def _parallel_process_vessels_from_list(vessel_list, process_func, lockserver_handle, *args):
  Obtain locks on all of the nodes of vessels in vessel_list, get fresh vessel
  objects from the databae, and then parallelize a call to process_func to
  process each vessel in vessel_list (passing the additional *args to
  node_id_list = []
  for vessel in vessel_list:
    node_id = maindb.get_node_identifier_from_vessel(vessel)
    # Lock names must be unique, and there could be multiple vessels from the
    # same node in the vessel_list.
    if node_id not in node_id_list:

  # Lock the nodes that these vessels are on.
  lockserver.lock_multiple_nodes(lockserver_handle, node_id_list)
    # Get new vessel objects from the db now that we have node locks.
    new_vessel_list = []
    for vessel in vessel_list:
      node_id = maindb.get_node_identifier_from_vessel(vessel)
      new_vessel_list.append(maindb.get_vessel(node_id, vessel.name))
    # Have the list object the caller may still be using contain the actual
    # vessel objects we have processed. That is, we've just replaced the
    # caller's list's contents with new vessel objects for the same vessels.
    vessel_list[:] = new_vessel_list[:]
    return parallel.run_parallelized(vessel_list, process_func, *args)
    # Unlock the nodes.
    lockserver.unlock_multiple_nodes(lockserver_handle, node_id_list)
def _parallel_process_vessels_from_list(vessel_list, process_func,
                                        lockserver_handle, *args):
  Obtain locks on all of the nodes of vessels in vessel_list, get fresh vessel
  objects from the databae, and then parallelize a call to process_func to
  process each vessel in vessel_list (passing the additional *args to

    node_id_list = []
    for vessel in vessel_list:
        node_id = maindb.get_node_identifier_from_vessel(vessel)
        # Lock names must be unique, and there could be multiple vessels from the
        # same node in the vessel_list.
        if node_id not in node_id_list:

    # Lock the nodes that these vessels are on.
    lockserver.lock_multiple_nodes(lockserver_handle, node_id_list)
        # Get new vessel objects from the db now that we have node locks.
        new_vessel_list = []
        for vessel in vessel_list:
            node_id = maindb.get_node_identifier_from_vessel(vessel)
            new_vessel_list.append(maindb.get_vessel(node_id, vessel.name))
        # Have the list object the caller may still be using contain the actual
        # vessel objects we have processed. That is, we've just replaced the
        # caller's list's contents with new vessel objects for the same vessels.
        vessel_list[:] = new_vessel_list[:]

        return parallel.run_parallelized(vessel_list, process_func, *args)

        # Unlock the nodes.
        lockserver.unlock_multiple_nodes(lockserver_handle, node_id_list)
def _cleanup_single_vessel(vessel):
  This function is passed by cleanup_vessels() as the function argument to
  # This does seem wasteful of lockserver communication to require four
  # round-trips with the lockserver (get handle, lock, unlock, release handle),
  # but if we really want to fix that then I think the best thing to do would
  # be to allow obtaining a lockhandle and releasing a lockhandle to be done
  # in the same calls as lock acquisition and release. 
  node_id = maindb.get_node_identifier_from_vessel(vessel)
  lockserver_handle = lockserver.create_lockserver_handle()
  # Lock the node that the vessels is on.
  lockserver.lock_node(lockserver_handle, node_id)
    # Get a new vessel object from the db in case it was modified in the db
    # before the lock was obtained.
    vessel = maindb.get_vessel(node_id, vessel.name)
    # Now that we have a lock on the node that this vessel is on, find out
    # if we should still clean up this vessel (e.g. maybe a node state
    # transition script moved the node to a new state and this vessel was
    # removed).
    needscleanup, reasonwhynot = maindb.does_vessel_need_cleanup(vessel)
    if not needscleanup:
      log.info("[_cleanup_single_vessel] Vessel " + str(vessel) + 
               " no longer needs cleanup: " + reasonwhynot)
    nodeid = maindb.get_node_identifier_from_vessel(vessel)
    nodehandle = _get_node_handle_from_nodeid(nodeid)
      log.info("[_cleanup_single_vessel] About to ChangeUsers on vessel " + str(vessel))
      nodemanager.change_users(nodehandle, vessel.name, [''])
      log.info("[_cleanup_single_vessel] About to ResetVessel on vessel " + str(vessel))
      nodemanager.reset_vessel(nodehandle, vessel.name)
    except NodemanagerCommunicationError:
      # We don't pass this exception up. Maybe the node is offline now. At some
      # point, it will be marked in the database as offline (should we be doing
      # that here?). At that time, the dirty vessels on that node will not be
      # in the cleanup list anymore.
      log.info("[_cleanup_single_vessel] Failed to cleanup vessel " + 
               str(vessel) + ". " + traceback.format_exc())
    # We only mark it as clean if no exception was raised when trying to
    # perform the above nodemanager operations.
    log.info("[_cleanup_single_vessel] Successfully cleaned up vessel " + str(vessel))

