def read_q(path='./_output',frame=0,read_aux=False,read_grid=False,read_q=True,qi=[0,1,2],sampling=[1,1],loc_max=True): solution = Solution(),path=path,file_format='petsc',read_aux=read_aux) sol_compilation = {} sol_compilation['sampling'] = sampling if read_grid: x,y,dimension = get_grid(solution,sampling) dict2 = {'x':x,'y':y,'nodes':dimension[0:2,:],'num_cells':dimension[-1,:]} sol_compilation.update(dict2) if read_aux: sol_compilation.update({'aux':solution.state.get_aux_global()[0:3,::sampling[0],::sampling[1]]}) if read_q: q_all = solution.state.get_q_global()[:,::sampling[0],::sampling[1]] for qn in qi: q = solution.state.get_q_global()[qn,::sampling[0],::sampling[1]] sol_compilation.update({'q'+str(qn):q}) if loc_max: if not read_grid: x,y,dimension = get_grid(solution,sampling) indmax = q[:,:]==q[:,:].max() sol_compilation.update({'indmax'+str(qn):indmax}) sol_compilation.update({'xmax':x[indmax],'ymax':y[indmax]}) sol_compilation.update({'t':solution.t}) return sol_compilation if not read_q else q_all,sol_compilation
def getAux(self,dirs,frame=None,qn=None): if frame is None: frame = self.frame if qn is None: qn = self.qn solution = Solution(),path=dirs,file_format=self.file_format,read_aux=True) auxclaw = solution.state.get_aux_global()[qn] xclaw = solution.state.grid.x.centers delta = return auxclaw,xclaw,delta
def verify_sedov(controller): import os from clawpack.pyclaw.util import check_diff from clawpack.pyclaw import Solution thisdir = os.path.dirname(__file__) verify_dir = os.path.join(thisdir,'./Sedov_regression') # Expected solution sol_expected = Solution(),path=verify_dir,file_format='hdf',read_aux=False) assert sol_expected.t == 0.1 expected_q = sol_expected.state.q # Test solution sol_test = Solution(),path=controller.outdir, file_format=controller.output_format, read_aux=False, options=controller.output_options) test_q = sol_test.state.get_q_global() if test_q is not None: q_err = check_diff(expected_q, test_q, reltol=1e-6) if q_err is not None: return q_err else: return
def read_fortq(frame): """ Import fort.q files to get x,y,z data """ fortq = Solution(frame, file_format='ascii') patch_dict = {} for stateno, state in enumerate(fortq.states): patch = state.patch level = patch.level Xc, Yc = state.grid.c_centers h = state.q[0, :, :] eta = state.q[3, :, :] drytol_default = 0.001 water = np.copy(eta) idx = np.where((h <= drytol_default) & (h >= -drytol_default)) water[idx] = np.nan # idx2 = np.where(eta==0) # water[idx2] = np.nan # Save variables to dictionary long = Xc[:, 0] lat = Yc[0] patch_dict[stateno] = { "lat": lat, 'long': long, 'eta': eta, 'amr_level': level, 'Xc': Xc, 'Yc': Yc, 'water': water } return patch_dict, water, h, Xc, Yc, eta
def getAux(self, dirs, frame=None, qn=None): if frame is None: frame = self.frame if qn is None: qn = self.qn solution = Solution(), path=dirs, file_format=self.file_format, read_aux=True) auxclaw = solution.state.get_aux_global()[qn] xclaw = solution.state.grid.x.centers delta = return auxclaw, xclaw, delta
def read_q(path='./_output', frame=0, read_aux=False, read_grid=False, read_q=True, qi=[0, 1, 2], sampling=[1, 1], loc_max=True): solution = Solution(), path=path, file_format='petsc', read_aux=read_aux) sol_compilation = {} sol_compilation['sampling'] = sampling if read_grid: x, y, dimension = get_grid(solution, sampling) dict2 = { 'x': x, 'y': y, 'nodes': dimension[0:2, :], 'num_cells': dimension[-1, :] } sol_compilation.update(dict2) if read_aux: sol_compilation.update({ 'aux': solution.state.get_aux_global()[0:3, ::sampling[0], ::sampling[1]] }) if read_q: q_all = solution.state.get_q_global()[:, ::sampling[0], ::sampling[1]] for qn in qi: q = solution.state.get_q_global()[qn, ::sampling[0], ::sampling[1]] sol_compilation.update({'q' + str(qn): q}) if loc_max: if not read_grid: x, y, dimension = get_grid(solution, sampling) indmax = q[:, :] == q[:, :].max() sol_compilation.update({'indmax' + str(qn): indmax}) sol_compilation.update({'xmax': x[indmax], 'ymax': y[indmax]}) sol_compilation.update({'t': solution.t}) return sol_compilation if not read_q else q_all, sol_compilation
