def main():
    clear_area.wipe_all(x = 65, y = 63, z = -71, w = 80, h = 15, d = 49)  # TOK clear bottom left corner

    # castle_maker.make_castle_walls(67,63,-67,30,4,34, 6)  # big wall
    # castle_maker.gate(x=78, y=63, z=-68, width=8, height=8, length=8)
    castle_maker.fill_area(70,62,-77,110,62,-34, 'minecraft:grass')
    # really tiny castle
    castle_maker.make_castle_walls(70,63,-67,34,4,32, 2)  # outer wall
    castle_maker.gate(x=81, y=63, z=-68, width=3, height=6, length=4)
    castle_maker.tower_building(x=78, y=62, z=-55, width=11, height=5, length=10, butt_height=0)
    castle_maker.make_castle_walls(78,67,-55,10,1,9, 0)  # top parapet
def do_walls():
    # make outer walls (make a BIG square, a smaller square, then wipe the corners to match
    castle_maker.make_castle_walls(30,63,30,120,4,90, 6)  # TOK massive outer wall
    castle_maker.make_castle_walls(70,63,30,40,4,20, 6)  # TOK gate inset wall
    castle_maker.make_castle_walls(30,63,74,20,4,46, 6)  # TOK lower left inset wall
    castle_maker.make_castle_walls(130,63,74,20,4,46, 6)  # TOK lower right inset wall
    clear_area.wipe_all(x = 30, y = 63, z = 81, w = 10, h = 7, d = 49)  # TOK clear bottom left corner
    clear_area.wipe_all(x = 137, y = 63, z = 81, w = 13, h = 7, d = 49) # clear bottom right corner
    clear_area.wipe_all(x = 77, y = 63, z = 30, w = 26, h = 7, d = 8) # clear front gate inset

    castle_maker.gate(x=86, y=63, z=43, width=8, height=8, length=8)
    # undercut on outer wall perimeter to stop spiders - may not need this soon TOD - remove SOME of this , NOT INTENTS