    # Unlock the node.
    lockserver.unlock_node(lockserver_handle, node_id)
def _do_acquire_vessel(vessel, geniuser):
  Perform that actual acquisition of the vessel by the user (through the
  backend) and update the database accordingly if the vessel is successfully
  This gets called parallelized after a node lock is already obtained for the

  When an UnableToAcquireResourcesError is raised, the exception message
  will contain the string "UnableToAcquireResourcesError" so that it can be
  seen in the results of a call to repy's parallelization function.  
  node_id = maindb.get_node_identifier_from_vessel(vessel)
  if vessel.acquired_by_user is not None:
    message = "Vessel already acquired once the node lock was obtained."
    raise UnableToAcquireResourcesError("UnableToAcquireResourcesError: " + message)
  node = maindb.get_node(node_id)
  if node.is_active is False:
    message = "Vessel's node is no longer active once the node lock was obtained."
    raise UnableToAcquireResourcesError("UnableToAcquireResourcesError: " + message)
  # This will raise a UnableToAcquireResourcesException if it fails (e.g if
  # the node is down). We want to allow the exception to be passed up to
  # the caller.
    backend.acquire_vessel(geniuser, vessel)
  except UnableToAcquireResourcesError, e:
    raise UnableToAcquireResourcesError("UnableToAcquireResourcesError: " + str(e))
def _do_acquire_vessel(vessel, geniuser):
  Perform that actual acquisition of the vessel by the user (through the
  backend) and update the database accordingly if the vessel is successfully
  This gets called parallelized after a node lock is already obtained for the

  When an UnableToAcquireResourcesError is raised, the exception message
  will contain the string "UnableToAcquireResourcesError" so that it can be
  seen in the results of a call to repy's parallelization function.  

    node_id = maindb.get_node_identifier_from_vessel(vessel)

    if vessel.acquired_by_user is not None:
        message = "Vessel already acquired once the node lock was obtained."
        raise UnableToAcquireResourcesError("UnableToAcquireResourcesError: " +

    node = maindb.get_node(node_id)
    if node.is_active is False:
        message = "Vessel's node is no longer active once the node lock was obtained."
        raise UnableToAcquireResourcesError("UnableToAcquireResourcesError: " +

    # This will raise a UnableToAcquireResourcesException if it fails (e.g if
    # the node is down). We want to allow the exception to be passed up to
    # the caller.
        backend.acquire_vessel(geniuser, vessel)
    except UnableToAcquireResourcesError, e:
        raise UnableToAcquireResourcesError("UnableToAcquireResourcesError: " +
def get_vessel_infodict_list(vessel_list):
    Convert a list of Vessel objects into a list of vessel infodicts.
    An "infodict" is a dictionary of vessel information that contains data
    which is safe for public display.
    This function needs to return lists of dictionaries with a minimum of the
    following, according to https://seattle.poly.edu/wiki/SeattleGeniApi:
      {'node_ip':node_ip, 'node_port':node_port, 'vessel_id':vessel_id, 
      'node_id':node_id, 'handle':handle}
      A list of Vessel objects.
  <Side Effects>
    A list of vessel infodicts.
    infodict_list = []

    for vessel in vessel_list:
        vessel_info = {}

        vessel_info["node_id"] = maindb.get_node_identifier_from_vessel(vessel)
        node = maindb.get_node(vessel_info["node_id"])

        vessel_info["node_ip"] = node.last_known_ip
        vessel_info["node_port"] = node.last_known_port
        vessel_info["vessel_id"] = vessel.name

        vessel_info["handle"] = vessel_info["node_id"] + ":" + vessel.name

        vessel_info["is_active"] = node.is_active

        expires_in_timedelta = vessel.date_expires - datetime.datetime.now()
        # The timedelta object stores information in two parts: days and seconds.
        vessel_info["expires_in_seconds"] = (expires_in_timedelta.days * 3600 *
                                             24) + expires_in_timedelta.seconds