def getClaw(self,dirs,frame=None,qn=None,homogeneous=None): if frame is None: frame = self.frame if qn is None: qn = self.qn if homogeneous is None: homogeneous = self.homogeneous solution = Solution(),path=dirs,file_format=self.file_format,read_aux=self.homogeneous) qclaw = solution.state.get_q_global()[qn] xclaw = solution.state.grid.x.centers delta = if homogeneous: print 'dividing by aux' qclaw = qclaw/(solution.state.get_aux_global()[qn]) return qclaw,xclaw,delta
def verify_sedov(controller): import os from clawpack.pyclaw.util import check_diff from clawpack.pyclaw import Solution thisdir = os.path.dirname(__file__) verify_dir = os.path.join(thisdir,'./Sedov_regression') # Expected solution sol_expected = Solution(),path=verify_dir,file_format='hdf',read_aux=False) expected_q = sol_expected.state.q # Test solution sol_test = Solution(),path=controller.outdir, file_format=controller.output_format, read_aux=False, options=controller.output_options) test_q = sol_test.state.get_q_global() if test_q is not None: q_err = check_diff(expected_q, test_q, reltol=1e-6) if q_err is not None: return q_err else: return
def getClaw(self, dirs, frame=None, qn=None, homogeneous=None): if frame is None: frame = self.frame if qn is None: qn = self.qn if homogeneous is None: homogeneous = self.homogeneous solution = Solution(), path=dirs, file_format=self.file_format, read_aux=self.homogeneous) qclaw = solution.state.get_q_global()[qn] xclaw = solution.state.grid.x.centers delta = if homogeneous: print 'dividing by aux' qclaw = qclaw / (solution.state.get_aux_global()[qn]) return qclaw, xclaw, delta
def plot_transect(ylat, frameno, fg, xcutoff, trname, plotdir): figure(20, figsize=(10, 3)) clf() xout = linspace(xlimits[0], xlimits[1], 1000) yout = ylat * ones(xout.shape) framesoln = Solution(frameno, path=outdir, file_format=format) eta = gridtools.grid_output_2d(framesoln, 3, xout, yout) topo = gridtools.grid_output_2d(framesoln, B, xout, yout) fill_between(xout, eta, topo, color=[.5, .5, 1]) fill_between(xout, topo, -10000, color=[.5, 1, .5]) plot(xout, eta, 'b') plot(xout, topo, 'g') grid(True) eta = fg.B + fg.h eta_max = where(fg.X < xcutoff, eta, nan) plot(fg.X, eta_max, 'r', label='wave height') xlim(xlimits) ylim(zlimits) timestr = timeformat(framesoln.t) title('Transect of wave at latitude %.1f at time %s' % (ylat, timestr), fontsize=15) ticklabel_format(format='plain', useOffset=False) xticks([-127, -126, -125, -124], fontsize=15) yticks(linspace(-0.2, 0.6, 5), fontsize=15) #xlabel('Longitude') ylabel('meters', fontsize=15) hl = 3000. A0 = 0.1328 z = where(topo < -10, -topo, nan) AG = A0 * (hl / z)**0.25 plot(xout, AG, 'g--', label="Green's Law") ctx = A0 * 2 * sqrt(hl) / (sqrt(hl) + sqrt(z)) plot(xout, ctx, 'b--', label='Transmission') legend(loc='upper left', fontsize=15, framealpha=1) fname = '%s_%s' % (trname, str(frameno).zfill(4)) save_figure(fname)
