def generate_rounds(self):
        # Write our new data to memory
        for seasonId in self.get_seasons():
            season = self.get_season(seasonId)
            players = season.players()

            # Generate our rounds
            for gender in players:
                # Default Values
                round_cap = 3

                # Do we have a Round Cap overrider for this gender?
                if(gender + "_cap" in season.settings()):
                    round_cap = season.settings()[gender + "_cap"]

                # Create our first round
                _round_one = Round.Round(, gender, "round_1")

                # Create our first round data
                rand_players = random.sample(players[gender], len(players[gender]))
                for i in range(len(rand_players) // 2):
                    # Grab our versus players
                    p_one = rand_players[i * 2]
                    p_two = rand_players[(i * 2) + 1]

                    # Generate some scores
                    p_one_score = random.randint(0, round_cap - 1)
                    p_two_score = random.randint(0, round_cap - 1)

                    # Make a random player the winner
                    who = random.randint(0, 1)
                    if(who == 0):   p_one_score = round_cap
                    else:           p_two_score = round_cap

                    # Append our random data as a Match
                    #round_data[gender].append({ p_one_score, p_two_score })
                    #round_data[round_name][gender].append(Match.Match(round_name, p_one, p_two, p_one_score, p_two_score))
                    _round_one.add_match(Match.Match(_round_one, p_one, p_two, p_one_score, p_two_score))

                # Append our first round to our season
                season.add_round(gender, _round_one)

                # Get the winners from each round
                for r in range(2, season.settings()['round_count'] + 1):
                    # Define variables
                    round_name = "round_"+str(r)

                    # Define our Round
                    _round = Round.Round(, gender, round_name)

                    # Items in Round
            # Debug
                print("[LOAD]: Generated {1} rounds for season: '{0}'".format(, season.settings()['round_count']))
    def generate_rounds(self):
        # Write our new data to memory
        for seasonId in self.get_seasons():
            season = self.get_season(seasonId)
            players = season.players()

            # Generate our rounds
            for gender in players:
                for r in range(0, season.settings()["round_count"]):
                    # Default Values
                    round_cap = 3

                    # Do we have a Round Cap overrider for this gender?
                    if(gender + "_cap" in season.settings()):
                        round_cap = season.settings()[gender + "_cap"]

                    # Define Round Variables
                    r_id = (r + 1)
                    r_name = "round_" + str(r_id)
                    _r = Round.Round(, gender, r_name)

                    # Data to Check
                    prev_r = season.round(gender, "round_" + str(r))

                    # Check if we have a round to take data from
                    rnd_players = [ ]
                    if(prev_r == None):
                        rnd_players = random.sample(players[gender], len(players[gender]))
                        rnd_players = random.sample(, len(

                    # Generate our matches from the data we have
                    for w in range(len(rnd_players) // 2):
                        # Define our players
                        p_one = rnd_players[w * 2]
                        p_two = rnd_players[(w * 2) + 1]

                        # Generate some scores
                        p_one_score = random.randint(0, round_cap - 1)
                        p_two_score = random.randint(0, round_cap - 1)

                        # Make a random player the winner
                        who = random.randint(0, 1)
                        if(who == 0):   p_one_score = round_cap
                        else:           p_two_score = round_cap

                        # Add the match
                        _r.add_match(Match.Match(_r, p_one, p_two, p_one_score, p_two_score))

                    # Add our round to our season
                    season.add_round(gender, _r)
            # Debug
                print("[LOAD]: Generated {1} rounds for season: '{0}'".format(, season.settings()['round_count']))
    def set_rounds(self):
        for rnd in self._rounds_raw:
            for gdr in self._rounds_raw[rnd]:
                # If the Gender category doesn't exist within the rounds, create it
                if (not gdr in self._rounds):
                    self._rounds[gdr] = []