    return infodict_list
def get_vessel_infodict_list(vessel_list):
    Convert a list of Vessel objects into a list of vessel infodicts.
    An "infodict" is a dictionary of vessel information that contains data
    which is safe for public display.
    This function needs to return lists of dictionaries with a minimum of the
    following, according to https://seattle.poly.edu/wiki/SeattleGeniApi:
      {'node_ip':node_ip, 'node_port':node_port, 'vessel_id':vessel_id, 
      'node_id':node_id, 'handle':handle}
      A list of Vessel objects.
  <Side Effects>
    A list of vessel infodicts.
    infodict_list = []

    for vessel in vessel_list:
        vessel_info = {}

        vessel_info["node_id"] = maindb.get_node_identifier_from_vessel(vessel)
        node = maindb.get_node(vessel_info["node_id"])

        vessel_info["node_ip"] = node.last_known_ip
        vessel_info["node_port"] = node.last_known_port
        vessel_info["vessel_id"] = vessel.name

        vessel_info["handle"] = vessel_info["node_id"] + ":" + vessel.name

        vessel_info["is_active"] = node.is_active

        expires_in_timedelta = vessel.date_expires - datetime.datetime.now()
        # The timedelta object stores information in two parts: days and seconds.
        vessel_info["expires_in_seconds"] = (expires_in_timedelta.days * 3600 * 24) + expires_in_timedelta.seconds


    return infodict_list
def _sync_user_keys_of_single_vessel(vessel):
  This function is passed by sync_user_keys_of_vessels() as the function
  argument to run_parallelized().
  # This does seem wasteful of lockserver communication to require four
  # round-trips with the lockserver (get handle, lock, unlock, release handle),
  # but if we really want to fix that then I think the best thing to do would
  # be to allow obtaining a lockhandle and releasing a lockhandle to be done
  # in the same calls as lock acquisition and release. 
  node_id = maindb.get_node_identifier_from_vessel(vessel)
  lockserver_handle = lockserver.create_lockserver_handle()
  # Lock the node that the vessels is on.
  lockserver.lock_node(lockserver_handle, node_id)
    # Get a new vessel object from the db in case it was modified in the db
    # before the lock was obtained.
    vessel = maindb.get_vessel(node_id, vessel.name)
    # Now that we have a lock on the node that this vessel is on, find out
    # if we should still sync user keys on this vessel (e.g. maybe a node state
    # transition script moved the node to a new state and this vessel was
    # removed).
    needssync, reasonwhynot = maindb.does_vessel_need_user_key_sync(vessel)
    if not needssync:
      log.info("[_sync_user_keys_of_single_vessel] Vessel " + str(vessel) + 
               " no longer needs user key sync: " + reasonwhynot)
    nodeid = maindb.get_node_identifier_from_vessel(vessel)
    nodehandle = _get_node_handle_from_nodeid(nodeid)
    # The list returned from get_users_with_access_to_vessel includes the key of
    # the user who has acquired the vessel along with any other users they have
    # given access to.
    user_list = maindb.get_users_with_access_to_vessel(vessel)
    key_list = []
    for user in user_list:
    if len(key_list) == 0:
      raise InternalError("InternalError: Empty user key list for vessel " + str(vessel))
      log.info("[_sync_user_keys_of_single_vessel] About to ChangeUsers on vessel " + str(vessel))
      nodemanager.change_users(nodehandle, vessel.name, key_list)
    except NodemanagerCommunicationError:
      # We don't pass this exception up. Maybe the node is offline now. At some
      # point, it will be marked in the database as offline and won't show up in
      # our list of vessels to sync user keys of anymore.
      log.info("[_sync_user_keys_of_single_vessel] Failed to sync user keys of vessel " + 
               str(vessel) + ". " + traceback.format_exc())
    # We only mark it as sync'd if no exception was raised when trying to perform
    # the above nodemanager operations.
    log.info("[_sync_user_keys_of_single_vessel] Successfully sync'd user keys of vessel " + str(vessel))

    # Unlock the node.
    lockserver.unlock_node(lockserver_handle, node_id)
def _sync_user_keys_of_single_vessel(vessel):
  This function is passed by sync_user_keys_of_vessels() as the function
  argument to run_parallelized().

