def test_princessrescue(self):
		P = Player("Hello",1,ROWS - 2, COLS, 1, 0)
		newb = Board()
		array = []
		pathexists = False
		testofthree = False
		numofcoins = 0
		while True:
			pathexists,numofcoins,testofthree = newb.init(COLS,ROWS,array,P)
			if pathexists == True:

			oldscore = P.getScore()

			if array[1][newb.princess] == 1:
				temprow = 1
				tempcol = newb.princess

				array[1][newb.princess] = 4

				if P.getX() == 1 and P.getY() == newb.princess:
					P.score += 50
					if P.level == 3:

				assert P.getScore() == oldscore + 50
				running = False
	def test_playerleftwallcheck(self):
		P = Player("Hello",1,ROWS - 2, COLS, 1, 0)
		newb = Board()
		array = []
		pathexists = False
		testofthree = False
		numofcoins = 0
		while True:
			pathexists,numofcoins,testofthree = newb.init(COLS,ROWS,array,P)
			if pathexists == True:

		array[P.getX()][P.getY()] = 4
		if array[P.getX()][P.getY()-1] == -1:
			array[P.getX()][P.getY()] = 4
			array[P.getX()][P.getY()-1] = 4

		assert P.getY() != (0)

		array[P.getX()][P.getY()] = 4
		if array[P.getX()][P.getY()-1] == -1:
			array[P.getX()][P.getY()] = 4
			array[P.getX()][P.getY()-1] = 4

		assert P.getY() != (0)
	def test_fireballexit(self):

		starttime = time.time()

		P = Player("Hello",1,ROWS - 2, COLS, 1, 0)
		newb = Board()
		mainarr = []
		while True:
			pathexists,numofcoins,testofthree = newb.init(COLS,ROWS,mainarr,P)
			if pathexists == True:

		numofdonkeys,numofball,upint = levelVar(P)
		numofball = 1	#One ball is enough for testing

		dindexarr = [0,0,0]
		dlenarr = [0,0,0]
		#global dobjectarr
		dobjectarr = [0,0,0]	
		#global fbarr
		fbarr = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]
		#global currball 
		currball = 0	

		#global counter
		counter = 0

		dindexarr,dlenarr,counter = createDonkeys(dindexarr,dlenarr,counter,numofdonkeys,newb,mainarr,COLS,dobjectarr,upint)

		ball1time = time.time()

		tempcount = 0

		mainarr[ROWS-2][7] = 4

		running = True
		while running:		#Main while loop

			for i in dobjectarr:
				if i != 0:			

			ball2time = time.time()
			dobjectarr,ball1time,currball,fbarr = createBalls(ball1time, ball2time, currball, numofball, dobjectarr, COLS, fbarr,upint, mainarr)

			for i in fbarr:
				if i != 0:
					x,y = i.getPosition()
					if y == 1 and x == ROWS-2:
						assert mainarr[ROWS-2][1] != 6
						running = False

			mainarr,fbarr = updateBalls(mainarr,fbarr,ROWS,COLS,dobjectarr)	
	def test_directionchange(self):
		starttime = time.time()

		P = Player("Hello",1,ROWS - 2, COLS, 1, 0)
		newb = Board()
		mainarr = []
		while True:
			pathexists,numofcoins,testofthree = newb.init(COLS,ROWS,mainarr,P)
			if pathexists == True:

		numofdonkeys,numofball,upint = levelVar(P)
		numofball = 1

		dindexarr = [0,0,0]
		dlenarr = [0,0,0]
		#global dobjectarr
		dobjectarr = [0,0,0]	
		#global fbarr
		fbarr = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]
		#global currball 
		currball = 0	

		#global counter
		counter = 0

		dindexarr,dlenarr,counter = createDonkeys(dindexarr,dlenarr,counter,numofdonkeys,newb,mainarr,COLS,dobjectarr,upint)

		ball1time = time.time()

		mainarr[ROWS-2][7] = 4

		running = True
		while running:		#Main while loop

			for i in dobjectarr:
				if i != 0:			

			ball2time = time.time()
			dobjectarr,ball1time,currball,fbarr = createBalls(ball1time, ball2time, currball, numofball, dobjectarr, COLS, fbarr,upint, mainarr)

			tempcount = 0

			for i in fbarr:
				if i != 0:
					olddirection = i.getDirection()
					if i.getY()+1 == COLS-1 or i.getY() - 1 == 0:
						mainarr,fbarr = updateBalls(mainarr,fbarr,ROWS,COLS,dobjectarr)
						assert i.getDirection() != olddirection
						running = False

			mainarr,fbarr = updateBalls(mainarr,fbarr,ROWS,COLS,dobjectarr)
    def test_donkeyandwall(self):
        starttime = time.time()