def get_max_boundary_fluxes(model_output_dir, max_refinement_depth_to_check=None, frames_to_check=1): """A common cause of instability is a persistant normal flux at the boundary. This code checks the last frame(s) of a model output and returns the maximum magnitude normal fluxes and currents at each boundary, as well as the maximum magnitude fluxes and currents observed within the entire domain. :Input: - *model_output_dir* (str) Path to the output directory for a given model - *max_refinement_depth_to_check* (int or None, optional) How many refinement levels to loop through to find max values. Runs quicker when just checking level 1, but you may find higher max values at higher refinement levels. None (default) means check all levels - *frames_to_check* (int) How many of the last output frames to check for max. Default is just one. """ # find which frame is last output_files = glob(join(model_output_dir, 'fort.q*')) frames = [int(i.split('/')[-1][-4:]) for i in output_files] last_frame = max(frames) # get domain and file format with open(join(model_output_dir, ''), 'r') as f: for l in f: if '=: lower' in l: xl, yl = [float(i) for i in l.strip().split()[:2]] elif '=: upper' in l: xu, yu = [float(i) for i in l.strip().split()[:2]] elif '=: output_format' in l: of = int(l.strip().split()[0]) - 1 file_format = ['ascii', 'netcdf', 'binary'][of] maxhxl = -np.inf maxhyl = -np.inf maxcurrxl = -np.inf maxcurryl = -np.inf maxhxu = -np.inf maxhyu = -np.inf maxcurrxu = -np.inf maxcurryu = -np.inf maxhx_overall = -np.inf maxhy_overall = -np.inf maxcurrx_overall = -np.inf maxcurry_overall = -np.inf for f in range(last_frame + 1 - frames_to_check, last_frame + 1): soln = Solution(), path=model_output_dir, file_format=file_format, read_aux=False) for s in soln.states: # only looking at lowest AMR levels if max_refinement_depth_to_check is not None: if s.patch.level > max_refinement_depth_to_check: continue # get rounding error tolerance delta = s.grid.dimensions[0].delta edge_tol = delta * .001 x = s.grid.c_centers[0] xedges = s.grid.c_nodes[0] y = s.grid.c_centers[1] yedges = s.grid.c_nodes[1] eta = s.q[3, :, :] h = s.q[0, :, :] hx = s.q[1, :, :] curr_x = hx / h hy = s.q[2, :, :] curr_y = hy / h topo = eta - s.q[0, :, :] maxhx_overall = np.nanmax([np.abs(hx).max(), maxhx_overall]) maxhy_overall = np.nanmax([np.abs(hy).max(), maxhy_overall]) maxcurrx_overall = np.nanmax( [np.nanmax(np.abs(curr_x)), maxcurrx_overall]) maxcurry_overall = np.nanmax( [np.nanmax(np.abs(curr_y)), maxcurry_overall]) if abs(xedges[0, 0] - xl) < edge_tol: maxhxl = np.nanmax([maxhxl, np.nanmax(np.abs(hx[0, :]))]) maxcurrxl = np.nanmax( [maxcurrxl, np.nanmax(np.abs(curr_x[0, :]))]) if abs(xedges[-1, 0] - xu) < edge_tol: maxhxu = np.nanmax([maxhxu, np.nanmax(np.abs(hx[-1, :]))]) maxcurrxu = np.nanmax( [maxcurrxu, np.nanmax(np.abs(curr_x[-1, :]))]) if abs(yedges[0, 0] - yl) < edge_tol: maxhyl = np.nanmax([maxhyl, np.nanmax(np.abs(hy[:, 0]))]) maxcurryl = np.nanmax( [maxcurryl, np.nanmax(np.abs(curr_y[:, 0]))]) if abs(yedges[0, -1] - yu) < edge_tol: maxhyu = np.nanmax([maxhyu, np.nanmax(np.abs(hy[:, -1]))]) maxcurryu = np.nanmax( [maxcurryu, np.nanmax(np.abs(curr_y[:, -1]))]) return ({ 'max_normal_fluxes': { 'W': maxhxl, 'E': maxhxu, 'N': maxhyu, 'S': maxhyl }, 'max_normal_currents': { 'W': maxcurrxl, 'E': maxcurrxu, 'N': maxcurryu, 'S': maxcurryl }, 'domain_maxs': { 'hu': maxhx_overall, 'hv': maxhy_overall, 'u': maxcurrx_overall, 'v': maxcurry_overall } })
def quality_check( model_output_dir, regions_to_check=[ [-81, 22, -40, 55], # atlantic [-100, 15, -82, 32], # gulf [-88.5, 13.25, -70, 19.75] ], # carribean frames_to_check=4, mean_tol_abs=.01, min_depth=300): """Run a simple check to flag runs that were potentially numerically unstable. This function looks through the final *frames_to_check* frames of a model output and checks all cells in AMR level 1 that are below *min_depth* and fall within each region in the *regions_to_check* list (which are intended to encompass individual basins). If the absolute value of the mean