def findPath(net, startnode, finalnode):
    # a path longer than max_len must contain
    # loops
    max_len = len(net.get_nodes())
    # Gamma is temporary list of instances if Path,
    # Pi contains only the paths from startnode to finalnode
    Gamma = []
    Pi = []
    # initialize the first paths as Path from startnode
    # to starnode.get_childen()
    for edge in startnode.get_edges_out():
        temp_path = Path.Path(edge.get_parent(), edge.get_child(), edge)
        if temp_path.get_last() == finalnode:
    # this happens if startnode.get_children()=finalnode
    if len(Gamma) == 0:
        return (Pi)

    i = 0
    while True:
        i = i + 1  # only for emergency break
        # Gamma gets updated by remove Gamma[0] and Gamma.append
        path = Gamma[0]
        temp_node = path.get_last()
        # in each iteration, take the last node and append
        # the child of each edge in edges_out
        for edge in temp_node.get_edges_out():
            temp_path = Path.concatenate(
                path, Path.Path(edge.get_parent(), edge.get_child(), edge))
            if temp_path.get_last() == finalnode:
            elif not temp_path.get_last() in path.get_nodes():

        if len(Gamma) == 0:
            #print('Empty Gamma')
        elif Gamma[-1].len() > max_len:
            print('max_len reached')
        # arbitrary emergency break to avoid unexpectedly long
        # computation times
        elif i > 10000:
            print('findPath stopped after ' + str(i) + ' combinations')
    return (Pi)
def carrinheiro(id_user, date):
    user_carrinheiro = User.get_user(id_user, DATABASE_DIRECTORY)
    path = Path.Path(user_carrinheiro, date, DATABASE_DIRECTORY)

    stop_points = scenario_stop_points(path)

    # download the osm file (scenario)
    file_name_osm = OpenSteetMap.file_osm(MAPS_DIRECTORY, stop_points)

    # download the GeoTiff file (scenario)
    geotiff_name = GeoTiff.geotiff(MAPS_DIRECTORY, stop_points)

    G, nodes_coordinates, nodes_mass_increment = graph_scenario(
        stop_points, geotiff_name, path.material_weights, file_name_osm)

    H = Graph_Collect.create_graph_route(nodes_coordinates,

    index_coordinate_start = list(nodes_coordinates.values()).index(
    node_source = list(nodes_coordinates.keys())[index_coordinate_start]
    index_coordinate_end = list(nodes_coordinates.values()).index(
    node_target = list(nodes_coordinates.keys())[index_coordinate_end]

    cost_total, paths = closest_insertion_path(G, H, node_source, node_target)

    for i in paths:
        fig, ax = ox.plot_graph_route(G,

    return paths
def initialize_columns(instance):
    """ Se inicializan las columnas: cada cliente es atendido exclusivamente por un vehículo con la capacidad mínima
    entre todos los vehículos que pueden satisfacerlo. """
    routes = []

    clients = set(instance.demand)

    for i in clients:
        # Entre los vehículos que pueden satisface la demanda de i, elegimos al de menor capacidad
        k = min((v for v, c in instance.cap.items() if c >= instance.demand[i]), key=lambda v: instance.cap[v])
        path = Path(k)
        path.add_node(i, instance)
        routes.append(Route.from_path(path, instance))

    return routes
def find_paths(city1,
    Find all paths that connect two cities for less than the max_cost.

    :param city1: The first city to connect.
    :param city2: The second city to connect.
    :param city_edges: All of the edges that make up the map.
    :param max_cost: The maximum cost of all paths returned.
    :param scoring: The scoring dictionary for the game.
    :param player: Optional parameter for a player.  If included, all edges owned by the player have 0 cost.
    :param edge_claims: Optional parameter for edge_claims.  If included, all edges owned by the player have 0 cost.
    :return: A list of paths.

    queue = deque()
    result = []

    # Put the first city into the queue.
    queue.append((city1, set(city1), Path(set(), scoring, player,

    iteration = 0

    while queue and iteration < MAX_PATH_ITER and len(result) < MAX_NUM_PATH:
        city, visited, path = queue.popleft()
        iteration += 1