                # Populate our dictionary with our match data
                for match in self._rounds_raw[rnd][gdr]:
                    Round = Round.Round()
def get_rounds():
    sql = """
    Select  Round_Id, Round_Active, Round_StartTimeUTC, Round_Initiator
    From    tb_Rounds r
    Order By Round_Id
    round_db_rows = db_return_rows(sql)
    round_list = []

    for row in round_db_rows:
            Round(row["Round_Id"], row["Round_Active"],
                  row["Round_StartTimeUTC"], row["Round_Initiator"]))

    return round_list
def get_round_by_id(round_id):
    sql_query = """
    Select  Round_Id, Round_Active, Round_StartTimeUTC, Round_Initiator
    From    tb_Rounds
    Where   Round_Id = %s
    parameters = (round_id)

    #should only return one row
    round_db_row = db_return_rows(sql_query, parameters)
    round_to_return = None

    for row in round_db_row:
        round_to_return = Round(row["Round_Id"], row["Round_Active"],

    return round_to_return
    def generate_rounds(self):
        # Write our new data to memory
        for seasonId in self.get_seasons():
            season = self.get_season(seasonId)
            players = season.players()

            # Generate our rounds
            for gender in players:
                for r in range(0, season.settings()["round_count"]):
                    # Define Round Variables
                    r_id = (r + 1)
                    r_name = "round_" + str(r_id)
                    _r = Round.Round(, gender, r_name)

                    # Data to Check
                    prev_r = season.round(gender, "round_" + str(r))

                    # Check if we have a round to take data from
                    if (prev_r == None):
                        print("no data from round_" + str(r))
                        print("data found")

                #TODO: remove break
                """# Default Values
                round_cap = 3

                # Do we have a Round Cap overrider for this gender?
                if(gender + "_cap" in season.settings()):
                    round_cap = season.settings()[gender + "_cap"]

                # Create our first round
                _round_one = Round.Round(, gender, "round_1")

                # Create our first round data
                rand_players = random.sample(players[gender], len(players[gender]))
                for i in range(len(rand_players) // 2):
                    # Grab our versus players
                    p_one = rand_players[i * 2]
                    p_two = rand_players[(i * 2) + 1]

                    # Generate some scores
                    p_one_score = random.randint(0, round_cap - 1)
                    p_two_score = random.randint(0, round_cap - 1)

                    # Make a random player the winner
                    who = random.randint(0, 1)
                    if(who == 0):   p_one_score = round_cap
                    else:           p_two_score = round_cap

                    # Append our random data as a Match
                    _round_one.add_match(Match.Match(_round_one, p_one, p_two, p_one_score, p_two_score))

                # Append our first round to our season
                season.add_round(gender, _round_one)

                # Get the winners from each round
                for r in range(2, season.settings()['round_count'] + 1):
                    # Define variables
                    round_name = "round_"+str(r)

                    # Define our Round
                    _round = Round.Round(, gender, round_name)

                    # Get our winners from the previous Round
                    prev_round_name = "round_"+str(r-1)
                    _prev_round = season.round(gender, prev_round_name)
                    _winners =
                    for w in range(len(_winners) // 2):
                        # Grab our versus players
                        p_one = _winners[w * 2]
                        p_two = _winners[(w * 2) + 1]

                        # Generate some scores
                        p_one_score = random.randint(0, round_cap - 1)
                        p_two_score = random.randint(0, round_cap - 1)

                        # Make a random player the winner
                        who = random.randint(0, 1)
                        if(who == 0):   p_one_score = round_cap
                        else:           p_two_score = round_cap
                        # Append our random data as a Match
                        _round.add_match(Match.Match(_round, p_one, p_two, p_one_score, p_two_score))

                    # Add our round to the season
                    season.add_round(gender, _round)"""

            # Debug
            if (
                print("[LOAD]: Generated {1} rounds for season: '{0}'".format(
    def generate_rounds(self):
        # Write our new data to memory
        for seasonId in self.get_seasons():
            season = self.get_season(seasonId)
            players = season.players()

            # Our Round Data should be completely empty
            round_data = {}

            # Generate our rounds
            for gender in players:
                # Default Values
                round_name = "round_1"
                round_cap = 3

