''Update a dataset (package).

    You must be authorized to edit the dataset and the groups that it belongs

    Plugins may change the parameters of this function depending on the value
    of the dataset's ``type`` attribute, see the ``IDatasetForm`` plugin

    For further parameters see ``package_create()``.

    :param id: the name or id of the dataset to update
    :type id: string

    :returns: the updated dataset (if 'return_package_dict' is True in the
              context, which is the default. Otherwise returns just the
              dataset id)
    :rtype: dictionary

    model = context['model']
    user = context['user']
    name_or_id = data_dict.get("id") or data_dict['name']

    pkg = model.Package.get(name_or_id)
    if pkg is None:
        raise NotFound(_('Package was not found.'))
    context["package"] = pkg
    data_dict["id"] = pkg.id
    if 'groups' in data_dict:
        data_dict['solr_additions'] = helpers.build_additions(data_dict['groups'])

    _check_access('package_update', context, data_dict)

    # get the schema
    package_plugin = lib_plugins.lookup_package_plugin(pkg.type)
    if 'schema' in context:
        schema = context['schema']
        schema = package_plugin.update_package_schema()

    if 'api_version' not in context:
        # check_data_dict() is deprecated. If the package_plugin has a
        # check_data_dict() we'll call it, if it doesn't have the method we'll
        # do nothing.
        check_data_dict = getattr(package_plugin, 'check_data_dict', None)
        if check_data_dict:
                package_plugin.check_data_dict(data_dict, schema)
            except TypeError:
                # Old plugins do not support passing the schema so we need
                # to ensure they still work.

    data, errors = _validate(data_dict, schema, context)
    log.debug('package_update validate_errs=%r user=%s package=%s data=%r',
              errors, context.get('user'),
              context.get('package').name if context.get('package') else '',

    if errors:
        raise ValidationError(errors)

    rev = model.repo.new_revision()
    rev.author = user
    if 'message' in context:
        rev.message = context['message']
        rev.message = _(u'REST API: Update object %s') % data.get("name")

    # avoid revisioning by updating directly
        {"metadata_modified": datetime.datetime.utcnow()})

    if 'tags' in data:
        data['tags'] = helpers.get_tag_vocabulary(data['tags'])

    pkg = modified_save(context, pkg, data)

    context_org_update = context.copy()
    context_org_update['ignore_auth'] = True
    context_org_update['defer_commit'] = True
    org_dict = {'id': pkg.id}
    if 'owner_org' in data:
        org_dict['organization_id'] = pkg.owner_org

    for item in plugins.PluginImplementations(plugins.IPackageController):

        item.after_update(context, data)

    if not context.get('defer_commit'):

    log.debug('Updated object %s' % pkg.name)

    return_id_only = context.get('return_id_only', False)

    # Make sure that a user provided schema is not used on package_show
    context.pop('schema', None)

    # we could update the dataset so we should still be able to read it.
    context['ignore_auth'] = True
    output = data_dict['id'] if return_id_only \
        else _get_action('package_show')(context, {'id': data_dict['id']})

    return output
def package_create(context, data_dict):
    '''Create a new dataset (package).

    You must be authorized to create new datasets. If you specify any groups
    for the new dataset, you must also be authorized to edit these groups.

    Plugins may change the parameters of this function depending on the value
    of the ``type`` parameter, see the
    :py:class:`~ckan.plugins.interfaces.IDatasetForm` plugin interface.