        # Add all neighbors to the queue.
        for outgoing_edge in city_edges[city]:
            other_city = outgoing_edge.other_city(city)

            # First line makes sure the edge isn't already in the path and it's below max cost.
            # Second and third line make sure it's not claimed by another player, if that matters.
            if other_city not in visited and path.cost + outgoing_edge.cost <= max_cost \
                    and ((edge_claims is None and player is None)
                         or edge_claims[outgoing_edge] is None or edge_claims[outgoing_edge] == player.name):
                # Create a copy of the path thus far with the new edge added.
                updated_path = deepcopy(path)
                updated_path.add_edge(outgoing_edge, scoring, player,

                if other_city == city2:
                    # The updated path is a valid path between the two cities.
                    # Add the updated path and new city to the queue.
                    queue.append((other_city, visited.union(set(other_city)),

    return result
def find_paths_for_destinations(destinations,
    Finds all paths that connect all destinations for less than the max_cost.

    :param destinations: A list of the destinations to connect.
    :param city_edges: All of the edges that make up the map.
    :param max_cost: The maximum cost of all paths returned.
    :param scoring: The scoring dictionary for the game.
    :param player: Optional parameter for a player.  If included, all edges owned by the player have 0 cost.
    :param edge_claims: Optional parameter for edge_claims.  If included, all edges owned by the player have 0 cost.
    :param sort_paths: Optional boolean to sort the paths.  By default, will sort paths by cost.
    :return: A list of paths, ordered with sort method.  Paths may not be continuous.
    dest_paths = {}
    all_paths = []

    # First step: get candidate paths.
    for dest in destinations:
        # Perform breadth first search to get all paths below the max_cost.
        dest_paths[dest] = find_paths(dest.city1, dest.city2, city_edges,
                                      max_cost, scoring, player, edge_claims)

    # Second step: Combine paths to get a list of all possible paths that hit everything for less than the max_cost.
    for dest in dest_paths:
        # For the first destination, just dump in all the paths currently found.
        if not all_paths:
            all_paths = dest_paths[dest]
        # For any destination past the first, combine with the existing paths to create new ones, only counting
        # duplicates once in the new path, thus possibly reducing cost.
            working_paths = all_paths
            all_paths = []
            for path1 in working_paths:
                for path2 in dest_paths[dest]:
                    # Combine the paths and add them to all_paths if they're still below max_cost.
                    combined_path = Path(path1.edges.union(path2.edges),
                                         scoring, player, edge_claims)

                    if combined_path.cost <= max_cost:

    # Third step: Sort by path cost in ascending order.
    if sort_paths:
        return sorted(all_paths, key=Path.default_sort_method)
        return all_paths
def get_paths(height: int, lines: List[str], width: int) -> List[Path]:
    paths: List[Path] = []
    # standard format implies width % 3 == 1
    number_of_paths = int(1 + (width - 1) / 3)
    # removing spaces to work on values ranks
    top_values_line = lines[1].replace(" ", "")
    bottom_values_line = lines[height].replace(" ", "")
    check_line(top_values_line, number_of_paths)
    check_line(bottom_values_line, number_of_paths)
    paths = [
        Path(top_values_line[i], bottom_values_line[i])
        for i in range(number_of_paths)
    return paths
def game_loop(game_level):

    room = pygame.image.load("Living RoomWithStuff.png").convert()  # Living Room.jpg")
    menu = pygame.image.load("BoxWithElements.png").convert_alpha()
    # Menu is 1025 x 196
    timer_offset = 0
    menu_timer_fill = pygame.image.load("Timer.png").convert()
    menu_timer_background = pygame.image.load("WhiteBox.png").convert()
    menu_objective = pygame.image.load("Controls.png").convert()

    start_time = pygame.time.get_ticks()  # Time from the beginning of execution
    cycle_time = pygame.time.get_ticks()  # Time of each cycle or loop iteration
    time_counter = 0