    # This does seem wasteful of lockserver communication to require four
    # round-trips with the lockserver (get handle, lock, unlock, release handle),
    # but if we really want to fix that then I think the best thing to do would
    # be to allow obtaining a lockhandle and releasing a lockhandle to be done
    # in the same calls as lock acquisition and release.

    node_id = maindb.get_node_identifier_from_vessel(vessel)
    lockserver_handle = lockserver.create_lockserver_handle()

    # Lock the node that the vessels is on.
    lockserver.lock_node(lockserver_handle, node_id)
        # Get a new vessel object from the db in case it was modified in the db
        # before the lock was obtained.
        vessel = maindb.get_vessel(node_id, vessel.name)

        # Now that we have a lock on the node that this vessel is on, find out
        # if we should still sync user keys on this vessel (e.g. maybe a node state
        # transition script moved the node to a new state and this vessel was
        # removed).
        needssync, reasonwhynot = maindb.does_vessel_need_user_key_sync(vessel)
        if not needssync:
            log.info("[_sync_user_keys_of_single_vessel] Vessel " +
                     str(vessel) + " no longer needs user key sync: " +

        nodeid = maindb.get_node_identifier_from_vessel(vessel)
        nodehandle = _get_node_handle_from_nodeid(nodeid)

        # The list returned from get_users_with_access_to_vessel includes the key of
        # the user who has acquired the vessel along with any other users they have
        # given access to.
        user_list = maindb.get_users_with_access_to_vessel(vessel)

        key_list = []
        for user in user_list:

        if len(key_list) == 0:
            raise InternalError(
                "InternalError: Empty user key list for vessel " + str(vessel))

                "[_sync_user_keys_of_single_vessel] About to ChangeUsers on vessel "
                + str(vessel))
            nodemanager.change_users(nodehandle, vessel.name, key_list)
        except NodemanagerCommunicationError:
            # We don't pass this exception up. Maybe the node is offline now. At some
            # point, it will be marked in the database as offline and won't show up in
            # our list of vessels to sync user keys of anymore.
                "[_sync_user_keys_of_single_vessel] Failed to sync user keys of vessel "
                + str(vessel) + ". " + traceback.format_exc())

        # We only mark it as sync'd if no exception was raised when trying to perform
        # the above nodemanager operations.

            "[_sync_user_keys_of_single_vessel] Successfully sync'd user keys of vessel "
            + str(vessel))

        # Unlock the node.
        lockserver.unlock_node(lockserver_handle, node_id)
def _cleanup_single_vessel(vessel):
  This function is passed by cleanup_vessels() as the function argument to

    # This does seem wasteful of lockserver communication to require four
    # round-trips with the lockserver (get handle, lock, unlock, release handle),
    # but if we really want to fix that then I think the best thing to do would
    # be to allow obtaining a lockhandle and releasing a lockhandle to be done
    # in the same calls as lock acquisition and release.

    node_id = maindb.get_node_identifier_from_vessel(vessel)
    lockserver_handle = lockserver.create_lockserver_handle()

    # Lock the node that the vessels is on.
    lockserver.lock_node(lockserver_handle, node_id)
        # Get a new vessel object from the db in case it was modified in the db
        # before the lock was obtained.
        vessel = maindb.get_vessel(node_id, vessel.name)

        # Now that we have a lock on the node that this vessel is on, find out
        # if we should still clean up this vessel (e.g. maybe a node state
        # transition script moved the node to a new state and this vessel was
        # removed).
        needscleanup, reasonwhynot = maindb.does_vessel_need_cleanup(vessel)
        if not needscleanup:
            log.info("[_cleanup_single_vessel] Vessel " + str(vessel) +
                     " no longer needs cleanup: " + reasonwhynot)

        nodeid = maindb.get_node_identifier_from_vessel(vessel)
        nodehandle = _get_node_handle_from_nodeid(nodeid)

                "[_cleanup_single_vessel] About to ChangeUsers on vessel " +
            nodemanager.change_users(nodehandle, vessel.name, [''])
                "[_cleanup_single_vessel] About to ResetVessel on vessel " +
            nodemanager.reset_vessel(nodehandle, vessel.name)
        except NodemanagerCommunicationError:
            # We don't pass this exception up. Maybe the node is offline now. At some
            # point, it will be marked in the database as offline (should we be doing
            # that here?). At that time, the dirty vessels on that node will not be
            # in the cleanup list anymore.
            log.info("[_cleanup_single_vessel] Failed to cleanup vessel " +
                     str(vessel) + ". " + traceback.format_exc())

        # We only mark it as clean if no exception was raised when trying to
        # perform the above nodemanager operations.

        log.info("[_cleanup_single_vessel] Successfully cleaned up vessel " +

        # Unlock the node.
        lockserver.unlock_node(lockserver_handle, node_id)