save_path= os.path.join(data, file)
        print file
        time_start = time()
        # we load precomputed feature set or recompute the whole feature set
        if os.path.isfile(save_path):
            print "loading exiting file"
            data_dic = cPickle.load(open(save_path,'rb'))
            video = data_dic["video"]
            Feature_gesture = data_dic["Feature_gesture"]
            assert video.shape[0] == Feature_gesture.shape[0]            
            print("\t Processing file " + file)
            # Create the object to access the sample
            sample = GestureSample(os.path.join(data,file))
            print "finish loading samples"
            video, Feature_gesture = sample.get_test_data_wudi_lio(used_joints)
            assert video.shape[0] == Feature_gesture.shape[0]# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
            print "finish preprocessing"
            out_file = open(save_path, 'wb')
            cPickle.dump({"video":video, "Feature_gesture":Feature_gesture}, out_file, protocol=cPickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)

        print "start computing likelihood"
        observ_likelihood = numpy.empty(shape=(video.shape[0],20*STATE_NO+1)) # 20 classed * 5 states + 1 ergodic state
        for batchnumber in xrange(video.shape[0]/batch.micro):

            video_temp = video[batch.micro*batchnumber:batch.micro*(batchnumber+1),:]
            skel_temp =  Feature_gesture[batch.micro*batchnumber:batch.micro*(batchnumber+1),:]  

            x_.set_value(normalize(video_temp, Mean_CNN, Std_CNN).astype("float32"),borrow=True)
for file_count, file in enumerate(samples):
    condition = (file_count > -1)
    if condition:  #wudi only used first 650 for validation !!! Lio be careful!
        save_path = os.path.join(save_dst, file)
        if os.path.isfile(save_path):
            print "loading exiting file"
            data_dic = cPickle.load(open(save_path, 'rb'))
            video = data_dic["video"]
            Feature_gesture = data_dic["Feature_gesture"]
            assert video.shape[0] == Feature_gesture.shape[0]

            print("\t Processing file " + file)
            # Create the object to access the sample
            sample = GestureSample(os.path.join(data, file))
            print "finish loading samples"
            video, Feature_gesture = sample.get_test_data_wudi_lio(used_joints)
            assert video.shape[0] == Feature_gesture.shape[
                0]  # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

            print "finish preprocessing"
            out_file = open(save_path, 'wb')
                "video": video,
                "Feature_gesture": Feature_gesture
        samples=glob("*")  # because wudi unzipped all the files already!
elif pc=="lio":

print len(samples), "samples found"

for file_count, file in enumerate(samples):
    condition = (file_count > 650)   
    if condition:   #wudi only used first 650 for validation !!! Lio be careful!
        print("\t Processing file " + file)
        # Create the object to access the sample
        sample = GestureSample(os.path.join(data,file))
        if not load_flag:
            video = sample.get_test_data_wudi_lio()
            save_path= os.path.join(save_dst, file)
            out_file = open(save_path, 'wb')
            cPickle.dump(video, out_file, protocol=cPickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
            save_path= os.path.join(data,file,'test')
            video = cPickle.load(open(save_path,"rb"))
            print video.shape

        print "start computing likelihood"
        observ_likelihood = numpy.empty(shape=(video.shape[0],20*5+1)) # 20 classed * 5 states + 1 ergodic state
        for batchnumber in xrange(video.shape[0]/batch.micro):
            video_temp = video[batch.micro*batchnumber:batch.micro*(batchnumber+1),:]   
            y_pred, p_y_given_x = evalu_model()