    #ghost_guy = ghost("boo.png")
    # Player Sprite declaration ##############
    player_position = vector2(352, 114)
    player_sprite = Player("WalkingSheet.png", player_position)

    #   Object declaration, spray ID = 01, tape ID = 02, dog_toy ID = 03
    spray = Objects("SprayDarkLine.png", vector2(820, 444), 01)
    tape = Objects("Object_Tape.png", vector2(630, 280), 02)
    dog_toy = Objects("Object_DogToy.png", vector2(400, 530), 03)
    dog_bags = Objects("Object_DogBag.png", vector2(160, 308), 04)
    trash_can = Objects("Object_TrashCan.png", vector2(0, 450), 05)

    # Stores all objects into object_list
    #object_list = [spray, tape, dog_toy, dog_bags, trash_can]
    object_list = [spray, dog_bags]

    # Path declaration, 6 points for dog to travel too
    path_list = [Path(vector2(750, 510), vector2(60, 40)),
                 Path(vector2(160, 528), vector2(60, 40)),
                 Path(vector2(350, 400), vector2(60, 40)),
                 Path(vector2(550, 340), vector2(60, 40)),
                 Path(vector2(620, 500), vector2(60, 40)),
                 Path(vector2(250, 340), vector2(60, 40))]

    #   Puppy declaration and setup
    puppy_position = path_list[0].pos
    puppy_speed = vector2(0, 0)
    puppy_sprite = Puppy("dogresized.png", puppy_position, puppy_speed)

    # Pup clone: Better to start together or sep?
    puppy_position2 = path_list[2].pos
    puppy_speed2 = vector2(0, 0)
    puppy_sprite2 = Puppy("dogresized.png", puppy_position, puppy_speed2)

    pup_list = [puppy_sprite]

    if game_level >= 2:

    # Sets object status as active for first puppy path
    for pup in pup_list:

    # Game loop setup
    frame_clock = pygame.time.Clock()
    FPS = 60
    game_running = True

    while game_running:
        # get user events
        for evt in pygame.event.get():
            # print(evt) #   Prints all key and mouse events
            if evt.type == pygame.QUIT:

            sprinting = False
            # Not sure if this is correct   ########
            if evt.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:
                if evt.key == pygame.K_ESCAPE:
                if evt.key == pygame.K_w:  # Up
                    player_sprite.moving = True
                elif evt.key == pygame.K_s:
                    player_sprite.moving = True
                elif evt.key == pygame.K_a:
                    player_sprite.moving = True
                elif evt.key == pygame.K_d:
                    player_sprite.moving = True
                elif evt.key == pygame.K_SPACE:
                    sprinting = True
                # Equip items tree
                if evt.key == pygame.K_j:
                    player_sprite.looking_for_item = True
                    player_sprite.looking_for_item = False
                player_sprite.moving = False
        # Pressed keys are assigned an action
        keys_pressed = pygame.key.get_pressed()
        #   Movement speed increase with 'sprint'
        if keys_pressed[pygame.K_w]:
            player_sprite.moving = True
            player_sprite.timer = 0
            player_sprite.side = 3
            player_sprite.move(0, -4, sprinting)
        if keys_pressed[pygame.K_s]:
            player_sprite.moving = True
            player_sprite.timer = 0
            player_sprite.side = 0
            player_sprite.move(0, 4, sprinting)
        if keys_pressed[pygame.K_a]:
            player_sprite.moving = True
            player_sprite.timer = 0
            player_sprite.side = 2
            player_sprite.move(-4, 0, sprinting)
        if keys_pressed[pygame.K_d]:
            player_sprite.moving = True
            player_sprite.timer = 0
            player_sprite.side = 1
            player_sprite.move(4, 0, sprinting)
        if keys_pressed[pygame.K_k]:
            player_sprite.cleanup = True
            player_sprite.cleanup = False

# SIMULATION  ---------------------------
        end = pygame.time.get_ticks()
        delta_time = end - cycle_time
        cycle_time = end

