def extract_signature(msg_body):
    Analyzes message for a presence of signature block (by common patterns)
    and returns tuple with two elements: message text without signature block
    and the signature itself.

    >>> extract_signature('Hey man! How r u?\n\n--\nRegards,\nRoman')
    ('Hey man! How r u?', '--\nRegards,\nRoman')

    >>> extract_signature('Hey man!')
    ('Hey man!', None)
        # identify line delimiter first
        delimiter = get_delimiter(msg_body)

        # make an assumption
        stripped_body = msg_body.strip()
        phone_signature = None

        # strip off phone signature
        phone_signature = RE_PHONE_SIGNATURE.search(msg_body)
        if phone_signature:
            stripped_body = stripped_body[:phone_signature.start()]
            phone_signature = phone_signature.group()

        # decide on signature candidate
        lines = stripped_body.splitlines()
        candidate = get_signature_candidate(lines)
        candidate = delimiter.join(candidate)

        # try to extract signature
        signature = RE_SIGNATURE.search(candidate)
        if not signature:
            return (stripped_body.strip(), phone_signature)
            signature = signature.group()
            # when we splitlines() and then join them
            # we can lose a new line at the end
            # we did it when identifying a candidate
            # so we had to do it for stripped_body now
            stripped_body = delimiter.join(lines)
            stripped_body = stripped_body[:-len(signature)]

            if phone_signature:
                signature = delimiter.join([signature, phone_signature])

            return (stripped_body.strip(),
    except Exception, e:
        log.exception('ERROR extracting signature')
        return (msg_body, None)
def extract_signature(msg_body):
    Analyzes message for a presence of signature block (by common patterns)
    and returns tuple with two elements: message text without signature block
    and the signature itself.

    >>> extract_signature('Hey man! How r u?\n\n--\nRegards,\nRoman')
    ('Hey man! How r u?', '--\nRegards,\nRoman')

    >>> extract_signature('Hey man!')
    ('Hey man!', None)
        # identify line delimiter first
        delimiter = get_delimiter(msg_body)

        # make an assumption
        stripped_body = msg_body.strip()
        phone_signature = None

        # strip off phone signature
        phone_signature = RE_PHONE_SIGNATURE.search(msg_body)
        if phone_signature:
            stripped_body = stripped_body[:phone_signature.start()]
            phone_signature = phone_signature.group()

        # decide on signature candidate
        lines = stripped_body.splitlines()
        candidate = get_signature_candidate(lines)
        candidate = delimiter.join(candidate)

        # try to extract signature
        signature = RE_SIGNATURE.search(candidate)
        if not signature:
            return (stripped_body.strip(), phone_signature)
            signature = signature.group()
            # when we splitlines() and then join them
            # we can lose a new line at the end
            # we did it when identifying a candidate
            # so we had to do it for stripped_body now
            stripped_body = delimiter.join(lines)
            stripped_body = stripped_body[:-len(signature)]

            if phone_signature:
                signature = delimiter.join([signature, phone_signature])

            return (stripped_body.strip(), signature.strip())
    except Exception, e:
        log.exception('ERROR extracting signature')
        return (msg_body, None)
def extract_from_plain(msg_body):
    """Extracts a non quoted message from provided plain text."""
    stripped_text = msg_body

    delimiter = get_delimiter(msg_body)
    msg_body = preprocess(msg_body, delimiter)
    lines = msg_body.splitlines()

    # don't process too long messages
    if len(lines) > MAX_LINES_COUNT:
        return stripped_text

    markers = mark_message_lines(lines)
    lines = process_marked_lines(lines, markers)

    # concatenate lines, change links back, strip and return
    msg_body = delimiter.join(lines)
    msg_body = postprocess(msg_body)
    return msg_body
文件: quotations.py 项目: ad-m/claw
def extract_from_plain(msg_body):
    """Extracts a non quoted message from provided plain text."""
    stripped_text = msg_body

    delimiter = get_delimiter(msg_body)
    msg_body = preprocess(msg_body, delimiter)
    lines = msg_body.splitlines()

    # don't process too long messages
    if len(lines) > MAX_LINES_COUNT:
        return stripped_text

    markers = mark_message_lines(lines)
    lines = process_marked_lines(lines, markers)

    # concatenate lines, change links back, strip and return
    msg_body = delimiter.join(lines)
    msg_body = postprocess(msg_body)
    return msg_body
def extract_from_html(msg_body):
    Extract not quoted message from provided html message body
    using tags and plain text algorithm.

    Cut out the 'blockquote', 'gmail_quote' tags.
    Cut Microsoft quotations.