                # Create our gendered rounds
                if (not gender in round_data):
                    # Do we have a Round Cap overrider for this gender?
                    if (gender + "_cap" in season.settings()):
                        roundCap = season.settings()[gender + "_cap"]

                    # Update our round data
                    round_data.update({round_name: {gender: []}})

                # Create our first round data from players
                _round_one = Round.Round(round_name, )

                rand_players = random.sample(players[gender],
                for i in range(len(rand_players) // 2):
                    # Grab our versus players
                    p_one = rand_players[i * 2]
                    p_two = rand_players[(i * 2) + 1]

                    # Generate some scores
                    p_one_score = random.randint(0, round_cap - 1)
                    p_two_score = random.randint(0, round_cap - 1)

                    # Make a random player the winner
                    who = random.randint(0, 1)
                    if (who == 0): p_one_score = round_cap
                    else: p_two_score = round_cap

                    # Append our random data as a Match
                    #round_data[gender].append({ p_one_score, p_two_score })
                        Match.Match(round_name, p_one, p_two, p_one_score,

                # Append our first round to our season

                # Get the winners from each round
                for r in range(1, season.settings()['round_count']):
                    winners = season.round(r).winners()

                    rand_players = random.sample(winners, len(winners))
                    for winner in range(rand_players):
                        print("debug", winner)

                # Set our Round Data to our season

            # Debug
            if (
                print("[LOAD]: Generated {1} rounds for season: '{0}'".format(
                for match in season.rounds()["male"]:
                    print(match.versuses(), match.round())
    def generate_round(self, seasonId, tournamentName, roundId, genderName):
        # Get our Season Object
        season = self.get_season(seasonId)
        players = season.players()

        # Ensure we have a valid Season object
        if(season == None):
            return print("Invalid Season ID: {}".format(seasonId))

        # Get our Tournament Object
        tournament = season.tournament(tournamentName)

        # Ensure we have a valid Tournament object
        if(tournament == None):
            return print("Invalid Tournament Name: {}".format(tournamentName))

        # Ensure we have valid round data
        previous_round = tournament.round(genderName, "round_{}".format(roundId - 1))
        if(previous_round == None and not (roundId - 1) == 0):
            return print("You can only generate this round when the rounds before Round {0} for {1}, {2} have been generated or manually inputed.".format(roundId, genderName.title(), tournamentName))

        # Start Generation of Round
        if(previous_round == None):
            rand_players = random.sample(players[genderName], len(players[genderName]))
            rand_players = random.sample(, len(

        # Check if this round has some data
        this_round = tournament.round(genderName, "round_{}".format(roundId))
        if(this_round != None):
            # Clean up our rand_players array with matches that may exist
            for p in this_round.players():
                if(p in rand_players):
                    del rand_players[rand_players.index(p)]

        # Check if we have a round to take data from
        match_cap = (len(rand_players) // 2) if (previous_round == None) else (len( // 2)

        # Generate our matches from the data we have
        round_cap = 3
        if(genderName + "_cap" in season.settings()):
            round_cap = season.settings()[genderName + "_cap"]

        # Check if our round already exists
        _r = None
        if(this_round == None):
            _r = Round.Round(, genderName, "round_{0}".format(roundId), tournament, match_cap)
            _r = this_round

        # Set our round attributes

        for w in range(len(rand_players) // 2):
            # Define our players
            p_one = rand_players[w * 2]
            p_two = rand_players[(w * 2) + 1]

            # Generate some scores
            p_one_score = random.randint(0, round_cap - 1)
            p_two_score = random.randint(0, round_cap - 1)

            # Make a random player the winner
            who = random.randint(0, 1)
            if(who == 0):   p_one_score = round_cap
            else:           p_two_score = round_cap

            # Add the match
            _r.add_match(Match.Match(_r, p_one, p_two, p_one_score, p_two_score))

        # Add our round to the tournament
        tournament.add_round(genderName, _r)
        # Save Data
        return True
    def input_round(self, seasonId, tournamentName, roundId, genderName):
        # Get our Season Object
        season = self.get_season(seasonId)
        players = None

