def main(): speed = 1 x = 100 clock = SDL.time.Clock() is_running = True SDL.init() screen = SDL.display.set_mode(size=(1000, 500), vsync=1) box = SDL.image.load(BOX_PATH).convert() background = SDL.image.load(BACKGROUND_PATH).convert() window_icon = SDL.image.load("icon.png") # 32 x 32 pixels SDL.display.set_icon(window_icon) SDL.display.set_caption("Window Title") screen.blit(background, (0, 0)) Button(BUTTON_PATH, (100, 300), button_action_1) Button(BUTTON_PATH, (300, 300), button_action_2) Button(BUTTON_PATH, (500, 300), button_action_3) Button.draw(screen) while is_running: is_running = input_handling() source_rect = (x, 100, 64, 64) screen.blit(source=background, dest=(x, 100), area=source_rect) x += speed screen.blit(box, (x, 100)) if x >= 900 or x <= 10: speed *= -1 SDL.display.update() # By calling Clock.tick(X) once per frame, the program will never run at more # than X frames per second. This function uses SDL_Delay function which is not # accurate on every platform, but does not use much CPU. clock.tick(FPS)
def __init__(self, controls): x, y = [50, 50] title = Text("Pokémon Game", fonts.title,, [x, y]) y += title.height + 50 search = Button("Look for Pokémon", fonts.normal,, [x, y], True, action="scene_change", value="look") y += search.height + 5 team = Button("My team", fonts.normal,, [x, y]) y += team.height + 5 exit = Button("Exit", fonts.normal,, [x, y], action="shutdown") buttons = [search, team, exit] button_manager = ButtonManager(buttons, controls) super().__init__([title, button_manager])
def input_handling(): for event in SDL.event.get(): if event.type in (SDL.QUIT, SDL.KEYDOWN): return False elif event.type == SDL.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: left_button, middle_button, right_button = SDL.mouse.get_pressed() if left_button: position = SDL.mouse.get_pos() print("■☐☐ The left mouse button") elif middle_button: print("☐■☐ The middle mouse button") elif right_button: print("☐☐■ The right mouse button") return True
def run_game(): #初始化游戏并创建屏幕对象 pygame.init() setting = Setting() screen = pygame.display.set_mode( (setting.screen_width, setting.screen_height)) pygame.display.set_caption("打飞机") #实例化飞机 ship = Ship(screen) #储存子弹编组 bullets = Group() #实例化外星人 aliens = Group() gf.create_fleet(setting, screen, ship, aliens) #游戏状态 states = GameStates(setting) #开始按钮 play_bt = Button(screen, 'play') #记分板 sb = ScoreBoard(setting, screen, states) #开始游戏主循环 while True: #监视鼠标和键盘事件 gf.check_events(setting, screen, ship, bullets, aliens, states, play_bt, sb) if states.game_active: #更新飞机位置 ship.update() #子弹更新 gf.update_bullets(setting, screen, ship, aliens, bullets, states, sb) #外星人更新 gf.update_aliens(ship, aliens, bullets, setting, screen, states, sb) #让最近的屏幕绘制可见 gf.update_screen(setting, screen, ship, bullets, aliens, states, play_bt, sb)
def run(mode): # Initialize game and create a screen object pygame.init() ai_settings = Settings(mode) screen = pygame.display.set_mode( (ai_settings.screen_width, ai_settings.screen_height)) pygame.display.set_caption("Space Invasion") # Make the Play button. play_button = Button(ai_settings, screen, "Play") # Create an instance to store game statistics. stats = GameStats(ai_settings) # Make a ship ship = Ship(ai_settings, screen) # Make a group to store bullets in. bullets = Group() # Make a group of aliens. aliens = Group() # Create the fleet of aliens. gf.create_fleet(ai_settings, screen, ship, aliens) game_over = False # Start the main loop for the game while not game_over: # Watch for the keyboard and mouse events gf.check_events(ai_settings, screen, stats, play_button, ship, bullets) if stats.game_active: ship.update() gf.update_bullets(ai_settings, screen, ship, aliens, bullets) gf.update_aliens(ai_settings, stats, screen, ship, aliens, bullets, mode) gf.update_screen(ai_settings, screen, stats, ship, aliens, bullets, play_button)
def __init__(self, name, width, height, buttons, hands): = name self.width = width self.height = height self.buttons = list() for button in buttons: self.buttons.append(Button( id=button['id'], location=button['location'], size=button['size'] )) self.buttons = sorted(self.buttons, key=lambda button: self._check_buttons_overlapping() self.hands = list() for hand in hands: self.hands.append(Hand(fingers=hand['fingers']))
def run_game(): pygame.init() ai_settings = Settings() screen = pygame.display.set_mode((ai_settings.screen_width, ai_settings.screen_height)) pygame.display.set_caption('Inwazja OBCYCH!') play_button = Button(screen, ai_settings, 'Rozpocznij gre') stats = GameStats(ai_settings) ship = Ship(screen, ai_settings) bullets = Group() # przechowywanie pociskow aliens = Group() gf.create_fleet(ai_settings, screen, ship, aliens) while True: gf.check_events(screen, ai_settings, stats, ship, aliens, bullets, play_button) gf.update_screen(screen, ai_settings, stats, ship, aliens, bullets, play_button) if stats.game_active: ship.update() gf.update_bullets(screen, ai_settings, ship, aliens, bullets) gf.update_aliens(screen, ai_settings, stats, ship, aliens, bullets)
buttons = [ # [ text, function, height ] ["test", printTest, fullb], ["Help", help, fullb], ["Reset", reset, fullb], ["size ^", increaseSize, halfb], ["size v", decreaseSize, halfb], ["flat", flat, halfb], ["to cube", toCube, halfb], ["density ^", increaseDensity, halfb] ] buttonobj = [] buttonMargin = 2 buttonY = buttonMargin+0 for b in buttons: buttonobj.append(Button((buttonMargin, buttonY, TOOLBAR_WIDTH-buttonMargin*2, b[2]), b[1], b[0])) buttonY += b[2] + buttonMargin # game variables gameClock = pygame.time.Clock() FPS = 60 FRAME = 0 MINE_DENSITY = 0.1 / 3 mouse = [0, 0] dragSensitivity = 1/50 PI = 3.1415926535 current_layer = 0 click = False button = -1 mousedown = False gameover = False
-79.5, 21.8, 70.225, 80.112, 82.992, 84.15, 84.61, 84.85, 84.972, 85.027, 85.055, 85.065, 85.07, 85.074, 85.077, 85.079, 85.08, 85.0805 ] clock = pygame.time.Clock() running = True pressed = False buttons = pygame.sprite.Group() labels = pygame.sprite.Group() from classes.button import Button from classes.labl import Label from import Map cur_map = Map() result = Label('', 'black', 10, 60) scheme = Button(' Схема ', 'red', width - 50, height - 390, angle=270) sputnik = Button(' Спутник ', 'blue', width - 50, height - 265, angle=270) hybrid = Button(' Гибрид ', 'green', width - 50, height - 130, angle=270) search = Button( ' Искать ', 'black', width - 90, 5, ) post = Button(' Почтовый индекс ', 'black', width - 470, 50) cancel = Button(' Сброс поискового результата ', 'black', width - 287, 50) text_input = text_input.TextInput(font_family='font.ttf', font_size=30, repeat_keys_initial_ms=400, repeat_keys_interval_ms=30)
def initialize_background_play_pause(): PP_INTERRUPT = Button(BUTTON_PLAYPAUSE) # Create class PP_THREAD = Thread( # Create Thread PP_THREAD.start() # Start Thread
class Game: #Game class constructor def __init__(self,window, gamemode): self._init() self.window = window self.lastMove = None self.winner = None self.gamemode = gamemode self.button = None self.time = None #method to update the game state def update(self, time_elapsed): if time_elapsed != None: self.time = time_elapsed self.drawBoard() self.drawSideBoard() self.draw_valid_moves(self.valid_moves) pygame.display.update() #private method to initialize class attributes def _init(self): self.selected = None self.board = Board() self.player = 1 self.valid_moves = [] self.lastMove = None self.boards = {} self.hintSquarePiece = None self.hintSquareToMove = None self.nodes = 0 #method to draw the game board on screen def drawBoard(self): self.window.fill((76,188,228)) for row in range(ROWS): for col in range(COLS): if (col, row) == self.hintSquarePiece: pygame.draw.rect(self.window, GREEN, (row*SQUARE_SIZE,col*SQUARE_SIZE,SQUARE_SIZE,SQUARE_SIZE), 0) else: pygame.draw.rect(self.window, BLUE, (row*SQUARE_SIZE,col*SQUARE_SIZE,SQUARE_SIZE,SQUARE_SIZE), 0) pygame.draw.rect(self.window, BLACK, (row*SQUARE_SIZE,col*SQUARE_SIZE,SQUARE_SIZE,SQUARE_SIZE), 1) for row in range(ROWS): for col in range(COLS): piece = self.board.board[row][col] if piece != 0: self.window.blit(color_dic[piece], (SQUARE_SIZE * col - 10, SQUARE_SIZE * row - 10)) #method to draw the right side of the screen def drawSideBoard(self): if self.player == 1: myfont = pygame.font.SysFont('', 60) sideboard_title = myfont.render('BLACK TURN', True, BLACK) text_rect = sideboard_title.get_rect(center=(1000, 50)) self.window.blit(sideboard_title, text_rect) elif self.player == 2: myfont = pygame.font.SysFont('', 60) sideboard_title = myfont.render('WHITE TURN', True, WHITE) text_rect = sideboard_title.get_rect(center=(1000, 50)) self.window.blit(sideboard_title, text_rect) if self.gamemode == 1 or (self.gamemode == 2 and self.player == 1): self.button = Button(BLUE, 850, 150, 300, 100, 'Press for a hint') self.button.draw(self.window, True) elif self.gamemode == 3 or (self.gamemode == 2 and self.player == 2): self.button = Button(BLUE, 825, 150, 350, 100, 'Press for computer play') self.button.draw(self.window, True) if (self.gamemode == 3 and self.time != None): myfont = pygame.font.SysFont('', 40) sideboard_title = myfont.render("AI move took: " + str(round(self.time,5)) + " s", True, BLACK) text_rect = sideboard_title.get_rect(center=(1000, 300)) self.window.blit(sideboard_title, text_rect) sideboard_title = myfont.render("Visited nodes: " + str(self.nodes) + " nodes", True, BLACK) text_rect = sideboard_title.get_rect(center=(1000, 350)) self.window.blit(sideboard_title, text_rect) elif (self.gamemode == 1 and self.time != None): myfont = pygame.font.SysFont('', 40) sideboard_title = myfont.render("Hint calc. took: " + str(round(self.time,5)) + " s", True, BLACK) text_rect = sideboard_title.get_rect(center=(1000, 300)) self.window.blit(sideboard_title, text_rect) sideboard_title = myfont.render("Visited nodes: " + str(self.nodes) + " nodes", True, BLACK) text_rect = sideboard_title.get_rect(center=(1000, 350)) self.window.blit(sideboard_title, text_rect) elif (self.gamemode == 2 and self.time != None): myfont = pygame.font.SysFont('', 40) sideboard_title = myfont.render("Calculation took: " + str(round(self.time,5)) + " s", True, BLACK) text_rect = sideboard_title.get_rect(center=(1000, 300)) self.window.blit(sideboard_title, text_rect) sideboard_title = myfont.render("Visited nodes: " + str(self.nodes) + " nodes", True, BLACK) text_rect = sideboard_title.get_rect(center=(1000, 350)) self.window.blit(sideboard_title, text_rect) if self.winner != None and self.winner != -1: myfont = pygame.font.SysFont('', 60) if self.winner == 1: sideboard_title = myfont.render('BLACK WINS!', True, (0,0,0)) text_rect = sideboard_title.get_rect(center=(1000, 700)) self.window.blit(sideboard_title, text_rect) elif self.winner == 2: sideboard_title = myfont.render('WHITE WINS!', True, (255,255,255)) text_rect = sideboard_title.get_rect(center=(1000, 700)) self.window.blit(sideboard_title, text_rect) elif self.winner == 0: sideboard_title = myfont.render('TIE!', True, (72,68,68)) text_rect = sideboard_title.get_rect(center=(1000, 650)) self.window.blit(sideboard_title, text_rect) myfont = pygame.font.SysFont('', 40) sideboard_title = myfont.render('Press ENTER to continue', True, (72,68,68)) text_rect = sideboard_title.get_rect(center=(1000, 750)) self.window.blit(sideboard_title, text_rect) #method to reset the game state def reset(self): self._init() #method to get the current player (turn) def getPlayer(self): return self.player #method to get the last move made def getLastMove(self): return self.lastMove #method to get the current board def getBoard(self): return self.board #method to update the last move made def updateLastMove(self,row,col): self.lastMove = row,col #method that shows to the player what are the possible moves for the selected piece def select(self,row,col): if self.selected: result = self.move(row,col) if not result: self.selected = None,col) piece = self.board.get_piece(row,col) if piece == self.player: self.selected = (row,col) self.valid_moves = self.board.get_valid_moves(row, col) return True return False #method that moves a piece and changes turn def move(self,row,col): piece = self.board.get_piece(row,col) if self.selected and piece == 0 and (row,col) in self.valid_moves: oldRow, oldCol = self.selected self.board.move_piece(oldRow,oldCol, row, col) self.updateLastMove(row,col) self.change_turn() else: return False return True #method that executes the ai move def ai_move(self, row, col): oldRow, oldCol = self.selected self.board.move_piece(oldRow,oldCol, row, col) self.updateLastMove(row,col) self.change_turn() #method that changes the turn def change_turn(self): self.valid_moves = [] self.player = 3 - self.player self.hintSquarePiece = None self.hintSquareToMove = None if self.board.board_as_string() in self.boards.keys(): self.boards[self.board.board_as_string()] += 1 else: self.boards.update({self.board.board_as_string() : 1}) #method that draws the valid moves on the screen def draw_valid_moves(self,moves): for move in moves: row, col = move if (row, col) == self.hintSquareToMove: self.window.blit(GREEN_DOT,(SQUARE_SIZE*col+66,SQUARE_SIZE*row+66)) else: self.window.blit(GRAY_DOT,(SQUARE_SIZE*col+66,SQUARE_SIZE*row+66)) #method that verifies if the game is over or not def checkWin(self): if self.lastMove == None : return -1 if self.boards[self.board.board_as_string()] == 3: self.winner = 0 return 0 row, col = self.lastMove self.winner = self.board.threeInRow(row,col, 3-self.player) return self.board.threeInRow(row,col, 3-self.player) #method that evaluates the score of the board on easy level def easyLevelHeuristics(self, row, col, player): if self.board.threeInRow(row, col, player) == player: return 1000 else: return 0 #method that evaluates the score of the board on medium level def mediumLevelHeuristics(self, row, col, player): if self.board.threeInRow(row, col, player) == player: return 1000 elif self.board.twoInRow(row, col, player) == player: return 200 else: return 0 #method that evaluates the score of the board on hard level (best heuristic) def hardLevelHeuristics(self, row, col, player): if self.board.threeInRow(row, col, player) == player: return 1000 elif self.board.twoInRow(row, col, player) == player: return 200 elif self.board.twoPiecesClose(row, col, player) == player: return 100 else: return 0 #method that chooses the heuristic according to the level selected in the menu def chooseHeuristics(self, level, row, col, player): if level == 1: return self.easyLevelHeuristics(row, col, player) elif level == 3: return self.mediumLevelHeuristics(row, col, player) elif level == 6: return self.hardLevelHeuristics(row, col, player) #method that implements the maximum part of the minimax with alpha-beta cuts algorithm def max_with_alpha_beta_cuts(self, lastRow, lastCol, maxDepth, alpha, beta, player, ordering, level): maxv = -2000 depth = maxDepth - 1 finalRow = None finalCol = None finalOldRow = None finalOldCol = None opponent = 3 - player result = self.chooseHeuristics(level, lastRow, lastCol, opponent) x = random.randint(0,9)/10 if result == 1000: return (-result - depth - x, 0, 0, 0, 0) elif result != 1000 and depth == -1: return (-result - depth - x, 0, 0, 0, 0) if player == 1: pieces = deepcopy(self.board.get_black_pieces()) else: pieces = deepcopy(self.board.get_white_pieces()) for piece in pieces: oldRow, oldCol = piece possibleMoves = self.board.get_valid_moves(oldRow, oldCol) orderedMoves = [] if ordering != None: for i in range(0, len(possibleMoves)): moveRow, moveCol = possibleMoves[i] self.board.move_piece(oldRow, oldCol, moveRow,moveCol) evaluation = self.chooseHeuristics(level, lastRow, lastCol, player) orderedMoves.append((moveRow, moveCol, evaluation)) self.board.move_piece(moveRow,moveCol, oldRow, oldCol) orderedMoves = sorted(orderedMoves, key = lambda x: x[2], reverse=ordering) else: orderedMoves = possibleMoves for i in range(0,len(orderedMoves)): self.nodes += 1 if ordering != None: moveRow, moveCol, score = orderedMoves[i] else: moveRow, moveCol = orderedMoves[i] self.board.move_piece(oldRow, oldCol, moveRow,moveCol) (m, min_old_row, min_old_col, min_row, min_col) = self.min_with_alpha_beta_cuts(moveRow, moveCol, depth, alpha, beta, opponent, ordering, level) if m > maxv: maxv = m finalRow = moveRow finalCol = moveCol finalOldRow = oldRow finalOldCol = oldCol self.board.move_piece(moveRow,moveCol, oldRow, oldCol) if maxv >= beta: return (maxv, finalOldRow, finalOldCol, finalRow, finalCol) if maxv > alpha: alpha = maxv return (maxv, finalOldRow, finalOldCol, finalRow, finalCol) #method that implements the minimum part of the minimax with alpha-beta cuts algorithm def min_with_alpha_beta_cuts(self, lastRow, lastCol, maxDepth, alpha, beta, player, ordering, level): minv = 2000 finalRow = None finalCol = None finalOldRow = None finalOldCol = None depth = maxDepth - 1 opponent = 3 - player result = self.chooseHeuristics(level, lastRow, lastCol, opponent) x = random.randint(0,9)/10 if result == 1000: return (result + depth + x, 0, 0, 0, 0) elif result != 1000 and depth == -1: return (result + depth + x, 0, 0, 0, 0) if player == 1: pieces = deepcopy(self.board.get_black_pieces()) else: pieces = deepcopy(self.board.get_white_pieces()) for piece in pieces: oldRow, oldCol = piece possibleMoves = self.board.get_valid_moves(oldRow, oldCol) orderedMoves = [] if ordering != None: for i in range(0, len(possibleMoves)): moveRow, moveCol = possibleMoves[i] self.board.move_piece(oldRow, oldCol, moveRow,moveCol) evaluation = self.chooseHeuristics(level, lastRow, lastCol, player) orderedMoves.append((moveRow, moveCol, evaluation)) self.board.move_piece(moveRow,moveCol, oldRow, oldCol) orderedMoves = sorted(orderedMoves, key = lambda x: x[2], reverse=ordering) else: orderedMoves = possibleMoves for i in range(0,len(orderedMoves)): self.nodes += 1 if ordering != None: moveRow, moveCol, score = orderedMoves[i] else: moveRow, moveCol = orderedMoves[i] self.board.move_piece(oldRow, oldCol, moveRow,moveCol) (m, max_old_row, max_old_col, max_row, max_col) = self.max_with_alpha_beta_cuts(moveRow, moveCol, depth, alpha, beta, opponent, ordering, level) if m < minv: minv = m finalRow = moveRow finalCol = moveCol finalOldRow = oldRow finalOldCol = oldCol self.board.move_piece(moveRow,moveCol, oldRow, oldCol) if minv <= alpha : return (minv, finalOldRow , finalOldCol ,finalRow, finalCol) if minv < beta: beta = minv return (minv, finalOldRow , finalOldCol ,finalRow, finalCol) #method that implements the maximum part of the minimax algorithm def max(self, lastRow, lastCol, maxDepth, player, ordering, level): maxv = -2000 depth = maxDepth - 1 finalRow = None finalCol = None finalOldRow = None finalOldCol = None opponent = 3 - player result = self.chooseHeuristics(level, lastRow, lastCol, opponent) x = random.randint(0,9)/10 if result == 1000: return (-result - depth - x, 0, 0, 0, 0) elif result != 1000 and depth == -1: return (-result - depth - x, 0, 0, 0, 0) if player == 1: pieces = deepcopy(self.board.get_black_pieces()) else: pieces = deepcopy(self.board.get_white_pieces()) for piece in pieces: oldRow, oldCol = piece possibleMoves = self.board.get_valid_moves(oldRow, oldCol) orderedMoves = [] if ordering != None: for i in range(0, len(possibleMoves)): moveRow, moveCol = possibleMoves[i] self.board.move_piece(oldRow, oldCol, moveRow,moveCol) evaluation = self.chooseHeuristics(level, lastRow, lastCol, player) orderedMoves.append((moveRow, moveCol, evaluation)) self.board.move_piece(moveRow,moveCol, oldRow, oldCol) orderedMoves = sorted(orderedMoves, key = lambda x: x[2], reverse=ordering) else: orderedMoves = possibleMoves for i in range(0,len(orderedMoves)): self.nodes += 1 if ordering != None: moveRow, moveCol, score = orderedMoves[i] else: moveRow, moveCol = orderedMoves[i] self.board.move_piece(oldRow, oldCol, moveRow,moveCol) (m, min_old_row, min_old_col, min_row, min_col) = self.min(moveRow, moveCol, depth, opponent, ordering, level) if m > maxv: maxv = m finalRow = moveRow finalCol = moveCol finalOldRow = oldRow finalOldCol = oldCol self.board.move_piece(moveRow,moveCol, oldRow, oldCol) return (maxv, finalOldRow, finalOldCol, finalRow, finalCol) #method that implements the minimum part of the minimax algorithm def min(self, lastRow, lastCol, maxDepth, player, ordering, level): minv = 2000 finalRow = None finalCol = None finalOldRow = None finalOldCol = None depth = maxDepth - 1 opponent = 3 - player result = self.chooseHeuristics(level, lastRow, lastCol, opponent) x = random.randint(0,9)/10 if result == 1000: return (result + depth + x, 0, 0, 0, 0) elif result != 1000 and depth == -1: return (result + depth + x, 0, 0, 0, 0) if player == 1: pieces = deepcopy(self.board.get_black_pieces()) else: pieces = deepcopy(self.board.get_white_pieces()) for piece in pieces: oldRow, oldCol = piece possibleMoves = self.board.get_valid_moves(oldRow, oldCol) orderedMoves = [] if ordering != None: for i in range(0, len(possibleMoves)): moveRow, moveCol = possibleMoves[i] self.board.move_piece(oldRow, oldCol, moveRow,moveCol) evaluation = self.chooseHeuristics(level, lastRow, lastCol, player) orderedMoves.append((moveRow, moveCol, evaluation)) self.board.move_piece(moveRow,moveCol, oldRow, oldCol) orderedMoves = sorted(orderedMoves, key = lambda x: x[2], reverse=ordering) else: orderedMoves = possibleMoves for i in range(0,len(orderedMoves)): self.nodes += 1 if ordering != None: moveRow, moveCol, score = orderedMoves[i] else: moveRow, moveCol = orderedMoves[i] self.board.move_piece(oldRow, oldCol, moveRow,moveCol) (m, max_old_row, max_old_col, max_row, max_col) = self.max(moveRow, moveCol, depth, opponent, ordering, level) if m < minv: minv = m finalRow = moveRow finalCol = moveCol finalOldRow = oldRow finalOldCol = oldCol self.board.move_piece(moveRow,moveCol, oldRow, oldCol) return (minv, finalOldRow , finalOldCol ,finalRow, finalCol)
def drawSideBoard(self): if self.player == 1: myfont = pygame.font.SysFont('', 60) sideboard_title = myfont.render('BLACK TURN', True, BLACK) text_rect = sideboard_title.get_rect(center=(1000, 50)) self.window.blit(sideboard_title, text_rect) elif self.player == 2: myfont = pygame.font.SysFont('', 60) sideboard_title = myfont.render('WHITE TURN', True, WHITE) text_rect = sideboard_title.get_rect(center=(1000, 50)) self.window.blit(sideboard_title, text_rect) if self.gamemode == 1 or (self.gamemode == 2 and self.player == 1): self.button = Button(BLUE, 850, 150, 300, 100, 'Press for a hint') self.button.draw(self.window, True) elif self.gamemode == 3 or (self.gamemode == 2 and self.player == 2): self.button = Button(BLUE, 825, 150, 350, 100, 'Press for computer play') self.button.draw(self.window, True) if (self.gamemode == 3 and self.time != None): myfont = pygame.font.SysFont('', 40) sideboard_title = myfont.render("AI move took: " + str(round(self.time,5)) + " s", True, BLACK) text_rect = sideboard_title.get_rect(center=(1000, 300)) self.window.blit(sideboard_title, text_rect) sideboard_title = myfont.render("Visited nodes: " + str(self.nodes) + " nodes", True, BLACK) text_rect = sideboard_title.get_rect(center=(1000, 350)) self.window.blit(sideboard_title, text_rect) elif (self.gamemode == 1 and self.time != None): myfont = pygame.font.SysFont('', 40) sideboard_title = myfont.render("Hint calc. took: " + str(round(self.time,5)) + " s", True, BLACK) text_rect = sideboard_title.get_rect(center=(1000, 300)) self.window.blit(sideboard_title, text_rect) sideboard_title = myfont.render("Visited nodes: " + str(self.nodes) + " nodes", True, BLACK) text_rect = sideboard_title.get_rect(center=(1000, 350)) self.window.blit(sideboard_title, text_rect) elif (self.gamemode == 2 and self.time != None): myfont = pygame.font.SysFont('', 40) sideboard_title = myfont.render("Calculation took: " + str(round(self.time,5)) + " s", True, BLACK) text_rect = sideboard_title.get_rect(center=(1000, 300)) self.window.blit(sideboard_title, text_rect) sideboard_title = myfont.render("Visited nodes: " + str(self.nodes) + " nodes", True, BLACK) text_rect = sideboard_title.get_rect(center=(1000, 350)) self.window.blit(sideboard_title, text_rect) if self.winner != None and self.winner != -1: myfont = pygame.font.SysFont('', 60) if self.winner == 1: sideboard_title = myfont.render('BLACK WINS!', True, (0,0,0)) text_rect = sideboard_title.get_rect(center=(1000, 700)) self.window.blit(sideboard_title, text_rect) elif self.winner == 2: sideboard_title = myfont.render('WHITE WINS!', True, (255,255,255)) text_rect = sideboard_title.get_rect(center=(1000, 700)) self.window.blit(sideboard_title, text_rect) elif self.winner == 0: sideboard_title = myfont.render('TIE!', True, (72,68,68)) text_rect = sideboard_title.get_rect(center=(1000, 650)) self.window.blit(sideboard_title, text_rect) myfont = pygame.font.SysFont('', 40) sideboard_title = myfont.render('Press ENTER to continue', True, (72,68,68)) text_rect = sideboard_title.get_rect(center=(1000, 750)) self.window.blit(sideboard_title, text_rect)
def get_objects(self) -> list: game_state = GameState.get_instance() """Return all objects in current room""" if self.rooms[self._y][self._x] is None: self.load_room(self._x, self._y) # TODO: refactor :) objects = [] for y, row in enumerate(self.rooms[self._y][self._x]): for x, tile in enumerate(row): if tile == '#': objects.append(Wall(x * 16, y * 16)) elif tile == '$': objects.append(Teleport(x * 16, y * 16)) elif tile == '{': objects.append(Door(x * 16, y * 16)) elif tile == '}': objects.append(Door(x * 16, y * 16, 'right')) elif tile == ']': objects.append(Door(x * 16, y * 16, 'up')) elif tile == '[': objects.append(Door(x * 16, y * 16, 'down')) elif tile == 'r': objects.append(Rock(x * 16 + 1, y * 16 + 1)) elif tile == 'k': inventory = Inventory.get_instance() if not inventory.checkKey(): objects.append(Key(x * 16, y * 16, 1)) elif tile == 'l': objects.append(Key(x * 16, y * 16, 2)) elif tile == 'g': objects.append(Ghost(x * 16, y * 16)) elif tile == 'b': objects.append(Button(x * 16, y * 16)) elif tile == 't': objects.append(Trellis(x * 16, y * 16)) elif tile == 'e': objects.append( Wall( x * 16, y * 16, pygame.image.load('img/dungeon_wall_broken.png'). convert_alpha())) elif tile == 'j': objects.append( Wall( x * 16, y * 16, pygame.image.load('img/dungeon_spiders_web.png'). convert_alpha())) elif tile == 'a': objects.append( Wall( x * 16, y * 16, pygame.image.load( 'img/dungeon_bones.png').convert_alpha())) elif tile == 'c': objects.append( Wall( x * 16, y * 16, pygame.image.load( 'img/dungeon_skull.png').convert_alpha())) elif tile == 'h': objects.append( Background( x * 16, y * 16, pygame.image.load( 'img/candy_rainbow_wall.png').convert_alpha())) elif tile == 'm': objects.append( Wall( x * 16, y * 16, pygame.image.load( 'img/candy_wall.png').convert_alpha())) elif tile == 'd': objects.append( Monster(x * 16, y * 16, 20, 'sounds/demon.ogg', 'img/demon_0.png', 'demon', 5)) elif tile == 'n': objects.append( Monster(x * 16, y * 16, 15, 'sounds/demon.ogg', 'img/candy_mob_0.png', 'candy_mob', 0)) elif tile == 'o': objects.append( Monster(x * 16, y * 16, 20, 'sounds/demon.ogg', 'img/rainbow_mob_0.png', 'rainbow_mob', 2)) elif tile == 'z': objects.append( Background( x * 16, y * 16, pygame.image.load('img/dungeon_background2.png'). convert_alpha())) elif tile == 'p': objects.append( Trellis( x * 16, y * 16, pygame.image.load( 'img/krata2.png').convert_alpha())) elif tile == 'q': objects.append( Background( x * 16, y * 16, pygame.image.load('img/candy_rainbow_wall2.png'). convert_alpha())) elif tile == 'x': objects.append(Rainbow_1(x * 16, y * 16)) elif tile == '&': objects.append(Rainbow_2(x * 16, y * 16)) elif tile == 's': objects.append(Key(x * 16, y * 16, 3)) elif tile == 'u': objects.append(Key(x * 16, y * 16, 4)) elif tile == '+': objects.append(Button_rainbow1(x * 16, y * 16)) elif tile == '-': objects.append(Button_rainbow2(x * 16, y * 16)) elif tile == 'f': objects.append(Background(x * 16, y * 16)) elif tile == 'v': objects.append(Saw(x * 16, y * 16)) objects.append( Background( x * 16, y * 16, pygame.image.load( 'img/saw_track.png').convert_alpha())) elif tile == '|': objects.append(Saw(x * 16, y * 16, False)) objects.append( Background( x * 16, y * 16, pygame.image.load( 'img/saw_track_v.png').convert_alpha())) elif tile == '=': objects.append( Item( "hp_potion", "hp_potion", pygame.image.load( 'img/hp_potion.png').convert_alpha(), x * 16, y * 16)) elif tile == 'y': objects.append( Monster(x * 16, y * 16, 12, 'sounds/demon.ogg', 'img/dr_pehape_0.png', 'dr_pehape', 0, 4, False)) game_state.sound = pygame.mixer.Sound('sounds/boss_t.ogg') elif tile == '*': objects.append( Background( x * 16, y * 16, pygame.image.load( 'img/saw_track.png').convert_alpha())) elif tile == '@': objects.append( Background( x * 16, y * 16, pygame.image.load( 'img/saw_track_v.png').convert_alpha())) elif tile == '`': objects.append(Resp(x * 16, y * 16)) elif tile == ',': objects.append( Wall( x * 16, y * 16, pygame.image.load( 'img/rocket_piece1.png').convert_alpha(), "rocket")) elif tile == '<': objects.append( Wall( x * 16, y * 16, pygame.image.load( 'img/rocket_piece2.png').convert_alpha(), "rocket")) elif tile == '.': objects.append( Wall( x * 16, y * 16, pygame.image.load( 'img/rocket_piece3.png').convert_alpha(), "rocket")) elif tile == '>': objects.append( Wall( x * 16, y * 16, pygame.image.load( 'img/rocket_piece4.png').convert_alpha(), "rocket")) elif tile == ';': objects.append( Wall( x * 16, y * 16, pygame.image.load( 'img/rocket_piece5.png').convert_alpha(), "rocket")) elif tile == ':': objects.append( Wall( x * 16, y * 16, pygame.image.load( 'img/rocket_piece6.png').convert_alpha(), "rocket")) elif tile == '?': objects.append(Trellis_rainbow1(x * 16, y * 16)) elif tile == '/': objects.append(Trellis_rainbow2(x * 16, y * 16)) return objects