    :param name: the name of the new dataset, must be between 2 and 100
        characters long and contain only lowercase alphanumeric characters,
        ``-`` and ``_``, e.g. ``'warandpeace'``
    :type name: string
    :param title: the title of the dataset (optional, default: same as
    :type title: string
    :param private: If ``True`` creates a private dataset
    :type private: bool
    :param author: the name of the dataset's author (optional)
    :type author: string
    :param author_email: the email address of the dataset's author (optional)
    :type author_email: string
    :param maintainer: the name of the dataset's maintainer (optional)
    :type maintainer: string
    :param maintainer_email: the email address of the dataset's maintainer
    :type maintainer_email: string
    :param license_id: the id of the dataset's license, see
        :py:func:`~ckan.logic.action.get.license_list` for available values
    :type license_id: license id string
    :param notes: a description of the dataset (optional)
    :type notes: string
    :param url: a URL for the dataset's source (optional)
    :type url: string
    :param version: (optional)
    :type version: string, no longer than 100 characters
    :param state: the current state of the dataset, e.g. ``'active'`` or
        ``'deleted'``, only active datasets show up in search results and
        other lists of datasets, this parameter will be ignored if you are not
        authorized to change the state of the dataset (optional, default:
    :type state: string
    :param type: the type of the dataset (optional),
        :py:class:`~ckan.plugins.interfaces.IDatasetForm` plugins
        associate themselves with different dataset types and provide custom
        dataset handling behaviour for these types
    :type type: string
    :param resources: the dataset's resources, see
        :py:func:`resource_create` for the format of resource dictionaries
    :type resources: list of resource dictionaries
    :param tags: the dataset's tags, see :py:func:`tag_create` for the format
        of tag dictionaries (optional)
    :type tags: list of tag dictionaries
    :param extras: the dataset's extras (optional), extras are arbitrary
        (key: value) metadata items that can be added to datasets, each extra
        dictionary should have keys ``'key'`` (a string), ``'value'`` (a
    :type extras: list of dataset extra dictionaries
    :param relationships_as_object: see :py:func:`package_relationship_create`
        for the format of relationship dictionaries (optional)
    :type relationships_as_object: list of relationship dictionaries
    :param relationships_as_subject: see :py:func:`package_relationship_create`
        for the format of relationship dictionaries (optional)
    :type relationships_as_subject: list of relationship dictionaries
    :param groups: the groups to which the dataset belongs (optional), each
        group dictionary should have one or more of the following keys which
        identify an existing group:
        ``'id'`` (the id of the group, string), or ``'name'`` (the name of the
        group, string),  to see which groups exist
        call :py:func:`~ckan.logic.action.get.group_list`
    :type groups: list of dictionaries
    :param owner_org: the id of the dataset's owning organization, see
        :py:func:`~ckan.logic.action.get.organization_list` or
        :py:func:`~ckan.logic.action.get.organization_list_for_user` for
        available values (optional)
    :type owner_org: string

    :returns: the newly created dataset (unless 'return_id_only' is set to True
              in the context, in which case just the dataset id will be returned)
    :rtype: dictionary


    process_batch_mode(context, data_dict)

    model = context['model']
    user = context['user']

    if 'type' not in data_dict:
        package_plugin = lib_plugins.lookup_package_plugin()
            # use first type as default if user didn't provide type
            package_type = package_plugin.package_types()[0]
        except (AttributeError, IndexError):
            package_type = 'dataset'
            # in case a 'dataset' plugin was registered w/o fallback
            package_plugin = lib_plugins.lookup_package_plugin(package_type)
        data_dict['type'] = package_type
        package_plugin = lib_plugins.lookup_package_plugin(data_dict['type'])

    if 'schema' in context:
        schema = context['schema']
        schema = package_plugin.create_package_schema()

    _check_access('package_create', context, data_dict)

    if 'api_version' not in context:
        # check_data_dict() is deprecated. If the package_plugin has a
        # check_data_dict() we'll call it, if it doesn't have the method we'll
        # do nothing.
        check_data_dict = getattr(package_plugin, 'check_data_dict', None)
        if check_data_dict:
                check_data_dict(data_dict, schema)
            except TypeError:
                # Old plugins do not support passing the schema so we need
                # to ensure they still work

    # Inject a code representing the batch within which this dataset was modified
    if context.get('batch_mode') != 'DONT_GROUP':
        data_dict['batch'] = get_batch_or_generate(data_dict.get('owner_org'))

    data, errors = lib_plugins.plugin_validate(package_plugin, context,
                                               data_dict, schema,
    if 'tags' in data:
        data['tags'] = helpers.get_tag_vocabulary(data['tags'])
    if 'groups' in data:
        additions = {
            'key': 'solr_additions',
            'value': helpers.build_additions(data['groups'])
        if not 'extras' in data:
            data['extras'] = []

    log.debug('package_create validate_errs=%r user=%s package=%s data=%r',
              errors, context.get('user'), data.get('name'), data_dict)

    if errors:
        raise logic.ValidationError(errors)

    rev = model.repo.new_revision()
    rev.author = user
    if 'message' in context:
        rev.message = context['message']
        rev.message = _(u'REST API: Create object %s') % data.get("name")

    if user:
        user_obj = model.User.by_name(user.decode('utf8'))
        if user_obj:
            data['creator_user_id'] = user_obj.id