        # Get our Tournament Object
        tournament = season.tournament(tournamentName)

        # Ensure we have a valid Tournament object
        if(tournament == None):
            return print("Invalid Tournament Name: {}".format(tournamentName))

        # Ensure we have valid round data
        previous_round = tournament.round(genderName, "round_{}".format(roundId - 1))
        if(previous_round == None and not (roundId - 1) == 0):
            return print("You can only generate this round when the rounds before Round {0} for {1}, {2} have been generated or manually inputed.".format(roundId, genderName.title(), tournamentName))

        # Get the available players for this particular Round
        if(previous_round == None):
            players = season.players()[genderName]
            players =

        # Lets loop until all of our players have been used up
        available_players = players.copy()

        # Check if this round has some data
        this_round = tournament.round(genderName, "round_{}".format(roundId))
        if(this_round != None):
            # Clean up our available_players array with matches that may exist
            for p in this_round.players():
                if(p in available_players):
                    del available_players[available_players.index(p)]

        # Get our input
            tryAgain = False
            tryAgainError = ""
            # Get our caps
            match_cap = (len(available_players) // 2) if (previous_round == None) else (len( // 2)

            # Round Cap
            round_cap = 3
            if(genderName + "_cap" in season.settings()):
                round_cap = season.settings()[genderName + "_cap"]

            # Check if our round already exists
            _r = None
            if(this_round == None):
                _r = Round.Round(, genderName, "round_{0}".format(roundId), tournament, match_cap)
                _r = this_round

            # Update Round details
            # Add our round to the tournament
            tournament.add_round(genderName, _r)

            while(len(available_players) != 0):
                # Clear the Terminal

                # Print out our available players
                print("Available Players for input on Round {0}:\n{1}".format(roundId, ", ".join([ for p in available_players ])))

                # Handle Error
                    tryAgain = False

                # Match Specific Variables
                winnerCount = 0

                plyr_one = input("Please enter Player A: ")
                if(plyr_one in [ for p in available_players ]):
                    plyr_one_score = input("Please enter the score for Player A: ")
                    if(plyr_one_score.isdigit() and int(plyr_one_score) <= _r.cap()):
                        # Type Conversion
                        plyr_one_score = int(plyr_one_score)

                        # Increment our Winner Count
                        if(plyr_one_score == _r.cap()):
                            winnerCount += 1

                        # Player B
                        plyr_two = input("Please enter Player B: ")
                        if(plyr_two in [ for p in available_players ] and plyr_two != plyr_one):
                            plyr_two_score = input("Please enter the score for Player B: ")
                            if(plyr_two_score.isdigit() and int(plyr_two_score) <= _r.cap()):
                                # Type Conversion
                                plyr_two_score = int(plyr_two_score)

                                # Increment our Winner Count
                                if(plyr_two_score == _r.cap()):
                                    winnerCount += 1
                                # Ensure we have one winner
                                if(winnerCount == 1):
                                    # Get Player Objects
                                    p_one = next(( p for p in available_players if( == plyr_one)), None)
                                    p_two = next(( p for p in available_players if( == plyr_two)), None)

                                    # Ensure our Player's exist
                                    if(p_one and p_two):
                                        # Add this Match to the Round
                                        _m = Match.Match(_r, p_one, p_two, plyr_one_score, plyr_two_score)

                                        # Pop our players from the array
                                        del available_players[available_players.index(p_one)]
                                        del available_players[available_players.index(p_two)]

                                        # Save this match straight away

                                        # Hold User
                                        input("Match ({0}) successfully added. Press <Return> to continue...\n".format(_m.versuses(True)))
                                        # Try Again
                                        tryAgainError = "The Players seize to exist within the available player list."
                                        tryAgain = True
                                    # Try Again
                                    tryAgainError = "A winner was not elected for this Match." if (winnerCount == 0) else "Matches cannot be left as a draw - only one player can win."
                                    tryAgain = True
                                # Try Again
                                tryAgainError = "The score entered for Player B ({0}) is invalid.".format(plyr_two_score)
                                tryAgain = True
                            # Try Again
                            tryAgainError = "The player you entered ({0}) does not exist.".format(plyr_two) if plyr_two != plyr_one else "Player B cannot be the same as Player A."
                            tryAgain = True
                        # Try Again
                        tryAgainError = "The score entered for Player A ({0}) is invalid.".format(plyr_one_score)
                        tryAgain = True
                    # Try Again
                    tryAgainError = "The player you entered ({0}) does not exist.".format(plyr_one)
                    tryAgain = True