surface height for these cells, which should not really have much surge, is above/mean_tol_abs, it raises an error. :Input: - *model_output_dir* (str) Path to the output directory for a given model - *regions_to_check* (list of lists of floats) A list of 4-element lists which define the (left, bottom, right, top) of regions to check within. - *frames_to_check* (int) The number of final frames of the model output to check - *mean_tol_abs* (float) Model is flagged if the absolute value of the mean surface height within any region in *regions_to_check* is above this value (meters). - *min_depth* (float) Only cells that are below *min_depth* (meters) are checked, in order to avoid including cells that potentially should have large surge values. :Raises: - InstabilityError if the model is flagged as potentially unstable in one of the regions. """ # find which frame is last output_files = glob(join(model_output_dir, 'fort.b*')) last_frame = int(output_files[-1].split('/')[-1][-4:]) # get sl_init with open(join(model_output_dir, ''), 'r') as f: for l in f: if '=: sea_level' in l: sl_init = float(l.strip().split()[0]) # bring in solution soln = Solution() for frame in range(last_frame - frames_to_check + 1, last_frame + 1):, path=model_output_dir, file_format='binary', read_aux=False) for r in regions_to_check: all_vals = np.array([]) for s in soln.states: # only looking at lowest AMR level if s.patch.level > 1: continue x = s.grid.c_centers[0] y = s.grid.c_centers[1] eta = s.q[3, :, :] topo = eta - s.q[0, :, :] # only count eta = np.where(topo < (-min_depth), eta, np.nan) in_reg = eta[np.ix_((x[:, 0] >= r[0]) & (x[:, 0] <= r[2]), (y[0, :] >= r[1]) & (y[0, :] <= r[3]))] all_vals = np.concatenate([all_vals, in_reg.flatten()]) # adjust for sl_init all_vals = all_vals - sl_init if all_vals.shape[0] > 0: if abs(np.nanmean(all_vals)) > mean_tol_abs: raise InstabilityError( "Model possibly unstable due to large magnitude deep " "ocean surge at end of run ({:.1f} cm in region {})". format(np.nanmean(all_vals) * 100, r))
def verify_acoustics_io(controller): """ Verifies I/O on 2d variable-coefficient acoustics application""" import os from clawpack.pyclaw.util import check_diff from clawpack.pyclaw import Solution thisdir = os.path.dirname(__file__) verify_dir = os.path.join(thisdir, './io_test_verification') # Expected solution sol_0_expected = Solution(), path=verify_dir, file_format='ascii', file_prefix=None, read_aux=True) expected_aux = sol_0_expected.state.aux sol_20_expected = Solution(), path=verify_dir, file_format='ascii', file_prefix=None, read_aux=False) expected_q = sol_20_expected.state.q # Test solution sol_0_test = Solution(), path=controller.outdir, file_format=controller.output_format, file_prefix=None, read_aux=True, options=controller.output_options) test_aux = sol_0_test.state.get_aux_global() sol_20_test = Solution(), path=controller.outdir, file_format=controller.output_format, file_prefix=None, read_aux=False, options=controller.output_options) test_q = sol_20_test.state.get_q_global() if test_q is not None: q_err = check_diff(expected_q, test_q, reltol=1e-6) if q_err is not None: return q_err else: return if test_aux is not None: aux_err = check_diff(expected_aux, test_aux, reltol=1e-6) if aux_err is not None: return aux_err else: return
import os from numpy import ma from clawpack.pyclaw import Solution import subprocess import numpy as np # file_path = os.path.join('c:/', 'fortranprograms', 'plots', '_output') # # '''''/Users/jeffriesc/clawpack-5.4.1/geoclaw/examples/tsunami/TestingLinearity/SF_8_1m/_output' solution = Solution() drytol_default = .001 x = Solution(1, file_format='ascii') for stateno, state in enumerate(x.states): # state = x.states[stateno] patch = state.patch level = patch.level print(stateno, patch.level) Xc, Yc = state.grid.c_centers xc = Xc[:, 0] yc = Yc[0, :] h = state.q[0, :, :] eta = state.q[3, :, :] if (np.isnan(eta).any()) == True: print(np.isnan(eta).any()) topo = eta - h # water = <= drytol_default, eta) water = eta ind = np.where(h <= drytol_default)
