def end_screen(self, won=False): kitty_panel = Panel(region=(12, 5, 36, 5), fgcolor='white', bgcolor='gray', border=True, shadow=True) kitty_panel.text = "You won!" if won else "You lost!" kitty_panel.text += ' Play again?' buttons = [] yes_button = ContinueButton(self, region=(18, 8, 6, 1), fgcolor=pygame.Color(0, 100, 0), bgcolor='white') yes_button.text = ' yes' buttons.append(yes_button) no_button = ExitButton(self, region=(28, 8, 6, 1), fgcolor=pygame.Color(100, 0, 0), bgcolor='white') no_button.text = ' no' buttons.append(no_button) tweet_button = TweetButton(self, region=(38, 8, 6, 1), fgcolor=pygame.Color(0, 0, 255), bgcolor='white') tweet_button.text = 'tweet' if won: twitter_text = u"I didn't find the kitty [{0}]!".format(self.kitty.character) else: twitter_text = u"I found the kitty [{0}]!".format(self.kitty.character) twitter_text += " {sex} was {adjective}.".format(, adjective=self.kitty.adjective, ) twitter_intent_url = '{text}&hashtags={hashtags}&url={url}'.format( text=urllib.quote(twitter_text.encode('utf8')), hashtags='dontfindthekitty', url='', ) tweet_button.intent_url = twitter_intent_url buttons.append(tweet_button) while not self.exit_game_loop: self.clock.tick(Constants.FPS) self.window.setscreencolors(None, 'black', clear=True) self.window.fill(bgcolor=Constants.ZOO_BG_COLOR, region=(1, 1, Constants.ZOO_WIDTH - 2, Constants.ZOO_HEIGHT - 2)) for event in pygame.event.get(): if (event.type == pygame.QUIT) or (event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN and event.key == pygame.K_q): sys.exit(0) if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: xpos, ypos = self.window.getcoordinatesatpixel(event.pos) if 0 < xpos < Constants.ZOO_WIDTH and 0 < ypos < Constants.ZOO_HEIGHT: for button in buttons: if button.contains(xpos, ypos): self.zoo_map.draw(self.window) self.message_panel.write_captures(self) kitty_panel.draw(self.window) for button in buttons: button.draw(self.window) self.zookeeper.draw(self.window, pygame.mouse.get_pos()) self.window.update()
def add_capture(self, game, creature): self.captures.insert(0, creature) tweet_button = TweetButton( game=game, intent_url=creature.get_twitter_intent_url(), region=(Constants.ZOO_WIDTH - 4, 0, 3, 1), # ypos is calculated in write_captures fgcolor=pygame.Color(0, 150, 235), bgcolor=pygame.Color(225, 225, 225) ) tweet_button.text = ' T' tweet_button.intent_url = creature.get_twitter_intent_url() self.buttons.insert(0, tweet_button) if len(self.captures) > Constants.MESSAGE_PANEL_HEIGHT: self.captures.pop() self.buttons.pop()