        P = Player("Hello", 1, ROWS - 2, COLS, 1, 0)
        newb = Board()
        mainarr = []
        while True:
            pathexists, numofcoins, testofthree = newb.init(COLS, ROWS, mainarr, P)
            if pathexists == True:

        numofdonkeys, numofball, upint = levelVar(P)
        numofball = 1  # One ball is enough for testing

        dindexarr = [0, 0, 0]
        dlenarr = [0, 0, 0]
        # global dobjectarr
        dobjectarr = [0, 0, 0]

        # global fbarr
        fbarr = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
        # global currball
        currball = 0

        # global counter
        counter = 0

        dindexarr, dlenarr, counter = createDonkeys(
            dindexarr, dlenarr, counter, numofdonkeys, newb, mainarr, COLS, dobjectarr, upint

        ball1time = time.time()

        tempcount = 0

        running = True
        while running:  # Main while loop

            for i in dobjectarr:
                if i != 0:

            ball2time = time.time()
            dobjectarr, ball1time, currball, fbarr = createBalls(
                ball1time, ball2time, currball, numofball, dobjectarr, COLS, fbarr, upint, mainarr

            for i in dobjectarr:
                if i != 0:
                    oldtempx, oldtempy = i.getPosition()
                    tempx, tempy = i.getPosition()
                    assert tempx == oldtempx
                    if (time.time() - starttime) > 10:
                        running = False
 def test_brokenstairs(self):
     P = Player("Hello", 1, ROWS - 2, COLS, 1, 0)
     newb = Board()
     array = []
     pathexists = False
     testofthree = False
     numofcoins = 0
     while True:
         pathexists, numofcoins, testofthree = newb.init(COLS, ROWS, array, P)
         if pathexists == True:
     assert newb.brokenstairs() == True
	def test_fireballfromdonkey(self):

		starttime = time.time()

		P = Player("Hello",1,ROWS - 2, COLS, 1, 0)
		newb = Board()
		mainarr = []
		while True:
			pathexists,numofcoins,testofthree = newb.init(COLS,ROWS,mainarr,P)
			if pathexists == True:

		numofdonkeys,numofball,upint = levelVar(P)

		dindexarr = [0,0,0]
		dlenarr = [0,0,0]
		#global dobjectarr
		dobjectarr = [0,0,0]	
		#global fbarr
		fbarr = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]
		#global currball 
		currball = 0	

		#global counter
		counter = 0

		dindexarr,dlenarr,counter = createDonkeys(dindexarr,dlenarr,counter,numofdonkeys,newb,mainarr,COLS,dobjectarr,upint)

		ball1time = time.time()

		tempcount = 0

		running = True
		while running:		#Main while loop

			for i in dobjectarr:
				if i != 0:			

			ball2time = time.time()
			dobjectarr,ball1time,currball,fbarr = createBalls(ball1time, ball2time, currball, numofball, dobjectarr, COLS, fbarr,upint, mainarr)

			for i in fbarr:
				if i != 0:
					x,y = i.getPosition()
					for j in dobjectarr:
						if j != 0:
							if x == j.getX() and y == j.getY()+1:
								assert x == j.getX() and y == j.getY()+1	# Checks if fireball originates from donkey
								if (time.time() - starttime) >= numofball * 4:
									running = False
    def test_pathexists(self):
        P = Player("Hello", 1, ROWS - 2, COLS, 1, 0)
        newb = Board()
        array = []
        pathexists = False
        testofthree = False
        numofcoins = 0
        while True:
            pathexists, numofcoins, testofthree = newb.init(COLS, ROWS, array, P)
            if pathexists == True:

        assert pathexists == True  # Tests if path exists from Player position to Princess position
    def test_coinnum(self):
        P = Player("Hello", 1, ROWS - 2, COLS, 1, 0)
        newb = Board()
        array = []
        pathexists = False
        testofthree = False
        numofcoins = 0
        while True:
            pathexists, numofcoins, testofthree = newb.init(COLS, ROWS, array, P)
            if pathexists == True:

        assert numofcoins >= 20  # Tests if number of coins generated is greater than 20,
    def test_rowgap(self):
        P = Player("Hello", 1, ROWS - 2, COLS, 1, 0)
        newb = Board()
        array = []
        pathexists = False
        testofthree = False
        numofcoins = 0
        while True:
            pathexists, numofcoins, testofthree = newb.init(COLS, ROWS, array, P)
            if pathexists == True:

        assert testofthree == True  # Fails if the gap between two rows is lesser than 3 units
	def test_playerspawnposn(self):
		P = Player("Hello",1,ROWS - 2, COLS, 1, 0)
		newb = Board()
		array = []
		pathexists = False
		testofthree = False
		numofcoins = 0
		while True:
			pathexists,numofcoins,testofthree = newb.init(COLS,ROWS,array,P)
			if pathexists == True:

		assert ( P.getY() == 1 and P.getX() == (ROWS - 2) )		#Tests if player spawn position is correct
	def test_playerspawndetails(self):
		P = Player("Hello",1,ROWS - 2, COLS, 1, 0)
		newb = Board()
		array = []
		pathexists = False
		testofthree = False
		numofcoins = 0
		while True:
			pathexists,numofcoins,testofthree = newb.init(COLS,ROWS,array,P)
			if pathexists == True:

		assert ( P.getScore() == 0 and P.getLife() == 3 and P.getLevel() == 1 ) #Tests if player score,lives and level is initialized correctly
	def test_numoffireballs(self):
		starttime = time.time()

		P = Player("Hello",1,ROWS - 2, COLS, 2, 0)
		newb = Board()
		mainarr = []
		while True:
			pathexists,numofcoins,testofthree = newb.init(COLS,ROWS,mainarr,P)
			if pathexists == True:

		numofdonkeys,numofball,upint = levelVar(P)

		dindexarr = [0,0,0]
		dlenarr = [0,0,0]
		#global dobjectarr
		dobjectarr = [0,0,0]	
		#global fbarr
		fbarr = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]
		#global currball 
		currball = 0	

		#global counter
		counter = 0

		dindexarr,dlenarr,counter = createDonkeys(dindexarr,dlenarr,counter,numofdonkeys,newb,mainarr,COLS,dobjectarr,upint)

		ball1time = time.time()

		mainarr[ROWS-2][7] = 4

		running = True
		while running:		#Main while loop

			for i in dobjectarr:
				if i != 0:			

			ball2time = time.time()
			dobjectarr,ball1time,currball,fbarr = createBalls(ball1time, ball2time, currball, numofball, dobjectarr, COLS, fbarr,upint, mainarr)

			tempcount = 0

			for i in fbarr:
				if i != 0:
					tempcount += 1
					if tempcount == numofball:
						running = False
						assert tempcount == numofball
 def test_boardvalidate(self):
     P = Player("Hello", 1, ROWS - 2, COLS, 1, 0)
     newb = Board()
     array = []
     pathexists = False
     testofthree = False
     numofcoins = 0
     while True:
         pathexists, numofcoins, testofthree = newb.init(COLS, ROWS, array, P)
         if pathexists == True:
     assert array[0][0] == -1
     assert array[0][COLS - 1] == -1
     assert array[ROWS - 1][0] == -1
     assert array[ROWS - 1][COLS - 1] == -1
    def test_queen(self):
        P = Player("Hello", 1, ROWS - 2, COLS, 1, 0)
        newb = Board()
        array = []
        pathexists = False
        testofthree = False
        numofcoins = 0
        while True:
            pathexists, numofcoins, testofthree = newb.init(COLS, ROWS, array, P)
            if pathexists == True:

        temprow = 1
        tempcol = 1
        while tempcol != COLS - 1:
            if array[temprow][tempcol] == 1:
                assert array[temprow][tempcol] == 1
            tempcol += 1
	def test_playercollectcoin(self):
		P = Player("Hello",1,ROWS - 2, COLS, 1, 0)
		newb = Board()
		array = []
		pathexists = False
		testofthree = False
		numofcoins = 0
		while True:
			pathexists,numofcoins,testofthree = newb.init(COLS,ROWS,array,P)
			if pathexists == True:

			oldscore = P.getScore()

			temprow = ROWS-2
			tempcol = 1

			while True:
				if array[temprow][tempcol+1] == 3:
				elif tempcol == COLS-4:
					temprow += 4
					tempcol = P.getY()
					tempcol += 1

			array[temprow][tempcol] = 4

			if array[P.getX()][P.getY() + 1] == 3:
				array[temprow][tempcol] = 4

			assert P.getScore() == oldscore + 5
			running = False
def mainfunc(level,pname,score):	#Tertiary main function. Contains the main while loop
	#Create hookmanager
	hookman = pyxhook.HookManager()
	#Define our callback to fire when a key is pressed down
	hookman.KeyDown = kbevent
	#Hook the keyboard
	#Start our listener

	global ball1time,ball2time
	ball1time = time.time()		#These ensure that the balls are produced after a time gap and not all together
	global P	
	P = Player(pname, ROWS-2, 1,COLUMNS, level,score)	#Instantiating Player
	#Create new layout
	global newboard,mainarr
	while True:
		mainarr = []
		newboard = Board()
		if newboard.init(COLUMNS,ROWS,mainarr,P) == True:	#Creating board and ensuring that there exists a path from player spawn position to the princess
	global numofdonkeys,numofball,upint
	numofdonkeys,numofball,upint = levelVar(P)
	dindexarr = [0,0,0]
	dlenarr = [0,0,0]
	global dobjectarr
	dobjectarr = [0,0,0]	
	global fbarr
	fbarr = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]
	global currball 
	currball = 0	

	global counter
	counter = 0
	dindexarr,dlenarr,counter = createDonkeys(dindexarr,dlenarr,counter,numofdonkeys,newboard,mainarr,COLUMNS)	#Create donkeys

	oldtime=time.time()	#To judge jump direction
	global keyarr
	global running

	running = True
	while running:		#Main while loop
		newtime=time.time()	#To judge jump direction when the spacebar is pressed
		if (newtime-oldtime) > 1:
		#Choose what to do depending on current variable values		

		if == 0:
			return (-1),P.score
		if P.getX() == 1 and P.getY() == newboard.princess:
			P.score += 50
			if P.level == 3:
				func(3, P.score)
				return (-1),P.score
			return P.level+1,P.score

		if mainarr[P.getX()][P.getY()+1] == 6 or mainarr[P.getX()][P.getY()-1] == 6:
			mainarr[P.getX()][P.getY()] = 0 -= 1
			P.changeposn(ROWS - 2, 1)
			mainarr[P.getX()][P.getY()] = 4
			P.score -= 25

		tempr,tempcol = P.getPosition()
		if mainarr[tempr+1][tempcol] != -1 and mainarr[tempr+1][tempcol] != 2 and P.updown != 1:
			mainarr[tempr][tempcol] = 0
			mainarr[tempr+1][tempcol] = 4
		global note
		note = -1
		tempindex = 0
		for i in dobjectarr:
			if i != 0:			
				if i.checkCollision(mainarr) == True:
					note = 1
			tempindex += 1		
		if note != -1:
			dobjectarr[tempindex] = 0
			P.score += 25
			note = -1
		#ball section
		ball2time = time.time()
		dobjectarr,ball1time,currball,fbarr = createBalls(ball1time, ball2time, currball, numofball, dobjectarr, COLUMNS, fbarr)
		mainarr,fbarr = updateBalls(mainarr,fbarr,ROWS,COLUMNS,dobjectarr)
		printboard(COLUMNS, ROWS, mainarr, P)	#Print the board


	#Close the listener when we are done
def mainfunc(level, pname, score):  # Tertiary main function. Contains the main while loop

    # Create hookmanager
    hookman = pyxhook.HookManager()
    # Define our callback to fire when a key is pressed down
    hookman.KeyDown = kbevent
    # Hook the keyboard
    # Start our listener

    global ball1time, ball2time
    ball1time = time.time()  # These ensure that the balls are produced after a time gap and not all together

    global P
    P = Player(pname, ROWS - 2, 1, COLUMNS, level, score)  # Instantiating Player

    # Create new layout
    global newboard, mainarr
    while True:
        mainarr = []
        newboard = Board()
        if (
            newboard.init(COLUMNS, ROWS, mainarr, P) == True
        ):  # Creating board and ensuring that there exists a path from player spawn position to the princess

    global numofdonkeys, numofball, upint
    numofdonkeys, numofball, upint = levelVar(P)

    dindexarr = [0, 0, 0]
    dlenarr = [0, 0, 0]
    global dobjectarr
    dobjectarr = [0, 0, 0]

    global fbarr
    fbarr = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
    global currball
    currball = 0

    global counter
    counter = 0

    dindexarr, dlenarr, counter = createDonkeys(
        dindexarr, dlenarr, counter, numofdonkeys, newboard, mainarr, COLUMNS
    )  # Create donkeys

    oldtime = time.time()  # To judge jump direction

    global keyarr
    global running

    running = True
    while running:  # Main while loop

        newtime = time.time()  # To judge jump direction when the spacebar is pressed
        if (newtime - oldtime) > 1:
            oldtime = newtime

            # Choose what to do depending on current variable values

        if == 0:
            return (-1), P.score

        if P.getX() == 1 and P.getY() == newboard.princess:
            P.score += 50
            if P.level == 3:
                func(3, P.score)
                return (-1), P.score
            return P.level + 1, P.score

        if mainarr[P.getX()][P.getY() + 1] == 6 or mainarr[P.getX()][P.getY() - 1] == 6:
            mainarr[P.getX()][P.getY()] = 0
   -= 1
            P.changeposn(ROWS - 2, 1)
            mainarr[P.getX()][P.getY()] = 4
            P.score -= 25

        tempr, tempcol = P.getPosition()
        if mainarr[tempr + 1][tempcol] != -1 and mainarr[tempr + 1][tempcol] != 2 and P.updown != 1:
            mainarr[tempr][tempcol] = 0
            mainarr[tempr + 1][tempcol] = 4
            P.changeposn(tempr + 1, tempcol)

        global note
        note = -1
        tempindex = 0
        for i in dobjectarr:
            if i != 0:
                if i.checkCollision(mainarr) == True:
                    i.killDonkey(mainarr, P)
                    note = 1
            tempindex += 1

        if note != -1:
            dobjectarr[tempindex] = 0
            P.score += 25
            note = -1

            # ball section

        ball2time = time.time()
        dobjectarr, ball1time, currball, fbarr = createBalls(
            ball1time, ball2time, currball, numofball, dobjectarr, COLUMNS, fbarr

        mainarr, fbarr = updateBalls(mainarr, fbarr, ROWS, COLUMNS, dobjectarr)

        printboard(COLUMNS, ROWS, mainarr, P)  # Print the board


        # Close the listener when we are done
    def test_numofdonkeys(self):

        P = Player("Hello", 1, ROWS - 2, COLS, 2, 0)
        newb = Board()
        mainarr = []
        while True:
            pathexists, numofcoins, testofthree = newb.init(COLS, ROWS, mainarr, P)
            if pathexists == True:

        numofdonkeys, numofball, upint = levelVar(P)
        numofball = 1  # One ball is enough for testing

        dindexarr = [0, 0, 0]
        dlenarr = [0, 0, 0]
        # global dobjectarr
        dobjectarr = [0, 0, 0]

        # global fbarr
        fbarr = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
        # global currball
        currball = 0

        # global counter
        counter = 0

        dindexarr, dlenarr, counter = createDonkeys(
            dindexarr, dlenarr, counter, numofdonkeys, newb, mainarr, COLS, dobjectarr, upint

        running = True
        while running:  # Main while loop

            tempcnt = 0
            for i in dobjectarr:
                if i != 0:
                    tempcnt += 1

            assert tempcnt == numofdonkeys
            running = False

        P = Player("Hello", 1, ROWS - 2, COLS, 3, 0)
        newb = Board()
        mainarr = []
        while True:
            pathexists, numofcoins, testofthree = newb.init(COLS, ROWS, mainarr, P)
            if pathexists == True:

        numofdonkeys, numofball, upint = levelVar(P)
        numofball = 1  # One ball is enough for testing

        dindexarr = [0, 0, 0]
        dlenarr = [0, 0, 0]
        # global dobjectarr
        dobjectarr = [0, 0, 0]

        # global fbarr
        fbarr = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
        # global currball
        currball = 0

        # global counter
        counter = 0

        dindexarr, dlenarr, counter = createDonkeys(
            dindexarr, dlenarr, counter, numofdonkeys, newb, mainarr, COLS, dobjectarr, upint

        running = True
        while running:  # Main while loop

            tempcnt = 0
            for i in dobjectarr:
                if i != 0:
                    tempcnt += 1

            assert tempcnt == numofdonkeys
            running = False
    def test_donkeyandplayer(self):
        starttime = time.time()

        P = Player("Hello", 1, ROWS - 2, COLS, 1, 0)
        newb = Board()
        mainarr = []
        while True:
            pathexists, numofcoins, testofthree = newb.init(COLS, ROWS, mainarr, P)
            if pathexists == True:

        numofdonkeys, numofball, upint = levelVar(P)
        numofball = 1  # One ball is enough for testing

        dindexarr = [0, 0, 0]
        dlenarr = [0, 0, 0]
        # global dobjectarr
        dobjectarr = [0, 0, 0]

        # global fbarr
        fbarr = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
        # global currball
        currball = 0

        # global counter
        counter = 0

        dindexarr, dlenarr, counter = createDonkeys(
            dindexarr, dlenarr, counter, numofdonkeys, newb, mainarr, COLS, dobjectarr, upint

        ball1time = time.time()

        tempcount = 0

        running = True
        while running:  # Main while loop

            for i in dobjectarr:
                if i != 0:

            ball2time = time.time()
            dobjectarr, ball1time, currball, fbarr = createBalls(
                ball1time, ball2time, currball, numofball, dobjectarr, COLS, fbarr, upint, mainarr

            note = -1
            tempindex = 0
            for i in dobjectarr:
                if i != 0:
                    if i.getdir() == 1:
                        P.changeposn(i.getX(), i.getY() + 1)
                        mainarr[i.getX()][i.getY() + 1] = 4
                        P.changeposn(i.getX(), i.getY() - 1)
                        mainarr[i.getX()][i.getY() - 1] = 4
                    assert i.checkCollision(mainarr) == True
                    if i.checkCollision(mainarr) == True:
                        i.killDonkey(mainarr, P)
                        note = 1
                        running = False
                tempindex += 1

            if note != -1:
                dobjectarr[tempindex] = 0
                P.score += 25
                note = -1
	def test_fireballandplayer(self):

		starttime = time.time()

		P = Player("Hello",1,ROWS - 2, COLS, 1, 0)
		newb = Board()
		mainarr = []
		while True:
			pathexists,numofcoins,testofthree = newb.init(COLS,ROWS,mainarr,P)
			if pathexists == True:

		numofdonkeys,numofball,upint = levelVar(P)
		numofball = 1	#One ball is enough for testing

		dindexarr = [0,0,0]
		dlenarr = [0,0,0]
		#global dobjectarr
		dobjectarr = [0,0,0]	
		#global fbarr
		fbarr = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]
		#global currball 
		currball = 0	

		#global counter
		counter = 0

		dindexarr,dlenarr,counter = createDonkeys(dindexarr,dlenarr,counter,numofdonkeys,newb,mainarr,COLS,dobjectarr,upint)

		ball1time = time.time()

		tempcount = 0

		running = True
		while running:		#Main while loop

			for i in dobjectarr:
				if i != 0:			

			ball2time = time.time()
			dobjectarr,ball1time,currball,fbarr = createBalls(ball1time, ball2time, currball, numofball, dobjectarr, COLS, fbarr,upint, mainarr)

			for i in fbarr:
				if i != 0:
					x,y = i.getPosition()
					if i.getDirection() == 1:
			if mainarr[P.getX()][P.getY()+1] == 6 or mainarr[P.getX()][P.getY()-1] == 6:
				mainarr[P.getX()][P.getY()] = 0 -= 1
				P.changeposn(ROWS - 2, 1)
				mainarr[P.getX()][P.getY()] = 4
				assert P.getX() == ROWS-2 and P.getY() == 1
				P.score -= 25
				running = False