            # Finalise the save to our tournament
        except KeyboardInterrupt:
            # Clear Terminal

            # Show user what happens when they restart
            print("You have tried to exit the program using Ctrl + C whilst inputting matches.", "\n")
            print("If you load previous rounds in your next session, you will be able to continue")
            print("from where you left off from this session.")

            # Exit Program
        except Exception as err:
            # Clear Terminal

            # Show user error
            print("An unknown error has occured:\n{0}".format(err))

            # Exit Program
        return True
    def generate_rounds(self, seasonId, minRoundId, maxRoundId):
        # Write our new data to memory
        season = self.get_season(seasonId)
        players = season.players()

        # For each tournament, generate rounds
        for tournament_name in season.tournaments():
            # Get our tournament object
            tournament = season.tournament(tournament_name)

            # Generate our rounds
            for gender in players:
                for r in range(0, season.settings()["{}_round_count".format(gender)]):
                    # Define Round Variables
                    r_name = "round_" + str(r + 1)

                    # Make sure we're not generating over our requested generation amount
                    if    (r <  minRoundId): continue
                    elif  (r >= maxRoundId): break
                    else:                    pass

                    # Default Values
                    round_cap = 3

                    # Data to Check
                    prev_r = tournament.round(gender, "round_" + str(r))

                    # Check if we have a round to take data from
                    match_cap = (len(players[gender]) // 2) if (prev_r == None) else (len( // 2)

                    # Do we have a Round Cap overrider for this gender?
                    round_cap = 3
                    if(gender + "_cap" in season.settings()):
                        round_cap = season.settings()[gender + "_cap"]
                    _r = Round.Round(, gender, r_name, tournament, match_cap)

                    # Check if we have a round to take data from
                    rnd_players = [ ]
                    if(prev_r == None):
                        rnd_players = random.sample(players[gender], len(players[gender]))
                        rnd_players = random.sample(, len(

                    # Generate our matches from the data we have
                    for w in range(len(rnd_players) // 2):
                        # Define our players
                        p_one = rnd_players[w * 2]
                        p_two = rnd_players[(w * 2) + 1]

                        # Generate some scores
                        p_one_score = random.randint(0, round_cap - 1)
                        p_two_score = random.randint(0, round_cap - 1)

                        # Make a random player the winner
                        who = random.randint(0, 1)
                        if(who == 0):   p_one_score = round_cap
                        else:           p_two_score = round_cap

                        # Add the match
                        _r.add_match(Match.Match(_r, p_one, p_two, p_one_score, p_two_score))

                    # Add our round to our season
                    tournament.add_round(gender, _r)

                    # Debug
                        print("{} --- Round Added: [{}]".format([ for w in ], r_name))

                # Import our data into JSON format for saving reference
                for g in tournament.rounds():
                    for r_id, r in enumerate(tournament.rounds()[g], 1):
                        # Make sure our round exists within the raw data
                        if(not "round_{0}".format(r_id) in tournament._rounds_raw):
                            tournament._rounds_raw.update({ "round_{0}".format(r_id): { } })

                        # Make sure our gender exists within the raw data
                        if(not g in tournament._rounds_raw["round_{0}".format(r_id)]):
                            tournament._rounds_raw["round_{0}".format(r_id)].update({ g: [ ] })

                        # Insert our data
                        tournament._rounds_raw["round_{0}".format(r_id)][g] = [ { m.player_one()[0].name(): m.player_one()[1], m.player_two()[0].name(): m.player_two()[1] } for m in tournament.round(g, r).matches() ]
            # Save Tournament Rounds (if enabled)
        # Debug
            print("[LOAD]: Generated {1} rounds for season: '{0}', minRound: {2}, maxRound: {3}".format(, season.settings()['round_count'], minRoundId, maxRoundId))
    def load_previous_rounds(self, seasonId):
        # Get our Season Object
        season = self.get_season(seasonId)
        players = season.players()
        raw_json = season._j_data

        # Check that we have tournament data
        if(not "tournaments" in raw_json):
            raise("There are no tournaments within 'seasons.json'")

        # Check if the season has previous round data (through raw JSON)
        for tournament_name in raw_json['tournaments']:
            # Get our Tournament Object
            tournament = season.tournament(tournament_name)
            r_error_found = False
            error_found = False
            prev_round = { }

            # Check our rounds stored within the JSON data
            if("rounds" in raw_json['tournaments'][tournament_name]):
                # Load data in
                for rnd in raw_json['tournaments'][tournament_name]['rounds']:
                    r_path = raw_json['tournaments'][tournament_name]['rounds'][rnd]

                    for gdr in r_path:
                        # Check if we had a previous round
                        if(gdr not in prev_round):
                            prev_round.update({ gdr: None })

                        rg_path = r_path[gdr]

                        # Check if we have a round to take data from
                        match_cap = (len(players[gdr]) // 2) if (prev_round[gdr] == None) else (len(prev_round[gdr].winners()) // 2)

                        # Create our Round
                        round_cap = 3
                        if(gdr + "_cap" in season.settings()):
                            round_cap = season.settings()[gdr + "_cap"]

                        _r = Round.Round(, gdr, rnd, tournament, match_cap)
                        tournament.add_round(gdr, _r)

                        # Add our Matches
                        for match in rg_path:
                            plyr_one = None
                            plyr_two = None

                            for i, plyr in enumerate(match, 0):
                                if(i == 0):
                                    plyr_one = [plyr, match[plyr]]
                                elif(i == 1):
                                    plyr_two = [plyr, match[plyr]]

                            # Setup our Match
                            _m = Match.Match(_r, season.player(gdr, plyr_one[0]), season.player(gdr, plyr_two[0]), plyr_one[1], plyr_two[1])

                            # Check if errors occurred, if they have - we want to update our file to fix these issues
                            m_error = True if _m.validate() > 0 else False
                                error_found = True

                            # Add our Match and Players to our round

                        # Check if errors occurred, if they have - we want to update our file to fix these issues
                        r_error = True if _r.validate() > 0 else False
                            r_error_found = True
                        # Set our previous round
                        if(gdr in prev_round):
                            prev_round[gdr] = _r

                # If errors have occurred, update file with fixes
                if(error_found or r_error_found):

            # Update Raw Rounds
    def generate_rounds(self):
        # Write our new data to memory
        for seasonId in self.get_seasons():
            season = self.get_season(seasonId)
            players = season.players()

            # Generate our rounds
            for gender in players:
                for r in range(0, season.settings()["round_count"]):
                    # Define Round Variables
                    r_id = (r + 1)
                    r_name = "round_" + str(r_id)
                    _r = Round.Round(, gender, r_name)

                    # Data to Check
                    prev_r = season.round(gender, "round_" + str(r))

                    # Check if we have a round to take data from
                    rnd_players = [ ]
                    if(prev_r == None):
                        print("no data from previous round, creating...")
                        rnd_players = random.sample(players[gender], len(players[gender]))
                        print("data found")
                        rnd_players = random.sample(, len(

                    print("rnd_players", rnd_players)

                    # Generate our matches from the data we have
                    for w in range(len(rnd_players) // 2):
                        # Define our players

                    # Add our round to our season
                    season.add_round(gender, _r)

                #TODO: remove break

                """# Default Values
                round_cap = 3

                # Do we have a Round Cap overrider for this gender?
                if(gender + "_cap" in season.settings()):
                    round_cap = season.settings()[gender + "_cap"]

                # Create our first round
                _round_one = Round.Round(, gender, "round_1")

                # Create our first round data
                rand_players = random.sample(players[gender], len(players[gender]))
                for i in range(len(rand_players) // 2):
                    # Grab our versus players
                    p_one = rand_players[i * 2]
                    p_two = rand_players[(i * 2) + 1]

                    # Generate some scores
                    p_one_score = random.randint(0, round_cap - 1)
                    p_two_score = random.randint(0, round_cap - 1)

                    # Make a random player the winner
                    who = random.randint(0, 1)
                    if(who == 0):   p_one_score = round_cap
                    else:           p_two_score = round_cap

                    # Append our random data as a Match
                    _round_one.add_match(Match.Match(_round_one, p_one, p_two, p_one_score, p_two_score))

                # Append our first round to our season
                season.add_round(gender, _round_one)

                # Get the winners from each round
                for r in range(2, season.settings()['round_count'] + 1):
                    # Define variables
                    round_name = "round_"+str(r)

                    # Define our Round
                    _round = Round.Round(, gender, round_name)

                    # Get our winners from the previous Round
                    prev_round_name = "round_"+str(r-1)
                    _prev_round = season.round(gender, prev_round_name)
                    _winners =
                    for w in range(len(_winners) // 2):
                        # Grab our versus players
                        p_one = _winners[w * 2]
                        p_two = _winners[(w * 2) + 1]

                        # Generate some scores
                        p_one_score = random.randint(0, round_cap - 1)
                        p_two_score = random.randint(0, round_cap - 1)

                        # Make a random player the winner
                        who = random.randint(0, 1)
                        if(who == 0):   p_one_score = round_cap
                        else:           p_two_score = round_cap
                        # Append our random data as a Match
                        _round.add_match(Match.Match(_round, p_one, p_two, p_one_score, p_two_score))

                    # Add our round to the season
                    season.add_round(gender, _round)"""
            # Debug
                print("[LOAD]: Generated {1} rounds for season: '{0}'".format(, season.settings()['round_count']))
        # End of generate_rounds()

    # Used to load prize money
    def load_prize_money(self):
        with open('./data/rankingPoints.json') as tData:
            data = json.load(tData)

            # Fallback on a non-existant occurrence
            if(self.player_count == None):
                self.player_count = 100

            # Make our prize_money a dictionary
            if(self.prize_money == None):
                self.prize_money = { }

            # Set the prize money to the actual rank and points received
            self.prize_money  = [ pts for pts in data for rank in data[pts] ]

            # We want to set the prize money for all indexes possible via the player
            self.prize_money += [ 0 ] * ( self.player_count - len(self.prize_money))

    # Used to load players from all seasons into memory
    def load_players(self):
        # Set our player (in gender) count
        self.player_count = 0

        with open('./data/players.json') as tData:
            data = json.load(tData)

            # Players are classed within Seasons
            for season in data:
                # If the season does not yet exist, ignore this input
                if(not season in self.get_seasons()):

                # Players are then stored within Gender classifications
                for gender in data[season]:
                    if(not gender in self.get_season(season).players()):
                        self.get_season(season).players()[gender] = [ ]

                    # Append our player in the season, within the gender
                    for player in data[season][gender]:
                        #TODO: Change to using Player class
                        self.get_season(season).add_player(player, gender)

                        # Update our player count
                        if(len(self.get_season(season).players()[gender]) > self.player_count):
                            self.player_count = len(self.get_season(season).players()[gender])

    def get_seasons(self):
        return self.seasons

    def get_season(self, season_id):
        if(season_id in self.seasons):
            return self.seasons[season_id]
            return None
    def load_tournaments(self):
        for seasonId in self.seasons:
            # Get our Season Object
            season = self.get_season(seasonId)
            # Grab Tournaments from raw JSON data stored in the Season
            for tournament_name in season._j_data['tournaments']:
                tournament_json = season._j_data['tournaments'][tournament_name]

                # Create our Tournament
                tournament = Tournament.Tournament(tournament_name)
                tournament.set_prize_money([money for money in tournament_json if(not "_difficulty" in money)])


    # Generate our rounds from our player list from scratch
    def generate_rounds(self):
        # Write our new data to memory
        for seasonId in self.get_seasons():
            season = self.get_season(seasonId)
            players = season.players()