    Then use plain text algorithm to cut out splitter or
    leftover quotation.
    This works by adding checkpoint text to all html tags,
    then converting html to text,
    then extracting quotations from text,
    then checking deleted checkpoints,
    then deleting necessary tags.

    if msg_body.strip() == '':
        return msg_body

    html_tree = html.document_fromstring(
        msg_body, parser=html.HTMLParser(encoding="utf-8"))

    cut_quotations = (html_quotations.cut_gmail_quote(html_tree)
                      or html_quotations.cut_blockquote(html_tree)
                      or html_quotations.cut_microsoft_quote(html_tree)
                      or html_quotations.cut_by_id(html_tree)
                      or html_quotations.cut_from_block(html_tree))

    html_tree_copy = deepcopy(html_tree)

    number_of_checkpoints = html_quotations.add_checkpoint(html_tree, 0)
    quotation_checkpoints = [False for i in xrange(number_of_checkpoints)]
    msg_with_checkpoints = html.tostring(html_tree)

    h = html2text.HTML2Text()
    h.body_width = 0  # generate plain text without wrap

    # html2text adds unnecessary star symbols. Remove them.
    # Mask star symbols
    msg_with_checkpoints = msg_with_checkpoints.replace('*', '3423oorkg432')
    plain_text = h.handle(msg_with_checkpoints)
    # Remove created star symbols
    plain_text = plain_text.replace('*', '')
    # Unmask saved star symbols
    plain_text = plain_text.replace('3423oorkg432', '*')

    delimiter = get_delimiter(plain_text)

    plain_text = preprocess(plain_text, delimiter, content_type='text/html')
    lines = plain_text.splitlines()

    # Don't process too long messages
    if len(lines) > MAX_LINES_COUNT:
        return msg_body

    # Collect checkpoints on each line
    line_checkpoints = [
            int(i[4:-4])  # Only checkpoint number
            for i in re.findall(html_quotations.CHECKPOINT_PATTERN, line)
        ] for line in lines

    # Remove checkpoints
    lines = [
        re.sub(html_quotations.CHECKPOINT_PATTERN, '', line) for line in lines

    # Use plain text quotation extracting algorithm
    markers = mark_message_lines(lines)
    return_flags = []
    process_marked_lines(lines, markers, return_flags)
    lines_were_deleted, first_deleted, last_deleted = return_flags

    if lines_were_deleted:
        #collect checkpoints from deleted lines
        for i in xrange(first_deleted, last_deleted):
            for checkpoint in line_checkpoints[i]:
                quotation_checkpoints[checkpoint] = True
        if cut_quotations:
            return html.tostring(html_tree_copy)
            return msg_body

    # Remove tags with quotation checkpoints
    html_quotations.delete_quotation_tags(html_tree_copy, 0,

    return html.tostring(html_tree_copy)
文件: quotations.py 项目: ad-m/claw
def extract_from_html(msg_body):
    Extract not quoted message from provided html message body
    using tags and plain text algorithm.

    Cut out the 'blockquote', 'gmail_quote' tags.
    Cut Microsoft quotations.

    Then use plain text algorithm to cut out splitter or
    leftover quotation.
    This works by adding checkpoint text to all html tags,
    then converting html to text,
    then extracting quotations from text,
    then checking deleted checkpoints,
    then deleting necessary tags.

    if msg_body.strip() == '':
        return msg_body

    html_tree = html.document_fromstring(

    cut_quotations = (html_quotations.cut_gmail_quote(html_tree) or
                      html_quotations.cut_blockquote(html_tree) or
                      html_quotations.cut_microsoft_quote(html_tree) or
                      html_quotations.cut_by_id(html_tree) or

    html_tree_copy = deepcopy(html_tree)

    number_of_checkpoints = html_quotations.add_checkpoint(html_tree, 0)
    quotation_checkpoints = [False for i in range(number_of_checkpoints)]
    msg_with_checkpoints = html.tostring(html_tree)

    h = html2text.HTML2Text()
    h.body_width = 0  # generate plain text without wrap

    # html2text adds unnecessary star symbols. Remove them.
    # Mask star symbols
    msg_with_checkpoints = msg_with_checkpoints.replace('*', '3423oorkg432')
    plain_text = h.handle(msg_with_checkpoints)
    # Remove created star symbols
    plain_text = plain_text.replace('*', '')
    # Unmask saved star symbols
    plain_text = plain_text.replace('3423oorkg432', '*')

    delimiter = get_delimiter(plain_text)

    plain_text = preprocess(plain_text, delimiter, content_type='text/html')
    lines = plain_text.splitlines()

    # Don't process too long messages
    if len(lines) > MAX_LINES_COUNT:
        return msg_body

    # Collect checkpoints on each line
    line_checkpoints = [
        [int(i[4:-4])  # Only checkpoint number
         for i in re.findall(html_quotations.CHECKPOINT_PATTERN, line)]
        for line in lines]

    # Remove checkpoints
    lines = [re.sub(html_quotations.CHECKPOINT_PATTERN, '', line)
             for line in lines]

    # Use plain text quotation extracting algorithm
    markers = mark_message_lines(lines)
    return_flags = []
    process_marked_lines(lines, markers, return_flags)
    lines_were_deleted, first_deleted, last_deleted = return_flags

    if lines_were_deleted:
        #collect checkpoints from deleted lines
        for i in range(first_deleted, last_deleted):
            for checkpoint in line_checkpoints[i]:
                quotation_checkpoints[checkpoint] = True
        if cut_quotations:
            return html.tostring(html_tree_copy)
            return msg_body

    # Remove tags with quotation checkpoints
        html_tree_copy, 0, quotation_checkpoints

    return html.tostring(html_tree_copy)
def test_get_delimiter():
    eq_('\r\n', utils.get_delimiter('abc\r\n123'))
    eq_('\n', utils.get_delimiter('abc\n123'))
    eq_('\n', utils.get_delimiter('abc'))