def assemble_q(path='./_output', frame_plot_range=[0], poynting=True, read_aux=False, qi=[0, 1, 2], update_aux=False, sampling=[1, 1], frame_split=False, split_q=False, figspath='./', binpath='./', cut=True): # create instance of solution object num_frames = len(frame_plot_range) solution = Solution() Q_map_temp = [[], []] d_map_temp = [[], []] sol = {} # print frame_plot_range sampled = np.zeros([num_frames, 9]) plot_aux = True # load the frames and assemble values for f, frame in enumerate(frame_plot_range): # print frame ql = [[], []] dl = [[], []] if f == 0: q, grid = read_q(path=path, frame=frame, read_q=False, read_grid=True, sampling=sampling) sol['grid'] = grid if read_aux: if f == 0 or update_aux: q, aux = read_q(path=path, frame=frame, read_q=False, read_aux=True, qi=[1, 2], sampling=sampling) sol['aux' + str(f)] = aux if plot_aux: plt.close('all') plt.figure() fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=1) axes.pcolormesh(grid['x'], grid['y'], aux['aux'][1, :, :], cmap='jet') axes.set_xlabel('$x$') axes.set_ylabel('$y$') aux_name = 'aux' + str(frame).zfill(4) plt.savefig(os.path.join(figspath, aux_name + '.png'), format='png', dpi=320, bbox_inches='tight') plt.close() plot_aux = update_aux q, solution = read_q(path=path, frame=frame, qi=qi, sampling=sampling) for k in xrange(1, 3, 1): dl[k - 1], ql[k - 1] = extract_cut_line( q[k], grid['x'], grid['y'], plot=cut, num_points=1000, outdir=os.path.join(figspath, 'cut_x'), outname='cut_q' + str(k - 1) + '_' + str(frame).zfill(4), format='png') Q_map_temp[k - 1] = np.append(Q_map_temp[k - 1], ql[k - 1]) d_map_temp[k - 1] = np.append(d_map_temp[k - 1], dl[k - 1]) sol['q' + str(f)] = q sampled[f, 0] = solution['t'] sampled[f, 1] = solution['xmax'].max() sampled[f, 2] = solution['ymax'].max() sampled[f, 3] = solution['q1'].max() sampled[f, 4] = solution['q2'].max() if poynting: p1 = q.shape[1] / 100 p2 = q.shape[2] / 50 Sx, Sy = Poynting(q[:, ::p1, ::p2], plot=True, streamline=True, x=grid['x'][::p1, ::p2], y=grid['y'][::p1, ::p2], outdir=os.path.join(figspath, 'Poyinting'), suffix=str(frame).zfill(4), format='png', cut_long=True) if split_q: for qn in range(0, len(q)): q_temp = q[qn, :, :, np.newaxis] aux_temp = aux['aux'][qn, :, :, np.newaxis] q_temp.tofile( os.path.join(binpath, '3D_q' + str(qn) + '.' + str(frame).zfill(4))) aux_temp.tofile( os.path.join( binpath, '3D_aux' + str(qn) + '.' + str(frame).zfill(4))) if frame_split: sol['Sx' + str(f)] = Sx sol['Sy' + str(f)] = Sy sol['sampled' + str(f)] = sampled savemat(os.path.join(figspath, 'sol' + str(frame).zfill(4)), sol) Q = np.reshape(Q_map_temp, (2, num_frames, np.shape(Q_map_temp)[1] / num_frames)) d = np.reshape(d_map_temp, (2, num_frames, np.shape(d_map_temp)[1] / num_frames)) sol['sampled'] = sampled sol['num_frames'] = num_frames return Q, d, sol