    # Replace model_save.package_dict_save() call with our wrapped version to be able to save groups
    # pkg = model_save.package_dict_save(data, context)
    from ckanext.hdx_package.actions.update import modified_save
    pkg = modified_save(context, data)

    #pkg = model_save.package_dict_save(data, context)

    # Needed to let extensions know the package and resources ids
    data['id'] = pkg.id
    if data.get('resources'):
        for index, resource in enumerate(data['resources']):
            resource['id'] = pkg.resources[index].id

    context_org_update = context.copy()
    context_org_update['ignore_auth'] = True
    context_org_update['defer_commit'] = True
    context_org_update['add_revision'] = False
    _get_action('package_owner_org_update')(context_org_update, {
        'id': pkg.id,
        'organization_id': pkg.owner_org

    for item in plugins.PluginImplementations(plugins.IPackageController):

        item.after_create(context, data)

    # Make sure that a user provided schema is not used in create_views
    # and on package_show
    context.pop('schema', None)

    # Create default views for resources if necessary
    if data.get('resources'):
                'model': context['model'],
                'user': context['user'],
                'ignore_auth': True
            }, {
                'package': data

    if not context.get('defer_commit'):

    # need to let rest api create
    context["package"] = pkg
    # this is added so that the rest controller can make a new location
    context["id"] = pkg.id
    log.debug('Created object %s' % pkg.name)

    return_id_only = context.get('return_id_only', False)

    output = context['id'] if return_id_only \
        else _get_action('package_show')(context, {'id': context['id']})

    return output
def package_update(context, data_dict):
    '''Update a dataset (package).

    You must be authorized to edit the dataset and the groups that it belongs

    It is recommended to call
    :py:func:`ckan.logic.action.get.package_show`, make the desired changes to
    the result, and then call ``package_update()`` with it.

    Plugins may change the parameters of this function depending on the value
    of the dataset's ``type`` attribute, see the
    :py:class:`~ckan.plugins.interfaces.IDatasetForm` plugin interface.

    For further parameters see

    :param id: the name or id of the dataset to update
    :type id: string

    :returns: the updated dataset (if ``'return_package_dict'`` is ``True`` in
              the context, which is the default. Otherwise returns just the
              dataset id)
    :rtype: dictionary


    process_batch_mode(context, data_dict)
    process_skip_validation(context, data_dict)

    model = context['model']
    user = context['user']
    name_or_id = data_dict.get('id') or data_dict.get('name')
    if name_or_id is None:
        raise logic.ValidationError({'id': _('Missing value')})

    pkg = model.Package.get(name_or_id)
    if pkg is None:
        raise logic.NotFound(_('Package was not found.'))
    context["package"] = pkg
    data_dict["id"] = pkg.id
    data_dict['type'] = pkg.type
    if 'groups' in data_dict:
        data_dict['solr_additions'] = helpers.build_additions(

    if 'dataset_confirm_freshness' in data_dict and data_dict[
            'dataset_confirm_freshness'] == 'on':
        data_dict['review_date'] = utcnow()

    _check_access('package_update', context, data_dict)

    # get the schema
    package_plugin = lib_plugins.lookup_package_plugin(pkg.type)
    if 'schema' in context:
        schema = context['schema']
        schema = package_plugin.update_package_schema()

    if 'api_version' not in context:
        # check_data_dict() is deprecated. If the package_plugin has a
        # check_data_dict() we'll call it, if it doesn't have the method we'll
        # do nothing.
        check_data_dict = getattr(package_plugin, 'check_data_dict', None)
        if check_data_dict:
                package_plugin.check_data_dict(data_dict, schema)
            except TypeError:
                # Old plugins do not support passing the schema so we need
                # to ensure they still work.

    # Inject the existing package_creator as it should not be modifiable
    if hasattr(pkg, 'extras'):
        data_dict['package_creator'] = pkg.extras.get(
            'package_creator', data_dict.get('package_creator'))

    # Inject a code representing the batch within which this dataset was modified
    # KEEP_OLD - keep the code before this update
    # DONT_GROUP - don't use any code
    if context.get('batch_mode') == 'KEEP_OLD':
            batch_extras = pkg._extras.get('batch')
            if batch_extras and batch_extras.state == 'active':
                data_dict['batch'] = batch_extras.value
        except Exception, e: