def parse(self, data, _format=None):
        Parses and RDF graph serialization and into the class graph

        It calls the rdflib parse function with the provided data and format.

        Data is a string with the serialized RDF graph (eg RDF/XML, N3
        ... ). By default RF/XML is expected. The optional parameter _format
        can be used to tell rdflib otherwise.

        It raises a ``RDFParserException`` if there was some error during
        the parsing.

        Returns nothing.

        _format = url_to_rdflib_format(_format)
        if _format == 'pretty-xml':
            _format = 'xml'

            self.g.parse(data=data, format=_format)
        # Apparently there is no single way of catching exceptions from all
        # rdflib parsers at once, so if you use a new one and the parsing
        # exceptions are not cached, add them here.
        # PluginException indicates that an unknown format was passed.
        except (SyntaxError, xml.sax.SAXParseException,
                rdflib.plugin.PluginException, TypeError), e:

            raise RDFParserException(e)
    def serialize_dataset(self, dataset_dict, _format='xml'):
        Given a CKAN dataset dict, returns an RDF serialization

        The serialization format can be defined using the `_format` parameter.
        It must be one of the ones supported by RDFLib, defaults to `xml`.

        Returns a string with the serialized dataset
        log.debug('Entrando en serialize_dataset')

        _format = url_to_rdflib_format(_format)

        if _format == 'json-ld':
            output = self.g.serialize(format=_format, auto_compact=True)
            output = self.g.serialize(format=_format)

        return output
    def serialize_catalog(self,
        Returns an RDF serialization of the whole catalog

        `catalog_dict` can contain literal values for the dcat:Catalog class
        like `title`, `homepage`, etc. If not provided these would get default
        values from the CKAN config (eg from `ckan.site_title`).

        If passed a list of CKAN dataset dicts, these will be also serializsed
        as part of the catalog.
        **Note:** There is no hard limit on the number of datasets at this
        level, this should be handled upstream.

        The serialization format can be defined using the `_format` parameter.
        It must be one of the ones supported by RDFLib, defaults to `xml`.

        `pagination_info` may be a dict containing keys describing the results
        pagination. See the `_add_pagination_triples()` method for details.

        Returns a string with the serialized catalog
        log.debug('Entrando en serialize_catalog')

        catalog_ref = self.graph_from_catalog(catalog_dict)
        if dataset_dicts:
            for dataset_dict in dataset_dicts:
                dataset_ref = self.graph_from_dataset(dataset_dict)

                self.g.add((catalog_ref, DCAT.dataset, dataset_ref))

        if pagination_info:

        _format = url_to_rdflib_format(_format)
        output = self.g.serialize(format=_format)

        return output