        # Game Timer functions
        counting_time = pygame.time.get_ticks() - start_time
        counting_seconds = int(counting_time % 60000 / 1000)
        # print(counting_seconds)

        # Using get_ticks, counting seconds currently times game
        if counting_seconds != time_counter:
            time_counter += 1
            timer_offset += 5
            # If the timer has exceeded 59 seconds, game over screen
            if counting_seconds == 59:
                game_running = False
                return path_list

        # Checks if player is touching any objects, works
        for obj in object_list:
            player_sprite.update(obj, delta_time)

        for pup in pup_list:
            # Moves towards active target, returns True if reached
            if pup.move(delta_time):
                # Set new active area when destination reached
                print("Reached point, in Main loop")
                for path in path_list:

        # Is the player in the path area for cleanup
        for path in path_list:
            if path.status == 'warning':

# DRAW SECTION (from back to front) Room, paths, player, Pup, menu, objects##################
        screen.blit(room, (0, 0))

        # Draws each object to room
        for path in path_list:

        # draws the unequipped items
        for obj in object_list:
            if not obj.item_held:

        for pup in pup_list:

        screen.blit(menu_timer_background, (5, 584))
        screen.blit(menu_timer_fill, (5 - timer_offset, 594))
        # 305 x 146
        # 1 sec 5 pixel
        screen.blit(menu, (0, 572))
        screen.blit(menu_objective, (782, 628))

        #draws equipped items
        for obj in object_list:
            if obj.item_held:

N = Net.Network()

for i in range(1, 10):
    N.add_node('x' + str(i), 0)


N.add_dynamic_equation('x1', '-x1 + 0.5 * x9 ')
for i in range(2, 10):
    N.add_dynamic_equation('x' + str(i),
                           '-x' + str(i) + ' + 0.5 * x' + str(i - 1))




P = Path.Path('x1')

def solve_SPk(pi, lamb, k, instance):
    Se resulve el problema \bar{SP} restringido al tipo de vehículo k. Se utiliza el procedimiento de etiquetas
    detallada en la tercera sección del informe.
    :param pi: diccionario con los valores óptimos de las variables del dual correspondiente al primer conjunto de
    restricciones de CLP
    :type pi: dict
    :param lamb: diccionario con los valores óptimos de las variables del dual correspondiente al primer conjunto de
    restricciones de CLP
    :type lamb: dict
    :param k: tipo de vehículo
    :type k: int
    :param instance: datos del problema
    :type instance: Instance
    :return: ruta con menor costo reducido para el tipo de vehículo k y su costo reducido
    :rtype: Route, float
    pi[0] = lamb[k]

    bk = instance.cap[k]

    # Removemos a los clientes cuya demanda supera a bk
    nodes = set(filter(lambda c: instance.demand[c] <= bk, instance.demand))
    clients = nodes.difference({0})

    # Se define la matriz de costos del subgrafo \bar{G}_k
    cost_matrix = make_cost_matrix(pi, k, instance)

    # Se inicializa el estado del depósito
    warehouse_label = Label.warehouse_label()

    # Se crean los conjuntos de estados cuya cota superior coincide con su cota inferior
    P = {j: [] for j in clients}
    P[0] = [warehouse_label]

    L = deque([warehouse_label])
    while L:
        label = L.popleft()

        for j in filter(lambda c: label.q + instance.demand[c] <= bk and c != label.pred and c != label.node, clients):
            new_label = Label(label.q + instance.demand[j], j)
            new_label.path = label.path + [j]
            new_label.pred = label.node
            new_label.reduced_cost = get_reduced_cost(new_label, cost_matrix, instance, k)

            dominates = []
            dominated = False

            # Se chequea si la nueva etiqueta no está dominada
            for s in P[j]:
                if s.reduced_cost > new_label.reduced_cost:
                elif s.reduced_cost < new_label.reduced_cost:
                    dominated = True
            if not dominated:
                # Se encola la nueva etiqueta