def assemble_q(path='./_output', frame_plot_range=[0], vecmagnitude=True, poynting=True, poly_verts=True): # create instance of solution object num_frames = len(frame_plot_range) solution = Solution() Q_map_temp = [] aux_map_temp = [] derived_quantities = {} if vecmagnitude: I_map_temp = [] if poynting: S_map_temp = [] if poly_verts: verts = [] sampled = np.zeros([len(frame_plot_range), 12]) # load the frames and assemble values for f, frame in enumerate(frame_plot_range): solution = Solution(), path=path, file_format='petsc', read_aux=True) x = solution.state.grid.x.centers q = solution.state.get_q_global() aux = solution.state.get_aux_global()[0:2, :] for n, qn in enumerate(q): Q_map_temp = np.append(Q_map_temp, qn) for n, auxn in enumerate(aux): aux_map_temp = np.append(aux_map_temp, auxn) sampled[f, 0] = solution.t if len(x[q[0] == q[0].max()]) == 1: it = np.sqrt(q[0]**2 + q[1]**2) # print x[np.where(it==it.max())] sampled[f, 1] = x[np.where(it == it.max())] if len(x[q[0] == q[0].max()]) >= 2: sampled[f, 1] = x[q[0] == q[0].max()][-1] print(len(x[q[0] == q[0].max()])) sampled[f, 3] = q[0].max() sampled[f, 4] = q[1].max() if poynting: S = q[0] * q[1] S_map_temp = np.append(S_map_temp, S, axis=0) if vecmagnitude: I = np.sqrt(q[0]**2 + q[1]**2) sampled[f, 6] = I.max() I_map_temp = np.append(I_map_temp, I, axis=0) if poly_verts: verts.append(list(zip(x, I))) Q = Q_map_temp.reshape( (num_frames, len(q), Q_map_temp.size / (len(q) * num_frames))) A = aux_map_temp.reshape( (num_frames, len(aux), aux_map_temp.size / (len(aux) * num_frames))) if vecmagnitude: I = (I_map_temp.reshape((num_frames, I_map_temp.size / num_frames))) derived_quantities['I'] = I if poynting: S = (S_map_temp.reshape((num_frames, S_map_temp.size / num_frames))) derived_quantities['S'] = S if poly_verts: derived_quantities['vertices'] = verts derived_quantities['x'] = x derived_quantities['t'] = sampled[:, 0] derived_quantities['sampled'] = sampled return Q, A, num_frames, derived_quantities
def assemble_q(path='./_output',frame_plot_range=[0],vecmagnitude=True,poynting=True,poly_verts=True): # create instance of solution object num_frames = len(frame_plot_range) solution = Solution() Q_map_temp = [] aux_map_temp = [] derived_quantities = {} if vecmagnitude: I_map_temp = [] if poynting: S_map_temp = [] if poly_verts: verts = [] sampled = np.zeros([len(frame_plot_range),12]) # load the frames and assemble values for f,frame in enumerate(frame_plot_range): solution = Solution(),path=path,file_format='petsc',read_aux=True) x = solution.state.grid.x.centers; q = solution.state.get_q_global() aux = solution.state.get_aux_global()[0:2,:] for n,qn in enumerate(q): Q_map_temp = np.append(Q_map_temp,qn) for n,auxn in enumerate(aux): aux_map_temp = np.append(aux_map_temp,auxn) sampled[f,0] = solution.t if len(x[q[0]==q[0].max()])==1: it = np.sqrt(q[0]**2 + q[1]**2) # print x[np.where(it==it.max())] sampled[f,1] = x[np.where(it==it.max())] if len(x[q[0]==q[0].max()])>=2: sampled[f,1] = x[q[0]==q[0].max()][-1] print len(x[q[0]==q[0].max()]) sampled[f,3] = q[0].max() sampled[f,4] = q[1].max() if poynting: S = q[0]*q[1] S_map_temp = np.append(S_map_temp,S,axis=0) if vecmagnitude: I = np.sqrt(q[0]**2 + q[1]**2) sampled[f,6] = I.max() I_map_temp = np.append(I_map_temp,I,axis=0) if poly_verts: verts.append(list(zip(x,I))) Q = Q_map_temp.reshape((num_frames,len(q),Q_map_temp.size/(len(q)*num_frames))) A = aux_map_temp.reshape((num_frames,len(aux),aux_map_temp.size/(len(aux)*num_frames))) if vecmagnitude: I = (I_map_temp.reshape((num_frames,I_map_temp.size/num_frames))) derived_quantities['I'] = I if poynting: S = (S_map_temp.reshape((num_frames,S_map_temp.size/num_frames))) derived_quantities['S'] = S if poly_verts: derived_quantities['vertices'] = verts derived_quantities['x'] = x derived_quantities['t'] = sampled[:,0] derived_quantities['sampled'] = sampled return Q,A,num_frames,derived_quantities
def load_frame(frame_number): from clawpack.pyclaw import Solution return Solution(frame_number)
def solution(self): return Solution()