            # Generate our rounds
            for gender in players:
                for r in range(0, season.settings()["round_count"]):
                    # Default Values
                    round_cap = 3

                    # Do we have a Round Cap overrider for this gender?
                    if(gender + "_cap" in season.settings()):
                        round_cap = season.settings()[gender + "_cap"]

                    # Define Round Variables
                    r_id = (r + 1)
                    r_name = "round_" + str(r_id)
                    _r = Round.Round(, gender, r_name)

                    # Data to Check
                    prev_r = season.round(gender, "round_" + str(r))

                    # Check if we have a round to take data from
                    rnd_players = [ ]
                    if(prev_r == None):
                        rnd_players = random.sample(players[gender], len(players[gender]))
                        rnd_players = random.sample(, len(

                    # Generate our matches from the data we have
                    for w in range(len(rnd_players) // 2):
                        # Define our players
                        p_one = rnd_players[w * 2]
                        p_two = rnd_players[(w * 2) + 1]

                        # Generate some scores
                        p_one_score = random.randint(0, round_cap - 1)
                        p_two_score = random.randint(0, round_cap - 1)

                        # Make a random player the winner
                        who = random.randint(0, 1)
                        if(who == 0):   p_one_score = round_cap
                        else:           p_two_score = round_cap

                        # Add the match
                        _r.add_match(Match.Match(_r, p_one, p_two, p_one_score, p_two_score))

                    # Add our round to our season
                    season.add_round(gender, _r)
            # Debug
                print("[LOAD]: Generated {1} rounds for season: '{0}'".format(, season.settings()['round_count']))
        # End of generate_rounds()

    # Used to load prize money
    def load_prize_money(self):
        with open('./data/rankingPoints.json') as tData:
            data = json.load(tData)

            # Fallback on a non-existant occurrence
            if(self.player_count == None):
                self.player_count = 100

            # Make our prize_money a dictionary
            if(self.prize_money == None):
                self.prize_money = { }

            # Set the prize money to the actual rank and points received
            self.prize_money  = [ pts for pts in data for rank in data[pts] ]

            # We want to set the prize money for all indexes possible via the player
            self.prize_money += [ 0 ] * ( self.player_count - len(self.prize_money))

    # Used to load players from all seasons into memory
    def load_players(self):
        # Set our player (in gender) count
        self.player_count = 0

        with open('./data/players.json') as tData:
            data = json.load(tData)

            # Players are classed within Seasons
            for season in data:
                # If the season does not yet exist, ignore this input
                if(not season in self.get_seasons()):

                # Players are then stored within Gender classifications
                for gender in data[season]:
                    if(not gender in self.get_season(season).players()):
                        self.get_season(season).players()[gender] = [ ]

                    # Append our player in the season, within the gender
                    for player in data[season][gender]:
                        #TODO: Change to using Player class
                        self.get_season(season).add_player(player, gender)

                        # Update our player count
                        if(len(self.get_season(season).players()[gender]) > self.player_count):
                            self.player_count = len(self.get_season(season).players()[gender])

    def get_seasons(self):
        return self.seasons

    def get_season(self, season_id):
        if(season_id in self.seasons):
            return self.seasons[season_id]
            return None
def blackJackConsole():
    playing = True
    while playing:
        dealer = Dealer()
        player = Player()


        lap = True

        while > 0 and lap == True:
            player.lost_round = False

            round = Round()




            player.takeCards(round, num=2)



            while player.another_card:


                player.another_card = False
                if player.points[0] > 21:
            if not player.lost_round:


                if player.points[0] > dealer.points or dealer.points > 21:
                elif player.points[0] < dealer.points:
                elif player.points[0] == dealer.points:
            if > 0:
                lap = askForNewRound()
        if not lap:
            playing = False
            playing = lostRoundAskForNew()
    if player.starting_money != 0:
        print('\nThank you for playing. See you next time!')

    print('\nIcon made by "Flat Icon" from')
    input("Press Enter to exit..")