                # Se eliminan todas las etiquetas dominadas por la nueva
                for s in dominates:
                    except ValueError:

    best_state = min((s for s in chain.from_iterable(P.values())), key=lambda s: getattr(s, 'reduced_cost'))
    best_path = Path.from_sequence(best_state.path, instance, k)
    return Route.from_path(best_path, instance), get_reduced_cost(best_state, cost_matrix, instance, k)
def pulling_algorithm(pi, lamb, k, instance):
    Método para resolver \bar{SP} restringido al tipo de vehículo k desarrollado por Desrochers. No utilizado para
    resolver las instancias.
    :param pi: diccionario con los valores óptimos de las variables del dual correspondiente al primer conjunto de
    restricciones de CLP
    :type pi: dict
    :param lamb: diccionario con los valores óptimos de las variables del dual correspondiente al primer conjunto de
    restricciones de CLP
    :type lamb: dict
    :param k: tipo de vehículo
    :type k: int
    :param instance: datos del problema
    :type instance: Instance
    :return: ruta con menor costo reducido para el tipo de vehículo k y su costo reducido
    :rtype: Route, float
    pi[0] = lamb[k]

    bk = instance.cap[k]

    # Removemos a los clientes cuya demanda supera a bk
    nodes = set(filter(lambda c: instance.demand[c] <= bk, instance.demand))
    clients = nodes.difference({0})

    # Se define la matriz de costos del subgrafo \bar{G}_k
    cost_matrix = make_cost_matrix(pi, k, instance)

    # Se inicilizan los estados de los nodos correspondientes a los clientes
    states = [State(q, j) for j in clients for q in range(instance.demand[j], bk + 1)]

    # Se inicializa el estado del depósito
    depo_state = State.warehouse_state()

    # Se crean los conjuntos de estados cuya cota superior coincide con su cota inferior
    P = {j: [] for j in clients}
    P[0] = [depo_state]

    # Consideramos el conjunto W de estados cuyas cotas no coinciden
    W = deque(sorted([s for s in states if s.ub != s.lb], key=lambda s: (s.q, s.node)))

    best_state = None
    best_rc = 1e6

    while W:
        # Entre los estados de cada j cuya cotas no coinciden, elegimos el que tiene menor q. Ante empates, elegimos el
        # que tiene menor j
        state = W.popleft()

        # Actualizamos la cota superior del estado. Primero calculamos el estado previo a (q,j) para el cual se realiza
        # el mínimo
        demand_bound = state.q - instance.demand[state.node]
        candidate_states = [s for s in states if s.node != state.node and s.q <= demand_bound]
        candidate_phis = [phi(s, state.node, cost_matrix) for s in candidate_states]
        prev_state, prev_phi = get_prev_state(candidate_states, candidate_phis)
        state.pred = prev_state.node
        state.ub = prev_phi
        state.path = prev_state.path + [state.node]

        # Se actualiza la cota superior del segundo mejor camino. Si el conjunto sobre el que se toma el mínimo es
        # vacío, la cota no se altera
        state.sub = get_secondary_ub(candidate_states, candidate_phis, state.pred)

        # Se actualiza la cota inferior del estado
        state.lb = min(map(lambda s: s.lb + cost_matrix[s.node][state.node], candidate_states))

        # Actualizamos Pj de ser necesario:
        if isclose(state.lb, state.ub):
            state_rc = get_reduced_cost(state, cost_matrix, instance, k)
            if state_rc < best_rc:
                best_rc = state_rc
                best_state = state

    best_path = Path.from_sequence(best_state.path, instance, k)
    return Route.from_path(best_path, instance), get_reduced_cost(best_state, cost_matrix, instance, k)
def game_loop():
    room = pygame.image.load("Living RoomWithStuff.png")  # Living Room.jpg")
    menu = pygame.image.load("BoxWithElements.png").convert_alpha()
    # Menu is 1025 x 196


    start_time = pygame.time.get_ticks(
    )  # Time from the beginning of execution
    cycle_time = pygame.time.get_ticks(
    )  # Time of each cycle or loop iteration
    time_counter = 0