def verify_acoustics_io(controller): """ Verifies I/O on 2d variable-coefficient acoustics application""" import os from clawpack.pyclaw.util import check_diff from clawpack.pyclaw import Solution thisdir = os.path.dirname(__file__) verify_dir = os.path.join(thisdir,'./io_test_verification') # Expected solution sol_0_expected = Solution(),path=verify_dir,file_format='ascii', file_prefix=None,read_aux=True) expected_aux = sol_0_expected.state.aux sol_20_expected = Solution(),path=verify_dir,file_format='ascii', file_prefix=None,read_aux=False) expected_q = sol_20_expected.state.q # Test solution sol_0_test = Solution(),path=controller.outdir, file_format=controller.output_format, file_prefix=None,read_aux=True, options=controller.output_options) test_aux = sol_0_test.state.get_aux_global() sol_20_test = Solution(),path=controller.outdir, file_format=controller.output_format, file_prefix=None,read_aux=False, options=controller.output_options) test_q = sol_20_test.state.get_q_global() if test_q is not None: q_err = check_diff(expected_q, test_q, reltol=1e-6) if q_err is not None: return q_err else: return if test_aux is not None: aux_err = check_diff(expected_aux, test_aux, reltol=1e-6) if aux_err is not None: return aux_err else: return
def quality_check(model_output_dir, regions_to_check = [[-81,22,-40,55], # atlantic [-100,15,-82,32], # gulf [-88.5,13.25,-70,19.75]], # carribean frames_to_check = 4, mean_tol_abs = .01, min_depth = 300): """Run a simple check to flag runs that were potentially numerically unstable. This function looks through the final *frames_to_check* frames of a model output and checks all cells in AMR level 1 that are below *min_depth* and fall within each region in the *regions_to_check* list (which are intended to encompass individual basins). If the absolute value of the mean surface height for these cells, which should not really have much surge, is above/mean_tol_abs, it raises an error. :Input: - *model_output_dir* (str) Path to the output directory for a given model - *regions_to_check* (list of lists of floats) A list of 4-element lists which define the (left, bottom, right, top) of regions to check within. - *frames_to_check* (int) The number of final frames of the model output to check - *mean_tol_abs* (float) Model is flagged if the absolute value of the mean surface height within any region in *regions_to_check* is above this value (meters). - *min_depth* (float) Only cells that are below *min_depth* (meters) are checked, in order to avoid including cells that potentially should have large surge values. :Raises: - InstabilityError if the model is flagged as potentially unstable in one of the regions. """ # find which frame is last output_files = glob(join(model_output_dir,'fort.b*')) last_frame = int(output_files[-1].split('/')[-1][-4:]) # get sl_init with open(join(model_output_dir,''),'r') as f: for l in f: if '=: sea_level' in l: sl_init = float(l.strip().split()[0]) # bring in solution soln = Solution() for frame in range(last_frame-frames_to_check+1, last_frame+1):, path = model_output_dir, file_format='binary', read_aux=False) for r in regions_to_check: all_vals = np.array([]) for s in soln.states: # only looking at lowest AMR level if s.patch.level >1: continue x = s.grid.c_centers[0] y = s.grid.c_centers[1] eta = s.q[3,:,:] topo = eta - s.q[0,:,:] # only count eta = np.where(topo<(-min_depth),eta,np.nan) in_reg = eta[np.ix_((x[:,0]>=r[0]) & (x[:,0]<=r[2]), (y[0,:]>=r[1]) & (y[0,:]<=r[3]))] all_vals = np.concatenate([all_vals,in_reg.flatten()]) # adjust for sl_init all_vals = all_vals - sl_init if all_vals.shape[0]>0: if abs(np.nanmean(all_vals)) > mean_tol_abs: raise InstabilityError("Model possibly unstable due to large magnitude deep " "ocean surge at end of run ({:.1f} cm in region {})".format( np.nanmean(all_vals)*100, r))