    # Player Sprite declaration ##############
    player_position = vector2(352, 114)
    player_sprite = Player("WalkingSheet.png", player_position)

    #   Object declaration
    spray = Objects("Object_Spray.png", vector2(200, 430))
    tape = Objects("Object_Tape.png", vector2(300, 330))
    dog_toy = Objects("Object_DogToy.png", vector2(400, 530))

    # Stores all objects into object_list
    object_list = [spray, tape, dog_toy]

    # Path declaration, 6 points for dog to travel too
    path_list = [
        Path(vector2(750, 300), vector2(40, 40)),
        Path(vector2(110, 370), vector2(40, 40)),
        Path(vector2(304, 420), vector2(40, 40)),
        Path(vector2(750, 300), vector2(40, 40)),
        Path(vector2(620, 100), vector2(40, 40)),
        Path(vector2(250, 250), vector2(40, 40))

    # Sets object status as active for first puppy path

    #   Puppy declaration and setup
    puppy_position = path_list[0].pos
    puppy_speed = vector2(0, 0)
    puppy_sprite = Puppy("DogSpriteSpreadfinal.png", puppy_position,

    # Game loop setup
    frame_clock = pygame.time.Clock()
    FPS = 60
    game_running = True

    while game_running:
        # get user events
        for evt in pygame.event.get():
            # print(evt) #   Prints all key and mouse events
            if evt.type == pygame.QUIT:
            elif evt.type == pygame.KEYDOWN and evt.key == pygame.K_ESCAPE:

            sprinting = False
            player_sprite.moving = False
            # Not sure if this is correct   ########
            if evt.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:
                if evt.key == pygame.K_w:  # Up
                    player_sprite.moving = True
                elif evt.key == pygame.K_s:
                    player_sprite.moving = True
                elif evt.key == pygame.K_a:
                    player_sprite.moving = True
                elif evt.key == pygame.K_d:
                    player_sprite.moving = True
                elif evt.key == pygame.K_SPACE:
                    sprinting = True

        # Pressed keys are assigned an action
        keys_pressed = pygame.key.get_pressed()
        #   Movement speed increase with 'sprint'

        if keys_pressed[pygame.K_w]:
            player_sprite.timer = 0
            player_sprite.side = 3
            player_sprite.move(0, -4, sprinting)
        if keys_pressed[pygame.K_s]:
            player_sprite.timer = 0
            player_sprite.side = 0
            player_sprite.move(0, 4, sprinting)
        if keys_pressed[pygame.K_a]:
            player_sprite.timer = 0
            player_sprite.side = 2
            player_sprite.move(-4, 0, sprinting)
        if keys_pressed[pygame.K_d]:
            player_sprite.timer = 0
            player_sprite.side = 1
            player_sprite.move(4, 0, sprinting)

# SIMULATION  ---------------------------
# UPDATE simulation
        end = pygame.time.get_ticks()
        delta_time = end - cycle_time
        cycle_time = end

        # Checks if player is touching any objects
        for obj in object_list:
            player_sprite.update(obj, delta_time)

        # Finds active spot for puppy to travel too
        for path in path_list:
            if path.status == 'active':
                puppy_sprite.target = path.pos
                path.status = 'idle'
                path.color = object_color_idle

        # Moves towards active target
        if puppy_sprite.move(delta_time):
            # Set new active area when destination reached
            print("Reached point")

        # Game Timer functions
        counting_time = pygame.time.get_ticks() - start_time
        counting_seconds = int(counting_time % 60000 / 1000)
        # print(counting_seconds)

        # Using get_ticks, counting seconds currently times game
        if counting_seconds != time_counter:
            time_counter += 1
            # If the timer has exceeded 59 seconds, game over screen
            if counting_seconds == 59:
                game_running = False

# DRAW SECTION (from back to front)##################
        screen.blit(room, (0, 0))

        # Draws each object to room
        for path in path_list:

        for obj in object_list:

        # Puppy sprite is not allowing the room to be redrawn
        screen.blit(menu, (0, 572))